Thursday, September 25, 2008

EXPLOSIVE news on the homefront!

Tom's new name is Tomothy.
He might start an explosive rumor if he's not careful.
One that's not even remotely believable.
Or maybe believable, just not right now.
If that makes sense.
Dang, no one is buying chocolate! I guess things have slowed down. People are getting sick of chocolate.
Except me. And I have no money. :(
Heh, worship team is fun.
But not at 10:00 at night.
That's when the babes are sleeping.
Jake's kind of a pyscho. "BABYGATE, BABYGATE!"
"Bass Ackwards and Belly Up" is a pretty fantastic book. It's one of those books that gets a lot of positive feedback and actually deserves it (unlike "Twilight" or "Eragon", per se). I'm about halfway through; for some reason, it's taken me a long time to get that far. No free time, I guess.
Thank God for Thursdays.
And Liam Neeson.
And coral reefs.
It was pretty cool yesterday. It was "See You At the Pole" and Jessica and I wanted to leave PE early, and Mr. Freeman actually let us! We made in in time for the last 5 minutes or so (it took us a while to get dressed :P).
Well, gotta run, I've got babies to feed.
None of my own; I just like feeding babies!!

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