Thursday, December 18, 2008

Even if school is cancelled, they'll still have 0 Hour.

Huh. It's snowing. Rather hard, actually. We have at least 4 inches.
It looks like Matt was right. After I made fun of his predictions all yesterday.
My apologies, Matt.
But it's snowing, and it's all beautiful and magical and Christmas-y. Eeeeee...
I love snow. Especially during December.
Does anyone else feel like Christmas is coming rather fast? Alvin and the Chipmunks don't seem to think so, but since that annoying animated film, they can't exactly be trusted.
Just seems weird.
Hopefully school isn't cancelled tomorrow.
It was GREAT that it was cancelled today, no lie, but I was really looking forward to seeing my friends tomorrow.
Yeah, we're going to hang out over break, but tomorrow is technically the last day I'll see them.
Sugar cookies!
And the best cup of hot chocolate EVER.

Your Christmas is Classic

Your wish for the New Year is more happiness.

For you, Christmas is a spiritual holiday. You can't separate it from your beliefs.

You are patient when it comes to Christmas. You don't celebrate too early, and you don't like seeing holiday decorations in October.

You like to have an authentic, traditional Christmas. Doing it the old fashioned way is important to you.

You have some preferred ways of celebrating Christmas, but you're open to compromise.

You are too busy to really get into Christmas, but you try to do a little to celebrate.

You give a big during the holidays but nowhere near as much as you'd like to.

This article is pure genius and basically summarizes the entire Twilight series.

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