Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My puppy...let me show you it.

Sure, it won't be till this summer, which most likely means July or early August, BUT STILL!
My mom and I are hoping for either a Pug, or a Chihuahua. Lol. Like Paris Hilton.
There's just something about Chihuahuas in purses.
Argh, I sort of bent my glasses today in basketball; someone hit me in the side of the head with the ball. -_- But I got them fixed at Costco. I guess today was crappy samples day, because who wants melon preserves and lentil soup?
You should come!!!
Only it's an away game. Scratch that, don't come.
I am not responsible for this next Spirit Week, so DON'T BLAME ME!!
Agh, a new assignment in Health. We have to draw pictures representing the following:
1. The most significant day/event of your life
2. Your greatest achievement in the past year
3. The happiest day/event of your life
4. Something you are good at
5. Something you hope to get better at
6. 3 words you want to be remembered by.
The only one I'm having trouble with is #3. All the things I can think of are superficial and not that important. I was considering "switching churches", but I don't know what I would draw for that.
Yay, we got to color the periodic table in science!!! How pretty.


RRock_With_It said...

Have fun in Health.....The worst is yet to come.
Oh My Gangster! That's so cool that you're getting a puppy!

RRock_With_It said...

Have fun in Health.....The worst is yet to come.
Oh My Gangster! That's so cool that you're getting a puppy!

Lauren said...

Whatever. I'd rather have that stuff.
Whoa, how's my cousin Sasha?

RRock_With_It said...

Probably hungry....
What kind of dog are you gonna get?

Lauren said...

Hopefully a Pug...some kind of small, wimpyish dog.