Friday, September 26, 2008

Practically Sarah Palin

You Should Live in Alaska

If you don't want to live in Alaska, you might also consider:




New Hampshire

South Carolina

Hey, my grandparents live in South Carolina!!
Ugh, "7th Heaven" is the worst show EVER!!
First they say that you shouldn't have sex before marriage.
The family in the show is, of course, Christian.
But then when Lucy finds out Kevin might have slept with another girl and wants to break up with him, that's frowned upon??
And how did the mom study EVERYTHING in college? She used to smoke pot??
Oh boy. I bet THAT was a fun episode.
Oh, how wonderful Matt is for dating a disabled person.
Correction: she's DEAF.
Ugh, hate these people.
In the episode I watched today, Simon had a BABY??
And to play the part of the edgy teenage father, he wore a leather jacket and a *gasp* HOOP EARRING!
Matt married Sarah after one date??? This show is screwed up!!
And I hate how they want to be all wise and have a moral to each show, and cover topics such as voting and racism, because those are prominent in America today, but they've never mentioned homosexuality, affirmative action, or abortion.
Heh. I could imagine an affirmative action episode.
Rev. Camden: Well, LaShawn, I decided to hire Connor instead.
LaShawn: RACIST!
Rev. Camden: What? No, no!
LaShawn: I'm calling the NAACP!
Rev. Camden: We can work this out. I am VERY open-minded about colored-people.
And the moral of the story would be that everyone should be able to get a job, regardless of color. And Rev. Camden would end up hiring LaShawn as well as Connor.
That was pretty much the exact plot of the racism episode. "They've written something obscene about African-Americans on my car!"
Ha, Emma and I went with the rest of the band kids to see the midnight premiere of "Eagle Eye".
Shia LaBoeuf. Worst actor EVER. But not as bad as Michelle Monahan.
Spoiler warning:
Eagle Eye is a computer. The government screwed themselves over. It's possible to be hit by a powerline and explode. Oh, it's also possible to get shot 3 times in the chest and survive with only a broken arm.
And you won't get arrested if you try to kill the president for a greater good.
So lame.
I finally finished "Bass Ackwards and Belly Up". GREAT book. SO much better than "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". :P

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