How come I had sucky dreams last night and really good dreams the night before? I mean, last night, all I dreamed about was seeing various people from school at the library and I got a J. K. Rowling book called "The Ticking Time Bomb", which I found very ironic.
But the night before was cool. Only weird thing was the all white ghetto??? Man, even my dreams are racist. I'm going to get sent to racist prison, even though I'm not. I just happen to like being white, but not like I'm all for killing "the blacks, fags, etc." Yeah, KKK equals ridiculous.
But yeah. There was a pretty sweet school. It was like an airport. Yeaah. How come whenever I dream about school I wake up crying because it's so much cooler than my own. And I saw Mr. Johnson and he screamed and ran away so I chased him down the elevator (ELEVATOR!) and yeah.
The last part would've made the fuzzies happy. Heck, it made me happy. No, it was not pornographic in any way, shape, or form.
School was boring. I finished the second unit but I didn't want to take a test so I had to read about stupid salmon fishing for like 20 minutes. WHO EVEN CARES? When I signed out, I almost put 10:17 PM just to see what would happen. It would mean I would never have to go to school again, but school ends at 1:00, so I doubt they would believe I'd been there for 13+ hours.
I just realized I've never heard "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me'" and I've been calling "Get Busy Living..." that (and "XO" "Get Busy Living...") for quite a while. So dumb. But the "A Little Less Sixteen Candles..." video was weird. How come Joe and Patrick never speak???
AAAAAA WIZARD ANGST! I'm tired of trying to watch stupid "Harry Potter American Idol". I'll just watch THIS. "No tomfoolery today, Ron!"
I read a really gross book yesterday. It made me feel unclean after I finished it. And it turns out that someone isn't real?? Sort of a copout. "The Basic Eight". They said it was "funny", but it was just gross.
"Why must you hurt me in this way, Harry?"
Dang, it did that thing where it just stops at a certain point and refuses to go on.
How come the vampire vid loaded so FAST. Anger.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
As we know, whites are all horrible. VIVE LA DIFFERENCE!
Yeah. I finished the stupid chapter on multiculturalism. It was hard. And now I'm doing stupid chapter 16 and ALL THE ANSWERS I NEEDED IN CHAPTER 15 AND HAD TO MAKE UP ARE IN THIS CHAPTER!!! Why? Why can't they put the right answers in the chapter I'm doing? So I sort of stopped... I mean, I know it's bad that I skipped school, but my mom was cool with it...
Okay, this is weird...but I'll write down my answers anyways...
1. Put the five following animals in order of preference: Cow, tiger, sheep, horse, pig.
Easy...Horse, cow, pig, tiger, sheep.
2. Write one word that describes each of the following: dog, cat, rat, coffee, sea.
Does anyone else think this music is annoying??
Dog: Happy
Cat: Independent (duh)
Rat: Gross
Coffee: Bitter
Sea: Blue
3. Think of someone, who also knows you and is important to you, which you can relate them to the following colors. Do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each color.
Yellow: Walker
Orange: Brooke
Red: Tyler
White: Dylan
Green: Toni
4. Finally, write down your favorite number, and your favorite day of the week.
My favorite day of the week is always changing... Okay, 11 and Friday.
Oh dear. PLEASE BE SURE THESE ANSWERS ARE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. What I want is no fuzzies and for this music to STOP.
Bla bla bla, repeat your wish.
Okay, animals signify priorities???
Horse: Family (SO TRUE); Cow: Career (so NOT true...sort, Pig: Money (HAHAHAHAHA so funny and true), Tiger: Pride (ouch), Sheep: Love (why does everything make sense now? Ouch. Ouch. My heart just deflated.)
The description of dog (happy) implies my personality. (uh...sure...except for PMS.)
The description of cat (independent) implies the personality...OF MY PARTNER!!! (AAAAH laughing so hard, because it's true and funny...only I don't have a partner, just someone I WISH was my partner, but seriously. Wow.)
Wow, these keep getting better and better.
Rat (gross) describes your enemies (lol), coffee (bitter) describes what you think of sex (Um, WHAT? HOW IS SEX BITTER????), and sea (blue) describes my own life (YES! MY LIFE IS SO BLUE RIGHT NOW!!!).
I will never forget Walker (eh), Brooke is my true friend (she's 2...and she recently ate a napkin...), I really love Tyler (that's disgusting.), Dylan is my twin soul (not so much...we barely talked.), and I will forever remember Toni!!! (that's pretty true :D)
Finally! The signifigance of Friday and 11 are...LAME! I have to send this to 11 people and my wish will come true by Friday. I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Go here if you need a laugh.
Sorry, but I am not sending this to 11 people just to get rid of my fuzzies.
I was thinking about playing Miss Popularity and only have my character wear jeans.
Am I an "It" Girl? So curious. Lol.
Oh, burn.
After that, Miss Popularity sounds very promising right now.
Okay, this is weird...but I'll write down my answers anyways...
1. Put the five following animals in order of preference: Cow, tiger, sheep, horse, pig.
Easy...Horse, cow, pig, tiger, sheep.
2. Write one word that describes each of the following: dog, cat, rat, coffee, sea.
Does anyone else think this music is annoying??
Dog: Happy
Cat: Independent (duh)
Rat: Gross
Coffee: Bitter
Sea: Blue
3. Think of someone, who also knows you and is important to you, which you can relate them to the following colors. Do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each color.
Yellow: Walker
Orange: Brooke
Red: Tyler
White: Dylan
Green: Toni
4. Finally, write down your favorite number, and your favorite day of the week.
My favorite day of the week is always changing... Okay, 11 and Friday.
Oh dear. PLEASE BE SURE THESE ANSWERS ARE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. What I want is no fuzzies and for this music to STOP.
Bla bla bla, repeat your wish.
Okay, animals signify priorities???
Horse: Family (SO TRUE); Cow: Career (so NOT true...sort, Pig: Money (HAHAHAHAHA so funny and true), Tiger: Pride (ouch), Sheep: Love (why does everything make sense now? Ouch. Ouch. My heart just deflated.)
The description of dog (happy) implies my personality. (uh...sure...except for PMS.)
The description of cat (independent) implies the personality...OF MY PARTNER!!! (AAAAH laughing so hard, because it's true and funny...only I don't have a partner, just someone I WISH was my partner, but seriously. Wow.)
Wow, these keep getting better and better.
Rat (gross) describes your enemies (lol), coffee (bitter) describes what you think of sex (Um, WHAT? HOW IS SEX BITTER????), and sea (blue) describes my own life (YES! MY LIFE IS SO BLUE RIGHT NOW!!!).
I will never forget Walker (eh), Brooke is my true friend (she's 2...and she recently ate a napkin...), I really love Tyler (that's disgusting.), Dylan is my twin soul (not so much...we barely talked.), and I will forever remember Toni!!! (that's pretty true :D)
Finally! The signifigance of Friday and 11 are...LAME! I have to send this to 11 people and my wish will come true by Friday. I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Go here if you need a laugh.
Sorry, but I am not sending this to 11 people just to get rid of my fuzzies.
I was thinking about playing Miss Popularity and only have my character wear jeans.
Am I an "It" Girl? So curious. Lol.
You Belong in New York |
You could be an "it girl," if you wanted to be... Just be a little more outgoing and let people see how great you are. You've got what it takes - you just have to put it out there! |
Oh, burn.
After that, Miss Popularity sounds very promising right now.
computer games,
hot guys,
i hate social/class groups,
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Ooooh, how luxurious.
You Are Midtown |
You love so many things, you don't fit into any one label. Your city girl persona goes to a fancy restaurant one night and a dive bar the next. |
Yeah. Pretty much.
Was I missed at all? Yes??? No???
I actually didn't miss you, OR blogging. It was kind of cool.
I think I missed Friday's slew. Oh well.
CREATION WAS AMAZING! I actually like eastern Washington.
I will say it now: WESTERN WASHINGTON SUCKS. Forget the coastal region. WELCOME TO THE GORGE, HOW MAY I HELP YOU?
I'm totally moving there and starting a dairy farm.
Wow, this quiz is making me laugh already. "Is he a boy or a man?"
However, the first day of Creation really sucked because we got there at 4:30 AM and I'd been up since the day before, and I didn't sleep AT ALL. It was bad. So I just at there and read all 6 of the books I'd brought with me. And the evening concerts were so not worth it. Except for Relient K, who is amazing.
I cannot wait for this result.
OH NO!!!!
He is a Man |
You have yourself a perfect gentleman and a total keeper Your guy almost always acts appropriately He's probably even very upstanding when you're not around There's no boy left in your boyfriend - he's all man! |
He's all man! Lol.
That is not what I would say.
"You have yourself a perfect gentleman." Um, not really.
Oh boy. Extroversion versus introversion.
There was this petting zooish thing near the main stage that had a miniature horse, a pig, two puppies, a goose, some ducks, some chickens, lots of goats (pygmy and otherwise), a turtle/tortoise (who knows...), and a CAPYBURA. Also a cow and some zebus, but they are unimportant.
Pig = adorable. Who needs a pug when you've got a PIG? He liked pretzels (don't ask how I know that). But now I know the expression "sweat like a pig". Gross.
You Are An Extrovert! |
You have a ton of friends, perhaps more friends than anyone you know. Nothing to do on Friday night? No problem for you to find the action. You're friendly, easy to know, and you seem to get along with almost everyone. You love to express yourself - and everyone knows a good deal about you. Whether you're giving your opinion or sharing your dreams, you don't keep anything in. |
YES! Kind of knew that. Living life on the EXTROVERTED side.
Some really good concerts were Run Kid Run, David Crowder band, MXPX, Red, Stellar Kart, and...can't really remember anymore. Oh yeah, Disciple and KJ-52. Cools.
I yelled at someone to watch out for the kangaroos. It's all good.
But then some guy came up and did a Polish dance??? And Ben is a secret agent???? And a guy wearing cool pants liked MXPX???
Life is odd.
Hm, this should be weird...
You Should Wear Black Lipstick |
Confident, dramatic, and unexpected. Your look: Gothic beauty Your signature lip gloss flavor: Ginger |
No, I'm good, thanks.
Aaaah, so looking forward to the "Is He A Playa?" quiz.
How does my mood rate?
Okay, Tobymac is trash. HIS BAND IS BETTER THAN HE IS. And he's not even okay. Very subpar.
They're going to say like 8! or 7! or 10! 10! 10! various times. I hate that. SAY 10 ONCE! SAYING 10 MORE THAN ONCE DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER!
Your Mood is a 8 |
You're definitely having a pretty good day. It could be better, but not a lot better! |
Uh, I wasn't before. Stupid guy woke us up at 6:00. WITH A MEGAPHONE.
But we went to Perkins and I got a muffin and a Belgian waffle and bacon and saw my prayer leader in the bathroom but then a toilet flooded and I was trying to escape but then I couldn't get the towels out.
What Kind of First Impression Do I Make...NO COMMENT.
And the answer is...*drum roll*...please don't be lame or "You give off a shy vibe, so people hate you." Thaaaaanks.
To quote "Take the Lead": Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?
Hey, Elijah Kelley was in that movie. And I just like saying the above because the Asian kid was Rufio and I have a hard time taking him seriously.
You Make a Good First Impression |
You probably are making a much better impression than you realize. Social situations can be a bit awkward for you at times, and you tend to over think what you say and do. If you make a social faux pas, you remember it a lot longer than anyone else does. Just relax and do your best. There are little things you can do to improve your social image. Express more of an interest in the people around you, and be a good listener. The secret of fascinating people is that they find everyone else fascinating! |
A quiz about LA or NY. I am NY. Because I'm so hardcore.
Hardcore is officially the dumbest word ever.
Actually, no. Just depends on how it's used.
See? Told you.
You Belong in New York |
You're a girl on the go, and LA's laid back lifestyle isn't really your thing. You prefer a city that never sleeps, and people as ambitious as you are. Cultured and street smart, you can truly appreciate everything New York has to offer. |
Slightly disagree.
I just think "hardcore", like Rufio, is hard to take seriously.
AM I PICKY ABOUT MEN? Ooooh, that makes my spine tingle.
I am picky when it counts. Here that, fuzzies? I am picky when it counts.
I just realized the fuzzies are stronger the farther you are from homebase. If you catch my drift.
Wow. Wow. Wow. This description couldn't be wronger.
You Are Picky When it Counts |
Like most sane women, you want a great guy who will treat you well. But you're also willing to put up with a few flaws in your Mr. Right You should congratulate yourself on having a realistic approach to dating. You probably have quite a few great guys you can date! |
I don't mean to come off sounding like I have very little self esteem, BUT LET'S BE REALISTIC.
I wonder if this site was made for 14-year-old girls with no life who love to see if they're a playa.
Gah. I didn't eat lunch.
This one looks dumb.
You Should Stay in Shape With Running |
Chances are that you're already in fairly good shape Why not challenge yourself with a run from time to time? Running will give you that lean, toned body you desire |
That's kind of scary...
Almost as scary as the dachsund thing... GAH.
I'm so going running tomorrow. RUNNING IS AMAZING.
So much for not taking these things seriously.
Let's see, let's he a PLAYA? Well, if he is, DO I CARE???
I can't really answer these questions. Oh well. Should be fun.
Wow. I am swallowing the desire to laugh.
Uh oh, polka dot boy is a plaaaaya. Why would you date a guy who wore polka dots??? Wait, stupid question. Shouldn't matter, but that is an UGLY shirt.
You Guy May Be Playing With You! |
He could be playing around - or maybe he's just playing games. Either way, your guy is sending you mixed signals... And leaving you confused about his love for you. It's time for you to do some major recon... and see what he's up to. |
immature guys,
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Cream cheese AND pudding? Does it get any better than that?
Um, okay, that's straight up voyeurism.
But this has obviously happened to her before.
And everybody's OKAY with that?
Hahaha, Joe's all preppy. And Pete's a normal kid. Aww, little boy Pete. Andy hasn't died his hair a weird color yet. And Patrick is just Patrick.
WHY DO THEY END UP MAKING OUT IN HIS CAR?? And how did she get there so fast??? Is she some forest goddess? Or did he THINK he parked the long way, but ended up parking in her backyard or something.
I know the moral to this story: "Voyeurism is okay, as long as it's true love!!!"
Um, no comment. And the kid runs like a girl.
I just made a COCONUT PIE!!!!!!
Tastes good. With pudding AND cream cheese. It's yellow, BUT TASTY.
Aw, her gets her on CAMERA!
I guess I really don't understand the phrase "are you busting my chops?" Yeah, uh, Robert? HOW AM I BUSTING YOUR CHOPS AGAIN? I JUST ASKED ABOUT PLAIN WHITE T'S!!!
And, okay, I forgot to add "there" in the title of "Hey There, Delilah". My bad.
I wonder if it's a sheltered thing? Hahaha, so not sheltered. About as sheltered as Jessica Simpson. Or a nerd thing?
Wow, this is my last post for a while, until I die of heat stroke/of boredom/laughing.
Got a crazy funny book at the library. A girl moves from Minnesota to New York to become an up and coming FASHION DESIGNER! and she doesn't know about prostitutes???
Maybe SHE'S the sheltered one.
Naive. Innocent. Take yo pick.
"So, how long do you want the room?" "Huh?" "Like, for a night, or for a few hours?" "What??? Why a few hours?" "Are you one of them working girls? *notices she looks too preppy or UP AND COMING to be a hooker* Nah, you're not." "What's a working girl?"
Oh. My. Gosh. ARE YOU A HOOKER OR NOT????????
But yeah.
Heh heh. I wanna set someone's lawn on fire so that it spells "Homecoming?" a la "Dance, Dance". JOE IS GROSS! Patrick is adorable.
Pete: *stabs*
Girl: OW!
Pete: I'm sorry...*sob*
Girl: It's okay. You look so handsome!
Pete: *adorable smile*
That video made me unhate Pete Wentz. Not become rabidly obsessed, but unhate.
But this has obviously happened to her before.
And everybody's OKAY with that?
Hahaha, Joe's all preppy. And Pete's a normal kid. Aww, little boy Pete. Andy hasn't died his hair a weird color yet. And Patrick is just Patrick.
WHY DO THEY END UP MAKING OUT IN HIS CAR?? And how did she get there so fast??? Is she some forest goddess? Or did he THINK he parked the long way, but ended up parking in her backyard or something.
I know the moral to this story: "Voyeurism is okay, as long as it's true love!!!"
Um, no comment. And the kid runs like a girl.
I just made a COCONUT PIE!!!!!!
Tastes good. With pudding AND cream cheese. It's yellow, BUT TASTY.
Aw, her gets her on CAMERA!
I guess I really don't understand the phrase "are you busting my chops?" Yeah, uh, Robert? HOW AM I BUSTING YOUR CHOPS AGAIN? I JUST ASKED ABOUT PLAIN WHITE T'S!!!
And, okay, I forgot to add "there" in the title of "Hey There, Delilah". My bad.
I wonder if it's a sheltered thing? Hahaha, so not sheltered. About as sheltered as Jessica Simpson. Or a nerd thing?
Wow, this is my last post for a while, until I die of heat stroke/of boredom/laughing.
Got a crazy funny book at the library. A girl moves from Minnesota to New York to become an up and coming FASHION DESIGNER! and she doesn't know about prostitutes???
Maybe SHE'S the sheltered one.
Naive. Innocent. Take yo pick.
"So, how long do you want the room?" "Huh?" "Like, for a night, or for a few hours?" "What??? Why a few hours?" "Are you one of them working girls? *notices she looks too preppy or UP AND COMING to be a hooker* Nah, you're not." "What's a working girl?"
Oh. My. Gosh. ARE YOU A HOOKER OR NOT????????
But yeah.
Heh heh. I wanna set someone's lawn on fire so that it spells "Homecoming?" a la "Dance, Dance". JOE IS GROSS! Patrick is adorable.
Pete: *stabs*
Girl: OW!
Pete: I'm sorry...*sob*
Girl: It's okay. You look so handsome!
Pete: *adorable smile*
That video made me unhate Pete Wentz. Not become rabidly obsessed, but unhate.
fall out boy,
Joe Trohman,
lotsa fall out boy,
Pete Wentz,
sexual humor
Would you like some ice on that burn?
Yay. We had a brief power outage at school. All of a sudden, the portable goes dark....and everyone keeps on working. It wasn't like pitch black or anything, so no one really cared. And as soon as Mr. Thorsen got up to do something about it, it went back on. It's all good.
Went through 3? or so chapters today. I got stuck on "A Growing Multicultural Society" (which I was SO looking forward to, too) when they were like, "What are the five greatest population clusters in the Pacific Northwest?" and I didn't know if they were referring to ethnicity or size or whatever. The picture showed a bunch of multicultural kids, but the white kid they chose to represent was so ugly and of course he was eating chocolate chip cookies. Because I guess burgers are too American, or something.
Wow. Patrick from FOB = really adorable. I'm watching "Sugar, We're Going Down", which is borderline disturbing, and last night I watch most of "Take Over, Break's Over" before my computer shut down. HEMINGWAY! Pete = shirtless? And why did Joe look like Charlton Heston? And Patrick looked amazing. Apparently tho he has a real insecurity thing going on cuz he's always like, "I'm fat! This isn't a boy band because I'm fat!" and that's why he lets Pete be a loser frontman???
I <3 Patrick.
Guess I can't get out of Creation. Because my grandma doesn't love me. Ouch.
Luke says hello. He also says, "****," but we'll pretend he didn't say that.
Lol, one of the vocab words was William Gates, and I was like, "No way. Uh uh. No. YES!" KING OF THE NERDS!
I wanted to write for my definition of Bill Clinton: President that had sex with an intern and screwed the whole country by not catching major terrorist when he had the chance.
I don't understand this video...
Actually, the correct definition of Bill Clinton was: President who threw away plenty of jobs by lessening logging and stuff in Oregon to save a stupid owl.
Okay, I understand this video now. Except for the part where Pete licks himself.
Also, they wanted you to explain how the KKK helped economically change the PNW. Um, they were a bunch of white supremacists that hated everyone, so they killed people. Yeah. Great. Can you feel that wind, son? Those are the winds of economic change...
Went through 3? or so chapters today. I got stuck on "A Growing Multicultural Society" (which I was SO looking forward to, too) when they were like, "What are the five greatest population clusters in the Pacific Northwest?" and I didn't know if they were referring to ethnicity or size or whatever. The picture showed a bunch of multicultural kids, but the white kid they chose to represent was so ugly and of course he was eating chocolate chip cookies. Because I guess burgers are too American, or something.
Wow. Patrick from FOB = really adorable. I'm watching "Sugar, We're Going Down", which is borderline disturbing, and last night I watch most of "Take Over, Break's Over" before my computer shut down. HEMINGWAY! Pete = shirtless? And why did Joe look like Charlton Heston? And Patrick looked amazing. Apparently tho he has a real insecurity thing going on cuz he's always like, "I'm fat! This isn't a boy band because I'm fat!" and that's why he lets Pete be a loser frontman???
I <3 Patrick.
Guess I can't get out of Creation. Because my grandma doesn't love me. Ouch.
Luke says hello. He also says, "****," but we'll pretend he didn't say that.
Lol, one of the vocab words was William Gates, and I was like, "No way. Uh uh. No. YES!" KING OF THE NERDS!
I wanted to write for my definition of Bill Clinton: President that had sex with an intern and screwed the whole country by not catching major terrorist when he had the chance.
I don't understand this video...
Actually, the correct definition of Bill Clinton was: President who threw away plenty of jobs by lessening logging and stuff in Oregon to save a stupid owl.
Okay, I understand this video now. Except for the part where Pete licks himself.
Also, they wanted you to explain how the KKK helped economically change the PNW. Um, they were a bunch of white supremacists that hated everyone, so they killed people. Yeah. Great. Can you feel that wind, son? Those are the winds of economic change...
Monday, July 23, 2007
I wonder if it's too late to drop out of going to Creation. All the odds are against me. I mean,
1. It's going to be HOT. Like WAY HOT. Not humid, according to my WA ST Hist text, but HOT.
2. There are only a few bands I like now. Either I've never heard of some or I've started hating others because they went all MAINSTREAM and crap. *cough cough* RELIENT K! *cough cough*
3. Nothing to do. Okay, I guess the whole point is just going to concerts, but what if I don't want to see Newsboys, Delirious?, etc.
4. Camping? Um, no.
5. It's nearing the full moon and my werewolfish tendencies are going to show, meaning I'll probably just bite everyone's head off, figuratively and literally.
6. Camping involves food-over-the-fire kind of stuff.
Looking at all this, I'd love to stay at my Grandma's. Or at home with Luke. Summer school sounds SO GREAT right now.
But no. I guess it's too late now.
Why do my parents always have to be right about everything???
Things My Parents Were Right About, Unfortunately
1. If I'm in a bad mood, I'm probably really hungry or tired. Forget PMS, you need food.
2. Teenagers shouldn't date until 16 because the emotions run too high before then.
3. Couples with a 1 year+ age difference are bad (I still disagree with this one, but there have been times where they have been right).
4. (This was when I wanted to go to Creation, back when all my favorite bands were cool): "You'll hate it, because it's so hot, and you have to get up early, and shower, and camp..."
So basically my parents are right about everything.
But not about nose rings.
I am totally getting one if I manage to weasel out of this.
1. It's going to be HOT. Like WAY HOT. Not humid, according to my WA ST Hist text, but HOT.
2. There are only a few bands I like now. Either I've never heard of some or I've started hating others because they went all MAINSTREAM and crap. *cough cough* RELIENT K! *cough cough*
3. Nothing to do. Okay, I guess the whole point is just going to concerts, but what if I don't want to see Newsboys, Delirious?, etc.
4. Camping? Um, no.
5. It's nearing the full moon and my werewolfish tendencies are going to show, meaning I'll probably just bite everyone's head off, figuratively and literally.
6. Camping involves food-over-the-fire kind of stuff.
Looking at all this, I'd love to stay at my Grandma's. Or at home with Luke. Summer school sounds SO GREAT right now.
But no. I guess it's too late now.
Why do my parents always have to be right about everything???
Things My Parents Were Right About, Unfortunately
1. If I'm in a bad mood, I'm probably really hungry or tired. Forget PMS, you need food.
2. Teenagers shouldn't date until 16 because the emotions run too high before then.
3. Couples with a 1 year+ age difference are bad (I still disagree with this one, but there have been times where they have been right).
4. (This was when I wanted to go to Creation, back when all my favorite bands were cool): "You'll hate it, because it's so hot, and you have to get up early, and shower, and camp..."
So basically my parents are right about everything.
But not about nose rings.
I am totally getting one if I manage to weasel out of this.
life sucks,
This has been said so many times...
This isn't supposed to be funny, but it REALLY, REALLY IS!
I was also trying to watch "Harry Potter American Idol" but my computer wouldn't load.
Yeah. I reread all my teen magazines. All four of them.
There's at least 6 pictures of Jason Dolley in each one, along with a poster of him. No, I have not put any of them up yet.
Need to put up FOB poster, tho.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Summer school was shweet, I got three chapters done in less than 2 hours. I would've done four, but it looked really long. Laaaame.
There was this one kid who's already finished the entire 24 chapters. YOU SUCK! And Mr. Thorsen was like, "You are working too fast." "Too fast?" "Yeah."
Whatever. Good for him. JEALOUS.
CRAP! Accidentally clicked another link when I was 1:15 through the movie and now I have to start over. Ooooh dear.
"Even how to score with hot babes..."
I watched some of the other Potter Puppet Pals and they weren't as funny. "You have fun sacks!"
And Bananaphone made me want to kill something.
I was also trying to watch "Harry Potter American Idol" but my computer wouldn't load.
Yeah. I reread all my teen magazines. All four of them.
There's at least 6 pictures of Jason Dolley in each one, along with a poster of him. No, I have not put any of them up yet.
Need to put up FOB poster, tho.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Summer school was shweet, I got three chapters done in less than 2 hours. I would've done four, but it looked really long. Laaaame.
There was this one kid who's already finished the entire 24 chapters. YOU SUCK! And Mr. Thorsen was like, "You are working too fast." "Too fast?" "Yeah."
Whatever. Good for him. JEALOUS.
CRAP! Accidentally clicked another link when I was 1:15 through the movie and now I have to start over. Ooooh dear.
"Even how to score with hot babes..."
I watched some of the other Potter Puppet Pals and they weren't as funny. "You have fun sacks!"
And Bananaphone made me want to kill something.
American Idol,
fall out boy,
hot guys,
not gay,
Sunday, July 22, 2007
You poor, sweet, innocent thing.
I have a new super power: I can zone out during church. Yeah. I guess that's not a good thing, and it was a pretty good sermon, but I just zoned out thinking about what I should name my kids (if you're wondering, Michael, Mercedes, Ben[z], and Fred???).
Making a Harry Potter poll.
I finally got to talk to someone about all the wrongness of Harry Potter ending. Stupid Matt hadn't read it yet, but Jeannie had, so we deemed Kreacher adorable and hated on J. K. Rowling.
Okay, I have to say it.
Come see the Harry Potty poll.
Which is currently under construction.
I feel like writing another poem. Uh oh, that can't be good.
Still obsessed. I want an Evanescence piano book. Or at least music for "Bring Me To Life".
Okay, this isn't really a spoiler, but...geez. Snape. Still creepy and greasy haired, with a mad obsession, but...
Wow. He got me. Right here.
One question that's kind of confusing???? Um, the Half-Blood Prince's book was dated 50 years previous, that means Snape is like almost 70 and Harry's parents would be the same age, but they were supposedly only 21.
And it seemed like J. K. Rowling suddenly hated James after 4 books and spent numbers 5, 6, and 7 trying to discredit him and make him seem like a jerk.
Almost done...
Almost done...
Making a Harry Potter poll.
I finally got to talk to someone about all the wrongness of Harry Potter ending. Stupid Matt hadn't read it yet, but Jeannie had, so we deemed Kreacher adorable and hated on J. K. Rowling.
Okay, I have to say it.
Come see the Harry Potty poll.
Which is currently under construction.
I feel like writing another poem. Uh oh, that can't be good.
Still obsessed. I want an Evanescence piano book. Or at least music for "Bring Me To Life".
Okay, this isn't really a spoiler, but...geez. Snape. Still creepy and greasy haired, with a mad obsession, but...
Wow. He got me. Right here.
One question that's kind of confusing???? Um, the Half-Blood Prince's book was dated 50 years previous, that means Snape is like almost 70 and Harry's parents would be the same age, but they were supposedly only 21.
And it seemed like J. K. Rowling suddenly hated James after 4 books and spent numbers 5, 6, and 7 trying to discredit him and make him seem like a jerk.
Almost done...
Almost done...
Harry Potter,
hot guys,
Oh, I know you best, I know you'll get what you get, you'll get what you deserve.
Cartel up there.
The more I think about the last Harry Potter, the more I realize it was a total copout. I mean, the whole conspiracy thing was CRAZY and while other people might've seen that coming, I DIDN'T, but MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DIED, two OTHER characters died, you never figure out what happens to some newer characters, and they never really say how the Ministry of Magic comes back to normal. Oh, Voldemort's gone. That should make everything INSTANTLY perfect. And what about Umbridge?????????
J. K. Rowling disappointed me.
"Even how to score hot babes." "Wait. What?" "Class dismissed." "Wait, wait, hold on. I want to learn how to score hot babes!" "Vamoose, Potter." "TEACH ME!" "No, skedaddle." "Hello, Severus." "Hello, headmaster." "I need some wizarding liquids." "Fresh out." "How about some enchanted juice?" "No." "How about expired gorilla milk." "That has no magical properties." "Au contraire, Snape-a-doodle. It's done a wonder on me bowels." "Okay, whatever..." "Tee hee hee."
The more I think about the last Harry Potter, the more I realize it was a total copout. I mean, the whole conspiracy thing was CRAZY and while other people might've seen that coming, I DIDN'T, but MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DIED, two OTHER characters died, you never figure out what happens to some newer characters, and they never really say how the Ministry of Magic comes back to normal. Oh, Voldemort's gone. That should make everything INSTANTLY perfect. And what about Umbridge?????????
J. K. Rowling disappointed me.
"Even how to score hot babes." "Wait. What?" "Class dismissed." "Wait, wait, hold on. I want to learn how to score hot babes!" "Vamoose, Potter." "TEACH ME!" "No, skedaddle." "Hello, Severus." "Hello, headmaster." "I need some wizarding liquids." "Fresh out." "How about some enchanted juice?" "No." "How about expired gorilla milk." "That has no magical properties." "Au contraire, Snape-a-doodle. It's done a wonder on me bowels." "Okay, whatever..." "Tee hee hee."
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Not only am I watching Potter Puppet Pals, but BLOGTHINGS HAS 10 NEW QUIZZES! And yes, you must suffer through ALL OF THEM. Because I'm so bored.
And I love blogthings.
Okay, that was kind of lame....
Oh dear, another quiz about "meeting your dream guy". Silas hasn't shown up yet. I've been hiding in my room for most of the day. Well, except for the trip to Costco. And painting the back porch. And taking Luke to his cage.
Oh crap.
Yeah, I love how NOT true that is.
Okay, Mr. Internet Stalker, who SAYS he's 15 but is really 45, I am SO down with meeting you in Southern California ALONE WITHOUT MY PARENTS.
Ah, I've taken this one, and I got the Donnas, I think. Oh well. Maybe it was TLC... Who knows, I'm taking it AGAIN!
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape... I was wrong about Snape. I was wrong about everything.
"Potions Class" is kind of lame. "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" and "Bothering Snape" were HILARIOUS, tho. Voldemort looked like a litty kitty.
Um, okay. What glamour icon are you? WHO CARES?
Gee, what breakfast am I?
Breakfast equals NOT my favorite meal!!!
Oooh, a quiz on superpowers. Almost as good as a quiz on the PROM.
My parents are watching the Princess Diaries. Wow. Michael. Nuff said.
Dang. That's a lame power.
Oh. Gee. I wanna know if I'm a daring woman.
Yet I say that and I'm still taking the quiz.
Hahahaha. How do I greet a cute guy at the bar? "Hi!" "You look familiar..." "Can I buy you a drink?"
I actually agree for once.
Now to find out if I'm snobby once and for all.
I am not a snob.
I accidentally typed snog at first. I am not a snog.
Sorry. Had to fit that in there.
Um, so not sweetly feminine.
One more...
Dang, I think I accidentally published this...
"How about enchanted juice???"
Ew. Lame.
And I love blogthings.
Okay, that was kind of lame....
Your Inner Muse is Thalia |
You are most like this playful muse of comedy. Life is all about laughter to you, and you're a natural comic. You make people laugh until their sides split. And you're always up for some play time! |
Oh dear, another quiz about "meeting your dream guy". Silas hasn't shown up yet. I've been hiding in my room for most of the day. Well, except for the trip to Costco. And painting the back porch. And taking Luke to his cage.
Oh crap.
You'll Find Love Online |
Dating in meatspace is way too complicated and time consuming for you You rather find a ton of guys at the click of a button So go on, and have some fun in your online dating adventure Just make sure is who he says he is |
Yeah, I love how NOT true that is.
Okay, Mr. Internet Stalker, who SAYS he's 15 but is really 45, I am SO down with meeting you in Southern California ALONE WITHOUT MY PARENTS.
Ah, I've taken this one, and I got the Donnas, I think. Oh well. Maybe it was TLC... Who knows, I'm taking it AGAIN!
You Should Be In The Donnas |
You've got that a bit of an edge to you The bad girl that all the good boys want! |
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape... I was wrong about Snape. I was wrong about everything.
"Potions Class" is kind of lame. "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" and "Bothering Snape" were HILARIOUS, tho. Voldemort looked like a litty kitty.
Um, okay. What glamour icon are you? WHO CARES?
Gee, what breakfast am I?
Breakfast equals NOT my favorite meal!!!
You Are Cereal |
Playful and lighthearted, breakfast is likely your favorite meal of the day. (In fact, you're probably the type who sneaks cereal as a midnight snack.) Your culinary skills are probably a bit lacking... and you are a sucker for junk food. Some people accuse you of eating like a kid, but you prefer to think of yourself as low maintenance. |
Oooh, a quiz on superpowers. Almost as good as a quiz on the PROM.
My parents are watching the Princess Diaries. Wow. Michael. Nuff said.
Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity |
You're highly reactive, energetic, and super charged. If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second. But you don't harness your energy unless you truly need to. And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of. Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you |
Dang. That's a lame power.
Oh. Gee. I wanna know if I'm a daring woman.
Yet I say that and I'm still taking the quiz.
Hahahaha. How do I greet a cute guy at the bar? "Hi!" "You look familiar..." "Can I buy you a drink?"
You Are a Fierce Femme |
You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right. But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check. In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it... You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act! |
I actually agree for once.
Now to find out if I'm snobby once and for all.
I am not a snob.
I accidentally typed snog at first. I am not a snog.
You Are Not a Snob |
In general, you're a very open minded and kind person. There really isn't a snobby bone in your body. You're not afraid to be who you are... you're proud of your individuality. In truth, you think that snobby people aren't good enough for you! |
Sorry. Had to fit that in there.
Um, so not sweetly feminine.
What Your Blue Outfit Means |
You're a classic girl with an impeccable sense of style. Down to earth you project a loyal and honest persona. You are sweetly feminine - a strong, tough guy can't resist you. Designer match: Prada Signature accessory: Fur lined leather gloves |
One more...
Dang, I think I accidentally published this...
"How about enchanted juice???"
Ew. Lame.
You Should Wear Mauve Lip Gloss |
Smart, polished, and pretty. |
HARRY, NO!!!!!!!!
It started out like a perfect day; there were HUNDREDS of Harry Potter copies at Costco, we bought muffins, and they played "Bring Me To Life" in the bakery. W00t.
Um, J. K. Rowling was wrong about her own book. More than 2 main characters died, okay. MORE THAN 2 MAIN CHARACTERS DIED!!!! AND ONE OF THEM WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER! MY! FAVORITE! BLOODY! CHARACTER! CURSES! A POX UPON YE ALL! *makes like Dumbledore's little sister and explodes in an angry curse* AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!!!!!!1
That made me SO SAD, but I surprisingly didn't cry. I didn't cry when another character meets a fate similar to Harry's. I didn't cry at all the deaths, close shaves, or Ron and Hermione making out in the Room of Requirement. The only part I cried at was when Harry got...well, can't say it.
Amber, you better start reading Harry Potter, or I will COME AFTER YOU AND KILL YOU! Thanks for the link, though. "Snape...Snape...Severus Snape..."
Dylan, I will never contradict you ever again. You are a genius, my best buddy, and I pretty much love you.
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape. (DUMBLEDORE!)
It started out like a perfect day; there were HUNDREDS of Harry Potter copies at Costco, we bought muffins, and they played "Bring Me To Life" in the bakery. W00t.
Um, J. K. Rowling was wrong about her own book. More than 2 main characters died, okay. MORE THAN 2 MAIN CHARACTERS DIED!!!! AND ONE OF THEM WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER! MY! FAVORITE! BLOODY! CHARACTER! CURSES! A POX UPON YE ALL! *makes like Dumbledore's little sister and explodes in an angry curse* AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!!!!!!1
That made me SO SAD, but I surprisingly didn't cry. I didn't cry when another character meets a fate similar to Harry's. I didn't cry at all the deaths, close shaves, or Ron and Hermione making out in the Room of Requirement. The only part I cried at was when Harry got...well, can't say it.
Amber, you better start reading Harry Potter, or I will COME AFTER YOU AND KILL YOU! Thanks for the link, though. "Snape...Snape...Severus Snape..."
Dylan, I will never contradict you ever again. You are a genius, my best buddy, and I pretty much love you.
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape. (DUMBLEDORE!)
Friday, July 20, 2007
When we last saw our hero, she was ranting angrily about Christy Miller...
Yeah. So I'm back.
I still don't get that. PMS????
My second poem hasn't been read ONCE. Ouch.
Oh well. I didn't like that one as much.
No, I did not write either poem on personal experience. And no, neither are SEXUAL!!!
Just saying.
Was playing thru my "Phantom of the Opera" piano book (I have a "Lion King" one, too, but they're both flipping hard, so I had them put away until recently) and "Point of No Return" is pretty hard, but it's cool sounding, except there's this one chord where the left hand is CFA(f) and the right hand is EAC(s)E and it sounds wrong and really bad whenever I play it. My mom's like, "That can't be the right chord," but it was in the key of C (no sharps or flats) and those were all the write notes, so...? "All I Ask Of You" is REALLY HARD. I keep getting off count.
My bad.
So. Tomorrow. This is it. The last Harry Potter. Ever. She's even writing an epilogue so there won't be any illegal fanfics written, or something. I like Harry and all, but I keep thinking he'll die. He might. Neville's going to become a teacher at Hogwarts. Either him, Luna, or Fred/George. Personally, I like Fred better.
BUT WHO'S GONNA DIE??????? I hate Snape. Always have. Umbridge should totally stuff it, but she's not a main charact-
It's not going to be Malfoy, everyone LUUUURVES Malfoy.
I've noticed all the blonde characters are either evil or weird. Or their mom dies and they're never seen again. And this is weird because J. K. Rowling is, er, blonde. So I guess we're both prejudiced????
I don't want it to be anyone in a serious relationship: Hermione, Ron, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, etc.
Lol, there was someone who was like, "Oh no, Harry Potter gets tragically killed....NEVILLE SAVES THE DAY!!!!"
Oh dear, a quiz from the-N.
Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, WHOA! He's my type of guy because he's sweet, sensitive, and romantic??? Um, definitely not my type. This quiz is a ripoff, I'm taking it again.
And the answer is...
Aaaah, I have a beau named Beau.
Um, WHAT???? So he will lie to me, cheat on me, and fall for me... Yep, if you were a real person, Beau, I would marry you.
Gee, wonder who picked up on THAT sarcasm.
Taking it...AGAIN. There's only 3 possible guys left... Curious...
Yay, Devon! Apparently we have the same personality? Don't know how I know this. I just clicked random answers, tho, not like I'm "meant to be" or anything. Hey, he likes basketball.

I'm gonna find the other two...
Oh wow, this guy is going to be X-rated??? Question mark?
Yes, everyone, I spent my afternoon trying to find guys from "The Best Years", along with finishing the sixth Harry Potter for the third time.
Ooooh, Trent.
Yeah, also a manslut. Moving on.
Come on, who's guy #5.....
Why do I find this fun?
Such a loser, I am.
Talking like Yoda, I am also.
Gun, where is, so shoot myself, I might.
I think I got, just Devon again. Dangit, Devon.
He's the one answer that always pops up no matter what.
I will prevail. Oh no, it's going to be Devon again. Stupid Devon. I take my "hee" back.
NOOOO WAY, I GOT...I GOT...Darryl. Hm.
Affectionate, enthusiastic, a bit dorky. Awwww. I'm not crazy in love with you, Darryl (or Devon, for that matter), but I'll post your badge anyways.
Yeah. So I'm back.
I still don't get that. PMS????
My second poem hasn't been read ONCE. Ouch.
Oh well. I didn't like that one as much.
No, I did not write either poem on personal experience. And no, neither are SEXUAL!!!
Just saying.
Was playing thru my "Phantom of the Opera" piano book (I have a "Lion King" one, too, but they're both flipping hard, so I had them put away until recently) and "Point of No Return" is pretty hard, but it's cool sounding, except there's this one chord where the left hand is CFA(f) and the right hand is EAC(s)E and it sounds wrong and really bad whenever I play it. My mom's like, "That can't be the right chord," but it was in the key of C (no sharps or flats) and those were all the write notes, so...? "All I Ask Of You" is REALLY HARD. I keep getting off count.
My bad.
So. Tomorrow. This is it. The last Harry Potter. Ever. She's even writing an epilogue so there won't be any illegal fanfics written, or something. I like Harry and all, but I keep thinking he'll die. He might. Neville's going to become a teacher at Hogwarts. Either him, Luna, or Fred/George. Personally, I like Fred better.
BUT WHO'S GONNA DIE??????? I hate Snape. Always have. Umbridge should totally stuff it, but she's not a main charact-
It's not going to be Malfoy, everyone LUUUURVES Malfoy.
I've noticed all the blonde characters are either evil or weird. Or their mom dies and they're never seen again. And this is weird because J. K. Rowling is, er, blonde. So I guess we're both prejudiced????
I don't want it to be anyone in a serious relationship: Hermione, Ron, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, etc.
Lol, there was someone who was like, "Oh no, Harry Potter gets tragically killed....NEVILLE SAVES THE DAY!!!!"
Oh dear, a quiz from the-N.
Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, WHOA! He's my type of guy because he's sweet, sensitive, and romantic??? Um, definitely not my type. This quiz is a ripoff, I'm taking it again.
And the answer is...
Aaaah, I have a beau named Beau.
Um, WHAT???? So he will lie to me, cheat on me, and fall for me... Yep, if you were a real person, Beau, I would marry you.
Gee, wonder who picked up on THAT sarcasm.
Taking it...AGAIN. There's only 3 possible guys left... Curious...
Yay, Devon! Apparently we have the same personality? Don't know how I know this. I just clicked random answers, tho, not like I'm "meant to be" or anything. Hey, he likes basketball.
I'm gonna find the other two...
Oh wow, this guy is going to be X-rated??? Question mark?
Yes, everyone, I spent my afternoon trying to find guys from "The Best Years", along with finishing the sixth Harry Potter for the third time.
Ooooh, Trent.
Yeah, also a manslut. Moving on.
Come on, who's guy #5.....
Why do I find this fun?
Such a loser, I am.
Talking like Yoda, I am also.
Gun, where is, so shoot myself, I might.
I think I got, just Devon again. Dangit, Devon.
He's the one answer that always pops up no matter what.
I will prevail. Oh no, it's going to be Devon again. Stupid Devon. I take my "hee" back.
NOOOO WAY, I GOT...I GOT...Darryl. Hm.
Affectionate, enthusiastic, a bit dorky. Awwww. I'm not crazy in love with you, Darryl (or Devon, for that matter), but I'll post your badge anyways.
Harry Potter,
hot guys,
immature guys,
I just realized I want to post so I can hate on Christy Miller.
I know it's not good to hate people, and Christy Miller isn't even a real person, but...
It's just that she has to be RIGHT all the TIME!
Well, then again, don't we all.
But I meant that like she all has a problem with someone (or that person has a problem and she doesn't like it), so she gets all preachy and crap, and she predicts a horrible thing happening, and that thing happens, and no one views her as a preachy witch, but as a spiritual example.
Right. Praise God.
Example: She can't go to prom, which makes her SOB.
But it's okay, because prom sucks and encourages LEWD BEHAVIOR. And Katie's date dumepd her.
So all works out for Christy????? And she never does anything wrong.
Also, her best friend said stuff like TWB.
Christy: What's a TWB?
Paula: A total WHOMPIN' babe!
And Christy has 4 guys like her at one time????????
NOOOOO! Just...what???? And they say it's because she's so pure and innocent and stuff.
Eh? She's sheltered, too.
And I REALIZE we all have flaws, but she's never forced to recognize any of hers! She's perfect! It's okay if she struggles, but if she does, it's because of someone else's problem!
Or the biggest "flaw" she had was she kissed Todd too much. Like, not making out or anything, but he kissed her when he was leaving for Sweden, and that's just TOO MUCH.
So she's just another example of "Holier-than-thou" Christian characters that are too perfect to live.
Wow, I guess I was angrier than I thought.
Yet, I say a lot about how much I hate the various Christian industries, yet I don't want to make a difference in any of them because if you become a Christian fiction author, you get less recognition than others (again, it's about recognition. If I really have a "gift", I WOULD LIKE SOME. So self centered. Oh, a FLAW!) or you'll get recognized by the wrong people. Let me rephrase that: If you really want to make a difference, don't make your stuff obviously "Christian", because only CHRISTIANS in the CHRISTIAN industry read it, it's not mainstream, so the people you want to get a hold of it never do. So the Christian industry is kind of a club. Not cool.
All because of stupid Christy. Her and that Caitlin chick. HATE!
I know it's not good to hate people, and Christy Miller isn't even a real person, but...
It's just that she has to be RIGHT all the TIME!
Well, then again, don't we all.
But I meant that like she all has a problem with someone (or that person has a problem and she doesn't like it), so she gets all preachy and crap, and she predicts a horrible thing happening, and that thing happens, and no one views her as a preachy witch, but as a spiritual example.
Right. Praise God.
Example: She can't go to prom, which makes her SOB.
But it's okay, because prom sucks and encourages LEWD BEHAVIOR. And Katie's date dumepd her.
So all works out for Christy????? And she never does anything wrong.
Also, her best friend said stuff like TWB.
Christy: What's a TWB?
Paula: A total WHOMPIN' babe!
And Christy has 4 guys like her at one time????????
NOOOOO! Just...what???? And they say it's because she's so pure and innocent and stuff.
Eh? She's sheltered, too.
And I REALIZE we all have flaws, but she's never forced to recognize any of hers! She's perfect! It's okay if she struggles, but if she does, it's because of someone else's problem!
Or the biggest "flaw" she had was she kissed Todd too much. Like, not making out or anything, but he kissed her when he was leaving for Sweden, and that's just TOO MUCH.
So she's just another example of "Holier-than-thou" Christian characters that are too perfect to live.
Wow, I guess I was angrier than I thought.
Yet, I say a lot about how much I hate the various Christian industries, yet I don't want to make a difference in any of them because if you become a Christian fiction author, you get less recognition than others (again, it's about recognition. If I really have a "gift", I WOULD LIKE SOME. So self centered. Oh, a FLAW!) or you'll get recognized by the wrong people. Let me rephrase that: If you really want to make a difference, don't make your stuff obviously "Christian", because only CHRISTIANS in the CHRISTIAN industry read it, it's not mainstream, so the people you want to get a hold of it never do. So the Christian industry is kind of a club. Not cool.
All because of stupid Christy. Her and that Caitlin chick. HATE!
It's just too good to be TRUE!
cBlogthings has MORE new Quizzes! YES! We are back on schedule.
Lol, I found this story on Quizilla called "Adopted by Fall Out Boy?". Aaaah, so funny. And not in a good way. But hey, it's me we're talking about.
Seriously, tho, the girl gets adopted by FOB!
Pete Wentz actually, who apparently lives with his band, and Patrick and Joe are gay together? Um, wth? And the main character doesn't know who Fall Out Boy is (but as her best guy friend says, they're the best emo band EVA! Um, not?).
I was reading the career portion of "Do What You Are", where they give you the reccomended careers for your personality type. Yeah, so I'm an ESFJ.
So they want me to be either a pediatric nurse, a real estate agent, or a patrolman.
Um, no. Do you know how much I DON'T want to be a cop? I'm sure other ESFJ's find this thrilling, but it's low pay, females get sexually harassed, and I don't want to spend time away from my family to arrest prostitutes. And I SUCK AT SCIENCE! And pediatric nurses TAKE A LOT OF SCIENCE. Sure, I love kids, and get them for the most part, but not enough to do sciencey things for a living. And real estate agent? Enough said.
Wow, this is crazy accurate.
So true.
What's your punk band name? I'd love to know. Please don't be a name generator, please don't be a name generator, please don't be a name generator.
Totally naming my rock band that.
I'm still curious as to what I would do in a rock band, since everyone thinks I fail at drums. And life.
Because if you're the manager and crap, you automatically get no recognition. Yes, I'm in love with myself, I want a little musical glory. But if you're manager, you might as well wear a T-shirt bearing the legend, "I have no musical talents." And you can't play trombone in a rock band. Piano, maybe, but I don't want to admit to my dad that I actually LIKE piano, because he's the one so adamant about me "using my gifts" AKA only play piano in worship/rock/punk/ska band.
Hello, I'm not Amy Lee. Sure, I did take 6 years of classical piano, and I'm still continuing to play on my own (AFTER FINALLY QUITTING!!!!), but I doubt I'd be good enough to start writing my own stuff or improvising just using the chords I know.
I know no chords.
Wow, this is true as well. Not like I'm complaining.
I'm sure guys just LUUUUURVE challenges (according to Chris Brown), but "hard-to-get" could also translate to "stuck-up-whore".
OH NO! Another men-oriented quiz. Or rather, a quiz about men and bla bla bla.
Yet I'm taking it. Oooooh well.
I can't really answer these questions truthfully...
"You last had a boyfriend...over a year ago." Like...kindergarten? Lol.
Um, right, I'm not a 27-year-old single woman living in a studio apartment in New York.
Do I scare off men? I would say so, as I laugh at the irony. But no, this quiz will tell me all that is wrong with my life.
I was sure I was at least 72% scary. Oh darn. Another failure.
OMG, PROM QUIZ!!!!!!!!!
Oooh, tough. T-U-P-H. How should I arrive at the prom? Horse drawn carriage? Um, kind of lame. A plain old horse would be nice. How bout a pony drawn carriage? Are they discriminated against short horses, huh? Although ponies aren't horses...never mind. Convertible sports car? Tempting, I want one, but seems a little Valley Girl, uh, Limo, good old standby...and cliche. Motorcycle NO, SUV NO, environmentalists will kill me. Bentley? Limo? Bentley? Limo? I DON'T KNOW!
Oh, how appropriate, and it's black.
Well, that's it for today, folks.
HEY, I totally passed Unit 1 of WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY! Well, I don't know if I PASSED, but I finished it!
Sad. I'm 14-years-old, and the prom is what I'm most looking forward to in this life. Or at least my high school career. Well, that and freshman.
Lol, I found this story on Quizilla called "Adopted by Fall Out Boy?". Aaaah, so funny. And not in a good way. But hey, it's me we're talking about.
Seriously, tho, the girl gets adopted by FOB!
Pete Wentz actually, who apparently lives with his band, and Patrick and Joe are gay together? Um, wth? And the main character doesn't know who Fall Out Boy is (but as her best guy friend says, they're the best emo band EVA! Um, not?).
I was reading the career portion of "Do What You Are", where they give you the reccomended careers for your personality type. Yeah, so I'm an ESFJ.
So they want me to be either a pediatric nurse, a real estate agent, or a patrolman.
Um, no. Do you know how much I DON'T want to be a cop? I'm sure other ESFJ's find this thrilling, but it's low pay, females get sexually harassed, and I don't want to spend time away from my family to arrest prostitutes. And I SUCK AT SCIENCE! And pediatric nurses TAKE A LOT OF SCIENCE. Sure, I love kids, and get them for the most part, but not enough to do sciencey things for a living. And real estate agent? Enough said.
Wow, this is crazy accurate.
Your Love is Based on Infatuation |
Your love often borders on obsession. You fall in love from afar. You can't help but have strong feelings for someone you're attracted to. And even if that attraction isn't immediately reciprocated - you hold out hope. For you, feeling love-struck is almost as good as feeling in love. Why your love can last: You tend to love completely and unconditionally. Why your love can fail: Your love is often blind... and sometimes stupid. |
So true.
What's your punk band name? I'd love to know. Please don't be a name generator, please don't be a name generator, please don't be a name generator.
Your Punk Band Name Is... |
Totally naming my rock band that.
I'm still curious as to what I would do in a rock band, since everyone thinks I fail at drums. And life.
Because if you're the manager and crap, you automatically get no recognition. Yes, I'm in love with myself, I want a little musical glory. But if you're manager, you might as well wear a T-shirt bearing the legend, "I have no musical talents." And you can't play trombone in a rock band. Piano, maybe, but I don't want to admit to my dad that I actually LIKE piano, because he's the one so adamant about me "using my gifts" AKA only play piano in worship/rock/punk/ska band.
Hello, I'm not Amy Lee. Sure, I did take 6 years of classical piano, and I'm still continuing to play on my own (AFTER FINALLY QUITTING!!!!), but I doubt I'd be good enough to start writing my own stuff or improvising just using the chords I know.
I know no chords.
Wow, this is true as well. Not like I'm complaining.
Men See You As: Not a Challenge |
When you're in love, you lay it all out on the line And while men do appreciate your honesty... Do you ever wonder if you're being a little too available? Pull back a little! He'll be wanting you even more. |
I'm sure guys just LUUUUURVE challenges (according to Chris Brown), but "hard-to-get" could also translate to "stuck-up-whore".
OH NO! Another men-oriented quiz. Or rather, a quiz about men and bla bla bla.
Yet I'm taking it. Oooooh well.
I can't really answer these questions truthfully...
"You last had a boyfriend...over a year ago." Like...kindergarten? Lol.
You Don't Need a Man, but You Want One! |
You like having a guy in your life, and overall, you prefer not to be single. You won't go out with a guy out of desperation.. you rather be alone. However, when you're single, you do tend to obsess a little over dating. Because no matter how good your single life is, it's better with a great guy around. |
Um, right, I'm not a 27-year-old single woman living in a studio apartment in New York.
Do I scare off men? I would say so, as I laugh at the irony. But no, this quiz will tell me all that is wrong with my life.
You Are 32% Scary |
You scare men off ocassionaly, but only very weak men. You're a normal woman. You're not perfect, but you're pretty darn close. |
I was sure I was at least 72% scary. Oh darn. Another failure.
OMG, PROM QUIZ!!!!!!!!!
Oooh, tough. T-U-P-H. How should I arrive at the prom? Horse drawn carriage? Um, kind of lame. A plain old horse would be nice. How bout a pony drawn carriage? Are they discriminated against short horses, huh? Although ponies aren't horses...never mind. Convertible sports car? Tempting, I want one, but seems a little Valley Girl, uh, Limo, good old standby...and cliche. Motorcycle NO, SUV NO, environmentalists will kill me. Bentley? Limo? Bentley? Limo? I DON'T KNOW!
Oh, how appropriate, and it's black.
Classic Halter Dress |
Classy and sexy, you know how to make a lasting impression without having an outrageous dress. |
Well, that's it for today, folks.
HEY, I totally passed Unit 1 of WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY! Well, I don't know if I PASSED, but I finished it!
Sad. I'm 14-years-old, and the prom is what I'm most looking forward to in this life. Or at least my high school career. Well, that and freshman.
fall out boy,
little black dress,
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Only 3 people read my poem, which I expected.
Actually, I expected a few more, but hey. I'm not really complaining.
But someone gave it a 5.
So yeaaah.
Pretty funny/horrible.
Even better, there's THIS ONE!
I didn't like the second one as much. The first one was whiny, yeah, and it's what EVERY teenage girl on Quizilla is doing ("I love you, I wish you loved me, you hold my heart, and I cry." XP), but it's better than, "Sleeping, dreaming, darkness, love," crap in the second one.
So enjoy, my fellow critics. Feel free to comment. Or vomment. It's all good.
Only 3 people read my poem, which I expected.
Actually, I expected a few more, but hey. I'm not really complaining.
But someone gave it a 5.
So yeaaah.
Pretty funny/horrible.
Even better, there's THIS ONE!
I didn't like the second one as much. The first one was whiny, yeah, and it's what EVERY teenage girl on Quizilla is doing ("I love you, I wish you loved me, you hold my heart, and I cry." XP), but it's better than, "Sleeping, dreaming, darkness, love," crap in the second one.
So enjoy, my fellow critics. Feel free to comment. Or vomment. It's all good.
Although you actually have to LIKE Harry Potter or it doesn't make any sense.
I haven't run into Silas, but mark my words, in three weeks I'll be dead...
Although that quiz didn't say I would be KILLED, I would just meet my *ahem* NEXT boyfriend. Right. I don't know. The shock might kill me.
I SWEAR, this is the funniest Harry Potter quiz I've ever taken. I got Harry...AGAIN.
I'm writing my poetry now. Hehehehe. Just go to my profile later to see if I'm done.
Although you actually have to LIKE Harry Potter or it doesn't make any sense.
I haven't run into Silas, but mark my words, in three weeks I'll be dead...
Although that quiz didn't say I would be KILLED, I would just meet my *ahem* NEXT boyfriend. Right. I don't know. The shock might kill me.
I SWEAR, this is the funniest Harry Potter quiz I've ever taken. I got Harry...AGAIN.
I'm writing my poetry now. Hehehehe. Just go to my profile later to see if I'm done.
Harry Potter,
hot guys,
immature guys,
You want me, come find, make up you MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND
So I had this really long post, right? And I accidentally press delete and IT'S ALL GONE, YEAH?
Summer school was cool except for everyone all Indian lovers. Cuz I know white men kinda did stupid things and Chief Joseph was pretty cool and all, but it was just like, "AAAAH." They made out like Marcus Whitman deserved to die because his wife was a bbbbbwitch.
"Last Comic Standing" was pretty funny last night. Dante did this thing where he performed "The Wizard of Oz" with Jack Nicholson as Dorothy, Gilbert Gottfried as Tin Man (it was so hilarious, he got his face all scrunched up just like Gilbert and was like, "I WANNA HEART!"), Christopher Lloyd as Scarecrow ("I want...I want...I want...I want...I want...D***."), and Robert DeNiro as the Wizard. He made it, of course.
So did Gina Yashere ("Cootchy cootchy coo. Cootchy cootchy coo. You see this rattle? I BOUGHT IT!!!!"), Ralph Harris (? I think that was his name, who did a grandpa impression.), that annoying Debbie girl ("I'm FAT! HAHAHAHAHA!), and Doug Benson ("SPARTANS!!!!!!!"). It made me mad that John Carpurulo and Sabrina didn't make it. THey talked about fat guys and sandwhiches and lesbians ("You know what I hate about lesbian stereotypes? THEY ALL APPLY TO ME!!!")
BLOGTHINGS FINALLY HAS NEW QUIZZES! True, they all suck, but hey. Crap, another "DO YOU LIKE HIM?" quiz. I'm going to keep the same friend in mind as last time.
Why can't they have an accurate answer, because I'm pretty sure he would fall off his chair and go, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
Oh. Crap. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
Um, ew.
That's gross.
Went to the mall with my peeps yesterday. That was pretty fun. I officially love Hot Topic, if you didn't know that already. They have Evanescence T-shirts for $15! Next time I have money, THAT T-SHIRT IS MINE! there were also Red Jumpsuit Apparatus T-shirts and FOB T-shirts, but whatever. Evanescence beats both you guys.
Curse you, Amber. And my quiet intensity. BUt then again...thank you???
Oh dear.
Uh, right, well, my favorite restaurant is Pizza Hut. That or Johnny Rockets, but that's up in Seattle, so I'll stick with a stuffed crust pan pizza, thanks.
Nathan, William, and I all read each others personalities out loud from "Do What You Are" last night. That was pretty funny. Especially when William couldn't decide whether or not he was Judger or Perceiver, so that automatically meant Perceiver.
I'm an ESFJ.
Nathan's an ENTJ.
Williams an ESTP.
Dad's an INFJ.
Mom's an ENFP??? I think.
I wanna see what everyone else is. Hehehehe.
I played "Miss Popularity". I played as Victoria Beckham, which was really funny, because one of the haircuts made it look just like her, and I'd be sitting there all going, "How MAJOR is that?" Oh, and Major was her favorite subject. And her best friend Posh Spice went out with David Beckham's best friend Tosh Spice. Don't they sound perfect for each other??? DON'T THEY??
How does this apply, I don't wear makeup??
Right. So I look like a creepy demon child.
OMGEEZ, I'm totally going to write a crappy poem today. One about unrequited love, since that's what all poems are about, and one about dreaming, because you can make REALLY CRAPPY/FUNNY poetry about stuff like that. I'm so excited, gonna make some bad poetry today, yo.
And they won't rhyme. Because rhyming isn't cool.
Well, I'm sure it is, but I've always been bad at it.
Oh boy, Blogthings will now accurately predict when I'll get my next BOYFRIEND.
Who else is laughing besides me?
So my dream guy's going to POP OUT OF NOWHERE! "Hello, there, my name is Silas!" Slightly random? Knowing me I'd probably punch him in the stomach. And then kill him.
I am starving. But I can't go in the kitchen. I best stay down here. SILAS might be up there...
So I had this really long post, right? And I accidentally press delete and IT'S ALL GONE, YEAH?
Summer school was cool except for everyone all Indian lovers. Cuz I know white men kinda did stupid things and Chief Joseph was pretty cool and all, but it was just like, "AAAAH." They made out like Marcus Whitman deserved to die because his wife was a bbbbbwitch.
"Last Comic Standing" was pretty funny last night. Dante did this thing where he performed "The Wizard of Oz" with Jack Nicholson as Dorothy, Gilbert Gottfried as Tin Man (it was so hilarious, he got his face all scrunched up just like Gilbert and was like, "I WANNA HEART!"), Christopher Lloyd as Scarecrow ("I want...I want...I want...I want...I want...D***."), and Robert DeNiro as the Wizard. He made it, of course.
So did Gina Yashere ("Cootchy cootchy coo. Cootchy cootchy coo. You see this rattle? I BOUGHT IT!!!!"), Ralph Harris (? I think that was his name, who did a grandpa impression.), that annoying Debbie girl ("I'm FAT! HAHAHAHAHA!), and Doug Benson ("SPARTANS!!!!!!!"). It made me mad that John Carpurulo and Sabrina didn't make it. THey talked about fat guys and sandwhiches and lesbians ("You know what I hate about lesbian stereotypes? THEY ALL APPLY TO ME!!!")
BLOGTHINGS FINALLY HAS NEW QUIZZES! True, they all suck, but hey. Crap, another "DO YOU LIKE HIM?" quiz. I'm going to keep the same friend in mind as last time.
Why can't they have an accurate answer, because I'm pretty sure he would fall off his chair and go, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
Oh. Crap. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
You Are Friends With Potential |
There's a little spark going on here, no question about it Will this develop into a hot romance? Look to your guy friend for clues. Does he flirt with all his female friends? Or are you an exception? If he's giving you special treatment, you've won a part of his heart already. |
Um, ew.
That's gross.
Went to the mall with my peeps yesterday. That was pretty fun. I officially love Hot Topic, if you didn't know that already. They have Evanescence T-shirts for $15! Next time I have money, THAT T-SHIRT IS MINE! there were also Red Jumpsuit Apparatus T-shirts and FOB T-shirts, but whatever. Evanescence beats both you guys.
Curse you, Amber. And my quiet intensity. BUt then again...thank you???
Oh dear.
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is |
After dinner at your favorite restaurant, at the spot where you first kissed. |
Uh, right, well, my favorite restaurant is Pizza Hut. That or Johnny Rockets, but that's up in Seattle, so I'll stick with a stuffed crust pan pizza, thanks.
Nathan, William, and I all read each others personalities out loud from "Do What You Are" last night. That was pretty funny. Especially when William couldn't decide whether or not he was Judger or Perceiver, so that automatically meant Perceiver.
I'm an ESFJ.
Nathan's an ENTJ.
Williams an ESTP.
Dad's an INFJ.
Mom's an ENFP??? I think.
I wanna see what everyone else is. Hehehehe.
I played "Miss Popularity". I played as Victoria Beckham, which was really funny, because one of the haircuts made it look just like her, and I'd be sitting there all going, "How MAJOR is that?" Oh, and Major was her favorite subject. And her best friend Posh Spice went out with David Beckham's best friend Tosh Spice. Don't they sound perfect for each other??? DON'T THEY??
How does this apply, I don't wear makeup??
Your Makeup Look Is |
Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace |
Right. So I look like a creepy demon child.
OMGEEZ, I'm totally going to write a crappy poem today. One about unrequited love, since that's what all poems are about, and one about dreaming, because you can make REALLY CRAPPY/FUNNY poetry about stuff like that. I'm so excited, gonna make some bad poetry today, yo.
And they won't rhyme. Because rhyming isn't cool.
Well, I'm sure it is, but I've always been bad at it.
Oh boy, Blogthings will now accurately predict when I'll get my next BOYFRIEND.
Who else is laughing besides me?
You'll Find a Boyfriend Within 3 Weeks |
You're out enough to meet plenty of guys And it shows, because a few are interested in you Even if you haven't meet the right guy yet He's standing just around the corner :-) |
So my dream guy's going to POP OUT OF NOWHERE! "Hello, there, my name is Silas!" Slightly random? Knowing me I'd probably punch him in the stomach. And then kill him.
I am starving. But I can't go in the kitchen. I best stay down here. SILAS might be up there...
bad poetry,
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
They gave me flaws so I could more accurately portray an angsty teenager and make for a better plot.
Skipped summer school today. And I can do that. CUZ IT'S INDEPENDENT STUDY! Yep yep yep. I'm halfway through chapter 7, which is a load of tosh about stupid missions and stuff and how we tried to force the Indians to convert and it sucks cuz it's all true, but people still harp ON AND ON about it like all Christians are militant crackpots.
Woop woop. With no h's.
God is dead. -Bob.
Bob is dead. -God
Aaaah, can't even summon up a chuckle.
Stupid fuzzies. I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU ALL.
But yeah. I'm sure you knew that.
I started the 5th Harry Potter book yesterday. I'm on page 599 right now and my mom just picked up the 6th one, so I should be good by Saturday. Maybe even Friday, if I'm lucky.
I created a new playlist. Actually, it wasn't raelly a new playlist, I just deleted my "Party Music" playlist and then recreated it with better songs, only a lot of them were of "On The Go", which is my least favorite one, so I think I'll delete that one. "Party Music" now includes favorites like "This Ain't A Scene..." and "Smells Like Teen Spirit". IS A CULTURAL SENSATION! According to Time, anyway. But it must not become part of culture. DO. NOT. WANT.
Isn't a little presumptuous to say, "I'm awesome at bass, REALLY funny, and HAWT!" Wouldn't that be kind of a turn off to think that highly of yourself? Wouldn't it be better to say, "I play bass, like to joke around, and the ladies love me. JK." Actually, that's kind of worse....
Woop woop. With no h's.
God is dead. -Bob.
Bob is dead. -God
Aaaah, can't even summon up a chuckle.
Stupid fuzzies. I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU ALL.
But yeah. I'm sure you knew that.
I started the 5th Harry Potter book yesterday. I'm on page 599 right now and my mom just picked up the 6th one, so I should be good by Saturday. Maybe even Friday, if I'm lucky.
I created a new playlist. Actually, it wasn't raelly a new playlist, I just deleted my "Party Music" playlist and then recreated it with better songs, only a lot of them were of "On The Go", which is my least favorite one, so I think I'll delete that one. "Party Music" now includes favorites like "This Ain't A Scene..." and "Smells Like Teen Spirit". IS A CULTURAL SENSATION! According to Time, anyway. But it must not become part of culture. DO. NOT. WANT.
Isn't a little presumptuous to say, "I'm awesome at bass, REALLY funny, and HAWT!" Wouldn't that be kind of a turn off to think that highly of yourself? Wouldn't it be better to say, "I play bass, like to joke around, and the ladies love me. JK." Actually, that's kind of worse....
Harry Potter,
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Don't you think highly of yourself!!??
Wow. That was quite self-centered of me to think. And that one thing a while back, too. But seriously. Is it too much for a girl to ask (Pray? Hope? FREAKING WANT?) something like this happen? But no. Yet again, tis not true. Or it won't be. I'm making no sense.
Why did no one tell me independent study was so easy? Okay, it's kind of boring and it takes me an hour per chapter, so I'm only on chapter 4, but no one ever said I did have to go everyday and I could SKIP days as long I spent at least 12 hours in school??? WTH? So I can skip for Creation AND help out with VBS? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS? I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE RIGOROUS!
I was one of like...5 people today. Hehehehe.
So I tried to call Mrs. Mills back, but Hunter picked up the phone. It was quite scary. "*ring* *picks up* Hmmmm, hmmmmmm, mmmm, MMMMM, MMMMMMMM, MMMMM!" It was VERY scary, actually. I must remember, he's only 2. I think...
How nice.
I couldn't sleep again last night. Partly because my body suddenly wants to go to bed at 12:30, partly because it was hot, and partly because the fuzzies kept laughing at me. It was very annoying.
Fuzzies: MmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmmmmwahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahammmmmmmmmhmmmhmmmheheheheheheheehahahahmmmmm.
But then they stop...and it starts again.
Summer school was cool today because I had to go over a chapter on Indians. At first I thought it was going be all crap about, "Waaah, the Indians were here first, they deserve better!" But it was pretty cool. And some of the questions made me laugh. Like I had to write four diary entries of an Indian youth.
Spring: Today I almost caught a salmon. But then a bear came and ate my salmon.
Summer: Today I went to some rich guy's potlatch. My sister got a dog. I got a horse. Hahahahaha.
Fall: My horse was trampled by buffalo. So we ate it. Along with buffalo.
Winter: It's too cold. The shaman told us the end of the world was coming. So we threw him in the river. Naturally, he froze to death.
It was pretty shweet.
Yeah yeah.
I realized my nails don't really represent White Stripes because the white part looks more silver. And when you paint another coat, it looks even silverier. So no one recognizes my artistic promotion. Oh well.
I love Toaster Strudels. If only we HAD SOME.
Why did no one tell me independent study was so easy? Okay, it's kind of boring and it takes me an hour per chapter, so I'm only on chapter 4, but no one ever said I did have to go everyday and I could SKIP days as long I spent at least 12 hours in school??? WTH? So I can skip for Creation AND help out with VBS? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS? I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE RIGOROUS!
I was one of like...5 people today. Hehehehe.
So I tried to call Mrs. Mills back, but Hunter picked up the phone. It was quite scary. "*ring* *picks up* Hmmmm, hmmmmmm, mmmm, MMMMM, MMMMMMMM, MMMMM!" It was VERY scary, actually. I must remember, he's only 2. I think...
How nice.
I couldn't sleep again last night. Partly because my body suddenly wants to go to bed at 12:30, partly because it was hot, and partly because the fuzzies kept laughing at me. It was very annoying.
Fuzzies: MmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmmmmwahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahammmmmmmmmhmmmhmmmheheheheheheheehahahahmmmmm.
But then they stop...and it starts again.
Summer school was cool today because I had to go over a chapter on Indians. At first I thought it was going be all crap about, "Waaah, the Indians were here first, they deserve better!" But it was pretty cool. And some of the questions made me laugh. Like I had to write four diary entries of an Indian youth.
Spring: Today I almost caught a salmon. But then a bear came and ate my salmon.
Summer: Today I went to some rich guy's potlatch. My sister got a dog. I got a horse. Hahahahaha.
Fall: My horse was trampled by buffalo. So we ate it. Along with buffalo.
Winter: It's too cold. The shaman told us the end of the world was coming. So we threw him in the river. Naturally, he froze to death.
It was pretty shweet.
Yeah yeah.
I realized my nails don't really represent White Stripes because the white part looks more silver. And when you paint another coat, it looks even silverier. So no one recognizes my artistic promotion. Oh well.
I love Toaster Strudels. If only we HAD SOME.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Heeeeey, by the waaaaay.
I'M SO BORED! So I feel like telling y'all all sorts of random personal things.
Wonder if there's any Evanescence quizilla stories. To make me laugh. Ha.
My teeth hurt. Really bad. Because the dentist (orthodonist, whatever) made me start wearing rubber bands again, only this time it's only on one side of my mouth. Um, OW.
No, just Evanescence quizzes. Sad.
Sweet, I got "Sweet Sacrifice". Best song there ish.
Hm, the other results were...."Missing"? Don't know that song... That's weird. It's a real song. Hm.
Aaaaah, it's from "Anywhere But Home".
Oookay, "Forgive Me"'s a song, too. Dang.
Blah blah blah, "Haunted" and "My Immortal" and "Taking Over Me", and I don't know the rest, but the quiz is basically in invisible font and I can't see it. SO ANNOYING.
dodododo. Wow, Evanescence has a lot of songs I don't know. Stupid Amy.
Did anyone else think "The Shining" was boring? Well, I'm going to read the summary. Brace myself...
Awww, wouldn't give the end. Oh well.
There wasn't a lot of personal things in there. Well, I'll just throw this out there.
My favorite albums right now:
1. Evanescence, The Open Door
2. The Classic Crime, Albatross
3. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Don't You Fake It
4. Ummmmmmm, right. That's all.
Wonder if there's any Evanescence quizilla stories. To make me laugh. Ha.
My teeth hurt. Really bad. Because the dentist (orthodonist, whatever) made me start wearing rubber bands again, only this time it's only on one side of my mouth. Um, OW.
No, just Evanescence quizzes. Sad.
Sweet, I got "Sweet Sacrifice". Best song there ish.
Hm, the other results were...."Missing"? Don't know that song... That's weird. It's a real song. Hm.
Aaaaah, it's from "Anywhere But Home".
Oookay, "Forgive Me"'s a song, too. Dang.
Blah blah blah, "Haunted" and "My Immortal" and "Taking Over Me", and I don't know the rest, but the quiz is basically in invisible font and I can't see it. SO ANNOYING.
dodododo. Wow, Evanescence has a lot of songs I don't know. Stupid Amy.
Did anyone else think "The Shining" was boring? Well, I'm going to read the summary. Brace myself...
Awww, wouldn't give the end. Oh well.
There wasn't a lot of personal things in there. Well, I'll just throw this out there.
My favorite albums right now:
1. Evanescence, The Open Door
2. The Classic Crime, Albatross
3. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Don't You Fake It
4. Ummmmmmm, right. That's all.
They SOOOO don't fit the presidential profile!
Was talking to Dylan today. Somehow I always forget how different we are until I talk to him. I mean, we're like exact opposites. But he's a cool friend. And he doesn't think Danity Kane is lame.
Not that I like Danity Kane...that much, anyways.
Summer school was pretty sweet. I actually really like it. It's like, "Forget summer, HOW BOUT SCHOOL!"
Ish my favorite. and I got through 2 chapters of WA State History, which isn't that boring, but it's pretty boring.
I only know 2 people in that class, but we didn't really talk much. The teacher was Mr. Thorsen, Nathan's old teacher, and he was like, "Hm, do you know a NATHAN?" and I was like, "Yeah, I live with him. He's my brother." But he's really nice. Mr. Thorsen, not Nathan, although Nathan IS helping me buy Harry Potter this Saturday. W00T.
Lol, I like riddles.
Who succeeded the first president?
I'm going out on the road again, she's back there all alone again, wondering when will it ever end, for her, for me, for her, for me.
Tobymac. Blah.
Yeah. Summer school. Sweet.
Not that I like Danity Kane...that much, anyways.
Summer school was pretty sweet. I actually really like it. It's like, "Forget summer, HOW BOUT SCHOOL!"
Ish my favorite. and I got through 2 chapters of WA State History, which isn't that boring, but it's pretty boring.
I only know 2 people in that class, but we didn't really talk much. The teacher was Mr. Thorsen, Nathan's old teacher, and he was like, "Hm, do you know a NATHAN?" and I was like, "Yeah, I live with him. He's my brother." But he's really nice. Mr. Thorsen, not Nathan, although Nathan IS helping me buy Harry Potter this Saturday. W00T.
Lol, I like riddles.
Who succeeded the first president?
I'm going out on the road again, she's back there all alone again, wondering when will it ever end, for her, for me, for her, for me.
Tobymac. Blah.
Yeah. Summer school. Sweet.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Icky Thump
Oh dear, it appears I am a random hero. That explains a lot.
WHERE ARE BLOGTHINGS? There haven't been any new ones in DAYS.
I suppose I'm obsessed. I do have nothing better to do.
I read the last 2 "Winnie the Horse Gentler" books. They were both really stupid, but Mason's as cute as ever. Apparently he had a head trauma as a baby when his father threw him at the wall to shut him up??? Didn't see that one coming.
Trying to mix "Back 4 U" by Jurassic-5 and "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence. Not working. Although mix is probably the right term. My bad. I was sure there was a way you could do that on itunes, but I guess not, according to my GENIUS older brother. And then I was trying to mess around with FL Studio and I suck at that. I just wanted to get the piano part in there.
Hahahahaha. I didn't breeze through it, though. It mostly sucked. Actually, half of it REALLY sucked, a quarter of it was unremarkable, and the last quarter was amazing. For the most part.
Gee, how cynical am I?
Working on the FOB story.
Very cynical, it turns out.
I painted my nails White Stripes colors. Weee. Tomorrow is summer school. I can flash the teachers my WHITE STRIPES FINGERS!
And learn, I guess.
Although all my friends are taking PE this summer. And I was all, "Noooo, I luuuuurve PE," which I do, but now that I think about it, if I won't have any friends in my PE classes, what's the point?
WHERE ARE BLOGTHINGS? There haven't been any new ones in DAYS.
I suppose I'm obsessed. I do have nothing better to do.
I read the last 2 "Winnie the Horse Gentler" books. They were both really stupid, but Mason's as cute as ever. Apparently he had a head trauma as a baby when his father threw him at the wall to shut him up??? Didn't see that one coming.
Trying to mix "Back 4 U" by Jurassic-5 and "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence. Not working. Although mix is probably the right term. My bad. I was sure there was a way you could do that on itunes, but I guess not, according to my GENIUS older brother. And then I was trying to mess around with FL Studio and I suck at that. I just wanted to get the piano part in there.
Your 2005 Song Is |
Beverly Hills by Weezer "My automobile is a piece of crap My fashion sense is a little whack And my friends are just as screwy as me" You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style! |
Hahahahaha. I didn't breeze through it, though. It mostly sucked. Actually, half of it REALLY sucked, a quarter of it was unremarkable, and the last quarter was amazing. For the most part.
Gee, how cynical am I?
Working on the FOB story.
Very cynical, it turns out.
I painted my nails White Stripes colors. Weee. Tomorrow is summer school. I can flash the teachers my WHITE STRIPES FINGERS!
And learn, I guess.
Although all my friends are taking PE this summer. And I was all, "Noooo, I luuuuurve PE," which I do, but now that I think about it, if I won't have any friends in my PE classes, what's the point?
She's nothing to me
First part of "Lacrymosa" totally reminds me of "Phantom Menace". Especially when the choir comes in.
Church was surprisingly good today. Emily was finally there and I haven't seen her in like 5 years. Not. But pretty close. Like 2 weeks????? Katie is pink. Anita is cream. I'm green. William is blue.
LACRYMOSA (And you can blame it on meeeeeeeee, set your guilt free ((high note)), I don't wanna hold you BAAAAACK NOOOOW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!)
I swear, this song is flipping amazing.
There was just one thing at church that made me really mad and also made me want to throw up.
Even my mom thinks I suck at drums. Go figure.
My friends the fuzzies are back. Screw them. I just want to be done with this person.
I really hate 14. And that my parents were RIGHT about one thing.
If this is 14, 15's gonna suck.
Other than that, life's all good. Need to put up Fall Out Boy poster.
OMGEEEEEEEEEZ, this person obviously loves Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, too. AND she used "Your Guardian Angel" lyrics.
Ew, thinking about that song and the fuzzies from hell simaltaneously makes me puke.
I was going to write an FOB story, but I'm short on inspiration. Oh well, I've got plenty of free time. My first day of summer school's tomorrow. Woop dee doo. I'm going to need a sleeping aid.
Okay, slightly annoying, why do they keep saying every band is smexy? MCR = SMEXY! BERT = SMEXY! P!ATD! THEY'RE ALL SMEXY!
AAAAAAAAAAGH. Even Papa Roach is smexy.
I saw "Ratatouille". It was probably the best animated film I've ever seen, and the best movie I've seen all year. It's that good. The rats were so adorable. Linguine was really annoying. "OH, I JUST CAN'T EVEN TALK TO YOU! Oh, well, it's kinda crazy, but you know, I've got, well, heh heh, I've gotta a secret, and it's DISTURBING!" He wouldn't shut up. Skinner looked like a tiny french Prince. It was pretty funny. I kept waiting for him to burst out in song. PURPLE RAIN, PUUUUURPLE RAIN.
Amy Lee says certain words weird. Like on "Your Star", where she's all, "All my fears turn to rage," it sounds like, "All my feels tuln to rage."
Oooooooooooooh oh, but I wanna let it gooooo.
I hate Hinder!
Ew, I saw "The Derby Stallion" the other day. It was so horrible. I didn't even watch all of it. But there was all this stupid racial tension. Hello, this is practically a DISNEY movie. There's no such thing as racial tension! And Zac Efron played the exact same character he did in HSM. And then the girl kisses him and there's a really stupid exchange straight outta "Seventh Heaven".
Annoying Little Sister #1: Did she kiss him, mommy?
Mom (JUST LIKE THE ONE FROM 7TH HEAVEN): Uh, no, I think she's just checking his lips...
Dad: I do that sometimes. *chuckle*
Annoying Little Sister #2: Suuuuure.
And of course Zac (his character's name was PATRICK, but whatever) didn't see it coming. She's all, "Hey, I wanna tell you something," and he leans down and is all, "What?" GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? Well, now you KNOW WHAT. Loser.
What's with the mom and her lies of death? Sounds like sexual repression to me.
Church was surprisingly good today. Emily was finally there and I haven't seen her in like 5 years. Not. But pretty close. Like 2 weeks????? Katie is pink. Anita is cream. I'm green. William is blue.
LACRYMOSA (And you can blame it on meeeeeeeee, set your guilt free ((high note)), I don't wanna hold you BAAAAACK NOOOOW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!)
I swear, this song is flipping amazing.
There was just one thing at church that made me really mad and also made me want to throw up.
Even my mom thinks I suck at drums. Go figure.
My friends the fuzzies are back. Screw them. I just want to be done with this person.
I really hate 14. And that my parents were RIGHT about one thing.
If this is 14, 15's gonna suck.
Other than that, life's all good. Need to put up Fall Out Boy poster.
OMGEEEEEEEEEZ, this person obviously loves Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, too. AND she used "Your Guardian Angel" lyrics.
Ew, thinking about that song and the fuzzies from hell simaltaneously makes me puke.
I was going to write an FOB story, but I'm short on inspiration. Oh well, I've got plenty of free time. My first day of summer school's tomorrow. Woop dee doo. I'm going to need a sleeping aid.
Okay, slightly annoying, why do they keep saying every band is smexy? MCR = SMEXY! BERT = SMEXY! P!ATD! THEY'RE ALL SMEXY!
AAAAAAAAAAGH. Even Papa Roach is smexy.
I saw "Ratatouille". It was probably the best animated film I've ever seen, and the best movie I've seen all year. It's that good. The rats were so adorable. Linguine was really annoying. "OH, I JUST CAN'T EVEN TALK TO YOU! Oh, well, it's kinda crazy, but you know, I've got, well, heh heh, I've gotta a secret, and it's DISTURBING!" He wouldn't shut up. Skinner looked like a tiny french Prince. It was pretty funny. I kept waiting for him to burst out in song. PURPLE RAIN, PUUUUURPLE RAIN.
Amy Lee says certain words weird. Like on "Your Star", where she's all, "All my fears turn to rage," it sounds like, "All my feels tuln to rage."
Oooooooooooooh oh, but I wanna let it gooooo.
I hate Hinder!
Ew, I saw "The Derby Stallion" the other day. It was so horrible. I didn't even watch all of it. But there was all this stupid racial tension. Hello, this is practically a DISNEY movie. There's no such thing as racial tension! And Zac Efron played the exact same character he did in HSM. And then the girl kisses him and there's a really stupid exchange straight outta "Seventh Heaven".
Annoying Little Sister #1: Did she kiss him, mommy?
Mom (JUST LIKE THE ONE FROM 7TH HEAVEN): Uh, no, I think she's just checking his lips...
Dad: I do that sometimes. *chuckle*
Annoying Little Sister #2: Suuuuure.
And of course Zac (his character's name was PATRICK, but whatever) didn't see it coming. She's all, "Hey, I wanna tell you something," and he leans down and is all, "What?" GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? Well, now you KNOW WHAT. Loser.
What's with the mom and her lies of death? Sounds like sexual repression to me.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Leather pants...not uncomfortable, just kind of creaky.
Civits eat coffee cherries, and then digest the bean, taking out the bitter flavor and most of the caffeine. So when it poops the stuff out, PEOPLE DRINK IT! WHAT THE HECK? Yeah, sure, as an American I'm just not open to other cultures, but THAT'S REALLY GROSS. And I usually don't say things are gross, if y'all know what I'm talking about. And it's expensive? Like $120 a pound. Seriously.
We watched "The Last Sin Eater" last night. That was a surprisingly good movie. Like a closeted Christian film. It wasn't as creepy as I would've liked, but it was a good story. I did read a lot of the spoilers when it came out, though, so that wasn't nice. I need to stop doing that, but Pluggedin needs to stop GIVING spoilers. Like, they gave all the spoilers to the end of "Evan Almighty" to show what a great spiritual example the end was. Crap.
Only in the movie last night, there was this creepy little girl named Lilybet that only the main character could see. She was scarier than the Sin Eater and the Indians and everyone else in that movie combined. There was this one part where Fagan and Cadi are in a cave and Fagan's walking away and as he's walking Lilybet suddenly appears, but he doesn't see her. I screamed, it was so freaky.
But of course, she was an angel. That's not even giving away anything, it was SO OBVIOUS. I mean, here you have a little pale, red headed girl dressed all in white who saves Cadi's life like 86 times, she has to be an angel. And it has nothing to do with the plot AT ALL. It was like Frank Peretti decided to help write the script.
But at least it didn't end like one of his books. Sucka...
I love dogs, I love dogs...
I think I've had enough Miss Popularity for now. Although it would be nice to play with the skater again and have Avril Lavigne and her Sum 41 husband (I always forget his name), or have Maximum Ride and Fang, but that would mean playing with the musician again, cuz Fang is so emo.
I'm going to create a fantasy "Maximum Ride" soundtrack playlist. But I need more than 2 songs. I'll start looking for more appropriate ones. "Your Star", by Evanescence, fit "The Last Sin Eater" perfectly. I literally had it stuck in my head for like an hour after that movie.
We watched "The Last Sin Eater" last night. That was a surprisingly good movie. Like a closeted Christian film. It wasn't as creepy as I would've liked, but it was a good story. I did read a lot of the spoilers when it came out, though, so that wasn't nice. I need to stop doing that, but Pluggedin needs to stop GIVING spoilers. Like, they gave all the spoilers to the end of "Evan Almighty" to show what a great spiritual example the end was. Crap.
Only in the movie last night, there was this creepy little girl named Lilybet that only the main character could see. She was scarier than the Sin Eater and the Indians and everyone else in that movie combined. There was this one part where Fagan and Cadi are in a cave and Fagan's walking away and as he's walking Lilybet suddenly appears, but he doesn't see her. I screamed, it was so freaky.
But of course, she was an angel. That's not even giving away anything, it was SO OBVIOUS. I mean, here you have a little pale, red headed girl dressed all in white who saves Cadi's life like 86 times, she has to be an angel. And it has nothing to do with the plot AT ALL. It was like Frank Peretti decided to help write the script.
But at least it didn't end like one of his books. Sucka...
I love dogs, I love dogs...
I think I've had enough Miss Popularity for now. Although it would be nice to play with the skater again and have Avril Lavigne and her Sum 41 husband (I always forget his name), or have Maximum Ride and Fang, but that would mean playing with the musician again, cuz Fang is so emo.
I'm going to create a fantasy "Maximum Ride" soundtrack playlist. But I need more than 2 songs. I'll start looking for more appropriate ones. "Your Star", by Evanescence, fit "The Last Sin Eater" perfectly. I literally had it stuck in my head for like an hour after that movie.
Friday, July 13, 2007
And I wish they would stop showing pictures and plastering posters everywhere of Daniel Radcliffe with his tongue in Katie Leung's mouth. It's driving me insane. I don't want to look at Daniel Radcliffe's tongue, inside or outside his mouth. Or in a different mouth. Gross.
The new J-14 came out. Weeee. I just finished it. Why were there like 20 articles on the Jonas Brothers, mainly KEVIN?
Which sucks, because I used to think Kevin was cute, but they totally inflated his ego and made him all dumb, and he's wearing these really awful pants.
And they keep saying, "Oh, Nick is SOOOOO cute, we all LURVE him," but they always exclude him from every interview.
It seems they've let up on their Joe Jonas lovefest. Hahahahaha.
Thank goodness Nick isn't dating Miley Cyrus. That is actually something I would love to prevent. Not because I'm madly in love with Nick Jonas. But because dating Miley Cyrus is a bad move for anyone.
But hey, that's just me.
They also had a lot of Jason Dolley in there. Not that I'm complaining.
How come they never mention Kyle Massey? I mean, he's the main character in "Cory in the House", yeah, he's in the flipping title, but he never gets a mention and all his costars (even his fake dad) DO! I guess chubby black guys don't get a mention, but skinny blonde guys with a nice smile and excellent hair get loads. Of mentions, that is.
Sure, Kyle Massey isn't like a heartthrob (yet Zac Efron is? Wth?), but he's not UGLY, he's just normal looking, and he's really funny. He should get at least enough publicity as Nick Jonas, who slightly resembles a hamster sometimes (though he does look rather nice the majority of the time).
I'M AN ESFJ!!!! I started reading this book "Do What You Are" and it categorizes your personality and tells you what jobs would be appropriate. So I am an Extroverted (with introverted tendencies??) Sensing (Concrete) Feeling (more swayed by people's emotions and personal morals than analytical answers) Judger (self explanatory, although it did imply I was neat and orderly???).
So this means I should do well in the.....drug dealing field? More to come.
AAAAH, got an adorable Fall Out Boy poster. "Adorable" meaning Patrick didn't have scary blue eyes and Pete wasn't all crawling all over the place. It was way better than the one I got last month. It shows all the FOB in tuxes and stuff and Joe has his arm around Patrick and Pete and Pete looks normal for once and Andy is actually in the picture and Joe's smiling nicelike and Patrick is looking awkward, making for a nice poster. PUTTING THIS ONE UP!
And I wish they would stop showing pictures and plastering posters everywhere of Daniel Radcliffe with his tongue in Katie Leung's mouth. It's driving me insane. I don't want to look at Daniel Radcliffe's tongue, inside or outside his mouth. Or in a different mouth. Gross.
The new J-14 came out. Weeee. I just finished it. Why were there like 20 articles on the Jonas Brothers, mainly KEVIN?
Which sucks, because I used to think Kevin was cute, but they totally inflated his ego and made him all dumb, and he's wearing these really awful pants.
And they keep saying, "Oh, Nick is SOOOOO cute, we all LURVE him," but they always exclude him from every interview.
It seems they've let up on their Joe Jonas lovefest. Hahahahaha.
Thank goodness Nick isn't dating Miley Cyrus. That is actually something I would love to prevent. Not because I'm madly in love with Nick Jonas. But because dating Miley Cyrus is a bad move for anyone.
But hey, that's just me.
They also had a lot of Jason Dolley in there. Not that I'm complaining.
How come they never mention Kyle Massey? I mean, he's the main character in "Cory in the House", yeah, he's in the flipping title, but he never gets a mention and all his costars (even his fake dad) DO! I guess chubby black guys don't get a mention, but skinny blonde guys with a nice smile and excellent hair get loads. Of mentions, that is.
Sure, Kyle Massey isn't like a heartthrob (yet Zac Efron is? Wth?), but he's not UGLY, he's just normal looking, and he's really funny. He should get at least enough publicity as Nick Jonas, who slightly resembles a hamster sometimes (though he does look rather nice the majority of the time).
I'M AN ESFJ!!!! I started reading this book "Do What You Are" and it categorizes your personality and tells you what jobs would be appropriate. So I am an Extroverted (with introverted tendencies??) Sensing (Concrete) Feeling (more swayed by people's emotions and personal morals than analytical answers) Judger (self explanatory, although it did imply I was neat and orderly???).
So this means I should do well in the.....drug dealing field? More to come.
AAAAH, got an adorable Fall Out Boy poster. "Adorable" meaning Patrick didn't have scary blue eyes and Pete wasn't all crawling all over the place. It was way better than the one I got last month. It shows all the FOB in tuxes and stuff and Joe has his arm around Patrick and Pete and Pete looks normal for once and Andy is actually in the picture and Joe's smiling nicelike and Patrick is looking awkward, making for a nice poster. PUTTING THIS ONE UP!
fall out boy,
Harry Potter,
hot guys,
immature guys,
Joe Trohman,
lotsa fall out boy,
Pete Wentz,
But mostly Max and Fang related, of course
THEY'RE MAKING A MAXIMUM RIDE MOVIE! That means I need to hurry up and read the second book. I was going to buy it for $6 on Tuesday, but opted not to so I could have money for other things.
I can't wait for the soundtrack. They should definitely have "Your Guardian Angel", by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (it could be Fang declaring undying love for Max...), and "The Only One", by Evanescence, because it has that line about flying and crashing. And she's all, "Don't look down, you'll become their SACRIFICE!" That could be Max telling that to, erm, Fang. And the chorus about lying could be about Jed.
But hey. That's just me.
Yes. I realize that's mostly Max and Fang related.
I'm going to talk about "Miss Popularity" some more. Yes. You knew it was coming. Fine, go read the next blog if it bothers you that much.
do do do do...where should I start? I beat the skater version last night. Lame. He was just really whiny about the environment and crap, and I forgot to get a new hat, and he was seriously considering his ex-girlfriend! Just because she had a nice OUTFIT. Psyche, I HAD THE EXACT SAME OUTFIT. AND TURQUOISE NAIL POLISH! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? But it was mainly the stupid stuff about the environment. The things he did for the school festival were the lamest of the three guys: first, a trash pickup, then handing out flyers (aren't those made out of paper? What happened to wanting to save the environment?), and then skateboarding like pros.
SO LAME. I guess I'm kind of biased against environmentalists and animal rights freaks. I just think it's all stupid. And the PETA people got all mad at Mit Romney for letting his dog ride on the roof...IN 1983!!!!!
Come to think of it, skater had the lamest stance of the three, too. (Musician: hands in pockets, Athlete: Arms crossed, Skater: hands clasped in front of him) WHO CLASPS THEIR HANDS IN FRONT OF THEM? Very cool and...environmental???
I finally figured out the guy usually hangs out where he broke up with you to get with your best friend. PSYCHE. Why didn't I figure that out sooner?
Cuz I'm dumb.
If you go for the Athlete, you get the best clothes, I think anyways. I would've liked him more, but he either got long hair, parted hair, or really creepy short hair (looks very odd on an animated figure), and we all know it's all about the hair. And at the end of the game you're supposed to kick a stupid soccer ball and I couldn't do it! it was all easy before, but then I would press the right arrow key and it would be like, "RED ZONE!" It took me about 20 tries to get it right. Curse you...
So Musician is best. Especially since I couldn't think of any pro skaters besides Tony Hawk and Chad Muska, so I had to name the guy PETE WENTZ, who isn't a skater, just a poser, and then I had a suddenly memory block of white athletes, until I finally thought of Luke Ridnour. Yesh. Only his best friend was very white and I named him Ray Allen. Oh the irony.
There's this one part in the game where the guy you like starts speaking in a French accent. It really grossed me out. Maybe this means taking French would not be good for me. *gasp* LIKE ON "PASSPORT TO PARIS"! TWEENAGE BOYS SPEAKING BAD FRENCH! THE HORROR! THE HORROR!
"So do you like your school? Do you like school?" "Uh...when it rains, I am sad."
Enough of that.
Oh, that's messed up:
Why do blondes have square boobs?
Because they forget to take the tissues out of the box.
That's not okay. True, I'm not blonde, but hey. I was reading these politically incorrect blonde jokes and they weren't funny, they were just about orgasms and stuff. It was like, "Okay, I get it, apparently all blondes are slutty."
Has anyone else had melted cheesecake? Very disgusting. At least, the cake part is okay, but the cream cheese on top is all gloopy and stuff and it tasted really gross. Just saying.
While playing "Miss Popularity", I kept getting "Good Enough" stuck in my head. It kind of fit the whole game premise, but the background music sounded a lot like the piano melody that I kept expecting Amy Lee to pop up and start busting her vocal cords.
I can't wait for the soundtrack. They should definitely have "Your Guardian Angel", by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (it could be Fang declaring undying love for Max...), and "The Only One", by Evanescence, because it has that line about flying and crashing. And she's all, "Don't look down, you'll become their SACRIFICE!" That could be Max telling that to, erm, Fang. And the chorus about lying could be about Jed.
But hey. That's just me.
Yes. I realize that's mostly Max and Fang related.
I'm going to talk about "Miss Popularity" some more. Yes. You knew it was coming. Fine, go read the next blog if it bothers you that much.
do do do do...where should I start? I beat the skater version last night. Lame. He was just really whiny about the environment and crap, and I forgot to get a new hat, and he was seriously considering his ex-girlfriend! Just because she had a nice OUTFIT. Psyche, I HAD THE EXACT SAME OUTFIT. AND TURQUOISE NAIL POLISH! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? But it was mainly the stupid stuff about the environment. The things he did for the school festival were the lamest of the three guys: first, a trash pickup, then handing out flyers (aren't those made out of paper? What happened to wanting to save the environment?), and then skateboarding like pros.
SO LAME. I guess I'm kind of biased against environmentalists and animal rights freaks. I just think it's all stupid. And the PETA people got all mad at Mit Romney for letting his dog ride on the roof...IN 1983!!!!!
Come to think of it, skater had the lamest stance of the three, too. (Musician: hands in pockets, Athlete: Arms crossed, Skater: hands clasped in front of him) WHO CLASPS THEIR HANDS IN FRONT OF THEM? Very cool and...environmental???
I finally figured out the guy usually hangs out where he broke up with you to get with your best friend. PSYCHE. Why didn't I figure that out sooner?
Cuz I'm dumb.
If you go for the Athlete, you get the best clothes, I think anyways. I would've liked him more, but he either got long hair, parted hair, or really creepy short hair (looks very odd on an animated figure), and we all know it's all about the hair. And at the end of the game you're supposed to kick a stupid soccer ball and I couldn't do it! it was all easy before, but then I would press the right arrow key and it would be like, "RED ZONE!" It took me about 20 tries to get it right. Curse you...
So Musician is best. Especially since I couldn't think of any pro skaters besides Tony Hawk and Chad Muska, so I had to name the guy PETE WENTZ, who isn't a skater, just a poser, and then I had a suddenly memory block of white athletes, until I finally thought of Luke Ridnour. Yesh. Only his best friend was very white and I named him Ray Allen. Oh the irony.
There's this one part in the game where the guy you like starts speaking in a French accent. It really grossed me out. Maybe this means taking French would not be good for me. *gasp* LIKE ON "PASSPORT TO PARIS"! TWEENAGE BOYS SPEAKING BAD FRENCH! THE HORROR! THE HORROR!
"So do you like your school? Do you like school?" "Uh...when it rains, I am sad."
Enough of that.
Oh, that's messed up:
Why do blondes have square boobs?
Because they forget to take the tissues out of the box.
That's not okay. True, I'm not blonde, but hey. I was reading these politically incorrect blonde jokes and they weren't funny, they were just about orgasms and stuff. It was like, "Okay, I get it, apparently all blondes are slutty."
Has anyone else had melted cheesecake? Very disgusting. At least, the cake part is okay, but the cream cheese on top is all gloopy and stuff and it tasted really gross. Just saying.
While playing "Miss Popularity", I kept getting "Good Enough" stuck in my head. It kind of fit the whole game premise, but the background music sounded a lot like the piano melody that I kept expecting Amy Lee to pop up and start busting her vocal cords.
Amy Lee,
computer games,
hot guys,
immature guys,
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Let me just say, before I start, does anyone else hate those old school keyboards with the really small backspace keys?? Cuz I broke my pinky during basketball, so I can't reach the stupid small ones anymore, and it's annoying trying to erase something misspelled like botos (boots) and having a million little slashes.
Anyway, the fun continues with "Miss Popularity". You know you love it.
Went to the stupid party. There was music, I gave him my present, and that was IT. Kind of a lame party, no? His stupid best friend (Meg, lol) made me choose the music. Finally got the whole "talking to people" thing. Apparently you're supposed to listen to them because they actually know what they're talking about. :O
Jack liked the cello thing. Just as I was about to kiss him (??? fine by me) when his ex-girlfriend comes up. Kind of scary, and this happened multiple times, there's this whole crappy scene leading up to the kiss, and in the end I end up hiding behind him. Wth????
So his ex-girlfriend is a skank. Big surprise. And she's mean and has the nerve to call off the party early. But Jack, being an idiot, listens. So I leave, and WHAT'S THIS? I get a text message from Aleesha (my best friend) that he's at the cafe with Skanky????? She tells me to put a stop to it. So I do. Rowr, cat fight. Unfortunately, the whole thing does not escalate to a catfight. The people with exclamation points over their heads tell me to be honest and not yell. So I have to BEG her to stop seeing Jack, but then she tells me my outfit sucks. So I have to buy a NEW outfit. Yes. ANOTHER one.
The tagline for this game is "Your Friends. Your Choices. Your Future." It should be "Taking control of your destiny, one outfit at a time". So I buy the stupid outfit (which includes a manicure this time) and have to go find Jack, and it turns out he's done with her, and he likes another girl...
Another near kissing scene.
But we're interrupted by a French girl. And, because he seems taken with her, I run off crying.
Had no choice. I swear, if I could control every action of my character, this game would be a whole lot different.
Oh, silly me, turns out she's his COUSIN'S GIRLFRIEND. Right. So you're having an affair with your cousin's girlfriend? Jerk. But I still have to buy movie tickets that I think he would like (with help from the wise movie ticket taker) and take him to the movies. Isn't it the guy that pays for the dates? I already bought you a present.
And he loves the movie. I must've read his mind. And then he's all excited about this school festival thing. The orchestra's playing. Oooh, sounds
And that means a choreographed dance routine, guitar playing, and invitation passing. Which I fulfilled.
Finally, Jack has the courage to ask me out.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? HOW LONG DID IT TAKE? So I say, "YES!" Actually, the very creepy reply was, "From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one! I was too shy to say hello, because I thought you wouldn't like me! Of course my answer is yes." Surprisingly, this didn't freak him out.
So the big kiss finally comes.
I can honestly say now that I kissed Jack White.
I'm playing it again with the skater guy. I used my real name, but the skater's name is Pete Wentz. Gross. Oh, I got Amy Lee in there: she's my best friend. The skater's clothes are really expensive, but it's more fun than the musician. I've almost beat it, so I'll finish it and play with the athlete tomorrow.
Anyway, the fun continues with "Miss Popularity". You know you love it.
Went to the stupid party. There was music, I gave him my present, and that was IT. Kind of a lame party, no? His stupid best friend (Meg, lol) made me choose the music. Finally got the whole "talking to people" thing. Apparently you're supposed to listen to them because they actually know what they're talking about. :O
Jack liked the cello thing. Just as I was about to kiss him (??? fine by me) when his ex-girlfriend comes up. Kind of scary, and this happened multiple times, there's this whole crappy scene leading up to the kiss, and in the end I end up hiding behind him. Wth????
So his ex-girlfriend is a skank. Big surprise. And she's mean and has the nerve to call off the party early. But Jack, being an idiot, listens. So I leave, and WHAT'S THIS? I get a text message from Aleesha (my best friend) that he's at the cafe with Skanky????? She tells me to put a stop to it. So I do. Rowr, cat fight. Unfortunately, the whole thing does not escalate to a catfight. The people with exclamation points over their heads tell me to be honest and not yell. So I have to BEG her to stop seeing Jack, but then she tells me my outfit sucks. So I have to buy a NEW outfit. Yes. ANOTHER one.
The tagline for this game is "Your Friends. Your Choices. Your Future." It should be "Taking control of your destiny, one outfit at a time". So I buy the stupid outfit (which includes a manicure this time) and have to go find Jack, and it turns out he's done with her, and he likes another girl...
Another near kissing scene.
But we're interrupted by a French girl. And, because he seems taken with her, I run off crying.
Had no choice. I swear, if I could control every action of my character, this game would be a whole lot different.
Oh, silly me, turns out she's his COUSIN'S GIRLFRIEND. Right. So you're having an affair with your cousin's girlfriend? Jerk. But I still have to buy movie tickets that I think he would like (with help from the wise movie ticket taker) and take him to the movies. Isn't it the guy that pays for the dates? I already bought you a present.
And he loves the movie. I must've read his mind. And then he's all excited about this school festival thing. The orchestra's playing. Oooh, sounds
And that means a choreographed dance routine, guitar playing, and invitation passing. Which I fulfilled.
Finally, Jack has the courage to ask me out.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? HOW LONG DID IT TAKE? So I say, "YES!" Actually, the very creepy reply was, "From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one! I was too shy to say hello, because I thought you wouldn't like me! Of course my answer is yes." Surprisingly, this didn't freak him out.
So the big kiss finally comes.
I can honestly say now that I kissed Jack White.
I'm playing it again with the skater guy. I used my real name, but the skater's name is Pete Wentz. Gross. Oh, I got Amy Lee in there: she's my best friend. The skater's clothes are really expensive, but it's more fun than the musician. I've almost beat it, so I'll finish it and play with the athlete tomorrow.
computer games,
fun parties,
hot guys,
immature guys,
sexual humor
Before I start on my rant (sort of?? Or is it a rave? I've heard them both used positively.), JOHNNY COME LATELY GOT IN THE TOP 20 ON AMERICA'S GOT TALENT! So did Fault Line, but the Redneck Tenors and the barbershop quartet didn't make it. Probably because the tenors were fat and the others were black. That show is so biased. There was this other guy who was fat and they didn't send him through. Only Marie was mad about that and I was kind of happy since I didn't think he was that good. The stay-at-home dad reggae singer made it. Shweet. Ew, so did the 14-year-old country singer. HATE HER! They couldn't give the 25-year-old her big break, they were just all, "Oh, bla bla bla, you're young, follow your dreams, and get raped and crushed by Hollywood! If you win, you'll be forgotten in 5 seconds, but go for it!" I wondered if she'd had to sleep with THE HOFF to get that result, but Mom said that was illegal. Yeah, Mom, but this is showbiz, and she's a no-talent country singer. Maybe I just hate country.
Why is "Sweet Sacrifice" like the best song on "The Open Door" and it's also the shortest.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Of course, like ALWAYS, I managed to figure out "Miss Popularity" eventually after I screamed myself hoarse. Whoop dee doo. Turns out you needed the mouse. Which bothers me. Not the mouse thing, but I do have a bad temper. And all those that know me and are like, "Hahaha, you're so VIOLENT!" Yeah, but I that's not when I'm MAD. That's mostly just when I'm annoyed or joking around. But when I'm mad, I just yell at people. Really loud. So that's something I prayed about yesterday, cuz it's MESSED UP, but the "violence" will not stop. Hahahaha. Hahahaha. Screw you.
Wow. Um, moving on.
But speaking of "Miss Popularity", it did meet expectations: sappy, biased, all-white computer game, where the main character has an IQ of 10 and wears chic outfits, giiiirl.
Yeah. I'm going to summarize the WHOLE GAME so far, suckas. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!!!???
I personally love how it opens. Your character (after choosing her hair. Yeah, they let you "customize" your character by choosing one of three hairstyles and one of 4 colors. Yaaaay.) is all, "*hip thrust* I'm waiting for my best friend to call. *hip thrust* We were supposed to get in touch." Yeah, and I named my character AMY LEE. I suppose I'm kind of obsessed. But I can't see Amy Lee doing a hip dance.
So I have to meet said best friend at park, where I describe my "dream boy" to her. You get to pick one of three personalities: The Sunny Boy (ooh, that sounds attractive...and possibly gay), The Rebel (SOOOO TEMPTING), or the Romantic.
Guess who I chose?
No, not the rebel. Because apparently musicians aren't rebellious. Just romantic. And they're not turned on by originality. They prefer romanticity. Is that even a weird?
So I go to school and am given three options of how to approach said dream boy (HAHAHA, his name is Jack White. I had him wearing leather pants for a while. It was pretty funny. But he's apparently not allowed to wear red, something the real Jack is all about. Oooh well. And his best friend's name is Meg, lol. Unfortunately, his best friend is a boy. Oops.): Delight (OMG, IT'S YOU! *drool*), Chewing gum (Only I didn't say anything. He was just all, "I FORGOT MY NOTES!" Escape route???), or Excuse ("Do I know you?").
Wouldn't running up to a guy you don't know and screaming, "OMG, IT'S YOU! SHE WAS RIGHT! YOU'RE REALLY HERE!" scare some people?
Most guys I know would be like, "Wth? Psycho..."
Actually, all the guys I know would be like, "AXE MURDERER!"
But yeah.
So I have to ask around and find out he practices in this club thingy most of the time.
But they won't let me go in there. Because my outfit doesn't say I am a musician.
I can't help it that my character was given a gray shirt and brown jeans to start out with. NO LIE. So basically I'm poor.
And I bought this hat with the money I had (because they won't let you buy ANYTHING else until later levels, which is lame), but they didn't like that either. Bought new shoes...but no, wrong shoes. So I was trying to get all my skillz up (Education, because you need to be well educated to deliver newspapers. Yeah, sure. Music, because I'm going after a musician. Duh.), but I couldn't get my Romance up.
Because I needed sexier clothes, that's why. And I'd bought the wrong hat. MY BAD.
So I bought this hideous headband and that convinced the bouncer I was musicianish enough. Then I had to lie to Jack's best friend (remember, his name is Meg. Okay, I had to lie to MEG.) that I was on a date with Jack, so he made me play guitar for him.
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY GUITAR. Thank goodness it just involved hitting number keys 1-6. Then he was convinced. But Jack wasn't there to here my stellar playing, so I had to go the next day, after telling the bouncer the secret password (which was Groove Club? ??????). And Jack was so amazed by my skillz that he bought me ice cream.
Hoooow romantic. And I had to act like I knew a lot about music, which I sort of do, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS YOUNG MAN, and he asked me to go to the disco with him.
Which mean a new outfit.
But my best friend sucks. She was all, "You need an original outfit, so I bought a bunch of clothes to enhance my originality." Yeah, so I spent $100 on new ORIGINAl clothes, and the bouncer was like, "I'm sorry, your outfit is not romantic enough." WHA? That's one I've never heard. Okay, thanks, pal, next time I'll remember to wear something lower cut.
Forget that you're underage. You're just not romantic AT ALL. So I had to run around doing neighborhood chores (like walk the dog that is basically dead. It's one scary looking dog.). The one good thing about the original clothes was it allowed me to paint an airbrush picture. Which gave me $28 in one sitting. Pretty shweet.
Let's review how realistic this game is: Everyone is white. All the girls are at most a size 7. The guys are mostly emo or skaters. There is the occasional fat guy, but he's always a nerd or a bouncer.
Oh, and parents are totally cool with fishnets, miniskirts, and tube tops. Especially if you wear all three together. They are SO COOL with that.
Yeah right. My parents would beat me to death with a stick.
Go to the disco. It's lame. People dance with hands on hips. Then Jack asks me to help him hand out invitations for lame orchestra concert.
NO ONE GOES TO ORCHESTRA CONCERTS! Family, maybe, and sometimes friends of the players, but no one in their right mind would go, "Hey, orchestra concert! Sweet, I'll go, since there's nothing to do but go the disco!"
Also, what's up with disco? Isn't that a British thing?
But Jack apparently forgot that conversation, as he went out with my best friend and BLEW ME OFF.
The game began to get more realistic.
So I had to play dumb and be all, "Who you talking 'bout, baby?" when he was all, "There are nice guys ALL AROUND YOU. You just gotta OPEN YOUR EYES!" Riiight.
So I set him up with my best friend. Then I made up with her, AND Jack, and he invited me to his birthday party.
What? When did this happen? So I went and bought him a present: A leather music case. Girly, but he's probably going to love it.
I say probably because the stupid game won't let me give it to him. I have to buy a NEW OUTFIT first. Yeah.
So the neighborhood chores and clothes shopping continues. This should be fun.
To be continued...
Why is "Sweet Sacrifice" like the best song on "The Open Door" and it's also the shortest.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Of course, like ALWAYS, I managed to figure out "Miss Popularity" eventually after I screamed myself hoarse. Whoop dee doo. Turns out you needed the mouse. Which bothers me. Not the mouse thing, but I do have a bad temper. And all those that know me and are like, "Hahaha, you're so VIOLENT!" Yeah, but I that's not when I'm MAD. That's mostly just when I'm annoyed or joking around. But when I'm mad, I just yell at people. Really loud. So that's something I prayed about yesterday, cuz it's MESSED UP, but the "violence" will not stop. Hahahaha. Hahahaha. Screw you.
Wow. Um, moving on.
But speaking of "Miss Popularity", it did meet expectations: sappy, biased, all-white computer game, where the main character has an IQ of 10 and wears chic outfits, giiiirl.
Yeah. I'm going to summarize the WHOLE GAME so far, suckas. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!!!???
I personally love how it opens. Your character (after choosing her hair. Yeah, they let you "customize" your character by choosing one of three hairstyles and one of 4 colors. Yaaaay.) is all, "*hip thrust* I'm waiting for my best friend to call. *hip thrust* We were supposed to get in touch." Yeah, and I named my character AMY LEE. I suppose I'm kind of obsessed. But I can't see Amy Lee doing a hip dance.
So I have to meet said best friend at park, where I describe my "dream boy" to her. You get to pick one of three personalities: The Sunny Boy (ooh, that sounds attractive...and possibly gay), The Rebel (SOOOO TEMPTING), or the Romantic.
Guess who I chose?
No, not the rebel. Because apparently musicians aren't rebellious. Just romantic. And they're not turned on by originality. They prefer romanticity. Is that even a weird?
So I go to school and am given three options of how to approach said dream boy (HAHAHA, his name is Jack White. I had him wearing leather pants for a while. It was pretty funny. But he's apparently not allowed to wear red, something the real Jack is all about. Oooh well. And his best friend's name is Meg, lol. Unfortunately, his best friend is a boy. Oops.): Delight (OMG, IT'S YOU! *drool*), Chewing gum (Only I didn't say anything. He was just all, "I FORGOT MY NOTES!" Escape route???), or Excuse ("Do I know you?").
Wouldn't running up to a guy you don't know and screaming, "OMG, IT'S YOU! SHE WAS RIGHT! YOU'RE REALLY HERE!" scare some people?
Most guys I know would be like, "Wth? Psycho..."
Actually, all the guys I know would be like, "AXE MURDERER!"
But yeah.
So I have to ask around and find out he practices in this club thingy most of the time.
But they won't let me go in there. Because my outfit doesn't say I am a musician.
I can't help it that my character was given a gray shirt and brown jeans to start out with. NO LIE. So basically I'm poor.
And I bought this hat with the money I had (because they won't let you buy ANYTHING else until later levels, which is lame), but they didn't like that either. Bought new shoes...but no, wrong shoes. So I was trying to get all my skillz up (Education, because you need to be well educated to deliver newspapers. Yeah, sure. Music, because I'm going after a musician. Duh.), but I couldn't get my Romance up.
Because I needed sexier clothes, that's why. And I'd bought the wrong hat. MY BAD.
So I bought this hideous headband and that convinced the bouncer I was musicianish enough. Then I had to lie to Jack's best friend (remember, his name is Meg. Okay, I had to lie to MEG.) that I was on a date with Jack, so he made me play guitar for him.
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY GUITAR. Thank goodness it just involved hitting number keys 1-6. Then he was convinced. But Jack wasn't there to here my stellar playing, so I had to go the next day, after telling the bouncer the secret password (which was Groove Club? ??????). And Jack was so amazed by my skillz that he bought me ice cream.
Hoooow romantic. And I had to act like I knew a lot about music, which I sort of do, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS YOUNG MAN, and he asked me to go to the disco with him.
Which mean a new outfit.
But my best friend sucks. She was all, "You need an original outfit, so I bought a bunch of clothes to enhance my originality." Yeah, so I spent $100 on new ORIGINAl clothes, and the bouncer was like, "I'm sorry, your outfit is not romantic enough." WHA? That's one I've never heard. Okay, thanks, pal, next time I'll remember to wear something lower cut.
Forget that you're underage. You're just not romantic AT ALL. So I had to run around doing neighborhood chores (like walk the dog that is basically dead. It's one scary looking dog.). The one good thing about the original clothes was it allowed me to paint an airbrush picture. Which gave me $28 in one sitting. Pretty shweet.
Let's review how realistic this game is: Everyone is white. All the girls are at most a size 7. The guys are mostly emo or skaters. There is the occasional fat guy, but he's always a nerd or a bouncer.
Oh, and parents are totally cool with fishnets, miniskirts, and tube tops. Especially if you wear all three together. They are SO COOL with that.
Yeah right. My parents would beat me to death with a stick.
Go to the disco. It's lame. People dance with hands on hips. Then Jack asks me to help him hand out invitations for lame orchestra concert.
NO ONE GOES TO ORCHESTRA CONCERTS! Family, maybe, and sometimes friends of the players, but no one in their right mind would go, "Hey, orchestra concert! Sweet, I'll go, since there's nothing to do but go the disco!"
Also, what's up with disco? Isn't that a British thing?
But Jack apparently forgot that conversation, as he went out with my best friend and BLEW ME OFF.
The game began to get more realistic.
So I had to play dumb and be all, "Who you talking 'bout, baby?" when he was all, "There are nice guys ALL AROUND YOU. You just gotta OPEN YOUR EYES!" Riiight.
So I set him up with my best friend. Then I made up with her, AND Jack, and he invited me to his birthday party.
What? When did this happen? So I went and bought him a present: A leather music case. Girly, but he's probably going to love it.
I say probably because the stupid game won't let me give it to him. I have to buy a NEW OUTFIT first. Yeah.
So the neighborhood chores and clothes shopping continues. This should be fun.
To be continued...
belated birthdays,
computer games,
fun parties,
hot guys,
immature guys,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
U Can't Touch This
There goes $20. I just freaking wasted freaking $20 bucks.
Yeah, so I finally bought "Miss Popularity". It freaking SUCKS.
There is no tutorial, no game guide, no NOTHING, you are on your own and you have to GUESS how to play, because NO ONE ELSE DOES EITHER!!!
So I spent half a freaking hour trying to find my "best friend" at a stupid roundabout at a park that DOESN'T EXIST.
I just want to know WHERE SHE IS.
But I can't even get that far.
This game SUCKS, don't even buy it.
This game basically is nonexistent, or everyone is hecka smarter than me, because I can't find ANYTHING.
Yeah, so I finally bought "Miss Popularity". It freaking SUCKS.
There is no tutorial, no game guide, no NOTHING, you are on your own and you have to GUESS how to play, because NO ONE ELSE DOES EITHER!!!
So I spent half a freaking hour trying to find my "best friend" at a stupid roundabout at a park that DOESN'T EXIST.
I just want to know WHERE SHE IS.
But I can't even get that far.
This game SUCKS, don't even buy it.
This game basically is nonexistent, or everyone is hecka smarter than me, because I can't find ANYTHING.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pay up, big guy.
My dad and I don't always think the same way, despite the fact that I am his XX-chromosomed clone. No. There was going to be a 90 degree heat wave today: the news said to keep your pets inside, where it was shady, and give them plenty of water. So I refilled Luke's water bottle and was going to keep him inside all day.
So my dad let him out for me.
I caught him so he wouldn't be fried to a little gray crisp. Seriously.
Leather sandals aren't exactly prime bunny catching wear.
Totally clashed with my outfit, lol.
Going to Seattle, w00t. Not going to buy anything, but hey, it's all good. Seattle's the only reason I'm staying sane in this state. That and school and the fact that I'm only 14 and couldn't move out if I wanted to.
I was freaked out by really stupid, NOT SCARY urban legends in bed in my sleeping bag; I doubt I'm going to be okay by myself in my own apartment in Georgia. I'd run up the long distance bill calling my mom. And I HATE the phone.
The quest for $20 is over. It didn't take much. I just played "Family Fued" with my parents (the topic being "Reasons why teenagers want a $20 allowance), but it turns out they were cool with raising my allowance, they just didn't know how it would fit with budget. So now I'm receiving $35 ($5 my mom borrowed, $10 for painting the porch morgue gray >:P, and allowance) to do with as I please. And since Nathan decided to help me out with buying Harry Potter, GUESS WHAT THIS MEANS? THAT'S RIGHT! MISS POPULARITY SHALL BE MINE!
Buying that as soon as possible. Eeeee...
Heeey, the new J-14 is out. Don't know why I know this.
I want some Werthers. Or Haribo Coke Gummies. I ate 8 oz the other day. That kind of grossed me out. They tasted all cinnamony. Ewww.
So my dad let him out for me.
I caught him so he wouldn't be fried to a little gray crisp. Seriously.
Leather sandals aren't exactly prime bunny catching wear.
Totally clashed with my outfit, lol.
Going to Seattle, w00t. Not going to buy anything, but hey, it's all good. Seattle's the only reason I'm staying sane in this state. That and school and the fact that I'm only 14 and couldn't move out if I wanted to.
I was freaked out by really stupid, NOT SCARY urban legends in bed in my sleeping bag; I doubt I'm going to be okay by myself in my own apartment in Georgia. I'd run up the long distance bill calling my mom. And I HATE the phone.
The quest for $20 is over. It didn't take much. I just played "Family Fued" with my parents (the topic being "Reasons why teenagers want a $20 allowance), but it turns out they were cool with raising my allowance, they just didn't know how it would fit with budget. So now I'm receiving $35 ($5 my mom borrowed, $10 for painting the porch morgue gray >:P, and allowance) to do with as I please. And since Nathan decided to help me out with buying Harry Potter, GUESS WHAT THIS MEANS? THAT'S RIGHT! MISS POPULARITY SHALL BE MINE!
Buying that as soon as possible. Eeeee...
Heeey, the new J-14 is out. Don't know why I know this.
I want some Werthers. Or Haribo Coke Gummies. I ate 8 oz the other day. That kind of grossed me out. They tasted all cinnamony. Ewww.
computer games,
immature guys,
the South,
Monday, July 09, 2007
I don't care if Monday's blue...
Heard some sweet 80's song on the radio. Kind of made my crappy day better.
Okay, when I don't eat for a while and I've had a bad sleep, I'm going to be in a crappy mood. Crazily enough, I had a REALLY bad night last night. And then, because I'd had such a late breakfast, I SKIPPED LUNCH.
Yeah. Just made me a hell of a day.
I should have learned from past experiences, but I wasn't thinking.
Go figure.
So I was all PMSy and we went to the mall and there was this "sale" meaning everything was crap and all the good stuff was in the cellar. They played a FOB video, so that was kind of a plus.
Only Pete Wentz was being Wentzish and I hate him.
Give the other kids some attention, will you?
And then I had to go to EB Games with William and he wasn't helping matters.
If the sign said "Stay off the grass", William would walk on the grass and not notice.
I hope that "clever" analogy displays what I'm talking about.
Not even a trip to Hot Topic could cure me. So Marie bought me ice cream, even tho I was being an emo brat, and that helped. Suddenly everything is awesome.
But seriously, people, if I'm stupid and got 4 hours of sleep and have low blood sugar, DON'T BUG ME.
And don't try to comfort me or "make it better". Because I will kill you.
Aaaagh. Must make brownies.
but now it's all good. Almost done with "Prisoner of Azkaban". Am still finetuning details for Murtagh short story. Geez, it's a SHORT STORY. But no. I'm chicken.
I was reading some stuff I'd written on my own in 7th grade. It wasn't GREAT, but I was still writing, and I would've liked to continue. WHAT HAPPENED?
Okay, when I don't eat for a while and I've had a bad sleep, I'm going to be in a crappy mood. Crazily enough, I had a REALLY bad night last night. And then, because I'd had such a late breakfast, I SKIPPED LUNCH.
Yeah. Just made me a hell of a day.
I should have learned from past experiences, but I wasn't thinking.
Go figure.
So I was all PMSy and we went to the mall and there was this "sale" meaning everything was crap and all the good stuff was in the cellar. They played a FOB video, so that was kind of a plus.
Only Pete Wentz was being Wentzish and I hate him.
Give the other kids some attention, will you?
And then I had to go to EB Games with William and he wasn't helping matters.
If the sign said "Stay off the grass", William would walk on the grass and not notice.
I hope that "clever" analogy displays what I'm talking about.
Not even a trip to Hot Topic could cure me. So Marie bought me ice cream, even tho I was being an emo brat, and that helped. Suddenly everything is awesome.
But seriously, people, if I'm stupid and got 4 hours of sleep and have low blood sugar, DON'T BUG ME.
And don't try to comfort me or "make it better". Because I will kill you.
Aaaagh. Must make brownies.
but now it's all good. Almost done with "Prisoner of Azkaban". Am still finetuning details for Murtagh short story. Geez, it's a SHORT STORY. But no. I'm chicken.
I was reading some stuff I'd written on my own in 7th grade. It wasn't GREAT, but I was still writing, and I would've liked to continue. WHAT HAPPENED?
fall out boy,
Harry Potter,
ice cream,
life sucks,
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