Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Look, Gwenne! MOONRASCALS!"

HAHAHAHAHA another memorable quote from "The Door Within". I actually finished that and it was an okay the many exclamation points, stupid stolen plot points, and overdramatic main characters. But I'm reading the second one anyways? How is that possible if I hated the first one. Meep.
Today was a pretty good day. 1st and 6th period TOOK FOREVER!!!! AND I have science homework.
Kid in class: *says Jesus*
Me: *wants to beat up kid*
My friends: *like Jesus-saying kid*
Me: *still wanting to beat up kid*
That's BASICALLY how I felt.
I STINK AT BASKETBALL. My jump shot: stinks. My layups: stink. My dribbling: not bad. My over all basketball ability: BAD. And Johnson was WATCHING me during PE and he's all, "Lay it up!" And I was like, "Um, no?" And he's all, "If you want to play basketball, the words 'I can't' are no longer in your vocabulary." And I was like, "Can I replace them with 'I suck'?" CUZ IT'S TRUE. And as I was leaving, he was like, "Work on it, Laurelai." It was like he tried to say my first name and last name at the same time. Which was kinda funny. Like when I said Pheeeeeeeleeadaylehpeeaaaa.

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