Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hell is other people

Lethal combination:
Very little sleep + PMS + negative feelings = torture
The Sunday School drama continues. So I skipped it today. And I only felt a little bit guilty.
Come on, I spent the entire time reading "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.
So basically, it's not just that I hate Sunday School; it's also that I AM the stuck-up unfriendly b*tch everyone thinks I am, and I could care less about making friends.
Not like I'm proud of it, but skipping Sunday School might become a normal occurance.
Jessica's party was fun, though. We watched "I Am Legend" and messed around in the hot tub talking about the freshmen and stuff.
"I Am Legend" wasn't that scary, just really intense. Too bad Bob Smithouser spoiled the entire thing for me. Whatever. It was good. SAM!!! "Sam, protect Daddy!"
Cake. Monkeys. Shells. Sweet. Yeah, baby.
Don't ask.
Aaagh, my dad listened to my shuffle up to 444!!!
Ha, Josh Groban.
Hey, we saw Matt and Anita (and Katie) at church. They're thinking about going there from now on (thinking being the operative word). Cool.

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