Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rawr, I'm the Kraken!

Hmmm, I'm seeing a pattern.
People are odd.
Or rather, the GHOSTS of people.
That makes me miss Nathan. He's visiting for Thanksgiving!
Nathan: gHoOoOoOoOoOsTs!!!!
And so is Marie!!!
She doesn't yell "gHoOoOoOoOoSts" very often, though.
Pastor Barry is starting in Titus and preached about the qualities of a pastor. He spent a little bit of timing emphasizing the woman's role in the church, and how women should not be pastors.
It's weird that this is such a gray area when it's explicitly stated in the Bible that women should have not have a leadership role in spiritual matters in the church.
Some people walked out. Poor Pastor Barry.
Two random people stayed at our house last night. They were part of a traveling singing group that's going to be in our area for a while and they needed housing. It was kind of weird, but they were nice and weren't even here for long. One was from Tennessee, and the other from Alaska. She can see Russians from her backyard.
That's a Sarah Palin joke.
Which you probably all know.
Ooh, that Sarah Palin.
It's weird seeing people you grew up with mature and become a totally different person (not always in a bad way).
Robert came to our concert on Thursday and his voice has changed and he's at least 2 inches taller than me.
Oh yeah, and he's shaving.
People I used to hang out with all the time in junior high aren't exactly my friends anymore, and some people I used to know aren't even in the same country now.
Was there a massive Change Tornado I was unaware of?
Tie resists change. And she's needy.
And she crawled into bed with me at 6:00 because it was cold.
So she lay in the middle and spread out, forcing me to huddle near the wall.
Good practice for marriage, I guess.
Which would sound perverted if you hadn't read all of the above content.
Would you all like to toast metaphorically with me? Here's an imaginary champagne glass (it's okay even if you don't drink: there are no imaginary drinking laws).
Here's to switching out of history!!

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