Me: .... About...what???
Mind: You know...
Me: .... Um, no.
Mind: You're just avoiding the question. This signifies low self esteem.
Me: Shut up. I do not have low self esteem.
Mind: Aw, do you want to talk about your complicated love life?
Me: WHAT???
Mind: Just a suggestion.
Me: I don't have a complicated love life. I don't even have a love life.
Mind: Are you sure? Isn't that what you've been fussing over all this time?
Mind: Wait. How come, if I'm your mind, I have no idea what's going on in...myself.
Me: I have no idea.
Mind: ....
Me: ....
You Were Pretty Average This Year |
You Were 45% Naughty, 55% Nice You tried to be a good girl this year... But as you know, being good isn't that fun! If you're extra sweet, you may have enough time to get on that nice list. |
I read "Jake Riley: Irreparably Damaged" last night. That was a weird book. I was pretty sure it was about an abusive boyfriend, but I was wrong.
You Should Be a Fiery Redhead |
Bold, head turning, and sure to show off your skin and eyes. |
It was actually about a slightly perverted (okay, really perverted) kid who went to juvie and he's friends with this farm girl, and within the first three pages he's taking off her shirt. :o It was like, "Um, right. What's going on?" And the rest was really perverted as well.
Why is showing a girl porn and suggesting, "We could do that together," romantic???
Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue |
You've got the personality of a blue eyed women You're intense and expressive - and always on the go You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in |
Boring eyes.
Wha??? There were some new quizzes...and now they're gone. They'll probably be there tomorrow. YAY, they're BACK!
I kind of liked Jake, tho. Except he made it sound like he'd experienced gay rape and I was all, "Man, that SUCKS," but it turns out he was into the gay sex experience. :P The whole sympathy thing sort of went out the window. But he kept being all, "I'm not gay, because I'd like to try girls," but he still likes gay sex. It kept him going in reform school. Please excuse my vomit.
And he was convicted of manslaughter, not murder. Silly Lainey. But it was kind of creepy because it was like 11:30 at night and Jake kept climbing on the roof in the book and watching Lainey sleep WHILST HOLDING A GUN.
VBS was pretty fun. We played a game where the kids would throw nerf balls and crumpled up aluminum foil at each other and the one with the least balls on their side would win. Yeah, I know, there are so many jokes I could make out of that. Ahem. Matt.
You Should Honeymoon in Mexico! |
After planning your wedding, all you want to do is relax No busy honeymoon for you. You'll take a warm beach and a cool cocktail. Plus, you can stay in a super swank hotel for cheap And discover that there's little better than a pool with a built in bar! Suggested destinations: Cancun, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Cozumel |
Do I really want to go to Mexico??? I heard it's overrated. Especially Cancun.
I'm *shuffle shuffle shuffle* LAUREN!
Pippin: *screws over the whole company*
I love Miss Popularity. Free game sucks.
I just realized the "Robert" on my favorite music blog might very well be BOB SMITHOUSER, which isn't bad, but I have dissed him several times on my blog. Let's just hope he never reads it. I do like his stance on music on his blog though, because he actually GETS IT. He doesn't listen purely to Christian music and he knows that just because music might be profane or sexual doesn't mean it isn't good, which I'm cool with. I don't know, maybe it's just his movie thing. >:P I'll ask him.
Lol, a quiz about alcohol. I don't drink, but I'll take it anyways.
Lol. "Keep partying, but as always, know when you've hit your limit!"
You Don't Drink Too Much |
Looks like you're a social drinker, at worst! Keep partying, but as always, know when you've hit your limit. |
Hehehehe. I don't know, when I'm 21, that Mike's Hard Lemonade looks pretty good.
Do men think I'm a good date? This is the question I ask myself as I lie in bed, alone in the dark, crying myself to sleep because NO ONE LOVES ME.
Hahahahaha. Sooooo emo.
No, I don't actually ask myself that question. I have much better things to think about, or try not to think about.
Methinks I'm a bad date...
Ooooh, a pretty good date.
Self esteem levels: *rise*
Yeah, really.
You Are A Pretty Good Date! |
You're kind, considerate, and usually a great date Occasionally, you slip up - but who doesn't? Just make sure to keep everything light and friendly And you'll be asked out again in no time |
Blah, some of these look dumb and....dumb. Mostly relationship crap. "Who wears the pants? Who wears the pants?"
2 more.
It looks like a book! Don't ask.
Gross. I don't want to smell like jasmines. Or sandalwood. Who DOES want to smell like sandalwood??? Rose = sex appeal. Well, I just switched shampoos and bought rose hip scented Herbal Essences. That should make them happy.
Your Fragrance Profile |
The best calming fragrance: jasmine The best fragrance for everyday wear: sandalwood The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: rose The best fragrance for energy: peppermint |
I think this was from "321 Penguins": One more! One more! One more! One more!
Hahaha. This quiz should be good.
Oh no! Imaginary Guy and I are TOAST!!
You Would Not Pick Your Boyfriend Again! |
When you and your boyfriend first met, things were different. And now that the initial chemistry has worn off, you're finding that he's not right for you. As much as it hurts, you know that you need to let him go - and find someone worthy of your love. The good news is, you can be happier. You just have to make it happen. |
Hahahaha. Ouch. I just dumped an imaginary person.
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