Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween candy: never far from my thoughts

You Are Candy Corn

Your Halloween personality is whimsical, colorful, and creative.

You see Halloween as a time to get your creative juices flowing.

Each year, Halloween can't start soon enough for you.

You tend to go all out for Halloween. You decorate like crazy and always dress up.

What Your Love of Peanut Butter Cups Says About You

You are hedonistic... sometimes to the point of being greedy.

You love to eat, and there's no chance you're sharing your candy!

While you may be greedy, it's with good reason. You have great taste.

The things you love are worth loving, and it's no wonder you crave them.

Truth to power

Stupid creeper day.
Like, really?
I wore all black, gloves, and a skull bandana, and realized some people dress like that everyday because they're "hardcore" and "edgy".
Really, it's NOT THAT edgy.
And if EVERYONE is wearing lots of black and studs and skulls, you're not breaking any barriers.
It's annoying.
Our class will not win the Ho-Hos. :(
But we did have a party with cake, brownies, and bean-shaped cupcakes?
They were supposed to be shaped by hearts. They did kind of look like hearts.
But beans are better.
The Homecoming Court assembly was boring and rather pointless.
No music, no video, nothing.
They asked the members of the Court what their favorite school memory was.
That was the "entertainment".
Ew, Joshua Harris. I'm going to read his book anyway.
My mom says there's another book that completely disagrees with his point of view.
Ha ha ha. I kissed courtship goodbye, sucka.
My bass sounds very out of tune.
I'll read the sequel, too.
Don't you hate it when you reread a favorite book of yours after several years and it's...definitely NOT as good as you remember?
"Capt. Hook"'s just not the same.
But it's always nice when you read a favorite book and it's good every time. YEAH.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to the 21st century!

My library just NOW decided that it would be a good idea to get an automatic check-out.
It's about time.
But the librarians always glare at you if you use those, like their way is so much better.
"Wouldn't you like to check out over here? No? Okay. Are you sure? Do you know how to use it?"
Well, it's pretty self-explanitory. There are directions right on the screen.
"Scan your library card. Scan each book. *gasp* You owe $3.50. DELINQUENT DELINQUENT DELINQUENT."
"What Happened to Lani Garver" wasn't that great. It's like the "Geography Club". You hear so much about it, but when you're done, you're left unsatisfied.
It's not a BAD book. Just not great.
We were told to write an essay about the First Olympics and Mr. Hurd allowed us to insert our opinions into it.
Heh heh heh.
A librarian called us all fat today. It wasn't very nice.
And she interrupted our conversation about werewolves and virginity.
Not like those two topics are related in any way....
HA I'm a werewolf. No wonder I hate "Twilight" so much.

You Are a Werewolf

You are moody and easily provoked.

You are highly loyal and protective of those you love.

While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person.

But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary.

You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be.

It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature.

We're having an assembly for Homecoming Court tomorrow and I'm sort of pumped. We have to dress nice, though. :P
Who needs trick-or-treaters? I can eat a whole bag of flavored Tootsie Rolls by myself.
How untrue all of that is.

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You are a vibrant, vivacious person. When you live, you live as wildly and loudly as possible.

You are very bold. You are willing to stand up and be a leader.

Your inner demon is intensity. You have a tendency to let your passions take over.

People think you're cute because you're fiery. When you get worked up, it's charming.

"Monk" is the coolest. Mmm, Troy. No, Stottlemeyer, she did it! She's a bad girlfriend!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chocolate rain

Someone should write a musical about the U.S. Government, including great songs such as "Lauren, I am the U.S. Government (and I have something to tell you)" and "The Blues (The Terrible Twos)".
My mom's birthday is tomorrow, but we're celebrating today. :)
So my dad bought steak and no-bake cheesecake. His efforts to make a "surprise" dinner failed somewhat, but he got good food and a thoughtful present, so everything's okay.
OUCH. Someone completely dissed the Magic Attic Club.
Crappily written? Yes. Entertaining? Also yes.
"You should buy 'Fable' for the PC. Then you could download custom content like tattoos, and look like Spiderman, or the Hulk, or anything you could ever want. *hits with head*"
YEAAAAAH we won our football game last night!!! And the opposing team was one who'd only lost ONCE!
So while it was great that we won, how did we beat them???
This means we'll win our Homecoming game!
I hope.
Pep band is too great for words. Pretty much everyone in the band wishes they were a drummer, even if they pretend otherwise.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Butter my butt and call me a biscuit

Happy Mole Day!
Mr. Rosendale says we're born with 100 God-given exclamation points and we should use them wisely.
But we didn't know this until now, so we all get a clean slate.
They killed Lennie!
It was completely out of the blue. "And I get to tend the rabbits..." BANG!
Gary Sinise can't act.

You Are 35% Hyper

You aren't exactly hyper, but no one would accuse you of being lazy either.

You have enough drive to get everything done - with energy to spare.

You don't get overly worked up or rushed. You'll happily take your time.

And you definitely enjoy your down time. You can only be hyper for so long.

Unlike more hyper types, you don't have a ton of interests and friends.

You prefer concentrating on what matters to spreading yourself too thin.

That's for sure.
Today was better. Thank goodness it was a Thursday.
We're having a Halloween party in French, but not on Halloween.
No, we're having it on Wednesday.
"Young Blades" was such a cool show.
It was also a completely historically inaccurate and crappily written (and acted) show, but hey.
That's sad.
Well, THAT murder was justified.
But no others.
The pictures of Helen of Troy are never that pretty.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What is the meaning of life?: Melancholics at their best

Wednesdays are the new Mondays.
Or maybe today was an exceptionally bad one.
Because, on most days, I tend not to get into catfights with other girls.
And my guy friends usually have their head on straight and know that "horrendous insult" is not synonomous with "friendship" and "sharing your feelings".
To top it all off, some guys PURPOSEFULLY blocked my way in the hall and thought it was pretty freaking fantastically hilarious, which might have been merely "annoying" on some days, but was catastrophic today.
I'm pretty sure I punched one of them, but I can't remember.
And it was going pretty well up until lunchtime.
So thanks, to my former friend.
And I actually felt BAD about yelling at that girl.
She might be ANNOYING and SEMI-IDIOTIC and what not, but really? She's never DONE anything to me, and I felt HORRIBLE after our "fight". Really awful.
Really, guys are SOOOO good at ticking me off. They're PROS at it.
They're pretty lame, especially in high school.
I mean, they're so SHALLOW. They're "best friends" with certain girls (okay, yeah, this is me we're talking about), but only "like like" the "pretty" (read: slutty) girls, and are completely lame about overweight girls (*cough cough* double standard*).
So girls like me whine about the guys we like NEVER LIKE US (which is...pretty true) and how about no guy will EVER LOVE US. Then some guy comes along and DOES like us, but he's nerdy or weird or we just don't like him, so he "doesn't count".
So really, girls are just as bad as guys, which means people, in general, SUCK.
Why is it that guys think it's cute when girls act stupid?
Why is that attractive?
I wouldn't want the person I'm dating to be an idiot, or to dumb themselves down in any way.
I suppose it makes guys feel superior or something. "Sweet, she has an IQ of 5 and I have an IQ of 6!! I'm wearing the pants in this relationship!"
Apparently the criteria for a girlfriend is someone who's "pretty" and "stupid" with big boobs.
And why is it that girls who actually HAVE boyfriends flirt with everything on two legs with a penis?
You have a guy who likes you, you moron. Leave some for the rest of us.
And the weird thing is: GUYS LIKE THAT.
Yaaaay, the sluttier you are, the better.
Hurray for the need for attention and inattentive fathers (since that's the excuse always give for this behavior).
How do dating relationships even come to be? One person likes another person, and that person is so flattered by the attention that they feel the need to have this poor sucker stroke their ego every day by holding hands with them in the hallway.
Seriously, asexuality MAKES SENSE!
Because either you're dealing with girls, who ACT stupid, or you're dealing with guys, who ARE stupid.
Hope you enjoy that round of venting from your [least] favorite nerdy freak.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stop sending me cocky e-mails, John McCain

We'll never get bored cuz we can go boarding.
Let's let the sunshine take us there.
As much as I despise this band, this is a pretty catchy song.
Ugh, John McCain is being obnoxious. He keeps sending us e-mails like, "Good debate last night", and, "2 Weeks to Victory!"
I bet Barack Obama is sending similar e-mails to his friends, but really?
I DON'T think you're going to win, John, and I think you know that.
Mmm, corn chips.
It's hard to type when a dog is LYING ON YOUR ARM.
Thank you, Tie.
No complaining??

You Are Monday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by the moon.

More than anything, you are flexible.

You are moody and impressionable. You are easily influenced by the world around you.

And while you can be temperamental, you eventually adjust.

While Mondays tend to be the hardest day for people, you don't mind getting back to regular life.

You're the one waking up early and making the coffee while everyone else complains.

"La Boheme" and "Rent" are so similar, it's crazy. You can see things in "La Boheme" that Jonathan Larson took and added to each character from "Rent": Colline's coat, Schuanard's musical abilities, etc.
And Marcello is Mark and Joanne mixed into one character.
Alcindoro also reminded me a lot of both of them.
English was sort of a bummer.
As much as I love my teacher, we do NOT share the same views: morally, ethically, OR politically.
He was going on and on about moral absolutism vs. moral relativism and how moral relativism is how it SHOULD be, or rather, how it IS, and I got really bummed out, because he was completely dissing all my opinions (unwittingly, but still) and I didn't really get a chance to speak up.
It was just like...agh.
Ryan needs to eat.
Hurray for double chocolate Ho-Hos.
The best part is unrolling them and seeing the chocolate syrup. It's great.
But they're a little sticky.
Pajamajams. Pretty comfortable.
It seems like Jonathan Larson related to Mark the most, which is cool, because that's how I feel, especially regarding the song "Halloween".
Emma's little Pekinese attacked me.
But it wasn't very scary.
Don't you hate waking up early and thinking you're on time??
For example, when your alarm is set to 5:30, but you wake up at 1:30?
Sucks, doesn't it?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tinglies in that silly place

"It's the most horrible feeling! It tickles in all the wrong ways!"
"This wouldn't happen if you weren't so fat."
That's an annoying feeling. It feels pretty good, but when it comes, you're like, "Oh no, not that again."
Sometimes I wonder if guys and girls are REALLY meant to be together. Because guys anger girls by being weird and not communicating, and girls anger guys by being clingy and needy and OVERcommunicating, and you never really get a rhythm going.
But then girl-girl relationships usually involve INTENSE jealousy and guy-guy relationships lack commitment (in most cases, anyway).
So it's like we should all become amoebas and reproduce asexually.
Seriously. The world would be SO much better off.

You Should Maybe Be Allowed to Vote

You got 10/15 questions correct.

You're somewhat in the know, but you're not as informed as you think you are.

Your political information is a little old or incorrect.

Consider studying up a bit before you cast you vote! You want to make sure you know where you stand.

Trust me, I know where I stand.

You Should Be a Ghost

You are seen as shy and introverted. You like to blend in... or disappear.

You see Halloween as the day you can sit back and enjoy what other people are doing.

You don't scare all that easily on Halloween. If anything, you tend to scare people.

You don't try to be scary, but you do tend to lurk around and catch people by surprise.

Ha, that's funny.
Oh dear, that is...NOT that comforting.
Don't you hate if when your mom buys tons of delicious food and won't let you eat any of it?
I'm sort of pumped for Homecoming. The game, not the dance. Our football team is going to lose, but we're playing "I Saw Her Standing There"!! Yeah!!
If someone does something inconsequential and somehow gets in trouble for it, that's unjust.
But when they do it again just to prove a point, they deserve it.
But that's just me.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

You don't understand...I'm Jewish!

"Magic Attic Club" is the best series ever!!
I remember reading it when I was 5 and 6.
And we had this catologue with all the dolls in them, and they were SO SWEET!!
I never got one, but I spent hours looking at that catologue.
My mom finally threw it away in 3rd grade.
But Heather doesn't want to attend the Christmas party...because she's Jewish?
"I don't know any Christmas songs."
And her friends don't care, and she's all, "I'm sorry, it's just so HARD being different."
And, of course, Keisha, the black girl, celebrates Kwanzaa, so Heather feels much better.
Who ACTUALLY celebrates Kwanzaa, though?
Megan used to be my favorite, but they never described her as having "red hair". It was always either "strawberry blonde" or "reddish-blonde".
Alison was the bomb. But she only ever did sporty things. She never got to be a princess.
I forgot when Rose came in. I knew that they didn't like her at first. But then they got trapped in the mirror or something, which sort of sucks.
And they always wore their favorite colors. Like Heather always wore pink, and Alison always wore blue, etc.
I think Rose wore green. Because she was Hawaiian or something.
There are 38 books.
1 down, 37 to go.

Friday, October 17, 2008

No need to fear...German Kid is here!!

You're always waiting just in time to save me, I'm always useless, I'm not alone!!!
Hee, Stellar Kart.
Fridays. So relaxing.
And, for once, I have no homework!
Well, just a little bit, not an insurmountable amount.
Agh, all my friends are being weird. Well, not all, but some.
And it's weird in a good way.
Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. We know she did.
She killed Heath Ledger, too.
AND River Phoenix!
Who's next? Brad Pitt?
"Oh well, he has 8 kids. It's not like he won't leave behind a legacy."
So when they locked us in the school because they were "looking for someone", we knew it was Courtney!!!
Lumpia is so delicious.
Apologize to Joe the Plumber, Barack! Apologize!
Soren is pretty hilarious.
It's a hat day.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

But it's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise

Freddie Mercury.
Tyler is my bad friend.
We had to take the Washington State Health Survey, and they asked lots of questions about drugs, alcohol, and friends.
Tyler, Tyler, Tyler.
Yesterday they locked us in the building because someone supposedly had a gun.
But no one had a gun. We were safe.
And they didn't even check backpacks, so it was a little pointless.
Ha, my mom loves "As You Like It" now, too.
It's just so amazing. Even the evil duke Frederick is a sympathetic character.
And he get his happy ending.
He just wanted people to like him.
To achieve this, he violently overthrew his brother, banished his niece, and hated on everyone.
And then he became a Buddhist!
Progress reports came today. I'm passing. And I have plenty of credits on my transcript. Mwahaha.
Ancient Greek culture kind of disgusts me. Homosexuality was encouraged, but only to "keep girls virgins".
How come the girls HAVE to be virgins, but the guys can screw each other?
THEY SOLD LITTLE BOYS TO MEN!!! Pederasty was okay, too!!
And married women couldn't EVER look at another naked man, but "virgins" could stare at as many penises as they wanted.
Since all men in the Olympics were naked, married women weren't allowed to attend.
If they snuck in, they were throne off a cliff.
And WOMEN weren't allowed to perform naked, but guys were.
Talk about sexism.
Mes chiens!! Ou est mes chiens???

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Courtney Love will kill us all

What Your Nose Says About You

It's likely that you'll be lucky with money, though this luck may come later in life.

You tend to be stubborn. You don't take other people's opinions seriously.

You are straightforward and honest. You sometimes offend people without realizing it.

You are objective and logical. You make a good businessperson.

You are a realist. You aren't much of an optimist or a pessimist.

My great-uncle got lost in the woods today. I wish I was joking about that. He, my grandpa, and my other great-uncle went hunting yesterday and he went missing.
They sent out a search-and-rescue team. That's how bad it was.
My mom got a call from grandma at 3 PM, and they still hadn't found him.
3 hours later, she got another call, and Don had made it out alive.
Huh. And they say God doesn't exist.
I got a free jacket today. It's pretty comfortable. And it has Eiffel Towers on it.
My dad is NOT against violently plunging a toilet.
Even a toilet full of crap.
I know he's frustrated about the election, but he's yelling about it to people that don't care. I mean, I care, but being the pessimist I am, I'm pretty positive John McCain is digging his own grave.
Seriously, John, just give up now.
Well, do that or STOP BEING SUCH A PANSY!!!
Ha ha, I'm my father's daughter.
I bought a Secret Teen Spirit Stick at Wal-Mart. Does that make me immature?
I couldn't help it! It smelled like strawberries!
I also bought the latest Seventeen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are Beagles what Snoopy is?

You Are a Beagle

You are good natured. You enjoy spending time with people and animals.

You have a wild, independent streak. If you're left to your own devices, you get in trouble.

You love to eat and enjoy food of all kinds. If you don't get enough physical activity, you tend to have a weight problem.

You are very stubborn. You don't like authority, and you tend to do your own thing no matter what.

I don't know if many of you have met your exact opposite in personality, temperament, looks, and basically everything, but if you haven't, you don't know how lucky you are.
There's just this one guy I've been interacting with recently and we are POLAR opposite and he is SO ANNOYING.
He probably thinks the same thing about me.
But I find him FRUSTRATING, and I ALMOST murdered him today.
But Kristine held me back.
I'm sure not all opposites are like that. Just look at my parents: they got married, had 3 kids, and are still together after 22 years.

You Are a Pumpkin Latte

You are always up for a celebration. You are a very festive person.

You look forward to every holiday, and you are nostalgic for good times after they're over.

You appreciate the small things that make life special. You love little treats.

You often look at the world with childlike wonder. There's so much to enjoy!

Kay is so morbidly funny.
Every time I do my elephant war cry, an elephant has a stroke.
Every time we look at Matt, a puppy dies.
Just picture all the girls in the pound, as the puppies roll over dying. "I want that one! Oh no, it's dead!"
Isn't that awful?
Awww, Kay gave me a chiropractor pen, and Tyler said, "Ha ha, it's your spine!"
Do Germans just not give share food?
:O There was an accident right outside my house. The guys involved were quite inebriated. How charming.
And they just ran away.
And the state patrol guy did NOTHING.
"They're getting away!" "Uh, yeah, I just went to Krispy Kreme, so there will be no running for a while."

You Are 55% British

Congrats, mate. You're are probably British.

(If not, definitely Australian. Or Kiwi. Or Canadian.)

You enjoy most aspects of mainstream British culture, without being stereotypical about it.

You also have a typical British temperament. You wouldn't dream of being impolite.

If you were really honest with yourself, how many of you would be horrible cops?
How many of you would be chasing a criminal and, after 2 grueling minutes of sprinting, would let him go?
Yeah, that's American justice for you! Whoo, cops!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

All the world's a stage

"As You Like It" is my new favorite Shakespeare play.
The movie, with Bryce Dallas Howard, is pretty fantastic.
And it doesn't turn into a giant orgy like "A Midsummer Night's Dream"!
Bryce Dallas Howard is a good actress when she's not in a creepy Shyamalan role.
But it was so cute, and funny,
A lion randomly jumps out and mauls Orlando?
Jacques is the bomb. There's nothing wrong with being melancholy.
I'm going to read every Shakespeare play by the end of the school year.
Janessa's party was pretty crazy, what with all the cake and "Grease" and what not.
Then Kristine, Sierra, John, and I consumed large amounts of pork and ice cream.
But not together.
Worship team was weird this morning. It was like no one was feeling it.
Crappy teenage fiction is making me insane.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy colors and fashion advice

Fridays are so great. Best day of the week.
I finally took my chocolate to school again and sold almost half my remaining bars.
Progress reports don't come out until next week, but I'm pretty sure I'm passing each class with at least a high B.
Kay wasn't here today and missed the movie about parasitism. :( The bird ate the zits of the mistletoe and then crapped them onto the tree!
No more subtitles. We're so screwed.
Janessa's party is tonight, and I'm pretty pumped.
But there's so much to do.
Ew, gross. I think I'm fighting a losing battle.
In math, we just started STANDARD DEVIATION!! YES! I'm good at this!!
Alexander the Great was a hottie, apparently.
Tie's foot started bleeding all over the carpet when I got home from school.
And that interesting tidbit and the fact that I have nothing else to say means it is, in fact, a Friday.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sorry, forgot your name

It's really entertaining to type each letter really slow like people who type 5 words a minute.
There was this GINORMOUS piece of pizza in line today, and I was first in line, so, selfishly, I took it.
And it was the best piece of pizza I'd ever had at school.
Really cheesy, but not too cheesy, with a nicely cooked crust. And greasy, too, like it should be.

Your Pizza Says:

You have simple tastes. You don't like too many things going on with your food.

There are a lot of flavors you don't like... or you don't think you like.

Pizza Topping You Should Try: Roasted garlic

Stay away from: Eggplant pizza

I've been hanging out with Ben for 2 weeks and he didn't know my name until today?
Wow. Thanks.
History was a free period. Meaning we were free to discuss owls and Christian Bale as much as we liked.
We're now watching uplifting Disney movies in French, but there aren't any English subtitles, so we're on our own.
We were GOING to watch "La Belle et la Bete", but the French 1 kids were like, "WE'VE SEEN THIS ALREADY!!"
Psh. So we're watching "Sleeping Beauty".
It sucks when you can only garner information from pictures and random words.
Tyler is Britney Spears. He shaved his head and showed up today with a pink wig.
Mrs. Hamblet gave us candy. Because I asked her to. Kay wants to know if I'm God. Or at least a prophet.
Hurray for artificial banana!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Stupid actions require stupid solutions

You Are Having a Green Day

You are approaching today with a good deal of balance and awareness.

If you didn't pay attention, today could be like any old day. Nothing too exciting is going on.

But for you, today all about making the most of each moment.

You are seeing the beauty in every situation, and you're keeping your mind open to possibilities.

YESSS! I finally found a book series I used to read that I've been looking for forever.
There was another one, though, that was my favorite children's book, but I can't find the title. They just keep talking about the plot. It's like they forgot what it was called, too.
Steven Kellogg's Best Friends!!!!
This book made me cry in 1st grade.
What would you do if there was only one puppy?
Ugh, ethics are tiring. We read "Coup de Grace" in English, and it's a good story, but then we have to write about whether we think the main character did the right thing in killing his best friend.
True, his friend WANTED to die, but murder is wrong in any situation.
So while he was helping his friend, he did kill someone.
But if you're against that, then you should be against the death penalty, because if humans shouldn't have the right to choose to kill someone, then they shouldn't be able to murder criminals.
It's just too confusing.
We watched kind of a bummer movie in French, called "Manon of the Spring".
Manon's humpback dad Jean was sort of screwed over by Papet and his nephew Ugolin, who hid the spring from Jean and dried up all his crops.
Then Ugolin falls in love with Manon and sews her ribbon THROUGH HIS NIPPLES!
Try watching that while eating a roast beef sandwich. Ewwww.
Then Ugolin kills himself because Manon finds out what he did and hates his guts, and his suicide note was SOOOOOO sad!!!
He wrote about how much he loves Manon, and how much she loves this teacher guy, but the teacher guy didn't love her!! And Ugolin wanted to kill the teacher for taking Manon for granted, but that would make her sad and he knew killing himself would make her happy!!!!
I almost died.
Then, it turns out Florette, Manon's grandmother, got pregnant with Jean after a magic night with...PAPET!!
So Papet basically killed his own son and drove his nephew to suicide. But he never told Manon any of this because he DIED THE NEXT DAY!!!
Dang. Kind of messes you up.
I remember the Magic Attic Club!!! And the Cobble Street Cousins!!
I think they have every single one!! Checking them ALL out.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

You should be an electrician

You Would Be a Good Spouse 35% of the Time

In general, you have the skills and ability to make a marriage work.

However, you're still a bit too selfish to be a good spouse. You almost always put yourself first.

If you want to have a good marriage (either someday or right now), you're going to have to give more than you take.

Be proactive every day. Work on being a good friend, family member, and partner. With practice, you'll be an excellent spouse.

Hahaha I love life.
That explains why both Sierra and I want to die as 80-year-old virgins.
Kay draws amazing pictures. There was the elephant victory cry, and then her panda ate my elephant. It was quite graphic.
Paul was emo. He didn't like our solutions. He even drew a pencil so he wouldn't have to deal with any surprise "get better" hugs.
We took the ASVAB today. It was basically a gigantic military-issued aptitude test. A bunch of officers gave us super-sharp pencils and were super OCD about the perforated edges.
The best part was missing 3 class periods.
Then, when it was all over, I realized I'd just missed my 3 favorite classes of the day and had nothing to look forward to.
Besides French.
Dang it.
Tyler and I bombed that history test. The 10 points we got taken off didn't help.
That class sucks. All my friends have another teacher and talk about how much they LOVE history, where they get to make pyramids out of donuts.
It's not so fun when you have a teacher who loves history but has no idea how to make it interesting, besides allowing girls to bring in cake.
Ugh, I'm not happy with how my dad handled the whole worship team "situation". He called the youth leader and told him how "upset" William and I were and sort of put it all on him, but WE WEREN'T MAD AT HIM!! Our problem was with the kids!!!
And then he ended up being on his side, saying he understood "his point of view".
But he'd totally missed the point.
"He doesn't want to penalize the kids that can't come."
But it seems like he's penalizing the ones that actually do. "Thanks for showing up...we don't need you."
ASVAB results won't come for a few weeks. So today was a waste of time.
I'm going to end up as an electrician.

You Are a Chicken

You are a naturally curious and inquisitive being. You are often poking your nose where it doesn't belong!

Collecting nuggets of knowledge is important to you. You enjoy knowing everything you can.

You are very independent and strong willed. You don't like to be bossed around, and you do as you please.

You are quite determined and able to take on challenges. You will “peck away” at a problem until it's gone.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

At least have the balls to say it to my face

Ugh. Frustrating.
The wonderful little youth band told us to come to church at 8:00 AM, so we could "practice".
Turns out that not all of us needed to be there and it was going to be an acoustic session (meaning only the regulars got to play).
The messed-up thing was the ADULT leader knew NOTHING about this, but the TEENAGE leader did. And his excuse was, "Oh, I forgot," and, "I tried to call some people."
Right. Thanks.
So we "practiced" and they just ignored me and William the entire time. Even if I had a question, it wouldn't get answered unless one of The Chosen Ones spoke up and asked the same thing.
Then, when it came time to play, there's no room for me and William on the stage and they haven't communicated to us AT ALL. It's a wonderful feeling, being ignored.
Screw those people. I'm so freaking finished with them.
And they did the EXACT same thing when Sierra went and she never wants to go back.
I don't blame her.
It's just SO STUPID; they keep asking to people to "volunteer", because "maybe God is calling you", but when people show up, they ostracize them!!!
Seriously, what's even the point?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Quite the vicious circle there, isn't it?

Why does our football team suck this year?
Well, actually, I know why. Evonne told me.
It's just disheartening.
And, yeah, we're the underdogs of the district.
But when we're forced to play good teams from Olympia and Canada, it's almost like they're mocking us.
Pep band is the best.
If playing sports means I can't be in pep band, forget basketball.
Emma is an abusive boyfriend. Girlfriend. Thing.
Ben is semi-perverted but fun to hang out with.
Yes, we were the ones that threw the gum wrappers in Ed's hair.
But I was the one that threw the hackey sack at Paul.
Our trombones had socks. Robert's said "SHO" every time he put it on.
Fish is so nasty.
I'm going to ask Mr. Anspach if I can stay in French II after all.
Because if I switched out, I'd miss Janessa's generosity and all the sandwich-pounding, soup-spilling good times at lunch, as well as Matt's OCD smoothies and Kay's semi-pornographic gay manga.
Ugh, my internet is broken. So stupid.
Sarah thinks she lost the piano smackdown. But she really didn't.
Jake is weird. Ugh, Emma shouldn't have to leave. She just got here!
And her mom keeps saying stuff about raising money for Emma to go to California with the band, but they'll be gone by then, so is she lying or...?
Cuz everyone knows.
Amber ripped a hole in the space-time continuum. But Chris is the chosen one and has the power to save us all.
Agh. It was just so weird seeing her. Why, hello. This is awkward. Meet my awkward abusive boyfriend/girlfriend. No, Edward, no!

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Ooooooooooh. I know I failed that history test. I don't think anybody studied, or even read the chapter.
At least Mr. Hurd gave us freebies.
Tyler looks surprisingly good with his head shaved. And the seedlings are really soft.
It's kind of like he's always had a shaved head.
Though he does sort of look like a skinhead.
Ugh, people who think they're utterly superior bug me.
I guess that's why I won't be going to UW.
It's just annoying when my friends start acting that way.
And I know I act that way about some things.
I just never knew how annoying it could be.
Youth group SUCKS. It's like everytime I go is some new drama.
So I'm minding my own business and I get hit in the face with a ball, hitting me square in the nose and popping both lenses out of my glasses.
Nice, guys. Real nice.
So I start crying and Sierra had to fix my glasses and some guy (whose name I never learned) got me some ice.
That set the stage for a wonderful evening.
And my nose still hurts. At first, my mom told me it wasn't broken, but now she's saying it might be.
Ugh. All I know is it's even larger than normal.
My dad was listening to a pastor on the radio talk about homosexuality, and he supposedly "drove his point home" by stating, "Homosexuality was a non-issue until the Bible came out."
And that was supposedly a REALLY good point that showed how wrong homosexuality really is.
Seriously?? If I were a non-Christian, that would just convince me that the Bible is stupid and homophobic and God is screwed up.
I think my dad wants grandchildren. He snatches up every baby he sees.
Well, no, he doesn't, because that would be weird.
But when there's a baby at our house, he's like, "Baby! *scoop*" and holds it for 12 hours.
Matt was pregnant, but he gave birth and someone stepped on the baby. OUR baby.
Then he kept sucking on that stupid smoothie.
"Can I have some brown sugar Pop Tarts?"
"You're going to ruin your life! RUIN IT!"

Thursday, October 02, 2008

They didn't hire her for her brains

Woooooo homosexuals!!
So far only one person likes my "Rent" idea, but that person is ordering the movie on Netflix.
Don't you hate it when you say something that you don't mean in a bad way and someone takes GREAT offense and shoots you a very nasty glare?
Or when you try to do something you should already know how to do but you're too scared to do it because of urban legends and stuff your mom told you?
It was a weird Thursday.
I decided to switch out of French II and into French III and IV.
This made some people kind of mad, but for the most part they're okay with it.
But the schedule change won't happen until the transfer gets approved or something like that.
In advisory, they made us take a quiz about LEARNING STYLES!! YAAAAY, that's one way to make the time more enjoyable. I'm auditory and Alexis is a visual-tactile/kinesthetic crossbreed.
Then they gave us a sheet of paper with random things on it like "Parent on ship/deployed" and "Self-esteem", and we were supposed to circle whatever we thought was important.
Juan and I circled "Pregnancy/Parenting", because that's important.
Then they asked questions like, "What is the biggest problem facing your school?"
Tyler's going to shave his head. :(
There goes all his beautiful Davy Havock hair.
Now he'll have nothing but seedlings for months.
Or maybe he'll get addicted to it like Nathan and shave his head every month.
"Top Model" is so shallow and mysoginistic.
AKA best show ever.
That Samantha girl is so annoying. I desperately wanted her to be kicked off, but she got picture of the week.
Marjorie is sort of emo, but Samantha acted like being the least bit nervous or self-deprecating was a crime against human kind.
Ugh, Tyra is such an idiot. Seriously, she is genuinely stupid.
TV was ruined the minute they gave Tyra her own show.
Our band arrangement of "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" sounds nothing like the actual song.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Crazy things that Tyler has done

Because he's so narcissistic.
Tony asked me a very good question the other day: if guys think lesbians are hot, do girls think that about gay guys?
The answer: A resounding NO.
And it has nothing to do with homophobia or anything like that.
We just...don't find gay guys that attractive.
Or at least gay guys together. There are definitely some cute gay guys.
And girls don't have the same one-track mind as guys.
YAY, someone replied to my "Rent" idea!!!
At least one person cares.
AAAAAH Maricel took this cool personality test, and then let me and Tyler take it, and it's pretty dang accurate. Maricel is white (the peacemaker), I'm blue (forgot what that stands for), and Tyler is red (the power builder).
And it's on the internet!! Too cool.
Blue blue blue blue blue.

What Your Burger Says About You

You are very gluttonous. Even if you're full, you'll still clear your plate.

You are likely a fairly picky eater. And you're secretly a little squeamish about some foods.

You are bold and resolute in your choices. You don't back down, and you aren't afraid to go at something full force.

You have trouble making decisions quickly. Everything looks good to you... especially at a restaurant.

You are creative, open minded, and friendly. You are interested in all types of food and new dishes.

Wow today is super accurate quiz today.
Mr. Anspach came up to me with an interesting proposition: would I like to switch around my 4th and 5th period in order to be in French 3 and 4?
I almost said 'yes' immediately, but that would mean switching out of 5th period Biology, which I really enjoy.
I'd also have to switch to 2nd lunch and then I'd never see Janessa, Matt, Kay, or Klinker.
Ooooh. What a conundrum.

Your Hair Should Be Brown

You are an intelligent, well respected person.

You are very confident. You take yourself seriously, and other people take you seriously too.

You are a good leader, and you can be trusted with someone's life.

You motivate people well, and you command respect easily.

You are competent, successful, and organized. You can't stand chaos.

Some people mistake you for being cold, calculating, or elitist.