Sunday, May 04, 2008

Tell the boys where to find my body

So I knew Freshman was going to suck.
But it made me really depressed when it did.
It's just so stupid!! It's nothing but a dance in your SCHOOL CAFETERIA, for crying out loud, and all the girls are wearing slutty dresses that they'll probably never look at again and the guys are bored and don't want to dance, and the DJ is a HORNY PERV who deserves to go to jail for ogling teenage girls AND playing crappy music.
And I don't know why Alie and Mikey came with us because they didn't want to dance and felt like being alone, so Amanda hung out with them a lot, so what was the point of coming together??
A super bad sign that the night was going to be bad was Alie's lack of ticket. Amanda had told me Ms. Wales had told her that Alie could buy one at the dance. It's sort of my fault because I doubted that, and I KNEW all of the dance rules, but I went along with it, so we got to the dance, and Alie and I got in MAJOR trouble with both principals, but at least they let us in (after making Alie fork over $12).
And the weird thing?
All that is apparently rooted in self-esteem issues I had in PRESCHOOL.
Speaking of that, it does bring up some interesting questions?
What makes people "popular"? Is it like a gene? And why, even when I'm in a freaking DRESS, do I still feel like a man compared to all my girl friends? And why do guys suck copious amounts of balls??
I now know what makes people gay. Woooo.

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