Sunday, July 08, 2007


I lurve Harry Potter. Am rereading the whole series. On page 65 of "Chamber of Secrets".
Scabbers: *attacks Crabbe*
Crabbe: *throws Scabbers against window and runs away*
Malfoy: * a girl*
Ron: I think he's been knocked out. No, I don't believe it. He's gone back to sleep!
J. K. Rowling is a genius.
I mean, come on, she created a sport.
And de-gnoming. That sounds like fun. "GEROFF ME, GEROFF ME!"
Do do do do.
These urban legends are lame. "OH, and the little girl was killed, so you can see her GHOST BY THE PIER WAITING FOR HER FATHER! WOOOOOH!"
Like at Halloween for Distinguished Readers, when the librarian dressed up as a cowboy and tried to tell scary stories. "When they dug up his grave, he was wearing the HANDKERCHEIF! WOOOOH!" And then the other librarian dressed up as a hippie and told all the stories in a really deadpan way.
So that was funny.
AAAAAH, THAT WAS SO DUMB! "Betsy Beaumont was killed and her estate was given to the Boy Scouts of America! If you see her ghost and its eyes are red, you'll be horribly maimed! And don't comment on her singing voice. Just shut up and pray."

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