Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

12:36 PM: Mom spies an ad for $50 peacoats at J. C. Penny.
12:37 PM: Mom looks at the clock and realizes the sale ends in 20 minutes.
12:39 PM: Dad and Lauren hastily put on shoes and jackets.
12:42 PM: Dad starts the car and speeds over to the mall.
12:50 PM: Lauren and Dad sprint from their poorly chosen parking space to the store.
12:53 PM: The two arrive inside.
12:54 PM: The two, both major introverts, argue over who should ask the customer service lady where the coats are.
12:56 PM: Dad finds the coats and starts throwing some at Lauren.
12:58 PM: Lauren finds a cute one and they head to the cashier.
12:59 PM: They take their place in line.
1:01 PM: The cashier lady takes the coat and insists the sale is still going on.
1:02 PM: Cashier lady rings up total: $87.00.
1:03 PM: Dad hyperventilates.

That was the extent of my Friday shopping. We ended up getting the coat, though.
Turns out we were looking in the wrong place. But the one we got was cuter...and more expensive.
Wow. I love my dad.
This is my 1000th post. 3 years and 1 week ago, I started posting.
That's a little disturbing when you think about it.
Hopefully I've come a long ways since then.
*shudder* 7th grade.

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