Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yukon, ho!

You Are a Mostly Polite Driver

You are generally an easy going, laid back person. However, you can't help but feel a little jealous and competitive sometimes!

You tend to go by what you feel - not by the facts at hand. As a result, you tend to make a lot of uninformed decisions.

You'd like to think you're a fair person, but you occasionally think you deserve a special kind of justice.

You can be a rather tense, grouchy person - but you try to maintain your dignity.

You have mixed feelings about authority figures. You understand their place, but you believe their power needs to be in check.

You are somewhat focused, but you are also a bit scatterbrained. Distractions can get you in trouble.

You don't feel a responsibility to anyone but yourself. You value your freedom more than anything else.

Your ego is a healthy size. You don't think you're more important than anyone else.

Yaaaaaaaah! Back to school shopping!
Kristine did some sneaky recon with Jon and ended up at the South Center mall with us before she left.
I bought a hat. It has fuzzy earflaps.
And it was 20 BUCKS.
But that's okay. It was worth it.
My mom bought me a fleece jacket, too, so I'm all set for Refuel.
Or Yukon.
School starts in a week! Colorado already started. Parent Night is tomorrow, and I'm pretty pumped.
I just need to find a fedora...with feathers!
Like the Pranksters!
"30 Rock" is my new favorite show.
I'm trying to upload pictures onto my computer unsuccessfully. I have no idea what I'm doing.
I've been playing a lot of Harvest Moon lately. Sometimes 3-4 hours a day. Sad.
But I managed to woo Nami in 3 days!!
Well, 3 months in game time. But still!
Now we're married and have a kid.
He WILL be a musician. I know it!
Amby and I were talking about Harvest Moon the other day. You can get different colors of horses? Shocking!
Argh my schedule is still horrible. Hate hate hate. I have a lot of classes with friends that I don't see normally, so that's ONE good thing, but most of the people I DO hang out classes. Probably not even lunch.

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