Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Smart people are afraid of cars

But who said America was full of smart people?
We're getting on the plane at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
In order to do this, we have to be at the airport by 7:00 AM.
In order to get there on time, we need to leave the house by 5:30 AM.
In order to get ready in time, we need to wake up at 4:30 AM.
That's so early!!!
Jessica's sleeping over.
There are overly greasy, very moist Otis Spunkermeyer muffins for breakfast.
Kevin will be waiting in the dark all creepily.
Sarah has some of my stuff, but that's okay.
I don't have a swimsuit. >:(
"Shipping will take 1-2 business days."
Whatever. It's been, what, a week now?
It'll be 70 degrees every day.
The weather just started getting nicer here, though.
So we're going to miss out.
By the time Monday rolls around, it'll be raining again.
Pessimism: The spice of life!
Psssh. Why is looking at the glass as half empty a bad thing?
People who see it as half full still don't have enough water.
Californiaaaaaaaaaa, Californiaaaaaaaaaa, here we cooooooooooooooooooooooooooome.

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