Saturday, April 18, 2009

What a dreadful prospect

What has poor Armand done to be condemnded to matrimony?
Why did the Day of Silence T-shirts have to be yellow?
The Day of Silence itself was good.
I didn't talk until lunch. And I sort of stopped being silent during 5th period.
But I got the point across. Sort of.
It was so stupid how many people were like, "I talked! I can't stay silent again all day! I'm such a failure!"
They could have always been, "Oh darn. Well, here I go again." There's no rule that says if you break the protest, you can't take part in it again. It's pretty hard to do anyway, keeping completely silent all day long.
Apparently some people got a lot of crap for doing it. I didn't get any, except for my math teacher jokingly saying he couldn't hear me when I gave the answers on my hands.
But I didn't get any homophobic comments, like a couple people did.
One girl got called a fag, which doesn't even make sense.
I met a couple of bisexuals who were like, "Aagh, I hate super religious people who make rude comments! It's not like two men can't be happy."
But he apologized when I was like, "Well...I'm a Christian."
Even though what he's saying is technically true.
But I mentioned what the Bible does say about man + man = happiness.
Because, even though the Bible thumpers aren't exactly nice about the Day of Silence, they're right when they say it's wrong, according to the Bible.
But then we talked about loving your neighbor and such.
And he'd never heard that part before.
I wasn't the only Christian at the party, or the only one participating, which was nice.
A bunch of my Christian friends were either like, "I tolerate homosexuality, but I can't condone it," so they didn't participate.
And a couple were like, "No one should ever be made to feel worthless. I'm doing this for all people being bullied."
And a couple were like, "I feel REALLY strongly about this, so I'm going to participate."
We ended the day with a delicious cake Ed made, homemade frosting and everything.
And that was that.
"Hello Dolly" is a great movie and all, but I had forgotten how long it is.
Two hours of singing and ten minute dance sequences.
At least there wasn't any trippy ballet interludes with Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse, or worse: Jud, Laurey, and Curly.
Not that those aren't loads of fun, or anything.
Ew, my dad played Jud in high school. How gross is that?
Pre-nose job Barbra Streisand is somewhat of a babe.
"Out There" reminds me so much of "Wall-E". William and I were singing along, and my dad kept asking, "How do you know this?"
Please. I only watched this movie five times in first grade.
Ew, Walter Matthau is so lame. And sort of tone deaf. And they had no chemistry. She was much too sparkly and fabulous for him.
Tommy Tune is ginormous!!!!
Speaking of music, I got out "Letters to the President" and started listening to it again.
Oh, the memories.
And those fantastic summers where we went to concerts all the time and screamed the lyrics to "Sadie Hawkins Dance".
That might have just been one summer.
And probably not that fantastic.
But the nostalgia made me a little nauseous.

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