Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy colors and fashion advice

Fridays are so great. Best day of the week.
I finally took my chocolate to school again and sold almost half my remaining bars.
Progress reports don't come out until next week, but I'm pretty sure I'm passing each class with at least a high B.
Kay wasn't here today and missed the movie about parasitism. :( The bird ate the zits of the mistletoe and then crapped them onto the tree!
No more subtitles. We're so screwed.
Janessa's party is tonight, and I'm pretty pumped.
But there's so much to do.
Ew, gross. I think I'm fighting a losing battle.
In math, we just started STANDARD DEVIATION!! YES! I'm good at this!!
Alexander the Great was a hottie, apparently.
Tie's foot started bleeding all over the carpet when I got home from school.
And that interesting tidbit and the fact that I have nothing else to say means it is, in fact, a Friday.

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