I want fabulOUS, that is my simple request, always fabuLOUS, bigger and better and best, I need something inspiring to help me get along. I need a little fabulous, is that so WRONG.
Joanne and I both agree: we should hate that song, BUT IT'S SO CATCHY.
I was at the school today for FOUR HOURS. HOLY COW. And there was only me, Drew, and Joanne, so we got a grand total of FOUR posters done. And they look pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. But we finished the posters in three hours and then Mr. Barry made us spend an hour putting up stuff on the Mardi Gras board! Only he spelled Kristine's name wrong, Drew chopped up Cody, and I somehow never got printed... He was still doing that when I left...
AGH I got my full schedule, courtesies of Mr. Fox. But I didn't really get the science teacher I wanted. Oh well. I have study hall with him, so that should be good.
Mr. Sullivan said I'd be a great president and that he'd heard a lot about me. I've never had classes with him. Right. But it was nice.
Mrs. Schultz-Story rocks, as usual.
I played way too much "Animal Crossing" today. I already paid off like 100,000 of my debt. On BOTH games.
I really want some White Rabbits. But I had a CARAZY delicious lunch: beef and turkey sandwhich (with only a few pieces of meat; none of this 8-piece stuffing nonsense my dad does), berry juice, chocolate chip granola bar, and Little Debbie's double chocolate swiss rolls. Yeaah.
So that was my day.
Hm. Hmmmm.
I want fabuLOUS.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
You managed to kill 11 minutes...
You Are 64% Good |
You are a good person. You do the best you can to be ethical, fair, and moral. And as you know, being a good person means making hard decisions... and following them through. If you're confronted with an ethical dilemma, you will usually do the right thing. Of course you do slip up. No one's perfect. But you do your best to correct your missteps. You are also probably: incredibly honest, especially with yourself Right now you are on track to being: A respected leader To be a better person: Be kind to someone who is not very kind to you |
WHAT? I waited a whole week and THIS IS THE THANKS I GET????
Geez. Blogthings is going down the toilet.
I woke up at 6:00 today! Partly to train myself for the new school year (6 MORE DAYS! Or 5. I forget), and partly to take part in the morning aerobics in "Animal Crossing".
I know. Lame.
And it wasn't even worth my time! It was just a bunch of people leaning over one way, then the other, while Copper yelled at them. And Tortimer got mad at me and was all, "Today's the last day of aerobics, so you don't get a present!" I'll have to fix that. Because it's only August 30, not August 31.
But I caught a bunch of rare beetles and an Aropaima, and NOOKWAY WASN'T OPEN!! Grr. So I couldn't get my free money, either. Dang.
I think I'll go play that now.
Rupert Grint. Awww. He wants to be an ice cream man.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Death threats and twelve Mississippis
Seeing 40 comments on one post is pretty intimidating. I was thinking coming-of-age teen drama gone wrong. You know, the one's where the girl ALWAYS has a diary and it's posted on myspace, or scandalous pictures are taken of her and people start calling her Virgin Mary (heh heh, totally "Walk to Remember"). I was like, "Wth, I don't have a diary? Did someone photoshop me into a porn flick?"
That's my cardio workout for today.
Lol. I love listening to the radio/watching TV with my dad.
Me: *drying dishes*
Dad: *washing dishes*
Radio: Are you STRUGGLING to attain sexual performance?
Dad: AH-AH-AH-AH-AH! *turns down radio*
Me: *can still hear the entire commercial*
Lol. I love the weird Dad-noise he always makes whenever anything sexual comes up. Only, when it's with his relatives, he laughs along. If it's Mad TV or SNL, it's the Dad-noise. "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!"
Who came up with that commercial? Maybe it's something a lot of people are bad at and they just have to deal with. Whatever happened to being true to yourself?
Aaaaaaaaaand I can't believe I just said that.
HA I bought Chick and Pepper jeans. They're amazing. I also bought an emo sweater (with a hood, yo), another thermal, and two random shirts. Cuz I'm worth it. Not.
But my mom was freaking out because she bought all that and a bunch of stuff for William and it was all under $100. Wow. We're good.
So she bought us these gross imitation Coke gummies (not like the delicious Haribo kind) and banana taffy and let me play Guitar Hero at Software ETC, where I mutilated a Guns 'N Roses song. Ouch. And William was like, "You killed it!" Um, hello, I just moved up to medium, and it was my first time playing that song. He still mutilates songs he's played ten times each. And I'M the bad one. :P
That's my cardio workout for today.
Lol. I love listening to the radio/watching TV with my dad.
Me: *drying dishes*
Dad: *washing dishes*
Radio: Are you STRUGGLING to attain sexual performance?
Dad: AH-AH-AH-AH-AH! *turns down radio*
Me: *can still hear the entire commercial*
Lol. I love the weird Dad-noise he always makes whenever anything sexual comes up. Only, when it's with his relatives, he laughs along. If it's Mad TV or SNL, it's the Dad-noise. "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!"
Who came up with that commercial? Maybe it's something a lot of people are bad at and they just have to deal with. Whatever happened to being true to yourself?
Aaaaaaaaaand I can't believe I just said that.
HA I bought Chick and Pepper jeans. They're amazing. I also bought an emo sweater (with a hood, yo), another thermal, and two random shirts. Cuz I'm worth it. Not.
But my mom was freaking out because she bought all that and a bunch of stuff for William and it was all under $100. Wow. We're good.
So she bought us these gross imitation Coke gummies (not like the delicious Haribo kind) and banana taffy and let me play Guitar Hero at Software ETC, where I mutilated a Guns 'N Roses song. Ouch. And William was like, "You killed it!" Um, hello, I just moved up to medium, and it was my first time playing that song. He still mutilates songs he's played ten times each. And I'M the bad one. :P
other unimportant stuff,
sexual humor,
video games
I'm bringing sexy back
You Are Fall! |
Expressive Creative Poetic Smart |
Heh. Not. I do like fall, tho...
Nice top.
I love "Animal Crossing". I have two games going, but on one of them I paid off my debt (finally), only to receive more after getting an upper floor. Pretty exciting, no? One of my houses is going to be all modern, and the other all kiddie.
Costeau moved, tho. I like him. :( We now have Tank, a rhino, and I HAAATE him.
I hate that William is so much more accomplished than me at that game.
I LURVE GUITAR HERO! I've moved up to medium. It's pretty cool, yo. There was this guy at Walmart who was playing on expert. It was so crazy. :O
Your Geek Profile: |
Fashion Geekiness: High SciFi Geekiness: High Music Geekiness: Moderate Academic Geekiness: Low Gamer Geekiness: Low Geekiness in Love: Low Movie Geekiness: Low General Geekiness: None Internet Geekiness: None |
Blogthings: no new quizzes. Sooo lame.
We have to go school shopping today. Cargo pants, skinny jeans...the fun never stops.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Yeah. I just reread "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and I feel like talking about all the random things that tickled my fancy, so there will be billions of spoilers. I can't say I feel really sorry for those that haven't read the book. Hello. It's been almost a month. Go buy a copy or borrow someone else's or SOMETHING.
Percy: I WAS A FOOL!!! I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a - a -
Fred: Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.
Percy: YES, I WAS!!!
Lol. That's a great bit of dramatic reading there, and I was all for reading it out loud, but it was midnight and my parents were asleep and I was afraid the weeping angels would hear me. More on that later.
I noticed that Harry keeps randomly making out with people. (page 116, page 377) And I guess the instance on 377 wasn't really real, but come on. I at first thought it was and was like, "SAY WHAT???"
James: Don't forget about the thestrals.
Albus: I thought they were invisible. YOU SAID THEY WERE INVISIBLE!!!!!!!!
Albus Severus is the worst name ever. Almost as bad as Hugo. Maybe worse.
I don't know, after Ron and Hermione became a couple, I lost interest in their little romance. Especially after they got married. It wasn't as fun, without all the bickering and the lies...
Someone should make a Harry Potter music video to the Pokemon Theme Song. I'm seeing a masterpiece here.
OMGEEEEEEZ, I made an age list of some of the HP characters and HARRY IS 36 AT THE END OF BOOK 7!!!!
I'm sorry, that just makes him seem old...
List of Harry Potter ages by the end of book 7:
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville: 36
Ginny: 35
George: 38 (and it takes place in 2007, so Fred would've been way too old for me to marry)
Percy: 40!!!!!
James: 12 or 13
Albus: 11
Lily: 9
Teddy: HE'S 19!!!! I was picturing some 12-year-old, lol.
Oh yeah, about Teddy: WHO DOES HE LIVE WITH??? Because James acted like Teddy didn't or had never lived with them. Kaitlyn was all, "Duh, he lives with his godfather," but it doesn't sound like he does...or did. And how old is Victoire?? Hopefully older than 15. DATE RAPE.
Ginny: Give Neville our love!
James: Mum! I can't give a professor love!
Ginny: But you know Neville-
James: Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? I can't walk into Herbology and give him love...
Albus: What if I'm in Slytherin?
Harry: Albus Severus, you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.
Albus: But just say-
Harry: -then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won't it? It doesn't matter to us, Al. But if it matters to you, you'll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.
Albus: Really?
Harry: It did for me.
Whatever. Slytherin still sucks.
I love it whenever Kreacher talks. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT FOR MY MASTER!"
Anyways, about the weeping angels, there was this show on last night called "Dr. Who", which is something William has become obsessed with. It's about a time traveller, but that's not really important.
Anyways, there are these weeping angel statues that, when you look away, they would uncover their eyes, and once you look at them, you turn to stone, so the two main characters were trying to look at them, but then they looked away for one moment and were like, "Hey, we're not looking at the angel?" So they look back, AND IT'S RIGHT IN THEIR FACES!!!!!
It doesn't sound scary, but it was SO FREAKY. I had nightmares pretty much. Actually, not, but I was paranoid all night long. The end was cool.
"Why are you asking me out?"
"Because life is short and you are hot."
Percy: I WAS A FOOL!!! I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a - a -
Fred: Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.
Percy: YES, I WAS!!!
Lol. That's a great bit of dramatic reading there, and I was all for reading it out loud, but it was midnight and my parents were asleep and I was afraid the weeping angels would hear me. More on that later.
I noticed that Harry keeps randomly making out with people. (page 116, page 377) And I guess the instance on 377 wasn't really real, but come on. I at first thought it was and was like, "SAY WHAT???"
James: Don't forget about the thestrals.
Albus: I thought they were invisible. YOU SAID THEY WERE INVISIBLE!!!!!!!!
Albus Severus is the worst name ever. Almost as bad as Hugo. Maybe worse.
I don't know, after Ron and Hermione became a couple, I lost interest in their little romance. Especially after they got married. It wasn't as fun, without all the bickering and the lies...
Someone should make a Harry Potter music video to the Pokemon Theme Song. I'm seeing a masterpiece here.
OMGEEEEEEZ, I made an age list of some of the HP characters and HARRY IS 36 AT THE END OF BOOK 7!!!!
I'm sorry, that just makes him seem old...
List of Harry Potter ages by the end of book 7:
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville: 36
Ginny: 35
George: 38 (and it takes place in 2007, so Fred would've been way too old for me to marry)
Percy: 40!!!!!
James: 12 or 13
Albus: 11
Lily: 9
Teddy: HE'S 19!!!! I was picturing some 12-year-old, lol.
Oh yeah, about Teddy: WHO DOES HE LIVE WITH??? Because James acted like Teddy didn't or had never lived with them. Kaitlyn was all, "Duh, he lives with his godfather," but it doesn't sound like he does...or did. And how old is Victoire?? Hopefully older than 15. DATE RAPE.
Ginny: Give Neville our love!
James: Mum! I can't give a professor love!
Ginny: But you know Neville-
James: Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? I can't walk into Herbology and give him love...
Albus: What if I'm in Slytherin?
Harry: Albus Severus, you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.
Albus: But just say-
Harry: -then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won't it? It doesn't matter to us, Al. But if it matters to you, you'll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.
Albus: Really?
Harry: It did for me.
Whatever. Slytherin still sucks.
I love it whenever Kreacher talks. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT FOR MY MASTER!"
Anyways, about the weeping angels, there was this show on last night called "Dr. Who", which is something William has become obsessed with. It's about a time traveller, but that's not really important.
Anyways, there are these weeping angel statues that, when you look away, they would uncover their eyes, and once you look at them, you turn to stone, so the two main characters were trying to look at them, but then they looked away for one moment and were like, "Hey, we're not looking at the angel?" So they look back, AND IT'S RIGHT IN THEIR FACES!!!!!
It doesn't sound scary, but it was SO FREAKY. I had nightmares pretty much. Actually, not, but I was paranoid all night long. The end was cool.
"Why are you asking me out?"
"Because life is short and you are hot."
Harry Potter,
hot guys,
immature guys,
sexual humor,
Monday, August 27, 2007
Racial stereotypes...even more prevalent than white people
So not everybody knows their whole geneaolgy, but I am apparently a smorgasbord of northern European; German, Swedish, Norwegian, Welsh, English, etc. Oh, and 1/16 Cherokee Indian. I don't know, I was pretty proud of being white (not to the point of white supremacy, or bigotry), but now I'm a little happy that I'm not 100% white meat. I don't know exactly why, probably some stupid reason, but maybe because I really dislike Germany and Sweden, and being somewhat Cherokee opens up the possibility that I have some dancing talent. But apparently being Scandinavian smothers that possibility. I don't really get why I didn't end up blonde and blue eyed. My dad has some unknown stuff going on in his genes, so I might be part black??? That would be cool. :) James Earl Jones IS my real father. Or grandfather. I highly doubt it, though, because in past generations my family members have been really prejudiced.
William gave me some White Rabbits. So now I'm going through withdrawal. I had some 10 minutes ago, but that doesn't matter.
I think my fingers got thinner. This mood ring doesn't fit no more.
Harry Potter T-shirts at Hot Topic. Yeaaaaaah.
William gave me some White Rabbits. So now I'm going through withdrawal. I had some 10 minutes ago, but that doesn't matter.
I think my fingers got thinner. This mood ring doesn't fit no more.
Harry Potter T-shirts at Hot Topic. Yeaaaaaah.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Jackson's Beach Treat Delivery
I've been playing Jackson's Beach Treat Delivery, but it's really confusing me.
Why would Rico's Surf Shack hire Jackson if he spills so many orders?
And who is Rico? Isn't he that short kid? HOW DOES HE OWN A SURF SHACK????
Is no one else annoyed by Miley Cyrus? Is she trying to be annoying on purpose? Her, "A fudge sundae, pleeeeeeeeease," makes me want to kick something.
And after all this time, I still don't know how to make a vanilla sundae.
I mean, what do you PUT on a vanilla sundae?
Hot fudge sundae: Hot fudge...duh
Caramel sundae: Caramel sauce...duh
It's really confusing me. I suppose I could go try to make one. That wouldn't be such a loss. :P
My dad's buying an ipod nano. I told him to get a blue one because that was the color I wanted, but I guess I'll stick with green for now. I'll just pretend that my dad's ipod is mine. Altho his won't have bLiNgAgE on it. Yeaaaaah.
Actually, I just want to play Guitar Hero. Bam.
I'm in a fist shaking mood. I'm listening to Relient K and shaking my fist at random intervals. It's fun.
I put my mood ring around an ice cube and it turned black and almost froze. But it was way cool.
Still hate Rocket Summer. I swear, that kid is a girl.
Since graduation was long ago, please somebody let me out of this hole.
Oooh, this song is perfect for fist shaking.
Oh my dear.
Lol. Cracking me up. Like everything else, these days.
I personally think it would be way fun to be a werewolf. But I guess that's just me.
Why would Rico's Surf Shack hire Jackson if he spills so many orders?
And who is Rico? Isn't he that short kid? HOW DOES HE OWN A SURF SHACK????
Is no one else annoyed by Miley Cyrus? Is she trying to be annoying on purpose? Her, "A fudge sundae, pleeeeeeeeease," makes me want to kick something.
And after all this time, I still don't know how to make a vanilla sundae.
I mean, what do you PUT on a vanilla sundae?
Hot fudge sundae: Hot fudge...duh
Caramel sundae: Caramel sauce...duh
It's really confusing me. I suppose I could go try to make one. That wouldn't be such a loss. :P
My dad's buying an ipod nano. I told him to get a blue one because that was the color I wanted, but I guess I'll stick with green for now. I'll just pretend that my dad's ipod is mine. Altho his won't have bLiNgAgE on it. Yeaaaaah.
Actually, I just want to play Guitar Hero. Bam.
I'm in a fist shaking mood. I'm listening to Relient K and shaking my fist at random intervals. It's fun.
I put my mood ring around an ice cube and it turned black and almost froze. But it was way cool.
Still hate Rocket Summer. I swear, that kid is a girl.
Since graduation was long ago, please somebody let me out of this hole.
Oooh, this song is perfect for fist shaking.
Oh my dear.
Lol. Cracking me up. Like everything else, these days.
I personally think it would be way fun to be a werewolf. But I guess that's just me.
You are my sun, my moon...the flashbacks continue
I just realized I haven't seen "Willow" in forever. I was playing "Animal Crossing" yesterday, and my sign off was "You are my sun, my moon"...
That would be an awkward scene to reinact. I totally spelled that wrong.
Cedric...um, ew.
Well, the White Rabbits are gone. I ate the last 9 before breakfast. And they were deeelicious.
WTH, Harry Potter spin the bottle? Grossing me out...a lot.
LOL, Sirius Black. Ooooh, that's hot.
I'm reading a really dumb book currently. I feel like criticizing it.
Cuz that's what I do.
There's the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" stuff, but whatever, you can't expect much from a book titled "The Wedding Planner's Daughter", which is bright pink, and has a really scary looking girl peering through wedding dresses on the front.
HARRY! So funny.
I swear, this book is so weird. I just don't get people who are "hopeless romantics". It's like, "That's cool," but in books it's like that's all they talk about. Even worse, HER MOM IS A SINGLE MOM AND IT'S THE WHOLE "GET A FATHER" FIASCO! "I sure wish I had a father...ho hum ho hum....because I'm a HOPELESS romantic, I'll set her up with the local hottie!"
The hottie is named Sam Gracemore, but Willa (main character) calls him "The Poet". I kept being all, "That's somehow a Classic Crime reference. HOW AM I GETTING A CLASSIC CRIME REFERENCE?" And it was like, "Duh. THE POET, THE POET." OMG, CLASSIC CRIME SONG! And the description of Mr. Sammy Pants sounded sort of like how I picture the Classic Crime's lead singer before my bubble was so rudely popped.
Although most of the descriptions aren't really that detailed. This is Joseph Kennelly, Willa's BIG CRUSH (oooer).
Willa: He's tall and thin with sandy hair....
Me: Yeah, and...
Willa: That's it.
Me: Um, right...that's hot.
COME ON! Tall. Thin. Sandy hair. THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO GO ON!
Like in Harry Potter. I did NOT get Devon Murray out of the description they gave for Seamus in the first book!
I really want to watch "Willow". And "Little Miss Sunshine". Congratulations, Robert, on not being Bob Smithouser. Pretty much, yo.
Btw, this is totally cracking me up. And grossing me out. Pretty much both. Cedric is a lame baby.
That would be an awkward scene to reinact. I totally spelled that wrong.
Cedric...um, ew.
Well, the White Rabbits are gone. I ate the last 9 before breakfast. And they were deeelicious.
WTH, Harry Potter spin the bottle? Grossing me out...a lot.
LOL, Sirius Black. Ooooh, that's hot.
I'm reading a really dumb book currently. I feel like criticizing it.
Cuz that's what I do.
There's the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" stuff, but whatever, you can't expect much from a book titled "The Wedding Planner's Daughter", which is bright pink, and has a really scary looking girl peering through wedding dresses on the front.
HARRY! So funny.
I swear, this book is so weird. I just don't get people who are "hopeless romantics". It's like, "That's cool," but in books it's like that's all they talk about. Even worse, HER MOM IS A SINGLE MOM AND IT'S THE WHOLE "GET A FATHER" FIASCO! "I sure wish I had a father...ho hum ho hum....because I'm a HOPELESS romantic, I'll set her up with the local hottie!"
The hottie is named Sam Gracemore, but Willa (main character) calls him "The Poet". I kept being all, "That's somehow a Classic Crime reference. HOW AM I GETTING A CLASSIC CRIME REFERENCE?" And it was like, "Duh. THE POET, THE POET." OMG, CLASSIC CRIME SONG! And the description of Mr. Sammy Pants sounded sort of like how I picture the Classic Crime's lead singer before my bubble was so rudely popped.
Although most of the descriptions aren't really that detailed. This is Joseph Kennelly, Willa's BIG CRUSH (oooer).
Willa: He's tall and thin with sandy hair....
Me: Yeah, and...
Willa: That's it.
Me: Um, right...that's hot.
COME ON! Tall. Thin. Sandy hair. THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO GO ON!
Like in Harry Potter. I did NOT get Devon Murray out of the description they gave for Seamus in the first book!
I really want to watch "Willow". And "Little Miss Sunshine". Congratulations, Robert, on not being Bob Smithouser. Pretty much, yo.
Btw, this is totally cracking me up. And grossing me out. Pretty much both. Cedric is a lame baby.
Friday, August 24, 2007
I'll show you how I swing
There's something in that line that bodes ill...
I really hate Miley Cyrus. Especially when I'm playing Hot Shot Photo Pro and she keeps popping up everywhere in her ugly pastel colored sweats. It's like, "I'm trying to get a picture of Hannah Montana, and nobody wants a picture of you." Because on the show she's like not famous at all.
It also bothers me how it's cool that in real life she can be both people and people are "buying into" the whole different person crap. "I'm going to see a double concert! Hannah Montana AND Miley Cyrus."
THEY'RE THE SAME FREAKING PERSON! It really irks me, because everyone understands this, but they decide to play dumb and buy into Miley's stupid scheme. HATE HATE HATE. And that all guys like her, "Because she's sweet with a dorky side!"
Doesn't that describe every other girl on the planet?
She and Billy Ray are totally playing up the whole redneck thing. It's annoying. "I'm a hick! I'm a hick!" My uncle is a "hick" and he would be ashamed of Billy Ray's behavior.
I like Jon Reep's version of redneck, tho. He's actually funny. I suppose that makes me a hypocrite. "Redneck, white trash, and blue collar." Amen.
I'm waiting for Jackson's Beach Treat Delivery to load. I forgot how much I love this game. So much better than that stupid Jammin' with Hannah, or that dumb diary game that I COULDN'T FIGURE OUT!! I looked in the same classroom for like 50 minutes and I couldn't find a stupid clue!
Wow. That was a crazy rant.
I went with my dad to Ted Brown and was disappointed at their selection of piano books. SO LAME. Their "High School Musical" book was level 3, level 4 at best, and way easy. The only challenging books were probably "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" and songs from the original "Star Wars" trilogy. I THOUGHT I found an Evanescence piano book, but it was a GUITAR BOOK. So lame. I actually want an arrangment of all the songs. Challenging ones, too.
I was going to rant about Brio and their strict love of Amish culture (I like Amish people, but Brio has the idea that we should have a better spiritual community ((true)), but reject the culture like them. Yeah, you don't want to be OF the world, but it's okay to be IN the world. Everyone else is. God PUT us here), but I'll save that for tomorrow. Whoop dee doo.
Oliver awaits. And he wants a butterscotch sundae, pleeeeease.
I really hate Miley Cyrus. Especially when I'm playing Hot Shot Photo Pro and she keeps popping up everywhere in her ugly pastel colored sweats. It's like, "I'm trying to get a picture of Hannah Montana, and nobody wants a picture of you." Because on the show she's like not famous at all.
It also bothers me how it's cool that in real life she can be both people and people are "buying into" the whole different person crap. "I'm going to see a double concert! Hannah Montana AND Miley Cyrus."
THEY'RE THE SAME FREAKING PERSON! It really irks me, because everyone understands this, but they decide to play dumb and buy into Miley's stupid scheme. HATE HATE HATE. And that all guys like her, "Because she's sweet with a dorky side!"
Doesn't that describe every other girl on the planet?
She and Billy Ray are totally playing up the whole redneck thing. It's annoying. "I'm a hick! I'm a hick!" My uncle is a "hick" and he would be ashamed of Billy Ray's behavior.
I like Jon Reep's version of redneck, tho. He's actually funny. I suppose that makes me a hypocrite. "Redneck, white trash, and blue collar." Amen.
I'm waiting for Jackson's Beach Treat Delivery to load. I forgot how much I love this game. So much better than that stupid Jammin' with Hannah, or that dumb diary game that I COULDN'T FIGURE OUT!! I looked in the same classroom for like 50 minutes and I couldn't find a stupid clue!
Wow. That was a crazy rant.
I went with my dad to Ted Brown and was disappointed at their selection of piano books. SO LAME. Their "High School Musical" book was level 3, level 4 at best, and way easy. The only challenging books were probably "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" and songs from the original "Star Wars" trilogy. I THOUGHT I found an Evanescence piano book, but it was a GUITAR BOOK. So lame. I actually want an arrangment of all the songs. Challenging ones, too.
I was going to rant about Brio and their strict love of Amish culture (I like Amish people, but Brio has the idea that we should have a better spiritual community ((true)), but reject the culture like them. Yeah, you don't want to be OF the world, but it's okay to be IN the world. Everyone else is. God PUT us here), but I'll save that for tomorrow. Whoop dee doo.
Oliver awaits. And he wants a butterscotch sundae, pleeeeease.
computer games,
ice cream,
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Let me get this straight...
So Matt likes to see Michael Jackson dance, no, PERFORM, at a distance.
Kara has amazing pickup lines.
"If you were a booger, I'd totally pick you."
I'd mess it up and or start laughing. "Are you a booger? Because... Crap. WAIT, COME BACK, I MESSED UP!"
Lol. Clive...
"I bet I can kiss you without touching your lips. *the obvious ensues* That was worth every penny."
"I bet I can punch you without touching your face. *punches in the balls* I guess you owe me $40 now."
Hmmmmm hahahaha.
This mood ring might be a fluke, but it's still pretty.
It says I am neutral.
What is it, Put-Lauren-Through-Emotional-Trauma day???
Let's have ice cream!
Knowing my father, I'll never get to watch Harry Potter.
Kara has amazing pickup lines.
"If you were a booger, I'd totally pick you."
I'd mess it up and or start laughing. "Are you a booger? Because... Crap. WAIT, COME BACK, I MESSED UP!"
Lol. Clive...
"I bet I can kiss you without touching your lips. *the obvious ensues* That was worth every penny."
"I bet I can punch you without touching your face. *punches in the balls* I guess you owe me $40 now."
Hmmmmm hahahaha.
This mood ring might be a fluke, but it's still pretty.
It says I am neutral.
What is it, Put-Lauren-Through-Emotional-Trauma day???
Let's have ice cream!
Knowing my father, I'll never get to watch Harry Potter.
Harry Potter,
ice cream,
life sucks,
sexual harassment,
sexual humor
Don't touch me, please move your buttcheek
I swear, that's actually a song.
Yeah. I scored some White Rabbits at the Oriental Store and they taste delicious. Pretty much.
All the school stuff went GREAT today. I kind of messed up on my speech, but I AM the worst speech maker in the world. But this group is working together really well. Almost too well... I had to lead the green group tour. All the parents thought I was rubbish. It's not my fault the vice principal took too long. Made me angry. But I got to wave a bright green flag and dance. And then Joanne and I were greeting people at the beginning and making up slogans. "Welcome to ________. We're even smarter than Rocky Balboa!" I made one kid stop so I could make up a slogan, but I was too slow.
GRRR someone messed up my papers when I was handing out schedules, so they WEREN'T in alphabetical order and I COULDN'T FIND ANYONE! My mom had to come over and help me. It was carazy. But my schedule is awesome. Well, for the most part. I don't have PE, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I mean, I need to train for basketball and PE would definitely help that, but I don't have to wear gross PE clothes and get all sweaty. I'll just train with my dad. But they made me take office assistant for fifth period!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, they didn't MAKE ME, and they totally gave me the option, but what else was I going to take? I just get tired of sitting there with people I don't really know answering phones and being all blah. But I love taking notes. And I get to answer to Mr. Barry instead of the office manager, so ha ha ha.
I saw like everyone I knew. Only a couple people when I said hi acted like they didn't know me. It was like, "...." I thought we were friends... And we had been on speaking terms at the end of the school year. Paul cut his hair, hahahaha. Tyler called me short. Because I called him short. Yeah.
I AM short, I'm only 5'8"!!!!
Yeah. Everyone who said I was 5'9" is on crack. I have barely grown since last year and Ryne Sanborn is taller than me. Which is good...
Jessica and I could possibly have 5 classes. Amanda and I could possibly have 4 classes. YES!
I love my school picture. I look slightly butch. I have successfully completed another day dressed as a man. God forbid I should look even remotely female. But it looks really good. If I were a cliche (ha), I'd be the stupid girl in the movies that "doesn't care what anyone thinks". The "rebel" or the "artist" or whatever. My mom insulted my hair before I got my picture taken, tho. She was going to make me go home and brush it, but I was like, "Whatever," and messed it up worse. But the picture turned out nice. It was weird, cuz the photographer had me so I was like hunched over. Whaatever, you're the boss...
SO PUMPED FOR SCHOOL! And the Mardi Gras-ish poster we are making. YEAAAAAH!
I made a new poll. Check it out.
Yeah. I scored some White Rabbits at the Oriental Store and they taste delicious. Pretty much.
All the school stuff went GREAT today. I kind of messed up on my speech, but I AM the worst speech maker in the world. But this group is working together really well. Almost too well... I had to lead the green group tour. All the parents thought I was rubbish. It's not my fault the vice principal took too long. Made me angry. But I got to wave a bright green flag and dance. And then Joanne and I were greeting people at the beginning and making up slogans. "Welcome to ________. We're even smarter than Rocky Balboa!" I made one kid stop so I could make up a slogan, but I was too slow.
GRRR someone messed up my papers when I was handing out schedules, so they WEREN'T in alphabetical order and I COULDN'T FIND ANYONE! My mom had to come over and help me. It was carazy. But my schedule is awesome. Well, for the most part. I don't have PE, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I mean, I need to train for basketball and PE would definitely help that, but I don't have to wear gross PE clothes and get all sweaty. I'll just train with my dad. But they made me take office assistant for fifth period!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, they didn't MAKE ME, and they totally gave me the option, but what else was I going to take? I just get tired of sitting there with people I don't really know answering phones and being all blah. But I love taking notes. And I get to answer to Mr. Barry instead of the office manager, so ha ha ha.
I saw like everyone I knew. Only a couple people when I said hi acted like they didn't know me. It was like, "...." I thought we were friends... And we had been on speaking terms at the end of the school year. Paul cut his hair, hahahaha. Tyler called me short. Because I called him short. Yeah.
I AM short, I'm only 5'8"!!!!
Yeah. Everyone who said I was 5'9" is on crack. I have barely grown since last year and Ryne Sanborn is taller than me. Which is good...
Jessica and I could possibly have 5 classes. Amanda and I could possibly have 4 classes. YES!
I love my school picture. I look slightly butch. I have successfully completed another day dressed as a man. God forbid I should look even remotely female. But it looks really good. If I were a cliche (ha), I'd be the stupid girl in the movies that "doesn't care what anyone thinks". The "rebel" or the "artist" or whatever. My mom insulted my hair before I got my picture taken, tho. She was going to make me go home and brush it, but I was like, "Whatever," and messed it up worse. But the picture turned out nice. It was weird, cuz the photographer had me so I was like hunched over. Whaatever, you're the boss...
SO PUMPED FOR SCHOOL! And the Mardi Gras-ish poster we are making. YEAAAAAH!
I made a new poll. Check it out.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
And the party never has to stop.
YAY that was pretty amazingly envigorating, kids.
And this quiz felt pretty appropriate.
Wow, that was fairly accurate. The whole "at your worst thing" anyway.
Yeah. Pretty crazy.
Let's just save I love fairs. Carnivals. Whatever.
There were a million 4-H animals. Especially horses. :) We watched Emily's friend pwn in the halter/showmanship thingy. Patriot was so beautiful. She ended up getting second in her first show. There were so many paints, it was craaaaazy.
I loved the rabbits, but realized Luke would never ever ever be a show animal. It was slightly depressing. He wouldn't sit on the table with a nice posture, and he'd sweat and his nails would be discolored. But kind of funny, because he'd probably attack the judge.
My nose is all sunburned. I watched a really stupid hypnosis presentation. Some old guy made out with his wife and stuffed napkins down his pants and did a tap dance. The mood ring I bought it sort of a fluke, I guess, because the whole time it said I was in love or having wild sex. When I got mad at it, it turned blue green, which means relaxed. Bull. But it looks nice. It's a little star.
Hm. So I married Oliver Wood. And we had a kid named Christopher Oliver Wood. Personally, I like the name Michael better.
Dang. Athena and Destiny are like the best girl's names ever. Pretty much, yo.
Lol. We only went on three rides. Hangliders is amazing. I hope we get to fly in heaven. Either that or play Quidditch, because I would pretty much be the best Quidditch player ever. On the Ferris Wheel, I was watching two little kids and they kept saying, "Oh no, we'll get stuck here forever and die!" It was pretty amusing. The Octopus was cool and only a little painful. My head still hurts.
And this quiz felt pretty appropriate.
You Are a Log Ride |
You prefer to live a fairly calm, relaxed life... with a few surprises thrown in. You don't tend to get yourself worked up easily. You can roll with what life throws at you. In relationships, you are steady and solid. You maintain a pretty broad perspective on what's going on. That's not to say you can't get swept away. You're emotions run as deep as anyone else's. Your life seems like it has been remarkably easy so far. But that's due to how you manage it. You never stretch yourself too thinly, and you think out your decisions carefully. Taking the time to enjoy each day is important to you, and you don't let your emotions rule you. You stay the course and do what's right... knowing it will all work out in the end. At your best, you are tolerant and understanding of other people's quirks. You take "go with the flow" to the extreme. Even if you don't like where you're going. At your worst, you repress your feelings and end up being a little tightly wound. You definitely have some explosive emotions that occasionally come to the surface! |
Wow, that was fairly accurate. The whole "at your worst thing" anyway.
Yeah. Pretty crazy.
Let's just save I love fairs. Carnivals. Whatever.
There were a million 4-H animals. Especially horses. :) We watched Emily's friend pwn in the halter/showmanship thingy. Patriot was so beautiful. She ended up getting second in her first show. There were so many paints, it was craaaaazy.
I loved the rabbits, but realized Luke would never ever ever be a show animal. It was slightly depressing. He wouldn't sit on the table with a nice posture, and he'd sweat and his nails would be discolored. But kind of funny, because he'd probably attack the judge.
My nose is all sunburned. I watched a really stupid hypnosis presentation. Some old guy made out with his wife and stuffed napkins down his pants and did a tap dance. The mood ring I bought it sort of a fluke, I guess, because the whole time it said I was in love or having wild sex. When I got mad at it, it turned blue green, which means relaxed. Bull. But it looks nice. It's a little star.
Hm. So I married Oliver Wood. And we had a kid named Christopher Oliver Wood. Personally, I like the name Michael better.
Dang. Athena and Destiny are like the best girl's names ever. Pretty much, yo.
Lol. We only went on three rides. Hangliders is amazing. I hope we get to fly in heaven. Either that or play Quidditch, because I would pretty much be the best Quidditch player ever. On the Ferris Wheel, I was watching two little kids and they kept saying, "Oh no, we'll get stuck here forever and die!" It was pretty amusing. The Octopus was cool and only a little painful. My head still hurts.
fun parties,
Harry Potter,
sexual harassment
Shakespeare would be insulted...
We can sleep as late as we want to....yeah.
I love this CD.
My chest hurts.
But in a good way. If there is such a thing.
We're gonna relax and renew. You. Go. Do.
I'm going to the fair today! And apparently I get in free because I'm in the military. Only not. Because I'm 14 and this isn't World War II. Meaning my grandpa lied about his age and fought in the war.
Yay fair! I just wanna see the cows and horses and maybe get a hot dog.
What about trust?
You know I never wanted to hurt you.
What about me?
What am I supposed to do.
I've gotta leave, but
It's sad, but it makes me laugh.
I'm going to put the lyrics to "Your Guardian Angel" in my profile, kids.
Dude! What have you gotten us into?
Yeah. Pretty much.
I don't think God put it in me to become a playwright. I had to write two shorts skits for school. I hope everyone else's is as bad as mine so I don't fail life.
I love this CD.
My chest hurts.
But in a good way. If there is such a thing.
We're gonna relax and renew. You. Go. Do.
I'm going to the fair today! And apparently I get in free because I'm in the military. Only not. Because I'm 14 and this isn't World War II. Meaning my grandpa lied about his age and fought in the war.
Yay fair! I just wanna see the cows and horses and maybe get a hot dog.
What about trust?
You know I never wanted to hurt you.
What about me?
What am I supposed to do.
I've gotta leave, but
It's sad, but it makes me laugh.
I'm going to put the lyrics to "Your Guardian Angel" in my profile, kids.
Dude! What have you gotten us into?
Yeah. Pretty much.
I don't think God put it in me to become a playwright. I had to write two shorts skits for school. I hope everyone else's is as bad as mine so I don't fail life.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Towels imported from Turkey
And turkey imported from Maaaaaaaaine.
My dad seems very impressed by Ryan and Sharpay.
I have to admit, Lucas Grabeel has an amazing voice.
And Ashley's is great, and she can sort of act. More so than Vanessa or Monique.
RYNE SANBORN IS ONLY 18! That's younger than I thought.
Okay, here we have the old Jason. Young. Innocent. Kind of short, but still cute.

Behold. The new Jason.

Sort of obsessed.
His name is actually pronounced "rine". That's...cool.
Only he's into ice hockey...VERY into ice hockey. Dang it.
But yeah. I'm obsessed.
Had some good pizza. Life is cheesy.
My dad seems very impressed by Ryan and Sharpay.
I have to admit, Lucas Grabeel has an amazing voice.
And Ashley's is great, and she can sort of act. More so than Vanessa or Monique.
RYNE SANBORN IS ONLY 18! That's younger than I thought.
Okay, here we have the old Jason. Young. Innocent. Kind of short, but still cute.

Behold. The new Jason.

Sort of obsessed.
His name is actually pronounced "rine". That's...cool.
Only he's into ice hockey...VERY into ice hockey. Dang it.
But yeah. I'm obsessed.
Had some good pizza. Life is cheesy.
Fey...rhymes with gay...
I get really weird when people have weird interpretations of stuff. Like William thought the Cruciatus Curse twisted people's limbs unnaturally. ??? How would you even get that? Of all the descriptions of people that have had the Cruciatus Curse performed on that, I CANNOT see how you would come to that conclusion. Although I am the sort of person that's always insistent on being right. I suppose that would make me a good politician or something.
Yes, Pastor Matt, I can hear you laughing ironically in the background. Stop now.
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 IS AMAZING! Best song: "I Don't Dance". Only Time magazine interpreted the lyrics in a different way than I did. Ahem. "I'll show you how I swing." AAAAAAAAAAAH that's pretty funny. Uh oh...is this a rat pentagon I see??? Only there's the basic love square, minus Sharpay, only Chad has three possible love interests: Taylor, Troy, and now *gasp* RYAN???
Twisted sense of humor.
I swear, Jason Cross is amazing. He says something about a motion picture. I've been imitating him all day. Surprisingly it calms the nerves. His voice isn't stellar, but it's good. And I love his rainbowy lil bandana thingy.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I finished "She's Out Of Control" and it was going good, AND WHY IS THIS CHARACTER JUST LIKE THE GROWN-UP ME?, but the ending was SO CHEESY. Apparently a movie was made out of this book. SO CHECKING IT OUT.
Stride gum really does last too long...
Yes, Pastor Matt, I can hear you laughing ironically in the background. Stop now.
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 IS AMAZING! Best song: "I Don't Dance". Only Time magazine interpreted the lyrics in a different way than I did. Ahem. "I'll show you how I swing." AAAAAAAAAAAH that's pretty funny. Uh oh...is this a rat pentagon I see??? Only there's the basic love square, minus Sharpay, only Chad has three possible love interests: Taylor, Troy, and now *gasp* RYAN???
Twisted sense of humor.
I swear, Jason Cross is amazing. He says something about a motion picture. I've been imitating him all day. Surprisingly it calms the nerves. His voice isn't stellar, but it's good. And I love his rainbowy lil bandana thingy.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I finished "She's Out Of Control" and it was going good, AND WHY IS THIS CHARACTER JUST LIKE THE GROWN-UP ME?, but the ending was SO CHEESY. Apparently a movie was made out of this book. SO CHECKING IT OUT.
Stride gum really does last too long...
Harry Potter,
not gay,
Rhett Butlah...it's got the whole Southern thang going on...
Grrrr, "She's Out of Control" is making me way angry. It's a lot better than the first one, and there's more of Dr. Kevin (ooer), but Seth is still a dork. HATE HATE HATE. He's suddenly appearing at Ashley's door being all, "Come with me to India. Please please please." And she's all, "Um, we're kind of broken up and I don't want to go to India."
CRAPPY RESPONSE OF THE CENTURY: Oh...I just wanted to know that the woman I love would follow me anywhere.
And he's bald.
I'm not against baldness in a Chris Daughtry way, but this kid is so annoying...baldness does not become him.
My dad bought the "High School Musical 2" soundtrack last night. He made me listen to it with him so he wouldn't feel ashamed. Only he made me listen to it with him at 7:00 A.M.
I know I'm going to have to do this 5 days a week come September, but come on. It was pretty hellish.
But I got my new military ID today. My old one expired 2 weeks ago. My new one has the world's crappiest picture. I swear, I look like a man. If Sirius Black had glasses, I WOULD BE HIM.
It's really freezing today. It's all rainy and stuff. I zipped up my sweatshirt and I look like a nerd AND it's not helping. XP
Yeah, kids. I'm going back upstairs and reading my book. DOWN WITH SETH!
CRAPPY RESPONSE OF THE CENTURY: Oh...I just wanted to know that the woman I love would follow me anywhere.
And he's bald.
I'm not against baldness in a Chris Daughtry way, but this kid is so annoying...baldness does not become him.
My dad bought the "High School Musical 2" soundtrack last night. He made me listen to it with him so he wouldn't feel ashamed. Only he made me listen to it with him at 7:00 A.M.
I know I'm going to have to do this 5 days a week come September, but come on. It was pretty hellish.
But I got my new military ID today. My old one expired 2 weeks ago. My new one has the world's crappiest picture. I swear, I look like a man. If Sirius Black had glasses, I WOULD BE HIM.
It's really freezing today. It's all rainy and stuff. I zipped up my sweatshirt and I look like a nerd AND it's not helping. XP
Yeah, kids. I'm going back upstairs and reading my book. DOWN WITH SETH!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hufflepuff: the happy huffy house full of haters
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
My mom says I'm an introvert!
I don't know why I feel so strongly about this.
It's not like I hate all introverts, or being an introvert sucks, but I really like being the weird class clown and if I was classified as introvert...I don't know, it's like I'd be cut off from people or something. Hard to explain, but you can yell at me if you feel like I'm dissing you.
However, Pastor Matt says there is no way I could be an introvert.
Who to believe? The woman who gave birth to me and suckled me, or my spiritual leader?
So tough.
I'm reading "She's Out Of Control", sequel to "What A Girl Wants", and it's making me really angry.
Her boyfriend's an engineer who can't read body language or pick up signals of any kind, and any problem in the relationship he suddenly blames on Ashley. Yeah. And then she thought he was proposing, but he bought her a PUPPY! And she's like, "Wtf, I want to get married," and he's like, "Really? I don't."
I don't know, but I felt quite incensed afterwards. I'm not even halfway through!
I guess this means I would be a jealous ex-girlfriend or whatever, or something crappy, but COME ON! A single 24-year-old girl has a crush on him (she tells this to his girlfriend???) and she's all flirting, and she asks for a ride home, and he can't see the harm in any of this. Oh, and sitting with another girl when you have a girlfriend? Not a good idea. Not like you can't have friends... DANG IT! THIS IS JUST MAKING ME REALLY MAD! YOU ARE SUCH A CLUELESS DORK!
Oooh, I ripped a quiz.
[x] Weezer
[x] Paramore
[x] Panic! At The Disco
[] October Fall
[] The Academy Is...
[] Coheed And Cambria
[] Bayside
[x] Yellowcard
[] Sugarcult
[] The Dresden Dolls
[] Rascal Flatts
[] Carrie Underwood
[] Leanne Rhymes
[] Garth Brooks
[] Dixie Chicks
[] Kenny Chesney
[] Tim McGraw
[] Faith Hill
[] Shania Twain
[] Johnny Cash
[] Hawthorne Heights
[] Halifax
[] Forgive Durden
[] Amber Pacific
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[] From First to Last
[] Senses Fail
[] Underoath
[] Something Corporate
[] Hit the lights
[] Dear Whoever
[] The Hush Sound
[] Eisley
[] Death Cab for Cutie
[] Dashboard Confessional
[x] The Killers
[] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[] Hot Hot Heat
[] Gym Class Heroes
[x] Franz Ferdinand
[] Modest Mouse
[] Slipknot
[] System of a Down
[] Disturbed
[] Metallica
[] Guns n' Roses
[] Lamb of God
[] Slayer
[] Hatebreed
[] Killswitch Engage
[x] Teddy Geiger
[] Ashlee Simpson
[X] Kelly Clarkson
[] Jesse McCartney
[X] Avril Lavigne
[] Pink
[] The Veronicas
[x] Daniel Powter
[] James Blunt
[] Natasha Bedingfield
[] Ryan Cabrera
[] Hellogoodbye
[] Cute is What We Aim for
[x] Cartel
[] The Click Five
[X] Fall Out boy
[] Lucky Boys Confusion
[] Good Charlotte
[] Bowling for Soup
[x] Relient K
[] Less Than Jake
[x] Simple Plan
[] Ying Yang Twins
[] T.I.
[] Paul Wall
[] Tupac
[] Jamie Foxx
[] Ludacris
[] Lil' Jon
[] Outkast
[] 50 Cent
[] Kanye West
[] Notorious B.I.G
[] Young Jeezy
[] Reel Big Fish
[] The Specials
[] Mad Caddies
[] The Aquabats
[] Sublime
[] No Doubt
[] Madness
[] Operation Ivy
[x] Bob Marley
[] Taking Back Sunday
[] All American Rejects
[] Motion City Soundtrack
[X] Avenged Sevenfold
[] Angels and Airwaves
[X] Evanescence
[] My Chemical Romance
[] Brand New
[] Green Day
[X] Blink 182
[X] The Beatles
[] Led Zeppelin
[] The Rolling Stones
[] The Who
[] Pink Floyd
[] The Doors
[X] Jimmy Hendrix
[X] Queen
[x] Van Halen
[] Bob Dylan
[]Simon & Garfunkel
Now multiply by two
and put "I Am _% Obsessed With Music."
Say whaaaaaaaaat? I'm only 46% obsessed with music.
That's quite inaccurate, my friend.
Maybe the groups in the category all really suck, or the person doesn't like them, but they like lots of other groups in that category.
And half of these I'd never heard of, or heard of and never heard, or they were overrated. And I hate country. Also, some of those were in the wrong place. Bob Marley was not ska. It's called reggae, buddy.
My mom says I'm an introvert!
I don't know why I feel so strongly about this.
It's not like I hate all introverts, or being an introvert sucks, but I really like being the weird class clown and if I was classified as introvert...I don't know, it's like I'd be cut off from people or something. Hard to explain, but you can yell at me if you feel like I'm dissing you.
However, Pastor Matt says there is no way I could be an introvert.
Who to believe? The woman who gave birth to me and suckled me, or my spiritual leader?
So tough.
I'm reading "She's Out Of Control", sequel to "What A Girl Wants", and it's making me really angry.
Her boyfriend's an engineer who can't read body language or pick up signals of any kind, and any problem in the relationship he suddenly blames on Ashley. Yeah. And then she thought he was proposing, but he bought her a PUPPY! And she's like, "Wtf, I want to get married," and he's like, "Really? I don't."
I don't know, but I felt quite incensed afterwards. I'm not even halfway through!
I guess this means I would be a jealous ex-girlfriend or whatever, or something crappy, but COME ON! A single 24-year-old girl has a crush on him (she tells this to his girlfriend???) and she's all flirting, and she asks for a ride home, and he can't see the harm in any of this. Oh, and sitting with another girl when you have a girlfriend? Not a good idea. Not like you can't have friends... DANG IT! THIS IS JUST MAKING ME REALLY MAD! YOU ARE SUCH A CLUELESS DORK!
Oooh, I ripped a quiz.
[x] Weezer
[x] Paramore
[x] Panic! At The Disco
[] October Fall
[] The Academy Is...
[] Coheed And Cambria
[] Bayside
[x] Yellowcard
[] Sugarcult
[] The Dresden Dolls
[] Rascal Flatts
[] Carrie Underwood
[] Leanne Rhymes
[] Garth Brooks
[] Dixie Chicks
[] Kenny Chesney
[] Tim McGraw
[] Faith Hill
[] Shania Twain
[] Johnny Cash
[] Hawthorne Heights
[] Halifax
[] Forgive Durden
[] Amber Pacific
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[] From First to Last
[] Senses Fail
[] Underoath
[] Something Corporate
[] Hit the lights
[] Dear Whoever
[] The Hush Sound
[] Eisley
[] Death Cab for Cutie
[] Dashboard Confessional
[x] The Killers
[] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[] Hot Hot Heat
[] Gym Class Heroes
[x] Franz Ferdinand
[] Modest Mouse
[] Slipknot
[] System of a Down
[] Disturbed
[] Metallica
[] Guns n' Roses
[] Lamb of God
[] Slayer
[] Hatebreed
[] Killswitch Engage
[x] Teddy Geiger
[] Ashlee Simpson
[X] Kelly Clarkson
[] Jesse McCartney
[X] Avril Lavigne
[] Pink
[] The Veronicas
[x] Daniel Powter
[] James Blunt
[] Natasha Bedingfield
[] Ryan Cabrera
[] Hellogoodbye
[] Cute is What We Aim for
[x] Cartel
[] The Click Five
[X] Fall Out boy
[] Lucky Boys Confusion
[] Good Charlotte
[] Bowling for Soup
[x] Relient K
[] Less Than Jake
[x] Simple Plan
[] Ying Yang Twins
[] T.I.
[] Paul Wall
[] Tupac
[] Jamie Foxx
[] Ludacris
[] Lil' Jon
[] Outkast
[] 50 Cent
[] Kanye West
[] Notorious B.I.G
[] Young Jeezy
[] Reel Big Fish
[] The Specials
[] Mad Caddies
[] The Aquabats
[] Sublime
[] No Doubt
[] Madness
[] Operation Ivy
[x] Bob Marley
[] Taking Back Sunday
[] All American Rejects
[] Motion City Soundtrack
[X] Avenged Sevenfold
[] Angels and Airwaves
[X] Evanescence
[] My Chemical Romance
[] Brand New
[] Green Day
[X] Blink 182
[X] The Beatles
[] Led Zeppelin
[] The Rolling Stones
[] The Who
[] Pink Floyd
[] The Doors
[X] Jimmy Hendrix
[X] Queen
[x] Van Halen
[] Bob Dylan
[]Simon & Garfunkel
Now multiply by two
and put "I Am _% Obsessed With Music."
Say whaaaaaaaaat? I'm only 46% obsessed with music.
That's quite inaccurate, my friend.
Maybe the groups in the category all really suck, or the person doesn't like them, but they like lots of other groups in that category.
And half of these I'd never heard of, or heard of and never heard, or they were overrated. And I hate country. Also, some of those were in the wrong place. Bob Marley was not ska. It's called reggae, buddy.
Why are the stupidest people always smarter than we give them credit for?
We had a 2 hour ASB meeting today. It was actually fairly productive. I was worried that I'd somehow gotten the time wrong and would show up late and ashamed, but I didn't, and most of the people showed up, and we got a lot done. Although my sports week got shot down, we all decided on salad dressing week, which is basically the coolest idea known to man. Then I have to make a skit about Locker usage and Courtyard rules. It will involve ninth graders being all gangsta.
Man this year is going to be SO AWESOME! Oh, and I got FRENCH!!!!!!!! YAY, THEY'RE DOING FRENCH THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
I swear, it's pretty...dare I say it....BALLIN.
This burger is cold. Blah.
Reminds me of that Canadian commercial.
"The burger's going 50 mph!" "Wow. That's fast." "But how does it taste?" "Who cares? It's fast."
We watched "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" on CBC last night. My dad missed the first 20 minutes and was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" But he really liked Dobby and agrees that Crabbe is an evil little pudding face boy.
I swear, it was gross, when they're all pigging out, Goyle (who has a man voice) points out the cupcakes and Crabbe is all, "Cool!" in a little boy pig voice. AND RON AND HARRY ARE BOTH BIGGER THAN CRABBE! How is that supposed to be intimidating?
And why couldn't they have had the actors for Crabbe and Goyle just play the part during the Polyjuice Scene instead of having Harry and Ron voiceovers? Wth?
Ew, this burger is way gross.
I love French. My name is so Natalie. Aaaagh, soap reference.
Man this year is going to be SO AWESOME! Oh, and I got FRENCH!!!!!!!! YAY, THEY'RE DOING FRENCH THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
I swear, it's pretty...dare I say it....BALLIN.
This burger is cold. Blah.
Reminds me of that Canadian commercial.
"The burger's going 50 mph!" "Wow. That's fast." "But how does it taste?" "Who cares? It's fast."
We watched "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" on CBC last night. My dad missed the first 20 minutes and was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" But he really liked Dobby and agrees that Crabbe is an evil little pudding face boy.
I swear, it was gross, when they're all pigging out, Goyle (who has a man voice) points out the cupcakes and Crabbe is all, "Cool!" in a little boy pig voice. AND RON AND HARRY ARE BOTH BIGGER THAN CRABBE! How is that supposed to be intimidating?
And why couldn't they have had the actors for Crabbe and Goyle just play the part during the Polyjuice Scene instead of having Harry and Ron voiceovers? Wth?
Ew, this burger is way gross.
I love French. My name is so Natalie. Aaaagh, soap reference.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Troy + Chad = Forever
Hey there kids.
Church was a little different today, seeing as we actually had a good sermon! *gasp* Richard Maxwell is awesome. I thorougly embarassed my family by speaking up in church when he asked for the ten essentials. I said gun, which surprisingly wasn't one of them. That developed into a short debate on knives and guns. But he was cool about it. Afterwards he said that was his favorite part of the whole sermon and we talked about hiking and camping. Hiking yes. Although I wouldn't reccomend doing it in Converse, like I did at camp, when we hiked to Curtain Falls.
Sing me a new song.
Demon Hunter, actually.
Luke is growing his pants again. Yay. Come October, he'll have lovely bushy pants.
Lol, thinking of guys suscribing to Vogue is making me laugh.
The world makes sense now: Men get addicted to visual pornography, women get addicted to verbal.
Don't ask.
Hey, I forgot to make a big deal about Rock winning "Hell's Kitchen". Gordon Ramsay is a wise man. He's picked the person I wanted to win for three seasons.
Rock rocks. Is pretty much the bomb. I was so glad Bonnie didn't win. Nyaaaah.
Hey, maybe this quiz will tell off that stupid ISFJ thingy.
Oooooh, bam.
Cheerfulness, bah.
That should show them.
"How shall we serve the food today, chap?"
"I don't know. Perhaps skipping."
"Skip we shall. Yippity-skappity, bombity-skippity."
Church was a little different today, seeing as we actually had a good sermon! *gasp* Richard Maxwell is awesome. I thorougly embarassed my family by speaking up in church when he asked for the ten essentials. I said gun, which surprisingly wasn't one of them. That developed into a short debate on knives and guns. But he was cool about it. Afterwards he said that was his favorite part of the whole sermon and we talked about hiking and camping. Hiking yes. Although I wouldn't reccomend doing it in Converse, like I did at camp, when we hiked to Curtain Falls.
Sing me a new song.
Demon Hunter, actually.
Luke is growing his pants again. Yay. Come October, he'll have lovely bushy pants.
Lol, thinking of guys suscribing to Vogue is making me laugh.
The world makes sense now: Men get addicted to visual pornography, women get addicted to verbal.
Don't ask.
Hey, I forgot to make a big deal about Rock winning "Hell's Kitchen". Gordon Ramsay is a wise man. He's picked the person I wanted to win for three seasons.
Rock rocks. Is pretty much the bomb. I was so glad Bonnie didn't win. Nyaaaah.
Hey, maybe this quiz will tell off that stupid ISFJ thingy.
Oooooh, bam.
Your Extroversion Profile: |
Assertiveness: High Excitement Seeking: High Friendliness: High Sociability: High Activity Level: Low Cheerfulness: Low |
Cheerfulness, bah.
That should show them.
"How shall we serve the food today, chap?"
"I don't know. Perhaps skipping."
"Skip we shall. Yippity-skappity, bombity-skippity."
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I lose at life
I'm sitting here in Amber's house wearing rubber shoes, listening to "Hairspray" soundtrack, and really hating this stupid keyboard, seeing as I'm missing like 88 keys per second.
It was even better than the first one.
Only they promised that Jason Cross (really hot guy from basketball team) and Martha (loser hip hop girl) would get bigger roles, but they just got thrown in there and they're suddenly mainish characters.
I really don't hate: Zac Efron, Lucas Grabeel, Kelsey girl, or Corbin Bleu anymore. That movie seriously like...redeemed them in my eyes.
Zac's hair is amazing. It looks black once, then brown another time, than it looks kind of like his honey blonde highlights flashback haircut.
Gabriella wasn't as annoying, but her hair was really ugly.
I'm actually okay with the whole Jason and Kelsey thing. Jason gained weight and grew his hair out, but I think it makes him look hotter, compared to like scrawny basketball boy he used to be.
Chad + Troy = Forever.
Amber and I watched the movie at 4:00 in the morning and muted the part where Troy and Chad have their reunion and made it sound like a marriage proposal.
Troy: I just wanted to be cool with you, man. (or whatever he says) I love you, Chad.
Chad: I love you, Troy.
Troy: *turns to crowd of boys and Martha with arms around Chad* Guys...we're getting married.
Ryan: Who's the best man?
Troy: *stroking Chad suggestively* Chad, obviously...
Tres amusing.
Sharpay got really annoying. I mean, not like she wasn't REALLY annoying already, but when I considered trying out for the HSM, she would have been my first choice of roles, because she has great songs, a great range, and a flawed character. So dramatic. But in this movie she made loud squeaking noises like every five seconds. It made me really angry.
Only at the end, after trying to get Troy for like 2 hours, and finally giving up, he decides to sing with her even tho she's a heinous little trollop, and she's like, "I really wish you were doing this for me. You're a great guy, Troy." I just started crying, because I could so relate, and even though she's all selfish and stuff, Troy's being all nice to her, and she's like, "Aw, so cute and sensitive," BUT HE'LL NEVER LIKE HER!
I swear, it was tragic.
Also, Gabriella broke up with Troy like halfway through, and that was really sad, because Zac looks all helpless and he practically feels her up, which doesn't make her want to stay too much.
But in the beginning he gave her this necklace with a T-charm on it, and she gives it back to him when they break up, but when they get back together, she approaches him WEARING THE NECKLACE.
Necklace theory: Troy gave Chad the necklace to announce their engagement, but Chad couldn't hurt Gabriella, so he gave it back to her, and Troy had to settle for a girl instead of his froed lover.
Ryan was like way manly and not gay in this movie. Except for when he was doing yoga with his mom. But he actually acted like he liked girls. It was slightly attractive. And better than his chipmunk persona from first movie.
I don't know, I felt like a lot of "main" characters were shunted off to the side: Jason, Zeke (there's supposed to be an epic romance between him and Sharpay, but it seems like she's all, "Whatever, Troy will never love me," and SETTLES for Zeke. So lame.), Taylor (supposed to be an epic flirtation quest between her and Chad, but they're practically already dating. SHE'S 28 IN REAL LIFE! Kind of creepy), Kelsey, and everyone that wasn't Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, or Ryan.
Hm hm hm. You gotta push it, push it, to the limit, limit.
My colon hates me. I ate way too much pizza, cupcakes, and coconut jellybeans.
Watching Potter Puppet Pals all through the night is way fun.
I only slept during "Monk" and "Psych" I was so tired, and that was at 6:00 AM. Amber's dad poked me in the head. I is dead.
Also, HSM 2 had way better music. Troy doing manly dance across golf course is like way hot.
It was even better than the first one.
Only they promised that Jason Cross (really hot guy from basketball team) and Martha (loser hip hop girl) would get bigger roles, but they just got thrown in there and they're suddenly mainish characters.
I really don't hate: Zac Efron, Lucas Grabeel, Kelsey girl, or Corbin Bleu anymore. That movie seriously like...redeemed them in my eyes.
Zac's hair is amazing. It looks black once, then brown another time, than it looks kind of like his honey blonde highlights flashback haircut.
Gabriella wasn't as annoying, but her hair was really ugly.
I'm actually okay with the whole Jason and Kelsey thing. Jason gained weight and grew his hair out, but I think it makes him look hotter, compared to like scrawny basketball boy he used to be.
Chad + Troy = Forever.
Amber and I watched the movie at 4:00 in the morning and muted the part where Troy and Chad have their reunion and made it sound like a marriage proposal.
Troy: I just wanted to be cool with you, man. (or whatever he says) I love you, Chad.
Chad: I love you, Troy.
Troy: *turns to crowd of boys and Martha with arms around Chad* Guys...we're getting married.
Ryan: Who's the best man?
Troy: *stroking Chad suggestively* Chad, obviously...
Tres amusing.
Sharpay got really annoying. I mean, not like she wasn't REALLY annoying already, but when I considered trying out for the HSM, she would have been my first choice of roles, because she has great songs, a great range, and a flawed character. So dramatic. But in this movie she made loud squeaking noises like every five seconds. It made me really angry.
Only at the end, after trying to get Troy for like 2 hours, and finally giving up, he decides to sing with her even tho she's a heinous little trollop, and she's like, "I really wish you were doing this for me. You're a great guy, Troy." I just started crying, because I could so relate, and even though she's all selfish and stuff, Troy's being all nice to her, and she's like, "Aw, so cute and sensitive," BUT HE'LL NEVER LIKE HER!
I swear, it was tragic.
Also, Gabriella broke up with Troy like halfway through, and that was really sad, because Zac looks all helpless and he practically feels her up, which doesn't make her want to stay too much.
But in the beginning he gave her this necklace with a T-charm on it, and she gives it back to him when they break up, but when they get back together, she approaches him WEARING THE NECKLACE.
Necklace theory: Troy gave Chad the necklace to announce their engagement, but Chad couldn't hurt Gabriella, so he gave it back to her, and Troy had to settle for a girl instead of his froed lover.
Ryan was like way manly and not gay in this movie. Except for when he was doing yoga with his mom. But he actually acted like he liked girls. It was slightly attractive. And better than his chipmunk persona from first movie.
I don't know, I felt like a lot of "main" characters were shunted off to the side: Jason, Zeke (there's supposed to be an epic romance between him and Sharpay, but it seems like she's all, "Whatever, Troy will never love me," and SETTLES for Zeke. So lame.), Taylor (supposed to be an epic flirtation quest between her and Chad, but they're practically already dating. SHE'S 28 IN REAL LIFE! Kind of creepy), Kelsey, and everyone that wasn't Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, or Ryan.
Hm hm hm. You gotta push it, push it, to the limit, limit.
My colon hates me. I ate way too much pizza, cupcakes, and coconut jellybeans.
Watching Potter Puppet Pals all through the night is way fun.
I only slept during "Monk" and "Psych" I was so tired, and that was at 6:00 AM. Amber's dad poked me in the head. I is dead.
Also, HSM 2 had way better music. Troy doing manly dance across golf course is like way hot.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Crayon...butterscotch...never mind.
You Are a Red Crayon |
Your world is colored with bright, vivid, wild colors. You have a deep, complex personality - and you are always expressing something about yourself. Bold and dominant, you are a natural leader. You have an energy that is intense... and sometimes overwhelming. Your reaction to everything tends to be strong. You are the master of love-hate relationships. Your color wheel opposite is green. Green people are way too mellow to understand what drives your energy. |
It's like they're only putting out one at a time...
Oh well.
I hate red, tho.
I IS AN ISFJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, instead of dwelling on this slight travesty, I'll just think of Harry Potter characters and who they remind me of.
Hermione: Kaitlyn, surprisingly.
Percy: Hahaha, Matt.
Ginny: Amber is Ginnyish.
Professor McGonagall: Mrs. Sims, even tho I haven't had her yet...
Lavendar Brown: Uh....Jeannie? Wow, now that I think about it, it's so true.
Ron: ................ Ron doesn't deserve anyone.
I'm done for today.
So, instead of dwelling on this slight travesty, I'll just think of Harry Potter characters and who they remind me of.
Hermione: Kaitlyn, surprisingly.
Percy: Hahaha, Matt.
Ginny: Amber is Ginnyish.
Professor McGonagall: Mrs. Sims, even tho I haven't had her yet...
Lavendar Brown: Uh....Jeannie? Wow, now that I think about it, it's so true.
Ron: ................ Ron doesn't deserve anyone.
I'm done for today.
Aww, kids, you're too kind
"Kids" and "baby" (or "babies") are my new favorite words. Cuz you can walk up to a group of people (or just one person) and be all, "Hey kids!" Yeah. And baby (or babies) could be a Classic Crime reference (Would you go to war for me....BABY?), or it could be used to spice up a conversation (instead of, "We're all introverts," say, "We're all introverted-babies!"). I don't know, it's just really fun.
How is Blothings this morning???
Let's check.
I MADE A NEW PLAYLIST! But it's not organized enough to make a playlist movie. It's just a bunch of random relaxing songs.
Dang. None at all.
I have to make brownies today.
I'm thinking of taking those 66% cacao thingies and making some sort of frosting paste stuff. If my mom goes for that, that is.
I don't even know if we have any left...
"Stardust" is already out and I haven't read the book yet!
My love type is ESTJ???
What does that mean?
I'm also supposed to do that dumb personality test thing to see who I TRULY am.
Oh dear, an environmental movie about polar bears. Gah.
"SUPERBAD"! Which I shall never see...
I wonder how Nicole Kidman is these days...
All right...here we go...
How is Blothings this morning???
Let's check.
I MADE A NEW PLAYLIST! But it's not organized enough to make a playlist movie. It's just a bunch of random relaxing songs.
Dang. None at all.
I have to make brownies today.
I'm thinking of taking those 66% cacao thingies and making some sort of frosting paste stuff. If my mom goes for that, that is.
I don't even know if we have any left...
"Stardust" is already out and I haven't read the book yet!
My love type is ESTJ???
What does that mean?
I'm also supposed to do that dumb personality test thing to see who I TRULY am.
Oh dear, an environmental movie about polar bears. Gah.
"SUPERBAD"! Which I shall never see...
I wonder how Nicole Kidman is these days...
All right...here we go...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
ARE YOU EMO???? The truth is out!
Your PMS Disaster Level: Medium |
You definitely are a bit of a wreck once a month. But as long as remember to take it easy, your PMS isn't a major crisis. |
I'm surprised at this.
My family considers my Disaster Level to be VERY HIGH.
Now I'm taking a quiz about emoness. There were only 2 new ones today.
We'll never know...
Awwwww, 40%. But still.
You Are 40% Emo |
You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
I'm kind of sad because it turns out I'm actually pretty introverted.
Yeah. Pretty much.
Because I'm like in the exact middle of the stupid scale, so I sometimes approach people, but I get all emo and draw within.
Extroverted, my butt.
I don't know, I'd rather be on the extreme end of either side, middle of the road sucks.
Arty Kid |
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique. You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! |
It can't be true!
I am officially going to find my personality type.
I swear, "False Pretense" is a cool song, kids. C-c-c-cuz you knooooow...
AAAAAH, they're being dumb. I just want a quiz that asks questions and determines it FOR YOU. I don't want choices; GIVE ME RESULTS!
Dang. Foiled again.
Shake it, break it, fake it, take it...yeah
Mothers should not be allowed to go underwear shopping.
All that stuff they tell you when you first start puberty that your mother has gone through this before and she can help you fully reach your womanly potential, and she will ease the pain, bla bla bla, is such a lie.
Because when you buy bras and such, she shows NO SHAME. I mean, it's not like bra shopping hasn't gotten easier from the time you were, what, 11? to the time you are...not 11, but you it's not easy to look people in the face while you are discussing sports bra vs. demi cup with your MOTHER, of all people.
I'd personally rather go shopping with one of the Victoria's Secret Angels, because they know a lot about this type of thing, and they're so hot that people walking by wouldn't be paying any attention to anything they said.
They're busy staring at their unmentionables, if you know what I'm saying... ;)
So besides that little shameworthy detail, we went to Walmart and bought school supplies and necessary articles of clothing, including things with Carebears on them (tee hee :D), black pants (my first pair of non-denim pants in like...2 years), and a shirt that says, "I'm not a model, I just look like one."
Surprisingly, I found that in the guy's section.
I'm going to write a letter to the president and have him ban changing rooms. I was all feeling good about my body until I had to change into some really hideous jeans. I hate my legs. And I have pretty much the smallest boobs in existence. Which makes for a fun filled shopping trip for anybody. YAY! So I had to jump up and down three times whilst hugging myself chanting, "My body, myself. I love my body, therefore I love myself!" And it worked! Not.
I didn't actually jump up and down and chant.
And I hate it when Brio feels like telling me, "If you hate your body, chant, 'I am the daughter of the King,' over and over and you'll feel beautiful!" Wouldn't that just make you mad at God? For giving you a bad body, I mean? Or what you think is a bad body? Doesn't sound too positive to me.
Awww, underwear with little guitars and skulls on it! Rats, it's a thong!
So I just played "Guitar Hero" with William the whole time.
Does anyone else hate it when their parents leave them randomly alone in the mall/store? Because if it was one of those mall stores that are like 5 feet by 5 feet, that would be okay, but my mom will randomly leave me alone in Target and then get all offended when I get mad because I can't find her. Raaah. And people glare at me as I storm through the store trying to find her. Yeah, read this body language, jerk.
And I guess part of it is she's assuming that I will stay doing the same thing for 1+ hours. If it was "Guitar Hero", of course, but she said something like, "After this we're leaving," and then leaves and when I find her she's like, "Why are you all upset, we're busy shopping for school supplies." WTH?
I don't know why I'm rambling on and on about trivial things like underwear shopping and Guitar Hero and Walmart and lack of communication skills. I'm thinking it's hormones. That is most unfortunate. Must have some more chocolate.
All that stuff they tell you when you first start puberty that your mother has gone through this before and she can help you fully reach your womanly potential, and she will ease the pain, bla bla bla, is such a lie.
Because when you buy bras and such, she shows NO SHAME. I mean, it's not like bra shopping hasn't gotten easier from the time you were, what, 11? to the time you are...not 11, but you it's not easy to look people in the face while you are discussing sports bra vs. demi cup with your MOTHER, of all people.
I'd personally rather go shopping with one of the Victoria's Secret Angels, because they know a lot about this type of thing, and they're so hot that people walking by wouldn't be paying any attention to anything they said.
They're busy staring at their unmentionables, if you know what I'm saying... ;)
So besides that little shameworthy detail, we went to Walmart and bought school supplies and necessary articles of clothing, including things with Carebears on them (tee hee :D), black pants (my first pair of non-denim pants in like...2 years), and a shirt that says, "I'm not a model, I just look like one."
Surprisingly, I found that in the guy's section.
I'm going to write a letter to the president and have him ban changing rooms. I was all feeling good about my body until I had to change into some really hideous jeans. I hate my legs. And I have pretty much the smallest boobs in existence. Which makes for a fun filled shopping trip for anybody. YAY! So I had to jump up and down three times whilst hugging myself chanting, "My body, myself. I love my body, therefore I love myself!" And it worked! Not.
I didn't actually jump up and down and chant.
And I hate it when Brio feels like telling me, "If you hate your body, chant, 'I am the daughter of the King,' over and over and you'll feel beautiful!" Wouldn't that just make you mad at God? For giving you a bad body, I mean? Or what you think is a bad body? Doesn't sound too positive to me.
Awww, underwear with little guitars and skulls on it! Rats, it's a thong!
So I just played "Guitar Hero" with William the whole time.
Does anyone else hate it when their parents leave them randomly alone in the mall/store? Because if it was one of those mall stores that are like 5 feet by 5 feet, that would be okay, but my mom will randomly leave me alone in Target and then get all offended when I get mad because I can't find her. Raaah. And people glare at me as I storm through the store trying to find her. Yeah, read this body language, jerk.
And I guess part of it is she's assuming that I will stay doing the same thing for 1+ hours. If it was "Guitar Hero", of course, but she said something like, "After this we're leaving," and then leaves and when I find her she's like, "Why are you all upset, we're busy shopping for school supplies." WTH?
I don't know why I'm rambling on and on about trivial things like underwear shopping and Guitar Hero and Walmart and lack of communication skills. I'm thinking it's hormones. That is most unfortunate. Must have some more chocolate.
life sucks,
other unimportant stuff,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Funky...like a funk...in funk town
What the heck is wrong with everyone?
And is this the beginnings of empathy to be forced to feel everyone's pain?
It seems like everyone's on about something.
It's like no one ever talks anymore.
Coming from a big hypocrite, I know.
Seeing as I don't tell people I'm mad at them because I hope it'll blow over.
But then it just gets bigger and bigger and I gorge on chocolate and it isn't pretty.
But anyways.
I personally don't see the point in just walking up to someone and being like, "BTW, I'm freaking mad at you, so don't p*** me off or I'll rip your head off."
But then if everyone waited for the other person to come to them, what would be the point?
And so I was sent into a confused and sort of guilty funk.
Until I played "Magic Daisy" on J14.com, which is hilarious, yo. It cheered me up quick.
And this movie cracked me up and made me smile.
He's so adorable.
I asked the Magic Daisy if Jason Dolley would ever love me.
She said it's all very fuzzy.
That just made my day.
I wonder if anyone from camp reads this.
Because I miss pretty much all of you guys. Okay, all of you guys.
I bet they don't, seeing as my profile says Elizabeth Goodwin, who is a real person, just not me.
I can't help it if I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.
Okay, I guess I can.
Oh well.
This is Lauren, signing out.
And is this the beginnings of empathy to be forced to feel everyone's pain?
It seems like everyone's on about something.
It's like no one ever talks anymore.
Coming from a big hypocrite, I know.
Seeing as I don't tell people I'm mad at them because I hope it'll blow over.
But then it just gets bigger and bigger and I gorge on chocolate and it isn't pretty.
But anyways.
I personally don't see the point in just walking up to someone and being like, "BTW, I'm freaking mad at you, so don't p*** me off or I'll rip your head off."
But then if everyone waited for the other person to come to them, what would be the point?
And so I was sent into a confused and sort of guilty funk.
Until I played "Magic Daisy" on J14.com, which is hilarious, yo. It cheered me up quick.
And this movie cracked me up and made me smile.
He's so adorable.
I asked the Magic Daisy if Jason Dolley would ever love me.
She said it's all very fuzzy.
That just made my day.
I wonder if anyone from camp reads this.
Because I miss pretty much all of you guys. Okay, all of you guys.
I bet they don't, seeing as my profile says Elizabeth Goodwin, who is a real person, just not me.
I can't help it if I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.
Okay, I guess I can.
Oh well.
This is Lauren, signing out.
One sweet day
I've been thinking what my reaction would be if I finally confronted all the people currently (and unknowingly) tormenting me today.
Wow. If I were them, I'd move as far away as possible.
And the one I'd probably rip apart already has. I don't know, it depends on what his opening line was. If he was all mean and crackheady like he was before, I'd either kill him or publicly humiliate him.
These are just some of the things running through my mind today.
"Singing Bee" was pretty sweet last night. I knew a lot of the songs. They played "This Love" and I finally found out that I got a lot of the lyrics wrong. Oh well. That song rocks.
I want that and "Makes Me Wonder" on my ipod. Maroon 5 is annoying, but they can groove.
She's nothing to me.
Evanescence. Pretty much.
Oh. That makes sense now.
Music hits me so hard/Makes me say oh my Lord/Thank you for blessing me/With a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet/Feels good when you know you're down/A superdope homeboy from the Oaktown/And I'm known as such/This is a beat uh you can't touch.
I'm memorizing this song for future reference.
My mom bought Hostess chocolate cupcakes. Party on.
Why can't all chocolate bars be 100% cacao? Would that ruin it all? PURE CACAO TASTES GOOD.
"I'm Jewish, but I'm not religious, because bacon is NICE."
Opening line to the next verse to "U Can't Touch This": Fresh new kicks and PANTS
Wow. If I were them, I'd move as far away as possible.
And the one I'd probably rip apart already has. I don't know, it depends on what his opening line was. If he was all mean and crackheady like he was before, I'd either kill him or publicly humiliate him.
These are just some of the things running through my mind today.
"Singing Bee" was pretty sweet last night. I knew a lot of the songs. They played "This Love" and I finally found out that I got a lot of the lyrics wrong. Oh well. That song rocks.
I want that and "Makes Me Wonder" on my ipod. Maroon 5 is annoying, but they can groove.
She's nothing to me.
Evanescence. Pretty much.
Oh. That makes sense now.
Music hits me so hard/Makes me say oh my Lord/Thank you for blessing me/With a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet/Feels good when you know you're down/A superdope homeboy from the Oaktown/And I'm known as such/This is a beat uh you can't touch.
I'm memorizing this song for future reference.
My mom bought Hostess chocolate cupcakes. Party on.
Why can't all chocolate bars be 100% cacao? Would that ruin it all? PURE CACAO TASTES GOOD.
"I'm Jewish, but I'm not religious, because bacon is NICE."
Opening line to the next verse to "U Can't Touch This": Fresh new kicks and PANTS
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sesame Street: For the kid in all of us
Luke is no longer adorable. He scratched up my arm.
I swear, Cartel's "Chroma" and Classic Crime's "Albatross" are my two favorite albums right now.
I need something to do.
My dad is giving up on Harry Potter????
For the present, anyways.
I forbid it.
Wtf, why do people like that poem?
Just because I wrote it doesn't make it good.
Jk. That sounded conceited. But I meant it to be.
Seriously, tho, I CRINGE whenever I think of this poem.
Because the end is SO CRAPPY and throws off the whole groove.
True, it's only been taken four times...
But everyone seems to like the Sky High quiz???
*currently examining every poem I've ever written*
Okay, sappy emo love poem got a 5 (taken 5 times, voted 1). I kind of liked that one.
Ew, this poem makes me SICK. But that's okay because it's been taken 0 times. *phew*
Bla bla bla, nerds unite poem is loved by all.
And then there is the one that I thought was pretty good, actually. But I guess I'm the only one that thinks so. Taken once, with a vote of 3.
Ooooh, ouch.
But that's good. Because I don't want a career in poetry.
That's like getting a career in teaching.
I would be a teacher, but there's no subject that I would enjoy teaching. I explain things badly. Except maybe gym. I love gym/PE/whatever.
Do do do do.
That's my day.
I swear, Cartel's "Chroma" and Classic Crime's "Albatross" are my two favorite albums right now.
I need something to do.
My dad is giving up on Harry Potter????
For the present, anyways.
I forbid it.
Wtf, why do people like that poem?
Just because I wrote it doesn't make it good.
Jk. That sounded conceited. But I meant it to be.
Seriously, tho, I CRINGE whenever I think of this poem.
Because the end is SO CRAPPY and throws off the whole groove.
True, it's only been taken four times...
But everyone seems to like the Sky High quiz???
*currently examining every poem I've ever written*
Okay, sappy emo love poem got a 5 (taken 5 times, voted 1). I kind of liked that one.
Ew, this poem makes me SICK. But that's okay because it's been taken 0 times. *phew*
Bla bla bla, nerds unite poem is loved by all.
And then there is the one that I thought was pretty good, actually. But I guess I'm the only one that thinks so. Taken once, with a vote of 3.
Ooooh, ouch.
But that's good. Because I don't want a career in poetry.
That's like getting a career in teaching.
I would be a teacher, but there's no subject that I would enjoy teaching. I explain things badly. Except maybe gym. I love gym/PE/whatever.
Do do do do.
That's my day.
Breezes and other hilarious things
Okay, I thought one of the lyrics for "Who Needs Air" was
"To dance upon the ashes of the burns of little plants", which doesn't make sense, but is kind of funny.
Funny to a freak like me, anyways.
The actual lyrics is
"To dance upon the ashes of my burned up little plans."
Why is he dancing again?
I swear, that song is up there with "All the Memories" and them. Might have to reprioritize that lil list.
I LOVE HARRY POTTER! Some memorable Harry Potter quotes and conversations.
Ron: What about the flobberworms?
Hagrid: Dead. Too much lettuce.
~"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
Fred: You might get sent dragon dung again.
Percy: That was a fertilizer sampler from Norway! It was nothing personal!
Fred: It was. We sent it.
~"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
Archie: *wearing a nightgown* I bought this in a muggle shop! Muggles wear them!
Ministry of Magic man: Muggle women wear them, Archie, now put on these trousers.
Archie: No thanks. I like a proper breeze around my privates.
~"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
Lol. The last one cracked me up for like five minutes.
Matt is reminding me so much of Percy Weasley that it's not even funny.
Luke was looking very adorable today. But then he peed on me.
"To dance upon the ashes of the burns of little plants", which doesn't make sense, but is kind of funny.
Funny to a freak like me, anyways.
The actual lyrics is
"To dance upon the ashes of my burned up little plans."
Why is he dancing again?
I swear, that song is up there with "All the Memories" and them. Might have to reprioritize that lil list.
I LOVE HARRY POTTER! Some memorable Harry Potter quotes and conversations.
Ron: What about the flobberworms?
Hagrid: Dead. Too much lettuce.
~"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
Fred: You might get sent dragon dung again.
Percy: That was a fertilizer sampler from Norway! It was nothing personal!
Fred: It was. We sent it.
~"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
Archie: *wearing a nightgown* I bought this in a muggle shop! Muggles wear them!
Ministry of Magic man: Muggle women wear them, Archie, now put on these trousers.
Archie: No thanks. I like a proper breeze around my privates.
~"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
Lol. The last one cracked me up for like five minutes.
Matt is reminding me so much of Percy Weasley that it's not even funny.
Luke was looking very adorable today. But then he peed on me.
Monday, August 13, 2007
You set your mind on cruise control...
...knuckles grip the wheel in fear to let it gooooo.
Love is empty, love is cruel, love it blindly breaks the rules,
How could I have been such a fool, it's something all of us go through.
You choke back tears and swallow lies, those rubber plates won't fix your eyes,
Count on having clouded vision for AT LEAST A LITTLE WHILE!
I love Classic Crime. I swear. They are amazing.
And it turns out they make me laugh.
"The Poet" is my new favorite song. Followed by "The Bitter Uprising", because some of the lyrics sounded questionable.
Or maybe that's just me and my dirty mind.
I remember the days when my mind was pure and virginal.
Gone are those days.
Hello to the days ahead, full of sex jokes.
Right then.
Hm. I shall list the Classic Crime songs in order of amazingness. Because I can.
1. The Poet
2. The Bitter Uprising
3. Headlights (you know it. COME HOME!!!)
4. The Flight (except for the annoying intro. "You guys are really gonna rock the whole wide world!")
5. Blisters and Coffee
6. All the Memories (I CAN NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN!!)
7. I Know the Feeling (of being all alone...so let's drink to the fact that we're not.)
8. We All Look Elsewhere (I used to hate this song)
9. The Coldest Heart
10. Who Needs Air (Singing silent songs of sadness...)
11. Flight of Kings (kind of annoying)
12. Say the Word (really annoying)
Love is empty, love is cruel, love it blindly breaks the rules,
How could I have been such a fool, it's something all of us go through.
You choke back tears and swallow lies, those rubber plates won't fix your eyes,
Count on having clouded vision for AT LEAST A LITTLE WHILE!
I love Classic Crime. I swear. They are amazing.
And it turns out they make me laugh.
"The Poet" is my new favorite song. Followed by "The Bitter Uprising", because some of the lyrics sounded questionable.
Or maybe that's just me and my dirty mind.
I remember the days when my mind was pure and virginal.
Gone are those days.
Hello to the days ahead, full of sex jokes.
Right then.
Hm. I shall list the Classic Crime songs in order of amazingness. Because I can.
1. The Poet
2. The Bitter Uprising
3. Headlights (you know it. COME HOME!!!)
4. The Flight (except for the annoying intro. "You guys are really gonna rock the whole wide world!")
5. Blisters and Coffee
6. All the Memories (I CAN NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN!!)
7. I Know the Feeling (of being all alone...so let's drink to the fact that we're not.)
8. We All Look Elsewhere (I used to hate this song)
9. The Coldest Heart
10. Who Needs Air (Singing silent songs of sadness...)
11. Flight of Kings (kind of annoying)
12. Say the Word (really annoying)
Harry Potter Happenings
I'm rereading the Harry Potter series!
Yeah. I'm on the third one right now. :( I keep seeing all this foreshadowing that I never saw before, obviously. And I hate reading it when I know which characters are going to die.
Tom: You got a smart owl there, Mr. Potter.
Lauren: *bursts into tears*
"Potions Class", the wonderous Youtube film, takes direct quotes from the first potions lesson in "The Sorceror's Stone".
Just not the part about hot babes. :(
Apparently high-wasted jeans are back in fashion. Ha. I had a pair before this news, but I feel so much more confident now that Fergie advocates my fashion choices.
Sadly, that's sort of true.
Ah yes, the silent songs of sadness song.
THAT'S a mouthful.
I was laughing at things that weren't so funny today. They were supposed to be sad.
For example, the death of a dog.
I was sad when I first heard the news, but the owner's reaction (my two year old cousin) was not sad.
Have you ever had a two-year-old contradict you? It's kind of funny.
I don't need air.
Sorry. Just singing.
Apparently "Thr3e" really sucks. In that case, I'm not wasting any more time on it.
My dad's already halfway through the 5th book. That's pretty huge. I don't know exactly when he started it, but when I left for camp he was still on the 4th one. He says he's going to finish it tonight. I hope he has enough tissues.
Yeah. I'm on the third one right now. :( I keep seeing all this foreshadowing that I never saw before, obviously. And I hate reading it when I know which characters are going to die.
Tom: You got a smart owl there, Mr. Potter.
Lauren: *bursts into tears*
"Potions Class", the wonderous Youtube film, takes direct quotes from the first potions lesson in "The Sorceror's Stone".
Just not the part about hot babes. :(
Apparently high-wasted jeans are back in fashion. Ha. I had a pair before this news, but I feel so much more confident now that Fergie advocates my fashion choices.
Sadly, that's sort of true.
Ah yes, the silent songs of sadness song.
THAT'S a mouthful.
I was laughing at things that weren't so funny today. They were supposed to be sad.
For example, the death of a dog.
I was sad when I first heard the news, but the owner's reaction (my two year old cousin) was not sad.
Have you ever had a two-year-old contradict you? It's kind of funny.
I don't need air.
Sorry. Just singing.
Apparently "Thr3e" really sucks. In that case, I'm not wasting any more time on it.
My dad's already halfway through the 5th book. That's pretty huge. I don't know exactly when he started it, but when I left for camp he was still on the 4th one. He says he's going to finish it tonight. I hope he has enough tissues.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thingy things
Who's heard the song "A" by Cartel?
Who LIKES the song "A" by Cartel?
And long.
All it is is sort of techno-y stuff and singing songs he'd sung halfway through the album.
Hm, win a phone call from Jason Dolley. Soooo tempting.
Mitchell Musso is making a rap album. XP Hate. He went down with Kevin Jonas.
Surprisingly, Nick's silentness and and normal lack of maturity are sort of attractive. Okay, attractive is the wrong word to use, but I hate it when teen celebrity guys are either really deep and mature or really annoying when they're like....55. Or just early to late 20's. That's not exactly teens, but it's really annoying. It's like, "Okay, we get it, you're trying to act retarded..."
They consider Jason mature and deep.
I just like his hair and his smile.
And Nick has a bouncy afro and isn't as annoying as his attention seeking brothers. But I think it's going to be like the whole obsession with Joe, it'll blow over and eveyrone will suddenly be all, "KEVIN! MARRY ME!"
Icanhascheezburger picture:
Two bunnies sitting in cups.
Weez in ur cupz, soaking up ur teez.
That was on my screen saver when I got home. Making me laugh.
Along with Zac Efron and Trevor McNevan. Can't get over it.
"And now *breath* I'm *breath* taping myself *breath* to*breath*ge*breath*er."
I love that song, though. Tee.
Who LIKES the song "A" by Cartel?
And long.
All it is is sort of techno-y stuff and singing songs he'd sung halfway through the album.
Hm, win a phone call from Jason Dolley. Soooo tempting.
Mitchell Musso is making a rap album. XP Hate. He went down with Kevin Jonas.
Surprisingly, Nick's silentness and and normal lack of maturity are sort of attractive. Okay, attractive is the wrong word to use, but I hate it when teen celebrity guys are either really deep and mature or really annoying when they're like....55. Or just early to late 20's. That's not exactly teens, but it's really annoying. It's like, "Okay, we get it, you're trying to act retarded..."
They consider Jason mature and deep.
I just like his hair and his smile.
And Nick has a bouncy afro and isn't as annoying as his attention seeking brothers. But I think it's going to be like the whole obsession with Joe, it'll blow over and eveyrone will suddenly be all, "KEVIN! MARRY ME!"
Icanhascheezburger picture:
Two bunnies sitting in cups.
Weez in ur cupz, soaking up ur teez.
That was on my screen saver when I got home. Making me laugh.
Along with Zac Efron and Trevor McNevan. Can't get over it.
"And now *breath* I'm *breath* taping myself *breath* to*breath*ge*breath*er."
I love that song, though. Tee.
A very long post
I think that title pretty much says it all, since I want to blab incessantly about the wonderous things that have happened over the last three or four days and THE NEW J-14!!!
Lol. This issue is making me laugh.
Zac Efron: I like my women like I like my peanut butter - CHUNKY!!!!!"
Does that not strike you as creepy? I started rolling on the couch when I read that.
And why is he saying this? Because he keeps making a big deal about Nikki Blonsky when he's dating Vanessa Anne Hudgens... Maybe he only dates girls that he just made a movie with.
So he and Vanessa should be safe since HSM 2 is coming out soon.
Man, stupid blogthings only has 4 good quizzes.
Right. I don't wear sandals.
Alos, it appears Nick Jonas has beaten both of his brothers in terms of popularity. HA! Take that, Kevin! Fake emoness won't get you ANYWHERE! Nice try, Joe! Maybe if...actually, I don't know what's wrong with Joe. I just think he exudes unmanliness.
That's not exactly true. Sexual orientation is a tricky topic for me.
CAMP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! The food was great. And we had cake for breakfast this morning. It was pretty SWEET. Well, cake and sausage patties. From the sack lunch I got, I only ate the cookie and the carrots. So my grandparents took me out for dinner. And now I have the house (and two microwave pizzas) all to myself. This doesn't seem right.
Campwise, I was on team Compassion, which was weird because I'm not the most compassionate person in the world. This coming from a Christian, I know. Maybe that was the point. To work on your worst trait.
But it was a pretty sweet group. We came up with some cool skits. Except for the second night. That skit, sorry guys, really sucked.
So now I actually have ideas for the coming school year, I hope I'm not a pushover president (I HATE BEING A PLEASER), and that the ASB will actually listen to me.
That's quite accurate, I think. Except for the chill person thing.
If chill means emotionally shut down.
Wth???? This is so mean!
Um, that's it. That wasn't actually very long. See y'all later.
Lol. This issue is making me laugh.
Zac Efron: I like my women like I like my peanut butter - CHUNKY!!!!!"
Does that not strike you as creepy? I started rolling on the couch when I read that.
And why is he saying this? Because he keeps making a big deal about Nikki Blonsky when he's dating Vanessa Anne Hudgens... Maybe he only dates girls that he just made a movie with.
So he and Vanessa should be safe since HSM 2 is coming out soon.
Man, stupid blogthings only has 4 good quizzes.
You are Flat Sandals |
Casual yet flirty You look great in a simple top and jeans Your look is approachable and cute! |
Right. I don't wear sandals.
Alos, it appears Nick Jonas has beaten both of his brothers in terms of popularity. HA! Take that, Kevin! Fake emoness won't get you ANYWHERE! Nice try, Joe! Maybe if...actually, I don't know what's wrong with Joe. I just think he exudes unmanliness.
You Are Not Prejudiced |
Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind. You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge. You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you. Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body. |
That's not exactly true. Sexual orientation is a tricky topic for me.
CAMP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! The food was great. And we had cake for breakfast this morning. It was pretty SWEET. Well, cake and sausage patties. From the sack lunch I got, I only ate the cookie and the carrots. So my grandparents took me out for dinner. And now I have the house (and two microwave pizzas) all to myself. This doesn't seem right.
Campwise, I was on team Compassion, which was weird because I'm not the most compassionate person in the world. This coming from a Christian, I know. Maybe that was the point. To work on your worst trait.
But it was a pretty sweet group. We came up with some cool skits. Except for the second night. That skit, sorry guys, really sucked.
So now I actually have ideas for the coming school year, I hope I'm not a pushover president (I HATE BEING A PLEASER), and that the ASB will actually listen to me.
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent |
Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. |
That's quite accurate, I think. Except for the chill person thing.
If chill means emotionally shut down.
Wth???? This is so mean!
What Your Pizza Reveals |
Your appetite is pretty average. You don't go overboard - but you don't deprive yourself either. [Er, right.] You consider pizza to be bread... very good bread. You fit in best in the Midwest part of the US. [Yes about the bread part, no about the Midwest. That worked for my dad, but I like living with civilization, thanks. SEE, that was a prejudiced statement.] You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods. [Very true. The Pink Door in Seattle sucks.] You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices. [??] You are unadventurous and boring. You should consider staying home when taking a vacation. [HEY! I am too adventerous!] The stereotype that best fits you is geek. You're the type most likely to order pizza to avoid leaving your computer. [I hate that this is TRUE!!] |
Um, that's it. That wasn't actually very long. See y'all later.
i hate social/class groups,
like boy bands
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Hold on to me, love
You know I can't stay long.
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid.
Those were song lyrics, but I'm actually saying goodbye for...erm, three or four days, now. Eesh.
Awww, wouldn't it actually be sad if someone planned their actual/farewell suicide around "My Last Breath"?
I don't know why this is running through my head, but it seems really sad so early in the morning.
Seriously. This is ungodly.
So I just have a few words for all of you before I go to leadership camp.
Blubber, tweak, North Pole, cinnamon...wait...I take back that last one.
Time for some "Headlights" to cheer me up.
And I know you're COLD, but come home!
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid.
Those were song lyrics, but I'm actually saying goodbye for...erm, three or four days, now. Eesh.
Awww, wouldn't it actually be sad if someone planned their actual/farewell suicide around "My Last Breath"?
I don't know why this is running through my head, but it seems really sad so early in the morning.
Seriously. This is ungodly.
So I just have a few words for all of you before I go to leadership camp.
Blubber, tweak, North Pole, cinnamon...wait...I take back that last one.
Time for some "Headlights" to cheer me up.
And I know you're COLD, but come home!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Trevor, you're so funny!
LOL, I was listening to "Girl of the Year", and there's this part where Trevor's voice gets all breathy and he sounds constipated/dramatic, so I was copying him whilst laughing really hard.
I just wanted you to know...
I just called to say I love youuuuu
I just called to say how much I caaaare
I just called to say I love youuuuu
And I mean it from the bottom of my...VOLKSWAGON JETTA!
You MAAAAAAAAKE me feel like a complete work of art,
when I'm just falling apart,
There you have it. The dumbest song you will ever hear. Fm Static's "Nice Piece of Art".
Besides FM Static's "The Video Store". Or practically anything off "Critically Ashamed". Yerp.
Would it be a lie to say I relate? Wait...did that sentence make sense?
I have no idea.
I just wanted you to know...
I just called to say I love youuuuu
I just called to say how much I caaaare
I just called to say I love youuuuu
And I mean it from the bottom of my...VOLKSWAGON JETTA!
You MAAAAAAAAKE me feel like a complete work of art,
when I'm just falling apart,
There you have it. The dumbest song you will ever hear. Fm Static's "Nice Piece of Art".
Besides FM Static's "The Video Store". Or practically anything off "Critically Ashamed". Yerp.
Would it be a lie to say I relate? Wait...did that sentence make sense?
I have no idea.
Hold up, wait a minute...
I have no idea why i'm listening to this song...
I was reading my giant and entirely satisfying book of fairy tales, but there are some things that just bother me.
Things That Are Wrong With Fairytales
1. Why are the heroines/damsels always perfect? "There was a little girl/princess/babe and she was beautiful and cheerful and perfect and everyone loved her so much that they named the village after her and her name was revered in all history books from then on, even though she'd never done anything significant except for being beautiful and cheerful and perfect."
Even Sleeping Beauty started out flawed until those stupid fairies came and perfected her.
2. Actually, Sleeping Beauty was kind of a ditz. "La la la, I shall go up to the tallest, darkest, gloomiest tower and poke sharp objects!" She definitely didn't win that prince over with her brains.
3. It said that the Three Bears thought their porridge was too hot, so they went on a walk to wait for it to cool. Yet Papa Bear's is still hot when Goldilocks gets there? Was his like molten lava to begin with? And how is Mama Bear's ice cold? Is she crazy or was it opposite day or...???
5. I dunno. Magic bowls??
6. Ugh. Little Red Riding Hood is stupid, too. And perfect. "Everyone loved her, bla bla bla bla." If she'd lived in MY village, I would've beat her up. A perfect little red hooded girl is just too intimidating.
7. And how did the hunter know the wolf had eaten the old chick and her granddaughter? Well, stupid question, but HOW DID HE KNOW HOW TO GET THEM OUT? Is he like the master surgeon or something?
8. Wouldn't the wolf have died as soon as they cut him open? Or not DIE, but wouldn't like 25 vital organs have been destroyed in the process? And cutting through bone? HELLO? BROTHERS GRIMM?
9. "But the rocks were so heavy that he fell down dead." WHY? Well, actually, no idea why, but it wasn't because they were HEAVY, genius.
10. I never really liked the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It was kind of dumb. And in this book the story was ultra condensed. It was only A PAGE LONG. WITH MINIMUM ILLUSTRATIONS! Just so dumb. Hate.
11. On the giantess in "Jack and the Beanstalk": wouldn't she get it by now? "The last boy was a thief, but you look nice." "The last two boys were thieves, but you look nice." Not only is it the SAME GUY, but doesn't this prove that you're really stupid about little boys??? "I only got robbed the last two times, and you're the same height, gender, and species. Come on in!" And as Lachlan would say: "And stay a while!"
Yeah. What happened? I got all cynical. LIKE ASHLEY WILKES STOCKINGDALE! Aaah.
You know, "Luv Addict" could really be about drugs.
"No," you say. "That's not true. They're just joking! It's really about love, not drugs!"
And "Candy Shop" isn't about sex...
I have no idea why i'm listening to this song...
I was reading my giant and entirely satisfying book of fairy tales, but there are some things that just bother me.
Things That Are Wrong With Fairytales
1. Why are the heroines/damsels always perfect? "There was a little girl/princess/babe and she was beautiful and cheerful and perfect and everyone loved her so much that they named the village after her and her name was revered in all history books from then on, even though she'd never done anything significant except for being beautiful and cheerful and perfect."
Even Sleeping Beauty started out flawed until those stupid fairies came and perfected her.
2. Actually, Sleeping Beauty was kind of a ditz. "La la la, I shall go up to the tallest, darkest, gloomiest tower and poke sharp objects!" She definitely didn't win that prince over with her brains.
3. It said that the Three Bears thought their porridge was too hot, so they went on a walk to wait for it to cool. Yet Papa Bear's is still hot when Goldilocks gets there? Was his like molten lava to begin with? And how is Mama Bear's ice cold? Is she crazy or was it opposite day or...???
5. I dunno. Magic bowls??
6. Ugh. Little Red Riding Hood is stupid, too. And perfect. "Everyone loved her, bla bla bla bla." If she'd lived in MY village, I would've beat her up. A perfect little red hooded girl is just too intimidating.
7. And how did the hunter know the wolf had eaten the old chick and her granddaughter? Well, stupid question, but HOW DID HE KNOW HOW TO GET THEM OUT? Is he like the master surgeon or something?
8. Wouldn't the wolf have died as soon as they cut him open? Or not DIE, but wouldn't like 25 vital organs have been destroyed in the process? And cutting through bone? HELLO? BROTHERS GRIMM?
9. "But the rocks were so heavy that he fell down dead." WHY? Well, actually, no idea why, but it wasn't because they were HEAVY, genius.
10. I never really liked the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It was kind of dumb. And in this book the story was ultra condensed. It was only A PAGE LONG. WITH MINIMUM ILLUSTRATIONS! Just so dumb. Hate.
11. On the giantess in "Jack and the Beanstalk": wouldn't she get it by now? "The last boy was a thief, but you look nice." "The last two boys were thieves, but you look nice." Not only is it the SAME GUY, but doesn't this prove that you're really stupid about little boys??? "I only got robbed the last two times, and you're the same height, gender, and species. Come on in!" And as Lachlan would say: "And stay a while!"
Yeah. What happened? I got all cynical. LIKE ASHLEY WILKES STOCKINGDALE! Aaah.
You know, "Luv Addict" could really be about drugs.
"No," you say. "That's not true. They're just joking! It's really about love, not drugs!"
And "Candy Shop" isn't about sex...
Now I've tasted chocolate and I'm never going back
Pretty much. Amanda Bynes = worst actress ever. "Oh Seaweed, you do care! I was so sure the color of our skin would keep us apart!"
I'm waiting for my mom to by Mounds bars so I can make some magically delicious chocolate blobs. Gobs. Things.
I tried playing "Miss Popularity" to get my mind off things, but the game glitched and I ended up with no guy and so I played again and accidentally selected the jock personality when I wanted skater. Tarter sauce. After that I didn't really feel like playing.
I heart my Lion King piano book.
I AM DONE WITH SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!!! I finished my last test and did all the chapter work so I am DONE.
Only he made me do the essay questions. :P
I really shouldn't like this picture, but I do...
I think it's adorable.
But you don't get to know what it is, in case you think I'm an a.) perv b.) freak c.) emo wannabe.
Which I kind of am. C, that is. B, somewhat, but A I don't like to think so.
Yay, Snape and Dumbledore conspiracy. Hehehehehe.
I love this Evanescence t-shirt. It fits great and I like to look down and see Amy Lee glaring back at me. Except when my hair's in the way.
Harry Potter insults:
"You're a Muggle!"
"You're a Squib!"
"You're a Deatheater!"
"You're a Malfoy!"
"You're a Weasley!"
"You're a Hufflepuff!"
Audience: Boooo, low blow...
I'm waiting for my mom to by Mounds bars so I can make some magically delicious chocolate blobs. Gobs. Things.
I tried playing "Miss Popularity" to get my mind off things, but the game glitched and I ended up with no guy and so I played again and accidentally selected the jock personality when I wanted skater. Tarter sauce. After that I didn't really feel like playing.
I heart my Lion King piano book.
I AM DONE WITH SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!!! I finished my last test and did all the chapter work so I am DONE.
Only he made me do the essay questions. :P
I really shouldn't like this picture, but I do...
I think it's adorable.
But you don't get to know what it is, in case you think I'm an a.) perv b.) freak c.) emo wannabe.
Which I kind of am. C, that is. B, somewhat, but A I don't like to think so.
Yay, Snape and Dumbledore conspiracy. Hehehehehe.
I love this Evanescence t-shirt. It fits great and I like to look down and see Amy Lee glaring back at me. Except when my hair's in the way.
Harry Potter insults:
"You're a Muggle!"
"You're a Squib!"
"You're a Deatheater!"
"You're a Malfoy!"
"You're a Weasley!"
"You're a Hufflepuff!"
Audience: Boooo, low blow...
computer games,
Harry Potter,
sexual humor
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Boiling da bunny
Wah. I basically spent all of my day on the computer and doing Washington State History homework. I need to finish everything by TOMORROW.
Ew. So THAT'S what they're referring to.
Bunny boiler. Ew.
Ew. So gross.
And sad. I keep picturing Luke up there.
Who doesn't love Cas Haley? Seriously, though.
Aaah. Scary.
In my Lion King piano book, there is the most amazing arrangement of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". I was like, "Woooow." Cuz it's challenging, but fun and really pretty.
I'm going to wear my Evanescence shirt tomorrow. Yay!
Nathan and William took Sorting Hat quizzes. William's a Hufflepuff (but he says, "No, I'm RAAAAVENCLAW!" Whatever. Can you picture William as a Ravenclaw?) and Nathan's a Gryffindor.
How did Percy get in Gryffindor? He sold out his family. Jerk.
Hahaha. I got a stick from outside, peeled off the bark, and painted it black with black nail polish. It's so sweet. It's my "wand" now.
Ew. So THAT'S what they're referring to.
Bunny boiler. Ew.
Ew. So gross.
And sad. I keep picturing Luke up there.
Who doesn't love Cas Haley? Seriously, though.
Aaah. Scary.
In my Lion King piano book, there is the most amazing arrangement of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". I was like, "Woooow." Cuz it's challenging, but fun and really pretty.
I'm going to wear my Evanescence shirt tomorrow. Yay!
Nathan and William took Sorting Hat quizzes. William's a Hufflepuff (but he says, "No, I'm RAAAAVENCLAW!" Whatever. Can you picture William as a Ravenclaw?) and Nathan's a Gryffindor.
How did Percy get in Gryffindor? He sold out his family. Jerk.
Hahaha. I got a stick from outside, peeled off the bark, and painted it black with black nail polish. It's so sweet. It's my "wand" now.
computer games,
Harry Potter,
Silicon Valley: Where everyone has fake boobs
You Are 75% Addicted to Blogthings |
You lead the pack when it comes to posting Blogthings. And your friends (mostly) thank you for it. It's cute that you insist on being called your Japanese name. Just stop bragging about your IQ score! |
I think this is the result I got last time. Nuff said.
I want to wear my Evanescence T-shirt. Hehehe.
Yeah. I spent the day at home, not wanting to go to school, working of stupid WA St history homework. Tomorrow's my last day and I have one more test to finish. And I'm only on CHAPTER 21!! ARGH! I think I can do it, but it's SO TEDIOUS.
"The Boyfriend List" actually takes place in Seattle, which is cool, so I listened to that while working (it was a book on tape). Except the end was thoroughly depressing and added even more to my minorly depressed funk. And I'm trying to read "Thr3e", which is the most boring book on the face of the planet, and "What A Girl Wants", which is about some 31-year-old single chick who's really rich and happens to be a Christian, but she can't get guys, and she ridicules guys who are single, saying, "You could be having sex by now instead of watching sci-fi movies!" So basically it's me all grown up, as a lawyer (blaaaah, puke, excuse me while I VOMIT!), living in *ahem* SILICON VALLEY. WTH?? And everyone there is an engineer. So Nathan is going to move there, I already live there, and I pray William will escape and decide not to become a lead singer like he wants to be (hello, no one in our family can sing. Well, sure, on tune, but he's no Sammy Hagar and I'm no Amy Lee.) and become an artist or a computer programmer and help me adopt children, even though as a patent lawyer (again, puking...) I HAVE AN AUDI AND A PRADA BAG!!!
I need to read a bunch of books, the library is dumb, am totally digging out that fairy tale book with the SHWEET illustrations.
Revelation: Is shweet just as bad as saying smexy? I don't say smexy, I hate saying smexy, smexy is officially the dumbest word ever, but does saying shweet make me a hypocrite???
Totally debating right now.
In the mean time, let them eat cake, eat, drink, and be merry, go have lots of little babies, and write apples. Crap, 7th grade flashback.
copyright laws,
immature guys,
life sucks,
Monday, August 06, 2007
Hey, look out for that moving van.
Argh, this is me killing Brittany Snow with a knife.
Another example of why the horoscope is always wrong: it has said I would have a four star day every day since last month practically, and today it said I would have a 5 star day.
No such luck.
It was while I was in the library checking out books that I just wanted to start bawling. It was pretty bad. And it got worse when I was reading Peach Girl 7 on the after-effects of date rape.
Not like I've been date raped.
But that didn't exactly improve my mood.
Love bites, hormones suck, Dick Cheney = nuff said, my brownies are gone, and I got laughed at by 3 freaks in JC Penny.
Guy: *really loud snort of laughter*
Me: Yeah, that's attractive, and you freaking WONDER why you're single.
But I don't know that for sure.
The day wasn't a total loss. I bought an Evanescence T-shirt and a Gryffindor keychain. I found a nice stick last night that I'm peeling and I'm thinking about painting it with black nail polish. Because I picture all Harry Potter wands black.
I put up some posters, too: one with puppies in Converse (awwwww, how cute), the FOB one in suits (I kind of changed my mind about it. Joe is smiling oddly and practically nuzzling Patrick's neck. Hey there, potsmoker, get away from Patrick! And Pete and Andy are all, "Lalalala, little twin brotherly things!" Only they're obviously not twin brotherly things.), and a Jason Dolley poster. (I looked through all the magazines I have and there were three Jason posters and the best one was him wearing nice jeans and just smiling.)
I want to curl up in bed, read my fairy tale book, and eat chocolate. Do. Not. Laugh.
Another example of why the horoscope is always wrong: it has said I would have a four star day every day since last month practically, and today it said I would have a 5 star day.
No such luck.
It was while I was in the library checking out books that I just wanted to start bawling. It was pretty bad. And it got worse when I was reading Peach Girl 7 on the after-effects of date rape.
Not like I've been date raped.
But that didn't exactly improve my mood.
Love bites, hormones suck, Dick Cheney = nuff said, my brownies are gone, and I got laughed at by 3 freaks in JC Penny.
Guy: *really loud snort of laughter*
Me: Yeah, that's attractive, and you freaking WONDER why you're single.
But I don't know that for sure.
The day wasn't a total loss. I bought an Evanescence T-shirt and a Gryffindor keychain. I found a nice stick last night that I'm peeling and I'm thinking about painting it with black nail polish. Because I picture all Harry Potter wands black.
I put up some posters, too: one with puppies in Converse (awwwww, how cute), the FOB one in suits (I kind of changed my mind about it. Joe is smiling oddly and practically nuzzling Patrick's neck. Hey there, potsmoker, get away from Patrick! And Pete and Andy are all, "Lalalala, little twin brotherly things!" Only they're obviously not twin brotherly things.), and a Jason Dolley poster. (I looked through all the magazines I have and there were three Jason posters and the best one was him wearing nice jeans and just smiling.)
I want to curl up in bed, read my fairy tale book, and eat chocolate. Do. Not. Laugh.
fall out boy,
Harry Potter,
Joe Trohman,
life sucks,
Pete Wentz
A real good trick to play on a pensioner
I wish I were British. Then I could say things like "snog" and "pensioner" and "duff up". Oh, and "kippers".
I hate these computers. The keys are always sticking and the internet is slowly.
Dat's right. I'm at the library!!!!
I already have plenty of books (including E. Lockhart's "The Boyfriend List", which is really amazing, actually).
I just need to pick up some holds and then maybe buy an EVANESCENCE T-SHIRT!!!!
I just saw Mrs. Sharon here, but I didn't say hi. Does that make me really awful?
Summer school = so boring. I had to take a test. And I think I broke the substitute's brain.
I swear, if my shift key sticks one more time I will kill myself.
Do do do do do
I wonder how Philip Pullman is doing right now... Random thought. I want to go home and listen to the rest of "The Boyfriend List" and do other frivolous things. Yesh.
I hate these computers. The keys are always sticking and the internet is slowly.
Dat's right. I'm at the library!!!!
I already have plenty of books (including E. Lockhart's "The Boyfriend List", which is really amazing, actually).
I just need to pick up some holds and then maybe buy an EVANESCENCE T-SHIRT!!!!
I just saw Mrs. Sharon here, but I didn't say hi. Does that make me really awful?
Summer school = so boring. I had to take a test. And I think I broke the substitute's brain.
I swear, if my shift key sticks one more time I will kill myself.
Do do do do do
I wonder how Philip Pullman is doing right now... Random thought. I want to go home and listen to the rest of "The Boyfriend List" and do other frivolous things. Yesh.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Denzel, tell me this isn't happening!
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is low. Even if you're tempted, you'd try hard not to do it. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
I swear I've taken this quiz before.
And every question was about an animal, and horse was always an option, so I'd pick horse. Duh.
So that means I'm afraid of commitment and I'm a slut???
But I chose polar bear rather than white tiger. I mean, duh.
So Jeannie's Patronus is mine.
Need to edit profile...
Not even the thrill of animated horses...
I tried to play "Legacy of Rosemond Hill", but found it really boring for some reason. I don't know, getting an animated horse's health up to 100 by walking around doing menial tasks has lost its appeal.
Heeeey, my room is all switched up. I know have a bed that actually touches the ground and it looks a lot better. It also makes me look like I'm living in a closet, but for the next 4 years it's really amazingly great. And everything is even more organized and THERE'S A PLACE TO PUT ALL MY CDS SO THEY DON'T FALL OFF THE BOOKSHELF. Baaah, I have this starry fabric that would make some nice curtains... Must be my Martha Stewart instinct. Wizard fabric, mwahahaha.
Aaaaaaaah, I love how no one takes my lineage seriously. Cuz Mac was all running around and killing things and his grandpa was like...hold on, a dialogue would be so much easier.
Mac: *running around killing things*
Grandpa: He's very rough-and-tumble.
Mrs. Maug: That's his Scandinavian blood! [Mac is so obviously Scandinavian, because of the white blond hair, blue eyes, and chubby cuteness. Wait...]
Me: Hahaha, yeah, same here. [Or something really stupid like that]
Adults: *blink and stare for 10.9 seconds.
Or maybe it's just because I'm weird.
Okaaaaay...everyone in our family (well, most) is supposed to be eating tacos here. At our house. It's 2:00 and NO ONE IS HERE. Dumb.
What is my party song???
Ew..."Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cindi Lauper...OH! "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer!
I party fun-like. Right.
Heeeey, my room is all switched up. I know have a bed that actually touches the ground and it looks a lot better. It also makes me look like I'm living in a closet, but for the next 4 years it's really amazingly great. And everything is even more organized and THERE'S A PLACE TO PUT ALL MY CDS SO THEY DON'T FALL OFF THE BOOKSHELF. Baaah, I have this starry fabric that would make some nice curtains... Must be my Martha Stewart instinct. Wizard fabric, mwahahaha.
Aaaaaaaah, I love how no one takes my lineage seriously. Cuz Mac was all running around and killing things and his grandpa was like...hold on, a dialogue would be so much easier.
Mac: *running around killing things*
Grandpa: He's very rough-and-tumble.
Mrs. Maug: That's his Scandinavian blood! [Mac is so obviously Scandinavian, because of the white blond hair, blue eyes, and chubby cuteness. Wait...]
Me: Hahaha, yeah, same here. [Or something really stupid like that]
Adults: *blink and stare for 10.9 seconds.
Or maybe it's just because I'm weird.
Okaaaaay...everyone in our family (well, most) is supposed to be eating tacos here. At our house. It's 2:00 and NO ONE IS HERE. Dumb.
What is my party song???
Ew..."Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cindi Lauper...OH! "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer!
I party fun-like. Right.
computer games,
fun parties,
I will give you Thr3e wishes.
Lol. Are you a gold diggin' woman?
She's a gold digga, but she ain't messing with no broke...finger.
Gaaah, I had to play trombone with my family during church. Wait. That makes it sound like we were all play trombone. Okay: I had to play a quartet with my family; me on trombone, Nathan on tenor, William on alto, and Dad on flute. We played "Simple Gifts". I didn't mess up like the time when I played in my grandma's church and my spit valve was full and I couldn't hit that high C. I mean, come on. IT'S A HIGH C!!!
I love this shirt. It looks just like the sweater Seaweed wore in "Hairspray" when he rescued Penny. ("DEVIL CHILD! DEVIL CHILD!")
Do do do.
I had a cute kid in nursery named Mac who reminded me a lot of Lachlan.
"I'm a giggly guy."
"Yeah, you sure are, Mac."
"*grabs mouth* I GOT YOUR GIGGLES!"
And then I was playing with Jaylin and we were fighting over a baby (A TOY BABY! I'm not placing an infant in my hands to play tug-o-war with.) and Mac was all, "NO NO NO! SHE HAD IT FIRST!" and he hit me with a goldfish.
Hm. This is pretty accurate.
I've probably taken this quiz before.
I love brackets. They are so much cooler than parentheses.
I swear, this shirt is amazing.
Kind of tight, but hey. I'M SHOWY AND I WANT TO BE NOTICED.
Pretty much.
Did y'all love/hate/despise/enjoy/laugh at my story? That's cool. I read a really crappy book by someone who supposedly received the Edgar Allen Poe award four times for her creepy mysteries for teens! Whatever. I read "Don't Scream" and figured it out in like 5 seconds. it was so obvious.
I'm reading "Thr3e by Ted Dekker. He's so much cooler than Frank Peretti, who's all worried about demons and crap. But he killed the dog. That ticked me off. >:P
Awwww, my cousin's dog died. He was a pug. So sad...
She's a gold digga, but she ain't messing with no broke...finger.
Gaaah, I had to play trombone with my family during church. Wait. That makes it sound like we were all play trombone. Okay: I had to play a quartet with my family; me on trombone, Nathan on tenor, William on alto, and Dad on flute. We played "Simple Gifts". I didn't mess up like the time when I played in my grandma's church and my spit valve was full and I couldn't hit that high C. I mean, come on. IT'S A HIGH C!!!
I love this shirt. It looks just like the sweater Seaweed wore in "Hairspray" when he rescued Penny. ("DEVIL CHILD! DEVIL CHILD!")
You Are Not a Gold Digger |
You go out of your way to take care of everything in your life. Including money - which you've got plenty of, thank you very much. And you have no intentions of being a trophy girlfriend for some bald guy. Just make sure that hottie you met isn't scheming to be your boy toy! As a successful woman like you knows, gold digging goes both ways these days. |
Do do do.
I had a cute kid in nursery named Mac who reminded me a lot of Lachlan.
"I'm a giggly guy."
"Yeah, you sure are, Mac."
"*grabs mouth* I GOT YOUR GIGGLES!"
And then I was playing with Jaylin and we were fighting over a baby (A TOY BABY! I'm not placing an infant in my hands to play tug-o-war with.) and Mac was all, "NO NO NO! SHE HAD IT FIRST!" and he hit me with a goldfish.
Hm. This is pretty accurate.
I've probably taken this quiz before.
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you. [Don't have one...] With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. [Yes and no...] You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. [Does this refer to karma? Question mark? The hidden side of your personality tends to be easily attracted to fads and fashions. You are showy and want to be noticed. [Hahahahaha. Emo...] You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. [YES! I'M A PLEASER! And it sucks, by the way.] When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. [Probably. Which also sucks.] |
I love brackets. They are so much cooler than parentheses.
I swear, this shirt is amazing.
Kind of tight, but hey. I'M SHOWY AND I WANT TO BE NOTICED.
Pretty much.
Did y'all love/hate/despise/enjoy/laugh at my story? That's cool. I read a really crappy book by someone who supposedly received the Edgar Allen Poe award four times for her creepy mysteries for teens! Whatever. I read "Don't Scream" and figured it out in like 5 seconds. it was so obvious.
I'm reading "Thr3e by Ted Dekker. He's so much cooler than Frank Peretti, who's all worried about demons and crap. But he killed the dog. That ticked me off. >:P
Awwww, my cousin's dog died. He was a pug. So sad...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Jake and Whitney...
...And why you should never cheat on your girlfriend when both she and her best friend have a Nokia picture phone, especially when she has the song "Luke and Danny" as her ring tone: A story that takes place in Canada because people say "snap".
There you have it. The title to the idiotic story I wrote so long ago... Okay, like two springs ago. This is just a TASTE of what was going on in my mind in seventh grade. There are some bits that you should just ignore.
I have "Ballroom Blitz" stuck in my head. No clue why.
And yes, I have come out of my suicidal funk. But I'm still a horrible person. With a horse patronus. Sucka...
And I have yet to edit my profile.
So, here you go:
Jake was down. His guitar was out of tune. His picture phone was recharging. [Remember, this is based off cellphone commercial, so everyone in this story is obsessed with cellphones. Okay. That's it. Shutting up.] Not only that, he felt inferior. His mom was a supermodel and his dad was an Irish folk singer. Jake looked down at his combination clock radio, which was blue and cost $10.95 at Wal-Mart. It was 2:30. Maybe he should go chill at the nearest AM/PM... [Also, Nathan had a huge obsession with AM/PM back then, so yeah...]
* * * *
Whitney was down. [I love that word.] Her mom had OCD and ripped down all the posters on her wall, moved around the furniture, gotten a new carpet [oops. Bad grammar.], and repainted her room NEON YELLOW. [I should add the word "had" in front of ripped, but I'm too lazy and I want to show this as my 7th grade self wrote it.] Oh yeah, and her dad threw out all the Diet Pepsi because he though diet soda caused cancer. Could life get any worse? She looked over at her combination clock radio, which was NEON ORANGE and didn't work, but she kept it anyway because it totally went with her now yellow room. [Ew...that was a horrible sentence. Kill me.] It was 2:30. Maybe she should go buy some Diet Pepsi at the nearest AM/PM.
* * * *
Jake looked at a package of Twinkies. They looked delicious and yellow. He reached into his pocket.
"Aw snap!" He exclaimed. "I only have KELLOG COUPONS!!" He contemplated shoplifting the tasty Hostess snack cakes.
"Hey," said the cashier. "No stealing tasty Hostess snack cakes." Snap. The cashier was obviously a mind-reader.
"Ew, that is so nasty," someone next to Jake said. "If something doesn't mold overnight, it has no nutritional value and probably has more calories than the state of Denmark." Jake looked up and saw Whitney. [Wtf? Is she really tall?]
Whoa, Whitney thought as she looked into his "intense" brown eyes. (description sponsored by Mr. Griffith of Fairview Jr. High) I totally want to marry you. [Yes, gentlemen, that is how women think: LONG-TERM.]
Whoa, Jake thought as he looked in her dark blue eyes. (description sponsored by Erin Hunter and Mr. Griffith of Fairview Jr. High.) You know where Denmark is! You could TOTALLY help me pass geography. [Actually, what she said didn't imply she knew where Denmark was. Aaah, I just remembered the end of this story and it's really making me cringe with disgust.] Whitney moved the Diet Pepsi she was holding to the other hand.
"Hey, I'm Whitney." Jake shook it and smiled.
"Hey baby." [OMGEEZ. That had something to do with Jason Dunn. And I can't remember where the "snap" thing came from. Probably from him. HATE.] He noticed a cell phone hanging in a cell phone holder (where else?) at her waist. "Nice phone."
* * * *
One week later...
"Hey Whitney, you going to the party that will involve dancing, food, and most likely alcohol even though we're all under 21? (30 for Miller Lite)" Whitney's friend Aleesha asked. [AAAAAH, there was that Miller Lite commercial where they wouldn't let the 21 year olds drink it and I seriously thought that was the LAW or something. Hate myself.] Whitney looked downhearted. She smiled sadly.
"Nope, I have to study. could you keep any eye on Jake for me?" Since the fateful meetin at AM/PM, Jake and Whitney had been going steady. [Sooooo 50's...] For one week, they were doing okay. Jake had called her once in the past 168 hours. [When I have a boyfriend, I will never call him and he will never call me. I'll just get a Myspace and comment him or something.] Aleesha grinned.
"Sure," she said as she whipped out her NOKIA PICTURE PHONE. (remember this, it's IMPORTANT) [I still don't know which is proper: punctuation AFTER parentheses, or before, therefore ending the sentence.] Whitney grinned, flipped her straight brown hair, and began a Pamela Anderson on "Baywatch"-like run into the library. [That one's for my BFF Toni. Lol.]
* * * *
At the party...
Aleesha spied Jake, with his normally curly hair spiked, talking to two girls who were OBVIOUSLY NOT WHITNEY (dun dun dun). She smirked, wielded her magic picture phone, took a picture, and sent it to Whitney.
At the libary...
Whitney woke from sleeping in her history textbooks to hear her phone beep. Someone (Aleesha, no doubt) had sent her a picture...OF JAKE CHEATING!!!! There was a text message: Sorry about Jake
Whitney groaned with disappointment. Someone heard her groan... He looked up. So did Whitney. An extremely hot Greek-looking guy who slightly resembled "Doctor McDreamy" on "Grey's Anatomy" smiled back at her. [I am going to bad writer hell.] Whitney raised her fine eyebrows, which she inherited from her obsessive compulsive mother. [I shall roast slowly among pages ripped from "Eragon" and "Eldest" and "Jake and Whitney..."] She smiled back and sent Aleesha a text message back. Jake who?
So there you have it. Go ahead and laugh. You've all read my bad writing before.
Hopefully I've grown, though. This whole thing was an inside joke.
That'll teach me not to write inside joke filled stories.
Tyler was wearing Speedos...
There you have it. The title to the idiotic story I wrote so long ago... Okay, like two springs ago. This is just a TASTE of what was going on in my mind in seventh grade. There are some bits that you should just ignore.
I have "Ballroom Blitz" stuck in my head. No clue why.
And yes, I have come out of my suicidal funk. But I'm still a horrible person. With a horse patronus. Sucka...
And I have yet to edit my profile.
So, here you go:
Jake was down. His guitar was out of tune. His picture phone was recharging. [Remember, this is based off cellphone commercial, so everyone in this story is obsessed with cellphones. Okay. That's it. Shutting up.] Not only that, he felt inferior. His mom was a supermodel and his dad was an Irish folk singer. Jake looked down at his combination clock radio, which was blue and cost $10.95 at Wal-Mart. It was 2:30. Maybe he should go chill at the nearest AM/PM... [Also, Nathan had a huge obsession with AM/PM back then, so yeah...]
* * * *
Whitney was down. [I love that word.] Her mom had OCD and ripped down all the posters on her wall, moved around the furniture, gotten a new carpet [oops. Bad grammar.], and repainted her room NEON YELLOW. [I should add the word "had" in front of ripped, but I'm too lazy and I want to show this as my 7th grade self wrote it.] Oh yeah, and her dad threw out all the Diet Pepsi because he though diet soda caused cancer. Could life get any worse? She looked over at her combination clock radio, which was NEON ORANGE and didn't work, but she kept it anyway because it totally went with her now yellow room. [Ew...that was a horrible sentence. Kill me.] It was 2:30. Maybe she should go buy some Diet Pepsi at the nearest AM/PM.
* * * *
Jake looked at a package of Twinkies. They looked delicious and yellow. He reached into his pocket.
"Aw snap!" He exclaimed. "I only have KELLOG COUPONS!!" He contemplated shoplifting the tasty Hostess snack cakes.
"Hey," said the cashier. "No stealing tasty Hostess snack cakes." Snap. The cashier was obviously a mind-reader.
"Ew, that is so nasty," someone next to Jake said. "If something doesn't mold overnight, it has no nutritional value and probably has more calories than the state of Denmark." Jake looked up and saw Whitney. [Wtf? Is she really tall?]
Whoa, Whitney thought as she looked into his "intense" brown eyes. (description sponsored by Mr. Griffith of Fairview Jr. High) I totally want to marry you. [Yes, gentlemen, that is how women think: LONG-TERM.]
Whoa, Jake thought as he looked in her dark blue eyes. (description sponsored by Erin Hunter and Mr. Griffith of Fairview Jr. High.) You know where Denmark is! You could TOTALLY help me pass geography. [Actually, what she said didn't imply she knew where Denmark was. Aaah, I just remembered the end of this story and it's really making me cringe with disgust.] Whitney moved the Diet Pepsi she was holding to the other hand.
"Hey, I'm Whitney." Jake shook it and smiled.
"Hey baby." [OMGEEZ. That had something to do with Jason Dunn. And I can't remember where the "snap" thing came from. Probably from him. HATE.] He noticed a cell phone hanging in a cell phone holder (where else?) at her waist. "Nice phone."
* * * *
One week later...
"Hey Whitney, you going to the party that will involve dancing, food, and most likely alcohol even though we're all under 21? (30 for Miller Lite)" Whitney's friend Aleesha asked. [AAAAAH, there was that Miller Lite commercial where they wouldn't let the 21 year olds drink it and I seriously thought that was the LAW or something. Hate myself.] Whitney looked downhearted. She smiled sadly.
"Nope, I have to study. could you keep any eye on Jake for me?" Since the fateful meetin at AM/PM, Jake and Whitney had been going steady. [Sooooo 50's...] For one week, they were doing okay. Jake had called her once in the past 168 hours. [When I have a boyfriend, I will never call him and he will never call me. I'll just get a Myspace and comment him or something.] Aleesha grinned.
"Sure," she said as she whipped out her NOKIA PICTURE PHONE. (remember this, it's IMPORTANT) [I still don't know which is proper: punctuation AFTER parentheses, or before, therefore ending the sentence.] Whitney grinned, flipped her straight brown hair, and began a Pamela Anderson on "Baywatch"-like run into the library. [That one's for my BFF Toni. Lol.]
* * * *
At the party...
Aleesha spied Jake, with his normally curly hair spiked, talking to two girls who were OBVIOUSLY NOT WHITNEY (dun dun dun). She smirked, wielded her magic picture phone, took a picture, and sent it to Whitney.
At the libary...
Whitney woke from sleeping in her history textbooks to hear her phone beep. Someone (Aleesha, no doubt) had sent her a picture...OF JAKE CHEATING!!!! There was a text message: Sorry about Jake
Whitney groaned with disappointment. Someone heard her groan... He looked up. So did Whitney. An extremely hot Greek-looking guy who slightly resembled "Doctor McDreamy" on "Grey's Anatomy" smiled back at her. [I am going to bad writer hell.] Whitney raised her fine eyebrows, which she inherited from her obsessive compulsive mother. [I shall roast slowly among pages ripped from "Eragon" and "Eldest" and "Jake and Whitney..."] She smiled back and sent Aleesha a text message back. Jake who?
So there you have it. Go ahead and laugh. You've all read my bad writing before.
Hopefully I've grown, though. This whole thing was an inside joke.
That'll teach me not to write inside joke filled stories.
Tyler was wearing Speedos...
Mr. Magoriums Magic Emporium
I just discovered I'm a really horrible person.
So basically I don't deserve to live. But neither does Elijah Woods.
I tried to Avada Kedavra myself, but I forgot that I don't have a wand anymore.
So there goes that.
I wonder if anyone actually believes I'm going to commit suicide.
Because, hello, I've voiced my opinions on the stupidity of suicide A LOT in the past two years.
And anyone who is suicidal, I feel bad but it also really p***es me off because there was one time when I thought someone I really cared about was going to kill themself so I tried to call them and stop them and I cried for like a day and it turns out it was about something really stupid and I didn't think they deserved to live.
See, there I go again. More of my horribleness.
I wonder if I would be coming to this conclusion under different circumstances. Hm. Maybe I should review at another part of the month...
Like in...a week.
Not only am I horrible, but I'm so out of the loop.
So emo.
I should go read some Louise Rennison to cheer me up.
So basically I don't deserve to live. But neither does Elijah Woods.
I tried to Avada Kedavra myself, but I forgot that I don't have a wand anymore.
So there goes that.
I wonder if anyone actually believes I'm going to commit suicide.
Because, hello, I've voiced my opinions on the stupidity of suicide A LOT in the past two years.
And anyone who is suicidal, I feel bad but it also really p***es me off because there was one time when I thought someone I really cared about was going to kill themself so I tried to call them and stop them and I cried for like a day and it turns out it was about something really stupid and I didn't think they deserved to live.
See, there I go again. More of my horribleness.
I wonder if I would be coming to this conclusion under different circumstances. Hm. Maybe I should review at another part of the month...
Like in...a week.
Not only am I horrible, but I'm so out of the loop.
So emo.
I should go read some Louise Rennison to cheer me up.
i hate social/class groups,
life sucks,
Psychosomatic...drama-y things going on in quiz land
A lot of drama going on in quiz land. Take a look:
I disagree; I can be very divaish when I want to.
Ew, that reminded me of Cheetah Girls. DIVA SIZES, YO!
Again, bull crap.
Dear oh dear, how well do I know my man?
They taunt me so.
Wow, I just realized everybody complains about the two coolest things on the planet: singleness and unemployment. Although I probably won't think this when I'm 30.
I'll make up someone. Or think of someone. Or skip this quiz all together. Hm, tempting, tempting. Maybe I am a Perceiver after all... Ew, that would make me an ESFP! NOOOO!
WTF???? "How Well Do You Know Your Man?" "Is He About To Propose?" "Is He Marriage Material?" WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Although the marriage material one sounds funny.
I'll pick Fred Weasley. Despite the fact that he's not a real person.
Wait, I have a real person. This should be funny.
Wow, this is really making me laugh.
Oh, snap!
John Travolta is officially the worst actor ever. And he had this really annoying accent in "Hairspray". Only in the last scene he was totally channeling "Saturday Night Fever". Almost started laughing.
My wand broke. :( Sad.
I love how not wrong this is...
Gah, more guy quizzes.
Would Fred Weasley show me to his mom? Let's find out!
Okay, I'm sure Fred doesn't want me looking like that...
I'm just a drama queen...
Ew. Hate that song.
You Aren't A Diva |
You don't like to cause a fuss or draw attention to yourself. You're easygoing, and you can even put up from diva behavior from others. This makes you everyone's favorite trusty companion. But watch out - it could also make you their favorite doormat. |
I disagree; I can be very divaish when I want to.
Ew, that reminded me of Cheetah Girls. DIVA SIZES, YO!
You are a Balanced Babe! |
You're direct and to the point, but never dramatic You've got the confidence to speak your mind to anyone But you leave the theatrics to Hollywood Level headed and emotionally stable, no wonder everyone loves you |
Again, bull crap.
Dear oh dear, how well do I know my man?
They taunt me so.
Wow, I just realized everybody complains about the two coolest things on the planet: singleness and unemployment. Although I probably won't think this when I'm 30.
I'll make up someone. Or think of someone. Or skip this quiz all together. Hm, tempting, tempting. Maybe I am a Perceiver after all... Ew, that would make me an ESFP! NOOOO!
WTF???? "How Well Do You Know Your Man?" "Is He About To Propose?" "Is He Marriage Material?" WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Although the marriage material one sounds funny.
I'll pick Fred Weasley. Despite the fact that he's not a real person.
Wait, I have a real person. This should be funny.
Wow, this is really making me laugh.
Dump Him! |
He's giving you a clear message - he's not ready to commit for good. And the way things are looking, he may never be ready. Don't waste your time on this guy... He makes Hugh Hefner look like an ideal husband. How you ended up with this guy: Playing a little it a too flippant and carefree. He's mistaken you for one of his kind. Or, he just doesn't care about breaking your heart. How you can find a better match: If a guy you meet isn't the marrying type, move on quickly. You can't make the wrong guy commit - but you can find the Mr. Marriage if you play Miss Marriage correctly. |
Oh, snap!
John Travolta is officially the worst actor ever. And he had this really annoying accent in "Hairspray". Only in the last scene he was totally channeling "Saturday Night Fever". Almost started laughing.
My wand broke. :( Sad.
Your Style is Sassy |
Your date outfits are flirty and fun - and make guys smile Occasionally you'll take a fashion risk, and it will pay off You're up for flashing an inch or two of skin But your general rule is to leave most of your bod to the imagination |
I love how not wrong this is...
Gah, more guy quizzes.
Would Fred Weasley show me to his mom? Let's find out!
Your Guy Could Bring You Home |
When it comes to meeting the parents, you're cool and calm. In fact, you're so self assured, you may forget to try to impress them. Work that famous charm a little more, and your boyfriend's family will be loving you. |
Okay, I'm sure Fred doesn't want me looking like that...
I'm just a drama queen...
Ew. Hate that song.
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