Friday, August 17, 2007

Aww, kids, you're too kind

"Kids" and "baby" (or "babies") are my new favorite words. Cuz you can walk up to a group of people (or just one person) and be all, "Hey kids!" Yeah. And baby (or babies) could be a Classic Crime reference (Would you go to war for me....BABY?), or it could be used to spice up a conversation (instead of, "We're all introverts," say, "We're all introverted-babies!"). I don't know, it's just really fun.
How is Blothings this morning???
Let's check.
I MADE A NEW PLAYLIST! But it's not organized enough to make a playlist movie. It's just a bunch of random relaxing songs.
Dang. None at all.
I have to make brownies today.
I'm thinking of taking those 66% cacao thingies and making some sort of frosting paste stuff. If my mom goes for that, that is.
I don't even know if we have any left...
"Stardust" is already out and I haven't read the book yet!
My love type is ESTJ???
What does that mean?
I'm also supposed to do that dumb personality test thing to see who I TRULY am.
Oh dear, an environmental movie about polar bears. Gah.
"SUPERBAD"! Which I shall never see...
I wonder how Nicole Kidman is these days...
All we go...

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