Monday, April 20, 2009

Babies only like good things!

Because babies are pure and beautiful and could never be naughty or treacherous!
We had little kids over yesterday, and they kept calling Sully a "babyhead".
He countered with, "Oh yeah? Well, if I'm a baby, what are you?"
Their answer: "Chickens."
I'm so glad I have a girl dog.
Yep. That's all I have to say.
She smells terrible and we can't figure out why.
Besides her love of poop as a snack and her affinity for finding and rolling in dead things.
Are people really, REALLY that stupid?
In an EXTRA long English period (:P), Mr. Rosendale explained our poetry project, that none of us have started on (even though it's due Monday).
And no one got it.
They had the freaking directions out in front of them, yet none of them thought to read it.
Then they'd ask for ALL THE DETAILS AT ONCE, and, once given that information, would start hyperventilating!
"Too many details! Sensory overload! I'm confused! I don't get it!"
So frustrating. And they wasted the whole freaking period.
But Mr. Macaras let us sit outside after the quiz. Best math ever.
It's so hot outside. They say it will rain the rest of the week.
Oh well. 70 degrees in April is nice...
BBC did a terrible version of "Sense and Sensibility", and Betty Buckley ruined "Seasons of Love" for me forever.

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