Wednesday, January 23, 2008

C'est pas rigolo!

I'm already in politics. Ha ha.
Aaargh, it's REALLY bugging me now. Mrs. Sims told us about Japan one-upping us again and making it possible to read books (in shorthand) on your cellphone. Holy crap. Doesn't that majorly effect (I still don't know the difference between affect and effect. I'M SORRY.) the book industry, and thriving businesses like Barnes & Nobles? A good portion of their customers have cellphones, and if a good portion of THAT good portion decided to access a shorthand version on their Sidekick rather than buy it for $10.99 at their latest book store, the book stores are screwed, because doesn't the money go to the phone companies rather than the publishers? Or even the authors? Or am I just stupid?
That's why William thinks I need to go into politics.
But I'm already in politics.
And I already said that.
Argh. It's just because I understand "Animal Farm" now.
I was right: Snowball represents Trotsky, not Lenin (yeah, Paul). Napoleon represents Stalin, whose secret police (the KGB, or the guard dogs. Whichever you prefer) chased Trotsky into Mexico (where he was later assassinated, but that is not mentioned in the book). Marx (Old Major) had a semi-good idea that unfortunately involved oppression, so the people (animals) overthrew the Czar (Mr. Jones; is "overthrew" even a word?) and tried to create a society where there was pure economic equality (communism, which sucks).
Yeah. I feel enlightened. Russia is awesome.
Which brings the Beatles to mind.
"Back in the USSR, you don't know how lucky you are."
Breaking news? "Rawr. Rawr. Awww. Oh, we're live."

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