Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!

And our economy's in trouble.
Understatement(s) of the year.
There was a BOMB THREAT.
Someone wrote a "threatening note", and though the administration didn't want to take it seriously, they had to sweep the school and evacuate us ANYWAY.
Only it turns out the threat was real.
They called the bomb squad and forced us to stay in the bleachers for TWO FREAKING HOURS.
It was pretty ridiculous. Most of us had JACKETS in our LOCKERS, but we weren't allowed to GET THEM in case there was a BOMB in there.
I ended up wearing Connor's shirt (he was wearing another one underneath, so it was okay. No nudity.) while sitting on my friend's lap and huddling against various other people. It was sort of degrading, but very warm.
Mmmm, steak...
It seems things are heating up. But not outside.
My mom thinks it's going to snow. Hurray.
All after-school activities have been cancelled...but not the basketball game?? Don't worry, kids. After all, there's only a BOMB in the school!

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