Monday, March 17, 2008

Time to go. "This is goodbye," she said. Does it ever get easier to live like this?

And kiss the cheek, BUT I CAN'T KISS YOU ANYMORE!!!
ARGH, a sex change never sounded more tempting. Mostly because of menstruation and irregularity. I mean, it's not that great when you're late, and you're freaking out like, "Omg, I'm pregnant! Wait, I'm a virgin. Omg, I'm pregnant!" Then you wait and wait and wait, sure it's gonna come soon. Finally, you're like, "Oh well, guess I skipped this month," and you let your guard down. That's when it happens.
But enough about my body.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, by the way. I love this holiday; pretty much the best one there is. But I didn't really get much into it with a green cake and whatnot; however, I do have a green shirt, something I didn't have last year. Ahem, Mom. It's so comfortable and I loe the color. It's somewhere between mint and lime. If that's possible.
The school basically lied to us. They promised us ice cream at lunch if we were green. That's when they broke out the Otter Pops. Hello? Otter Pops are nasty and definitely do NOT count as ice cream.
I was picturing delicious mint ice cream sandwiches or something.
Guess not.
Tyler had a tail. The Zags AND WSU made it into the NCAA tourny. "Lord of the Flies" is a really good book (though violent). So except for the mild crappiness, it was a pretty good day.
I don't actually hate WSU anymore. It's pretty hard since my brother goes there and they have a really good basketball team. Besides, Huskies really suck.

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