Thursday, May 28, 2009

You don't have morality; you're a dog!

Ha ha, Michael Medved.
The gay penguins broke up.
One of them moved out.
How sad.
I thought they would last forever.
Athletic shorts!
California was awesome.
True, we only got to see restaraunts and theme parks, but the weather was great, the scenery was beautiful, and the people were...completely fake, but who cares about them?
We were coming back on the plane, and there were clouds and it was just a little bit colder, and everyone went, "NOOOOOOOO, TURN AROUND NOW!"
As Steve so aptly put it, "Why be happy when you could live in Washington?"
The weather here has been great this week, however. 77 degrees today. w00t
"Lagaan" was actually really good.
Or at least enjoyable. And entertaining.
And he picked the right girl. I was so happy.
Now for "Slumdog Millionaire"!
They're making a remake of "Fame"!
I'm pumped.
Grad night is tomorrow.
Ew, dress.

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