Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Would you like some ice on that burn?

Yay. We had a brief power outage at school. All of a sudden, the portable goes dark....and everyone keeps on working. It wasn't like pitch black or anything, so no one really cared. And as soon as Mr. Thorsen got up to do something about it, it went back on. It's all good.
Went through 3? or so chapters today. I got stuck on "A Growing Multicultural Society" (which I was SO looking forward to, too) when they were like, "What are the five greatest population clusters in the Pacific Northwest?" and I didn't know if they were referring to ethnicity or size or whatever. The picture showed a bunch of multicultural kids, but the white kid they chose to represent was so ugly and of course he was eating chocolate chip cookies. Because I guess burgers are too American, or something.
Wow. Patrick from FOB = really adorable. I'm watching "Sugar, We're Going Down", which is borderline disturbing, and last night I watch most of "Take Over, Break's Over" before my computer shut down. HEMINGWAY! Pete = shirtless? And why did Joe look like Charlton Heston? And Patrick looked amazing. Apparently tho he has a real insecurity thing going on cuz he's always like, "I'm fat! This isn't a boy band because I'm fat!" and that's why he lets Pete be a loser frontman???
I <3 Patrick.
Guess I can't get out of Creation. Because my grandma doesn't love me. Ouch.
Luke says hello. He also says, "****," but we'll pretend he didn't say that.
Lol, one of the vocab words was William Gates, and I was like, "No way. Uh uh. No. YES!" KING OF THE NERDS!
I wanted to write for my definition of Bill Clinton: President that had sex with an intern and screwed the whole country by not catching major terrorist when he had the chance.
I don't understand this video...
Actually, the correct definition of Bill Clinton was: President who threw away plenty of jobs by lessening logging and stuff in Oregon to save a stupid owl.
Okay, I understand this video now. Except for the part where Pete licks himself.
Also, they wanted you to explain how the KKK helped economically change the PNW. Um, they were a bunch of white supremacists that hated everyone, so they killed people. Yeah. Great. Can you feel that wind, son? Those are the winds of economic change...

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