Yeah. So I'm back.
I still don't get that. PMS????
My second poem hasn't been read ONCE. Ouch.
Oh well. I didn't like that one as much.
No, I did not write either poem on personal experience. And no, neither are SEXUAL!!!
Just saying.
Was playing thru my "Phantom of the Opera" piano book (I have a "Lion King" one, too, but they're both flipping hard, so I had them put away until recently) and "Point of No Return" is pretty hard, but it's cool sounding, except there's this one chord where the left hand is CFA(f) and the right hand is EAC(s)E and it sounds wrong and really bad whenever I play it. My mom's like, "That can't be the right chord," but it was in the key of C (no sharps or flats) and those were all the write notes, so...? "All I Ask Of You" is REALLY HARD. I keep getting off count.
My bad.
So. Tomorrow. This is it. The last Harry Potter. Ever. She's even writing an epilogue so there won't be any illegal fanfics written, or something. I like Harry and all, but I keep thinking he'll die. He might. Neville's going to become a teacher at Hogwarts. Either him, Luna, or Fred/George. Personally, I like Fred better.
BUT WHO'S GONNA DIE??????? I hate Snape. Always have. Umbridge should totally stuff it, but she's not a main charact-
It's not going to be Malfoy, everyone LUUUURVES Malfoy.
I've noticed all the blonde characters are either evil or weird. Or their mom dies and they're never seen again. And this is weird because J. K. Rowling is, er, blonde. So I guess we're both prejudiced????
I don't want it to be anyone in a serious relationship: Hermione, Ron, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, etc.
Lol, there was someone who was like, "Oh no, Harry Potter gets tragically killed....NEVILLE SAVES THE DAY!!!!"
Oh dear, a quiz from the-N.
Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, WHOA! He's my type of guy because he's sweet, sensitive, and romantic??? Um, definitely not my type. This quiz is a ripoff, I'm taking it again.
And the answer is...
Aaaah, I have a beau named Beau.
Um, WHAT???? So he will lie to me, cheat on me, and fall for me... Yep, if you were a real person, Beau, I would marry you.
Gee, wonder who picked up on THAT sarcasm.
Taking it...AGAIN. There's only 3 possible guys left... Curious...
Yay, Devon! Apparently we have the same personality? Don't know how I know this. I just clicked random answers, tho, not like I'm "meant to be" or anything. Hey, he likes basketball.
I'm gonna find the other two...
Oh wow, this guy is going to be X-rated??? Question mark?
Yes, everyone, I spent my afternoon trying to find guys from "The Best Years", along with finishing the sixth Harry Potter for the third time.
Ooooh, Trent.
Yeah, also a manslut. Moving on.
Come on, who's guy #5.....
Why do I find this fun?
Such a loser, I am.
Talking like Yoda, I am also.
Gun, where is, so shoot myself, I might.
I think I got, just Devon again. Dangit, Devon.
He's the one answer that always pops up no matter what.
I will prevail. Oh no, it's going to be Devon again. Stupid Devon. I take my "hee" back.
NOOOO WAY, I GOT...I GOT...Darryl. Hm.
Affectionate, enthusiastic, a bit dorky. Awwww. I'm not crazy in love with you, Darryl (or Devon, for that matter), but I'll post your badge anyways.
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