Monday, May 19, 2008

Fall Out Boy marathon!

Today in science, rather than write detailed steps of the combustion procedure on a piece of notebook paper, I typed a bunch of Fall Out Boy lyrics on my calculator. Then I realized I don't know that many.
Dad and I ditched first service yesterday and went to Starbucks.
He bought me hot chocolate that tasted like dirty beans.
The whipped cream was good.
Wendy's has the best burgers by far. They're square, juicy, and delicious.
They changed up the Frosty menu, though.
Now it's not just plain old chocolate Frosties. There are Frosty shakes, Twisted Frosties (Frosties in various flavors with various sweet things, such as M&M's and cookie dough mixed in), and VANILLA Frosties!!!
That's just not right.

You Are a Sweet Person

When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza.

There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)...

Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women.

Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart.

You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat.

I hate it when you try to take quizzes and it turns out they want your name and address.
Lemon Lime Stride is THE BEST!
Or maybe it's Orbit.
I have to go check.
DUDE, I'M WRITING A "HARVEST MOON" FANFIC!!! YEAAAH! It's sappy and lame (hey, it's a fanfic), but I'm having fun, and it's not as though anyone's going to read it.
And, despite what Amby thinks, it's not crude, unlike the "Baby Mama Drama" story.
Mrs. Sims won't let us watch "Romeo and Juliet" anymore. I wanted to see Mercutio (and Tybalt) die!
So Nathan took us to Coldstone??
That's how I roll.
No, that's what I ordered.
No more track! Janessa, Allie, and I are the only 9th graders that didn't qualify for Districts.
That sucks.
BUt then again...NO MORE TRACK.

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