Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Which is what I am. Yeah. I totally walked into the wrong classroom today. And then I saw my substitute teacher at Albertson's. Where we bought crappy cinnamon rolls. Yeah.
I'm not allowed to say sucks anymore. I need some more desirable interjections.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH guys bother me. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HOOKING UP! AND IT'S WEIRD!!!!!!! Why is at that all the guys I'm attracted to (as in not my friends) like preppy girls (nothing against that, but COME ON) that only like girls and are scared of mice and frogs. Hello, GET OVER IT. So it's like, me: AAAAGH she's so annoying. Guy: *instantly loves her* JUST BOTHERS ME! TOed.
That's basically all I had to see. Wow. Three days and I just want to rant about guys and preps. I WISH I WERE PUNK/GOTH. But I couldn't pull it off. My hair MUST BE PURPLE. *begs mom* I wanna dye it REALLY BAD. But yeah... yeah yeah yeah. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs! I fell off my desk today.

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