Monday, January 07, 2008

Baby, baby

"Congo" was made into a movie! I'd like to maybe see it, but people get their skulls crushed with giant paddles. Um, what? That's not something I'd like to see. Whoa, I didn't know Munro was black. I HATE KAREN ROSS! The book was okay, but the end was kind of lame. I thought there would be more gorillaness and death. Ooooh, Munro was white in the book. Thought so. Michael Crichton is a genius.
So I'm head of the Talent Show comittee now?
Because I love cookie dough ice cream?
But the Honors Society meeting went well today. We broke the talent show into chunks and had people sign up for different things. Yaaay, I get to be an MC. :P
I got fudge 5th period. Bam.
Oh, and peanut clusters. But I couldn't eat very many. Curse you, Hein.
I went to Amanda's house, where she proceeded to beat me with blunt objects while Kevin insulted me via the telephone.
French: make your family tree. Ooookay.
I got a candy cane. Thank you???

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