Monday, October 20, 2008

Tinglies in that silly place

"It's the most horrible feeling! It tickles in all the wrong ways!"
"This wouldn't happen if you weren't so fat."
That's an annoying feeling. It feels pretty good, but when it comes, you're like, "Oh no, not that again."
Sometimes I wonder if guys and girls are REALLY meant to be together. Because guys anger girls by being weird and not communicating, and girls anger guys by being clingy and needy and OVERcommunicating, and you never really get a rhythm going.
But then girl-girl relationships usually involve INTENSE jealousy and guy-guy relationships lack commitment (in most cases, anyway).
So it's like we should all become amoebas and reproduce asexually.
Seriously. The world would be SO much better off.

You Should Maybe Be Allowed to Vote

You got 10/15 questions correct.

You're somewhat in the know, but you're not as informed as you think you are.

Your political information is a little old or incorrect.

Consider studying up a bit before you cast you vote! You want to make sure you know where you stand.

Trust me, I know where I stand.

You Should Be a Ghost

You are seen as shy and introverted. You like to blend in... or disappear.

You see Halloween as the day you can sit back and enjoy what other people are doing.

You don't scare all that easily on Halloween. If anything, you tend to scare people.

You don't try to be scary, but you do tend to lurk around and catch people by surprise.

Ha, that's funny.
Oh dear, that is...NOT that comforting.
Don't you hate if when your mom buys tons of delicious food and won't let you eat any of it?
I'm sort of pumped for Homecoming. The game, not the dance. Our football team is going to lose, but we're playing "I Saw Her Standing There"!! Yeah!!
If someone does something inconsequential and somehow gets in trouble for it, that's unjust.
But when they do it again just to prove a point, they deserve it.
But that's just me.

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