Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sleep Walker Texas Ranger

Wow, I just found out I have a psychological problem with sleepwalking! Seriously, this happened last week too: I woke, thinking I heard my alarm, was wide awake, so I took a shower and when I come out, my parents are staring at me going, "What are you doing?" "Um, taking a shower..." "It's 12:30." A.M., people. But seriously, how am I wide awake after like 1.5 hours of sleep? Last week I woke up at 3:00.
But, guess what, sleepwalking does have its perks cuz I went back to sleep and woke up...FEELING SICK WITH A COLD! Actually, that's not so great. I'd rather be in school than feel like the Antonio Banderas bee in that allergies commercial (I don't care if that wasn't him, it sure sounded like it. A congested AB, anyway.).
LOST IS TONIGHT! AND IT'S NEW! YAAAAY! *starts singing "Duel of the Fates"* Oh boy oh boy oh boy. But it's still 7 hours away and I'm very bored right now. I could've watched Matlock, but they're showing these weird eppies that doesn't have Andy Griffith, it has some other scary guy. Maybe it is Andy Griffith. Oh well, it looks more recent and it doesn't sound or look like him whatsoever. MUST WRITE!!!!!!!!!!


RRock_With_It said...

my parents watch lost now. but i just don't think it's interesting. there was a new surface, though.
"They were designed?!?!?!"
"I prefer the word 'engineered'."
that was so freaky.

Lauren said...

aaaah wow. yeah i'm glad lost is back but last night's episode was so dumb. the "monster" is really this big black cloud that makes CAR NOISES! oooh scary.

RRock_With_It said...

yeah really.

Lauren said...

is surface pretty much awesome?

RRock_With_It said...

more than pretty much awesome.

Lauren said...

wow sounds almost as fascinating as super speed.

RRock_With_It said...

i think so.

Lauren said...

aliens. *twilight zone theme*

RRock_With_It said...

not aliens.

Lauren said...

yes aliens.

RRock_With_It said...

bioengineered species

RRock_With_It said...

or........something like that.

Lauren said...

same thing.

RRock_With_It said...

not.....but whatever.

Lauren said...

yes it is haha.

RRock_With_It said...

don't you mean hehe?

RRock_With_It said...

you were going on about how hehe is awesomer than haha.

Lauren said...