Monday, April 28, 2008

Who WOULDN'T want their stomach pumped?

Oooooooooh, I just realized Drew probably thinks I'm on drugs, or otherwise "experienced".
It's not true!!!!
I can't remember, I can't remeeeembeeer, I can't remember the last time I cried.
Seems that Doomsday's come early this year.

You Are Cheerios

Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.

But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!

You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.

You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast.

Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...

But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!

Open arms, we embrace tomorrow!!
Track was pretty fun. The core workout was ladders again. :) It seems harder than it is, because it's really only 6 and half minutes or running, which isn't so bad.
Oh. I am a sleek black bra. I guess you didn't need to know that.
I was aiming for cotton.
The cotton!
Do it for the cotton.
Sorry. Just in a really good mood today.
Mr. Faxon passed out "Cartoon Symphony" today, and that's a pretty spectacular song. I can't help but want to play bassoon, though.

What's Important to You... And What Isn't:

For you, primal needs like eating and sleeping are your top priorities.

You find getting things done to be incredibly stressful. You don't like having things to do.

You attend to almost every priority in your life. You don't neglect much.

You want thinking to be a high priority, but you don't take enough time for yourself.

So Freshman is on Saturday, and the dance itself is probably going to suck, but all of my friends are going with their "dates" (I'm not the only girl going with a girl) and Amanda and I are going for dessert or ice cream or something after. And she's doing my hair.
It was kind of scary, because we thought we had the same dress and shoes, but we don't...I think.
Talking about pizza made me really want some pizza.
I need to cut my bangs again.

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