You Are China

You adhere to the ideas of loyalty, honesty, sincerity, and duty.
You respect authority and age. You believe in social harmony.
You are big and bold. People consider you to be someone with a lot of potential.
You are coming into your own right now, and you are figuring out your place in the world.
School is AMAZING!!
My life is finally complete!
For the second day at school, a LOT happened.
There are TWO German exchange students at school (not to mention a Korean one, a Mongolian one, and other people from various countries), and I got the name of one of them wrong, so he waited for me after to class in order to correct me.
And I still don't know his name.
We're having a party in English!! Aaaah!! He's bringing music and magazines and glue sticks! We're all making collages!!
French is pretty fun. Mr. Anspach was like, "Anouk, huh? Is that Moroccan?" Um, maybe. We just reviewed concepts like "etre" and "aller" and it's all coming back. Janessa's name is Cosette. Jealous.
Heh, band is too cool. We talked about how students have no rights at all, because police could basically search you if they had an okay, if not shaky, reason.
There are beans involved.
We're starting a science project tomorrow. XP Today, though, we had to interview another person, so I interviewed Tyler.
He told everyone I want to go to WSU to be a lizard veterinarian.
Tony actually took him seriously.
My locker got fixed!! School is so amazing!! Lunch sucks!!
PE is off to an interesting start. The PE teacher made us play a weird variation of "Rock, Paper, Scissors".
PE man: Okay, I'm going to say a word, and you're going to say a word, and then you play Rock, Paper, Scissors. And you have to move.
Kids: What??
PE man: Okay, how you play Rock, Paper, Scissors is....
Kids: No, no, we get THAT part.
PE man: Okay, your first word is DIVORCE!
Kids: ????????????
PE man: Say the next word.
Kids: What's the next word??
PE man: You tell me.
Kids: Depressing?
PE man: GREAT! That word has to do with fitness, you know.