Friday, April 04, 2008

Also known as "furniture".

I was eating some key lime yogurt today and it was all seperated and the whey was all...whey-y, so all I could think was, "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!"
AAAAH I GOT MY BOOKS! Well, I got Madison Finn #11, and the Pony Pals, but the other Madison Finn is coming tomorrow, or next week...hopefully.
I think it's Brian. Dang you, Brian.
I changed my mind about Christiane Noll. She has a very clear, expressive voice, and I guess she had to add all those inflections because it was an animated film and she couldn't act very much otherwise, but it made "Getting to Know You" extremely annoying.
Who wouldn't want novelty St. Patrick's Day curtains?
Omg, prom fabric!
Yeah, I spent some time at JoAnn's with my mom. XP

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