Saturday, March 14, 2009

She loves you, and you know that can't be bad

She loves you, and you know you should be glad, OOOOOOOO.
Michael Moscovitz looks much better after a little plastic surgery, thanks for asking.
Argh, Stateside.
It started off as my friends pressuring me to go.
Then Janine got in on it.
Then God went, "Surprise. Guess who's side I'm on?"
But you can't argue with him.
So I started filling out the application, and realized that I really do want to go.
Not just because Sierra's going, and not just because it will be the last time I see Kristine, but because I finally realized I can't be closed off forever and that I need more friends, since Kristine is leaving and that's what the body of Christ is about anyway.
And I've never been on a missions trip and this will be a cool experience.
My parents are all for it, and are ready to back me up financially. It was pretty cool last night, because I was worried about money and different factors regarding the trip, and my empathetic Thinker mom explained to me why they were supporting me while my Feeler dad sat on the floor just listening and pretending he needed tissues for his allergies.
But filling out the application was still pretty scary, because I realized if I'm completely honest, they might not let me go. Up until this point (okay, it still continues to this day), I've had sort of a bad attitude regarding the youth group and I know Ben has picked up on that, so when he reads parts of my application (there were questions like, "Why do you come to Primetime?" and "Do you have any personal problems with anyone in the Youth Group?" that gave me pause), he might interpret it negatively.
Which scares the crap out of me.
But I've been praying about it since last night and worst case scenario is can't go: there's always next year, and now I know what I need to work on.

You Are the Communicator

You are a collector and facilitator of knowledge. You love storytelling and teaching.

You light up when you're around other people, and you especially light up in front of a crowd.

You are a charismatic person who's genuinely a joy to be with. You remind others to have fun.

You love life, and you're wake up grateful for every new day. This attitude makes the people around you love life as well.

You Are a Chocolate Cupcake

You are deep, richly interesting, and at times overpowering. You have a strong personality.

You are drawn to people who adore you. You love it when your specialness is recognized.

You are like a cupcake because it's hard for people to get enough of you.

You have a mysterious charm that makes you incredibly addicting. People are drawn to your drama.

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