Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Could I be different, too?

Nobody knows you, nobody knows you like I do.
"Lagaan" sucks. Surprise! Bollywood musical! But everyone who's seen it has apparently loved it.
The dialogue is awful, and the acting isn't much better.
But "La Belle et La Bete" is pretty fantastic, for a 40's fantasy movie.
The special effects are cheesy, but kind of cool.
Except for the faces on the mantle. And the bed covers that pull back by themselves.
Just about peed my pants watching those.
The Beast is kind of a creeper, but not as much as Avenant, who practically rapes Belle in the first 5 minutes.
If she says no, it's rape!
But he apparently doesn't care.
Luckily, Ludovic walked in.
Ludovic is sort of an awful person, but a nice brother. At least to Belle.
But he tells Avenant to slap his other sister (who's crazy), so Avenant does, and then he gets all mad and is like, "HOW COULD YOU SLAP MY SISTER? WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND MY FAMILY!? NEVER TOUCH HER AGAIN! EVEN THOUGH I DON'T LIKE HER AND SORT OF WANT HER TO DIE ANYWAY!!!"
A bunch of people are doing Running Start next year, which is a waste of time, but I can't stop them, which I want to, because it's a waste of time and other such things.
But I guess I can't stop them.
But one of my friends keeps asserting that NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE and that we'll still hang out ALL THE TIME and she'll GO TO PROM and everything.
But it won't be the same, and she refuses to see that, but I can't TELL HER THAT.
And she acts like I'm challenging her decision ALL THE TIME, but I haven't said anything, because she's doing it no matter what I say, so why bother?
We have new seats in English, and they suck.
Because all the annoying people gravitated to the same spot.
And just have fascinating conversations.

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