Monday, July 27, 2009

Listening to perverts sing

Thenardier tries to prostitute Cosette in the movie. Sooooooooo icky.
"Perhaps Monsieur would like her to play in his lap."
I'm trying to figure out teenage boys and Facebook simultaneously.
It's proving rather difficult.
Facebook requires a better attention span.
My mustachioed friend is not-so-subtlely pushing for a "relationship".
He thinks I'm completely snowed, too, which is...sad.
There are other random incidents of miscommunication that are still weirding me out.
That, and the double standards about body hair between genders really bug me when I'm out of razors.
We washed the trailer yesterday and ate all of the church's ice cream.
But Kevin took the first one, so it's technically his fault.
And Pastor Mike took one.
We proceeded to eat half the box and many melted otter pops. Mmmmmmm...
CCU gave us a free CD, and it's...
Aaaaagh, I can't do it anymore.
I need some Les Miserables.
Or perhaps some Matt White.
Mmmmmm, poppy goodness.
I've been listening to Michelle Branch, too.
And Nathan's loving Extreme for their song "More than Words".
Have to admit, I like it, too.
For once I have nothing to say.

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