Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And I so hate consequences

I made somebody mad at me today.
I guess they have a right to be, cuz I was being dumb. But seriously.
I also I guess I deserved the abrupt tongue lashing in front of everyone, too.
Still. It sucks. Maybe it'll blow over by tomorrow. But even if it does, that person will be all happy and I will mull over this all flipping day, then get depressed tomorrow.
My mom says I take things too personally.
Which explains a LOT, by the way, like why I overreacted:
a. This summer
b. Novemberish when I read that stupid, STUPID "FWO" book
c. That time in 4th grade
My life stinks.
But moving on (Ooooh, baloney).
Let's see how my Office peeps are doing. *scrolls page* I am hoping Stanley is safe. *looks around, clicking on links* WHERE IS IT? WHERE'S MY BOARD? WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE? AAAAAAAH! WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE phew. There it is. *scrolls down* They better not have deleted Stanley. *waits for it to load* NO, YOU FOOL, GO TO THE NEST, THE NEST! *keeps waiting* Snorg. *dodedodedodedodedo* If you care, I won't be soaping for a while. I've moved on to bigger and better things...such as a writing project where I'm actually trying and not just writing crap for the heck of it cuz I thought it would be tres amusing in August. OW, this ponytail is tight. I hope I didn't give Jessica the wrong one. That other was stretched. *beat* Oops. HAHAHAHA OSCAR HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! YES! WOOOO!

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