Tuesday, September 26, 2006


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH that's how it felt in science. We were supposed to correct these tests and the teacher was only going ONE ANSWER AT A TIME!!!! If he'd put all the answers on the board, I would've been happier. I only missed 6. I corrected this one dude's paper and they got like -28. Wow...
The kids on Extreme Home Makeover did the FRESH PRINCE DANCE. "Doo. Doo doo doo. Doo doo JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT!" And everyone was playing that in band. Finally, Mr. Faxon was like, "You can jump on it after class, which was kind of funny."
The OTHER Lauren called me white and nerdy. Well YOU'RE TAN AND GEEKY. Lol. Jared thinks I've lost it. He has no idea... Mwahaha.

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