Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stop sending me cocky e-mails, John McCain

We'll never get bored cuz we can go boarding.
Let's let the sunshine take us there.
As much as I despise this band, this is a pretty catchy song.
Ugh, John McCain is being obnoxious. He keeps sending us e-mails like, "Good debate last night", and, "2 Weeks to Victory!"
I bet Barack Obama is sending similar e-mails to his friends, but really?
I DON'T think you're going to win, John, and I think you know that.
Mmm, corn chips.
It's hard to type when a dog is LYING ON YOUR ARM.
Thank you, Tie.
No complaining??

You Are Monday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by the moon.

More than anything, you are flexible.

You are moody and impressionable. You are easily influenced by the world around you.

And while you can be temperamental, you eventually adjust.

While Mondays tend to be the hardest day for people, you don't mind getting back to regular life.

You're the one waking up early and making the coffee while everyone else complains.

"La Boheme" and "Rent" are so similar, it's crazy. You can see things in "La Boheme" that Jonathan Larson took and added to each character from "Rent": Colline's coat, Schuanard's musical abilities, etc.
And Marcello is Mark and Joanne mixed into one character.
Alcindoro also reminded me a lot of both of them.
English was sort of a bummer.
As much as I love my teacher, we do NOT share the same views: morally, ethically, OR politically.
He was going on and on about moral absolutism vs. moral relativism and how moral relativism is how it SHOULD be, or rather, how it IS, and I got really bummed out, because he was completely dissing all my opinions (unwittingly, but still) and I didn't really get a chance to speak up.
It was just like...agh.
Ryan needs to eat.
Hurray for double chocolate Ho-Hos.
The best part is unrolling them and seeing the chocolate syrup. It's great.
But they're a little sticky.
Pajamajams. Pretty comfortable.
It seems like Jonathan Larson related to Mark the most, which is cool, because that's how I feel, especially regarding the song "Halloween".
Emma's little Pekinese attacked me.
But it wasn't very scary.
Don't you hate waking up early and thinking you're on time??
For example, when your alarm is set to 5:30, but you wake up at 1:30?
Sucks, doesn't it?

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