Sunday, March 09, 2008

Next stop: Sky High!

I don't think I watched that movie at all last year. :O THAT'S WHY MY YEAR WAS SO BAD!
I think my next project will be Sky High Sims.
How positively freakish.
A lot of stuff has been happening, or not happening. Tests, and quizzes, and math labs, and whatnot.
Nathan came home from college. He'll be here for a week. We want burgers!! I read all his Rolling Stone magazines. Basically it's run by a bunch of "open-minded" pot-smoking music freaks. Kind of boring, and there was an entire article about a transvestite boy who WASN'T EVEN REAL!!!
Pop Tart filling can be kind of grainy, which is disgusting.
Lucky Charms and Cheerios.
Curse you, guitars.
AND Girl Scout cookies.
I really wanted those Girl Scout Cookies.

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