Monday, December 08, 2008

Quit trashing my book

So sayeth the Lord.
Stop having kids, Angelina Jolie!
Poor Brad. 6 kids and another on the way? No wonder they're not married.
Lisa Miller. Yes, it DOES mention lesbian sex in the Bible.
And it specifically states that marriage should between "man and woman".
Just because Abraham and Jacob had multiple wives doesn't mean it was okay.
Many figures in the Bible were FAR from perfect (*cough cough* David *cough cough*). He had an extra-marital affair and we KNOW that's not right. Polygamy was a cultural thing, not a biblical thing.
And of COURSE Jesus would be reaching out to lesbians and gays. He loved EVERYONE and even hung out with tax-collectors and prostitutes, who were seen as "unclean".
But just because he LOVED them didn't mean he AGREED with their lifestyle.
So just because Jesus was a nice person and people in the Bible doesn't mean you have a good pro-gay marriage argument.
2.5%!!! Woo, we're rare!
Black, blue, and silver. is pretty intense. Kind of cool.
Just like Peter Jackson.

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