Thursday, November 08, 2007

Those clothes are ugly. TAKE THEM OFF!!!

Lol Kevin is amazing.
I really want a dog. Not even funny.
So I made these chocolatey cookies for Nathan. Only it called for some espresso powder, which I DIDN'T HAVE, so Dad told me to grind up some of his Bed and Breakfast coffee, but I didn't do a very good job and now there's little bits of coffee in the cookies. They taste all right, though. Just look gross.
Apparently I'm conducting the 7th grade band tomorrow. Yeah. Since 5th period is office, I said I could do it. But seriously? What's the likelihood that they're actually going to listen to me? One of the kids is like 6'4" already. No lie. So scared. And I have to wear my stupid concert dress all tomorrow because we're playing with the Navy band. Then I get to make them LASAGNA!!!
Heh. "Beauty and the Geek" is my favorite show in the WORLD. Dave is so amazing. He's actually good at salsa dancing, and he won the competition. He also got drunk and did a back handspring. So jealous. I think I'm going to marry Dave.
John and Natalie got kicked off. Mwahahahaha. Natalie was sort of annoying and kind of personalityless. Same with John. But apparently they "grew the most". Whatever. It was lame. I HATE SAM!!! He must die. William and Jen are annoying, too. Jen wears the same thing every day and looks really good in it, so I console myself with thoughts like, "At least mine are real."
We had to take a survey about school. They had you rate statements like, "I feel safe at school," and, "I think discipline problems are dealed with fairly," and, "My cultural background is respected here." I disagreed with the last one, because I remember last year the teachers would talk about how bad white people were. It was like, "Aaargh." Apparently I have nothing to be proud of. I bet the surveyors are going to be surprised when they see a "Strongly Disagree" next to that sentence, and then look down at my Ethnicity and see White/Caucasian. I wish I could be there to see it.
Well, I couldn't help myself. I started chapter 4 in my French book. We're not finishing with chapter 2 until TUESDAY. >:P Chapter 4 is way hard to understand, as it introduces some new grammar and "to have" rather than "to be". So cool.
Perry Blotter....


Matt Wilson said...

at least mine are real...

Matt Wilson said...

I'm beginning to get un poco distressed.