Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chocolate rain

Someone should write a musical about the U.S. Government, including great songs such as "Lauren, I am the U.S. Government (and I have something to tell you)" and "The Blues (The Terrible Twos)".
My mom's birthday is tomorrow, but we're celebrating today. :)
So my dad bought steak and no-bake cheesecake. His efforts to make a "surprise" dinner failed somewhat, but he got good food and a thoughtful present, so everything's okay.
OUCH. Someone completely dissed the Magic Attic Club.
Crappily written? Yes. Entertaining? Also yes.
"You should buy 'Fable' for the PC. Then you could download custom content like tattoos, and look like Spiderman, or the Hulk, or anything you could ever want. *hits with head*"
YEAAAAAH we won our football game last night!!! And the opposing team was one who'd only lost ONCE!
So while it was great that we won, how did we beat them???
This means we'll win our Homecoming game!
I hope.
Pep band is too great for words. Pretty much everyone in the band wishes they were a drummer, even if they pretend otherwise.

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