Sunday, March 30, 2008

Welcome high-paying party of 16!!

My grandparents have been married 56 years. That's a crazy long time. So the family all went down (up?) to Ocean Shores to celebrate monogamy. The ocean was sort of overrated, because there was all this silt and pollution in it, so it was brown and disgusting-looking. The hotel room was nice, though. Cable is pretty awesome.
You know how they're always advertising Ocean Shores on the radio with the sounds of couples joyfully galloping on horseback through the waves?
That's so not what happens.
They let you ride by yourself, no lead rope, if you're over the age of 7, but you never even go near the water and the fastest you can go is a lovely walk.
I haven't ridden for 2 years, but I did hecka better than the kid next to me who practically cried every time his horse broke into a trot.
It was fun, though.
Seven Places!!
Entemann's toffee is pretty fantastic.
"M or F?" is a hilarious book.
"A Winter's Night Dream"...not so much. All this talk about "being in love" and no mention of Shakespeare.
More toffee!!
Wow, can I say I'm so glad it's Spring Break? No school tomorrow...or the next day...or the next day. And we might go dress shopping!!

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