Sunday, January 27, 2008

Agony enjoys tormenting the nonathletic.

But there's an Ipod on the cover! It must be good!
My little brother's watching "Flight of the Navigator". :P That movie blew my four-year-old mind. IAnd not in a good way.
For the first time this year, I'm really hoping I don't make the basketball team. I'm really doubting that I will anyway (seeing as my legs are still sore from a 2 hour practice; so much for running every day), but that will free up my Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can possibly play with the worship team. Dad said they sometimes have a horn section. Noyce. And they really like bass players? I can sort of only play "The Bitter Uprising" (and barely), but hey.
Do do do do do.
Hm. I was trying to decide which Harry Potter I liked best. So I made a list.
1. The Goblet of Fire
2. The Prisoner of Azkaban
3. The Chamber of Secrets
4. The Sorceror's Stone
5. The Deathly Hallows
6. The Order of the Phoenix
7. The Half-Blood Prince (for some reason I really hated this one)

The Classic Crime's "Albatross" is like my favorite CD right now.

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