Friday, April 18, 2008

The snuggliest one of all!!!!!

I am the snuggliest! I am the snuggliest one of all!!!!
Take that, extroverted babies!!!
Introverted babies CAN be snugglier!!
Actually, snuggling has nothing to do with sociability.
Mostly personality, I guess, which sociability is a part of, but not a great part of.
I was talking to my mom about the love languages and how she and my dad are complete opposites, but neither of they nor Nathan like physical touch all that much, and it's pretty high for me. Ha, snuggles for everyone!
Unless, you know, I don't like you, or know you that well.
What about the horse posters? You may have them. All of them. Have a ball.
I'm in a pretty fabulous mood because I had a really big happy mood swing, and I get to skip school because of...well, long story.
So we had to go to PT, but we missed the appointment, and it's a WASL day and track can be lame sometimes, so why not skip school?
Mental health day, I swear.
Cinnamon and coconut sounds like the best combinatio never.
Agh, this is such a lie!!

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.

Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.

You are often the first to try something new.

You are a whimsical person prone to daydreaming.

Artistic and creative, you're always in the middle of a project.

While you are an inspiration to others, you can come off as flaky.

You love being around people. Friendships are important to you.

You feel lost when you're by yourself... so you tend to avoid being alone.

Your Mood is a 9

It's hard to imagine feeling much better than you do right now. Life is pretty great.

Hurray for chemical imbalances!
Dude, I want a "The King and I" piano book! That would be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!! To be able to play "I Have Dreamed" would be so amazing.

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