Okay, before I go on, I just want a QUICK rant on the Christian music and movie industry: Although the secular industry is JUST as biased, based on looks and other stuff, the Christian movie (AND MUSIC, music especially) lean towards the more worship based music and REALLY badly acted but clean movies, while more powerful movies go straight to DVD. Actually, there's not a lot of good Christian movies. But the ones that make it big aren't that good. And in the music industry, the more talented groups are shoved off to the side and labeled "too punky or hardcore" and hardly mentioned, and those bands either never get the attention they deserve, or conform to the more secular or worship based stuff.
I've been thinking about that A LOT lately, and I needed to get it out of my system.
You can disagree, but most of that's true. It's not like I'm making this up.
But ANYWAY, I screened a surprisingly REALLY GOOD (okay, it was still a pretty low budget Christian film, but it was A LOT better than "Facing the Giants", which made a lot more money). It's called "Hidden Secrets", btw. Redundant, I know.
*************SPOILER ALERT, if you REALLY care, but it was good and a bit of this was surprising. Not much, but a little...**************
Okay, so it opens with this guy about to commit suicide, which I thought was really random, and then it's all about this dead guy (who died) and it's SO OBVIOUSLY the guy who committed suicide, and all his familiy (he has one sister) and friends come together and work out their issues in faith and life situations. (The weird thing that freaked me out was all, if this guy is such a positive influence, why did he shoot himself in the head??)
Characters: There is Jeremy, an ex-youth pastor (with his control-freak fiancee Rachel) who used to date Sherry, the dead guy's (Chris) sister. There's also Gary, the "half-Jewish" non-Christian stem cell researcher, Harold who's a pastor with ANOTHER control-freak wife named Rhonda, this guy who dates Rachael Lampa and has a tattoo and he's pictured as the bad boy (figures, but at least he's accepted, his name's Anthony.
And FINALLY, my favorite, MICHAEL!!!!!
Yeah. He's struggling with faith and stuff.
So they're all struggling. Maybe I should just list stuff
1. One of the things that bothered me was the CRAPPY DIALOGUE and how people said stuff that THEY SO OBVIOUSLY WOULDN'T SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like in that one Seventh Heaven episode, where she was all, "I want to convert to Christianity!" Yeah, they would say stuff like, "I'm afflicted by homosexuality," and, "My Christianity is sacred," or something. I forgot.
2. It was SO OBVIOUS that Michael was gay. Okay, that's a lie, because I only suspected he was gay when Gary all hugged him and he was like, "....awkward, cuz I like you...." But he was the one that said stuff about his "homosexuality", and it's like, "Most people would say 'gay'."
3. Jeremy is engaged to Rachel, but he wants Sherry. WHO WILL HE CHOOSE? *gasp* And Rachel is all, "WE HAVE TO WORK THIS OUT, YOU WANT ME!" Ooooor not. And there was this whole thing on how Rachel and Sherry look SOOO much alike, while Sherry was pretty hawt and Rachel was pretty nawt.
4. Of course he chooses Sherry because God told him he was to marry her. And His Will never changes (THANK YOU!!!!!!!).
5. Only, at the end of the movie, instead of coming to terms with God, he says, "Thank you, Chris," ???????????? Um, Chris is dead. He didn't do anything but party in heaven while you were rubbing foreheads with his sister.
6. Yeah, the kitchen scene where they rub foreheads? Supposed to be romantic. So not. Just really weird. "I still love you. *rub rub*" "BUT I CAN'T! *rub rub, sob sob*" "Fine! *rub rub, drive away*
7. Harold's wife Rhonda is really judgemental and is all trying to convert Gary, and I was like, "OMGEEZ," because she was like two of the people in my church. Like one of them had become a man and they'd had a Love child and named her Rhonda. It was WEIRD.
8. And Rhonda kept trying to convert Gary and had this whole script planned out, like about the prophecies about Jesus, and Gary knew like all the prophecies. He'd totally memoirized it. It was so cool. And then she kept going on and on about how stem cell research was abortion and murder and blood and BAD, and it's like, "yeah, but give her a break."
9. But she represented judgemental Christians SO WELL. Especially with the whole, "You're SO lucky you live in a red state. I tried to get Harold to move to a red state, but we figured it would just turn blue, so we decided to turn the blue state red." But it was just like, she's one of the people that gives Christianity a bad name, like I'd talked with Ashley.
10. On abortion: Sherry had one after getting pregnant with another guy, causing her to break up with Jeremy, and she's really offended at Rhonda's mentions of it every 5 seconds (cuz Rhonda is pregnant, and hormonal, and the love child of some church people I know).
11. I liked this better than Facing the Giants cuz it wasn't all perfect. Not everybody was a Christian and God didn't suddenly appear and chase away the clouds and all was perfect.
I'm not saying God doesn't work, but there are times where it's like, "WHERE ARE YOU????" And just because you do good doesn't mean He'll specifically bless you and life will go on rosey-awesomeness. I'm not being too clear, if you really want to debate, I'll explain better later.
12. I got kind of mad when Gary became a Christian at the end because THAT'S SO UNBELIEVABLE! It's not like I would've been "happier" had he stayed Atheist "half-Jewish", but it's more realistic. Sorry, it's true.
13. It turns out the guy at the beginning going to commit suicide was Michael, because he thought God hadn't forgiven him for being gay earlier on (they didn't specify, but it's kind of like, "no duh"), not like he wasn't still gay, ANYWAY, but then Sherry called him to say Chris was dead and he was SAVED.
Yeah. It was good. GO WATCH IT. Better than FTG. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I must memorize these...
Sorry if this takes up like a million years of post...
Earth Soup: Potato and Carrot
Fish Stew: Carrot/Turnip, Potato, Fish
Stew: Potato, Carrot, Milk
Yam Soup: Sweet Potato
Tomatoma Soup: Carrot and tomato
Good Soup: Tomato and Bashota and Fish
Light Pickles: Turnip
Tomamelo: Tomato and Melon
Marinade: Turnip, Mugwort, Fish
Tomacarro: Carrot and Tomato
Fruit Salad: Tomato, any fruit, any other fruit
Good Pickles: Trady and Cady
Pickles: Cabber
Red Salad: Tomato, Trady, Tomaca
Potemelo: Potemelo and fish
Mellow Salad: Melatoma, Dhilon, and RT#2
Hors d'oeuvres
Melon Pie: Melon, Egg, Butter
Strawberry Pie: Strawberry, Egg, Butter
Grape Pie: Grape, Egg, Butter
Sashimi: Fish
Sashimi S: Fish and a different fish
Fried Mushrooms: Tomato, Mushroom, and Butter
Smooth Veggies: Turnip, Carrot, Potato
Tempura: Sweet Potato, Mushroom, and any herb
Red Hot Pie: Butter, Egg, and RT#6
Strawberry Cake: Strawberry, Egg, Butter
Fruit Punch: Any fruit, another fruit, a third fruit
Ice cream: Brown milk, Star milk
Pound Cake: Milk, Egg, Butter
Carrot Cake: Carrot, Milk, Egg
Rich Juice: Strawberry, Banana, Star Milk
Kashry Ice Cream: Kashry, Brown milk, Star milk
Veggie Cake: Tomato, Egg, Milk
Cocktail: Berrytoma and Phuju
Sweet Cocktail: Oraphu and Gehju
Love Cocktail: Watermelons and Grapes
Phurum Jam: Phurum
Magenge Jam: Magenge
Peach Tart: Peach, Butter, Egg
Dhibe Cake: Dhibe, Milk, Egg
Grilled Yam: Sweet Potato
Sweet potato: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Good Juice 1: Carrot/Tomato, any vegetable, and Orange/Apple/Grapes
Good Juice 2: 2 different fruits and RT#5/RT#7
Pulp Tart: Butter, Egg, RT#1
Sour Cocktail: Grapes, and RT#9
Tropical Punch: RT#4, RT#5, RT#7
Curry: Carrot, Potato, and Ruby Spice
Mushroom Curry: Carrot, any mushroom, Ruby Spice
Mushroom Gratin: Any mushroom, Milk, Butter/Cheese
Omelette: Egg and Butter
Gratin: Milk, Butter, Cheese
Meuniere Set: Butter and Fish
Wow, that was a lot.
You guessed it, they're Harvest Moon recipes.
I am officially obsessed.
I don't know, it's more fun now that I know what I'm doing, I have PLENTY of food and recipes, and this morning I upgraded to Hors d'oeuvres and Desserts, so I made a celebratory fruit punch.
I'm trying to get Galen to like me. And Marlin. And Daryl. Not in a homosexual manner, btw. Just so that they will give me useful items for the future.
SO WRONG, I'm engaged, and Celia was HITTING on me.
I would've married her, though. I did last time. But Nami's kid grows up to be emo. Personality wise, I like Muffy, though. Only she's blonde. And her son most likely grows up to be an athlete.
I need some chickens. Forget sheep, I'll only buy chickens from now on. Three will do it. Cows are doing great. BobJack not giving very much milk, which is really annoying. I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY MY NEW RECIPES!!!!!!!!
I need a Ruby Spice!
My son WILL become a musician, since Cody refuses my gifts of flowers now.
Guess that's it?
Earth Soup: Potato and Carrot
Fish Stew: Carrot/Turnip, Potato, Fish
Stew: Potato, Carrot, Milk
Yam Soup: Sweet Potato
Tomatoma Soup: Carrot and tomato
Good Soup: Tomato and Bashota and Fish
Light Pickles: Turnip
Tomamelo: Tomato and Melon
Marinade: Turnip, Mugwort, Fish
Tomacarro: Carrot and Tomato
Fruit Salad: Tomato, any fruit, any other fruit
Good Pickles: Trady and Cady
Pickles: Cabber
Red Salad: Tomato, Trady, Tomaca
Potemelo: Potemelo and fish
Mellow Salad: Melatoma, Dhilon, and RT#2
Hors d'oeuvres
Melon Pie: Melon, Egg, Butter
Strawberry Pie: Strawberry, Egg, Butter
Grape Pie: Grape, Egg, Butter
Sashimi: Fish
Sashimi S: Fish and a different fish
Fried Mushrooms: Tomato, Mushroom, and Butter
Smooth Veggies: Turnip, Carrot, Potato
Tempura: Sweet Potato, Mushroom, and any herb
Red Hot Pie: Butter, Egg, and RT#6
Strawberry Cake: Strawberry, Egg, Butter
Fruit Punch: Any fruit, another fruit, a third fruit
Ice cream: Brown milk, Star milk
Pound Cake: Milk, Egg, Butter
Carrot Cake: Carrot, Milk, Egg
Rich Juice: Strawberry, Banana, Star Milk
Kashry Ice Cream: Kashry, Brown milk, Star milk
Veggie Cake: Tomato, Egg, Milk
Cocktail: Berrytoma and Phuju
Sweet Cocktail: Oraphu and Gehju
Love Cocktail: Watermelons and Grapes
Phurum Jam: Phurum
Magenge Jam: Magenge
Peach Tart: Peach, Butter, Egg
Dhibe Cake: Dhibe, Milk, Egg
Grilled Yam: Sweet Potato
Sweet potato: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Good Juice 1: Carrot/Tomato, any vegetable, and Orange/Apple/Grapes
Good Juice 2: 2 different fruits and RT#5/RT#7
Pulp Tart: Butter, Egg, RT#1
Sour Cocktail: Grapes, and RT#9
Tropical Punch: RT#4, RT#5, RT#7
Curry: Carrot, Potato, and Ruby Spice
Mushroom Curry: Carrot, any mushroom, Ruby Spice
Mushroom Gratin: Any mushroom, Milk, Butter/Cheese
Omelette: Egg and Butter
Gratin: Milk, Butter, Cheese
Meuniere Set: Butter and Fish
Wow, that was a lot.
You guessed it, they're Harvest Moon recipes.
I am officially obsessed.
I don't know, it's more fun now that I know what I'm doing, I have PLENTY of food and recipes, and this morning I upgraded to Hors d'oeuvres and Desserts, so I made a celebratory fruit punch.
I'm trying to get Galen to like me. And Marlin. And Daryl. Not in a homosexual manner, btw. Just so that they will give me useful items for the future.
SO WRONG, I'm engaged, and Celia was HITTING on me.
I would've married her, though. I did last time. But Nami's kid grows up to be emo. Personality wise, I like Muffy, though. Only she's blonde. And her son most likely grows up to be an athlete.
I need some chickens. Forget sheep, I'll only buy chickens from now on. Three will do it. Cows are doing great. BobJack not giving very much milk, which is really annoying. I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY MY NEW RECIPES!!!!!!!!
I need a Ruby Spice!
My son WILL become a musician, since Cody refuses my gifts of flowers now.
Guess that's it?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I OFFICIALLY LOVE HARVEST MOON!!!!!!! Okay, so I FINALLY got 4 hearts with Nami and I was GOING to propose to her, but I'd been following her since like 2 AM, so I woke up about about 9 AM. But then Ruby and Tim came to my house and were all, OMG, SHE'S MISSING! And I wanted to choose the right answer, so I said I'd go look for her. that took like 3 hours and it turned out she didn't leave? It was weird. BUt then she finally said yes.
w00t! w00t!
I'm excited. I got my new cow, too. Her name is Sooey. Like a pig. Lol. And everything is well. I read this thing that if you propose to Nami before Fall 10th..wait, nm. I missed the deadline. Oooooooh well. I just can't wait till the end of this chapter. I've gone through 2.5 Harvest Moon months in a mere week. Wow.
I hope I won't get so bored in Happy Birthday that I have to quit. :P
I FINALLY read my bible today. Got through all of Judges and Ruth.
Dude, Warbears rules. Go check it out. I FINALLY beat mission 1. It's pretty cool, you really have to think to beat it. REQUIRES A BRAIN.
Omgeeeeez, I made these really good brownies. Actually, I don't know if they're really good, I haven't been allowed to EAT them yet, but they were in the latest Reader's Digest. First homemade brownies I've ever made.
w00t! w00t!
I'm excited. I got my new cow, too. Her name is Sooey. Like a pig. Lol. And everything is well. I read this thing that if you propose to Nami before Fall 10th..wait, nm. I missed the deadline. Oooooooh well. I just can't wait till the end of this chapter. I've gone through 2.5 Harvest Moon months in a mere week. Wow.
I hope I won't get so bored in Happy Birthday that I have to quit. :P
I FINALLY read my bible today. Got through all of Judges and Ruth.
Dude, Warbears rules. Go check it out. I FINALLY beat mission 1. It's pretty cool, you really have to think to beat it. REQUIRES A BRAIN.
Omgeeeeez, I made these really good brownies. Actually, I don't know if they're really good, I haven't been allowed to EAT them yet, but they were in the latest Reader's Digest. First homemade brownies I've ever made.
Friday, April 27, 2007
That's a bunch of crockpot.
I sometimes hate my coaches. At least I hate how their minds work:
Coaches: Oh, Monday and Friday are the days when our track team is the most exhausted. Let's make that day THE HARDEST workout we can think of and not let them rest.
Why can't they do that on Monday and TUESDAY?
Monday: Get back from "relaxing weekend"
Tuesday: Nothing special.
Wednesday: Day before track meet.
Thursday: Track meet.
Friday: Day after track meet AND last day before weekend, so everyone is tired, fed up, and ready to go home.
Harvest Moon is going gooooooood. I redid the intermission scene with Nami, and she likes me somewhat now. I'm still only 1 heart. :( But I'll keep trying, because now I have like 5 statues and fossils, so I won't have to go to the dig for a while. Hehehehe.
But it's fun. I'm getting a new cow tomorrow. :D
I think my parents changed the toolbar. We don't have Google Search anymore. NM, I think Nathan did this. CURRRRRRRSE YOUUUU NATHAAAAAAAAAAN!
Coaches: Oh, Monday and Friday are the days when our track team is the most exhausted. Let's make that day THE HARDEST workout we can think of and not let them rest.
Why can't they do that on Monday and TUESDAY?
Monday: Get back from "relaxing weekend"
Tuesday: Nothing special.
Wednesday: Day before track meet.
Thursday: Track meet.
Friday: Day after track meet AND last day before weekend, so everyone is tired, fed up, and ready to go home.
Harvest Moon is going gooooooood. I redid the intermission scene with Nami, and she likes me somewhat now. I'm still only 1 heart. :( But I'll keep trying, because now I have like 5 statues and fossils, so I won't have to go to the dig for a while. Hehehehe.
But it's fun. I'm getting a new cow tomorrow. :D
I think my parents changed the toolbar. We don't have Google Search anymore. NM, I think Nathan did this. CURRRRRRRSE YOUUUU NATHAAAAAAAAAAN!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Blessings in Disguise (not)
Soooooooo I guess I am competing in the track meet.
Update: I WASN'T (thank God) going to compete because there was only one bus seating 45 people, so only VARSITY was going (and fat chance am I EVER going to be on varsity this year).
Only Mr. Barry got us another bus. I guess I should be grateful or something. it's not that bad, cuz I can do shotput, discus (guess I'm not that bad...?), 4x1 possibly, and maybe 200?
I just really wanted a Thursday off. Oh well. There's always the end of the season.
Friday is the last day of WASL. I think I'll miss it.
I got this amazing runner's high today. It wasn't so much high but when I do a lot of running my legs feel all floaty and it's pure bliss from then on. Except for the heavy breathing and stuff. Ew, that didn't sound okay. But it was just running around the football field six times.
Harvest Moon was going pretty good. I say was, because it was just normal Harvest Moony stuff, and Nami had one heart (eeeeeeeeeeeeee!), but then I offended her during an intermission sequence after a REALLY good day, so I didn't save and now I have to do the first of summer ALLLLL over again.
Oh well. I'm sure I'll find a billion lil human statues AGAIN. But I might not. :P I'm helping out at the dig like EVERY SINGLE DAY! I need to buy a seed maker and some sheep. Maybe chickens. And a star cow. :)
Update: I WASN'T (thank God) going to compete because there was only one bus seating 45 people, so only VARSITY was going (and fat chance am I EVER going to be on varsity this year).
Only Mr. Barry got us another bus. I guess I should be grateful or something. it's not that bad, cuz I can do shotput, discus (guess I'm not that bad...?), 4x1 possibly, and maybe 200?
I just really wanted a Thursday off. Oh well. There's always the end of the season.
Friday is the last day of WASL. I think I'll miss it.
I got this amazing runner's high today. It wasn't so much high but when I do a lot of running my legs feel all floaty and it's pure bliss from then on. Except for the heavy breathing and stuff. Ew, that didn't sound okay. But it was just running around the football field six times.
Harvest Moon was going pretty good. I say was, because it was just normal Harvest Moony stuff, and Nami had one heart (eeeeeeeeeeeeee!), but then I offended her during an intermission sequence after a REALLY good day, so I didn't save and now I have to do the first of summer ALLLLL over again.
Oh well. I'm sure I'll find a billion lil human statues AGAIN. But I might not. :P I'm helping out at the dig like EVERY SINGLE DAY! I need to buy a seed maker and some sheep. Maybe chickens. And a star cow. :)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Kids are snowing throwballs instead of snowing heads
I was singing "What's This?" yesterday and I totally messed up the lyrics, making my mom laugh really hard. It was like, "..."
I finished my "Memoirs of an obsessive Fall Out Boy Fan" powerpoint. Britton surprised me by displaying surprising knowledge about Andrew Hurley. Then he went on this big, "Vegans are such hypocrites," rant (so I'm not the only one that feels that way), and we figured out their diet: leaves, water, fruit, vegetables, and protein bars. OH NO, PROTEIN BARS HAVE MILK! He said that, not me. So yeah.
Lalalala. Uh...track today. We had the 60 m time trials. 11.95. I am still slow. But I spent like an hour working on shotput, which was fun. I actually like shotput. It's way coooool.
Speaking of way cool, HARVEST MOON!
Aaaaah I remember the days...
ANYWAYS, I'm only on like day 5 or 6 (I'm pretty sure 5) of Spring, year 1 chapter 1, but things are looking good. I have 57 watermelon and potato plants and haven't yet learned to cook anything other than burnt fish and mugwort, but it's all good. I'm going to buy a few sheep and some hens before I buy another cow (sniff). I want a star cow. They're so CUUUUUTE. And I'm going to marry Nami, but I'm going to delay my wooing tactics till fall when all the trick blues are blooming. And if that doesn't work, I'll just wait for someone to propose to me. I maybe want the girl version (another wonderful life), but not now, I have to beat this one in under a year. Hopefully I won't get bored like last time and give up. :( William stopped a long time ago, and he was ALMOST married, so he's going to finish that year, get married, and then...start over. Because he has too many chickens. Whatever.
I FINALLY got the book back that had been TAKEN from me. :P It's been overdue TWICE. BUt I read the ending and it was boring and dumb and perverted.
yeaaaaaaaaah. Lalalala dodedo.
I hate the song "wonderwall". But noooooo, according to blogthings, that's my LOVE SONG. It used to be that one stupid Lighthouse song.
I finished my "Memoirs of an obsessive Fall Out Boy Fan" powerpoint. Britton surprised me by displaying surprising knowledge about Andrew Hurley. Then he went on this big, "Vegans are such hypocrites," rant (so I'm not the only one that feels that way), and we figured out their diet: leaves, water, fruit, vegetables, and protein bars. OH NO, PROTEIN BARS HAVE MILK! He said that, not me. So yeah.
Lalalala. Uh...track today. We had the 60 m time trials. 11.95. I am still slow. But I spent like an hour working on shotput, which was fun. I actually like shotput. It's way coooool.
Speaking of way cool, HARVEST MOON!
Aaaaah I remember the days...
ANYWAYS, I'm only on like day 5 or 6 (I'm pretty sure 5) of Spring, year 1 chapter 1, but things are looking good. I have 57 watermelon and potato plants and haven't yet learned to cook anything other than burnt fish and mugwort, but it's all good. I'm going to buy a few sheep and some hens before I buy another cow (sniff). I want a star cow. They're so CUUUUUTE. And I'm going to marry Nami, but I'm going to delay my wooing tactics till fall when all the trick blues are blooming. And if that doesn't work, I'll just wait for someone to propose to me. I maybe want the girl version (another wonderful life), but not now, I have to beat this one in under a year. Hopefully I won't get bored like last time and give up. :( William stopped a long time ago, and he was ALMOST married, so he's going to finish that year, get married, and then...start over. Because he has too many chickens. Whatever.
I FINALLY got the book back that had been TAKEN from me. :P It's been overdue TWICE. BUt I read the ending and it was boring and dumb and perverted.
yeaaaaaaaaah. Lalalala dodedo.
I hate the song "wonderwall". But noooooo, according to blogthings, that's my LOVE SONG. It used to be that one stupid Lighthouse song.
Animal Farm,
computer games,
idiot teachers,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
More potatoes, and please pass the steak sauce
That's actually from an "Ugly Duckling" song. "Pass it On", if you want to know.
I basically spent the whole day at Island Lake at Tori's party. Ate way too much cake and candy. And only one burger. No hot dogs.
I think I broke Kyle's hand.
So it was kind of depressing at the end.
I played PLAYMOBIL this morning. And I FINALLY removed the keychain part from the top of the fireman's head, so he is the "barely there" husband of the pediatrician. There's a lot of drama going on in my little village.
I can't think up names for people. I have PLENTY of names for the animals. People...not so much. The prince and princess are William and Harriet, though.
Though no one cares/picks up on the irony of that.
Or maybe it's not irony.
I dunno.
But the pediatrician is mad at her husband because he's "never there" and he doesn't bring home enough money, while some little farm chick is mad at her father's favoritism, but her family is too busy to notice because they recently had to sell their beloved goats.
YESSSSSSS I lurve Playmobil.
and some ranch family sold their (adorable!) horse to the fireman. And the jester guy (who is not gay, I've decided, and used to sell ponies) rebought the billy goat and let it graze in his next door neighbor's backyard, while the two goat kids have been sent off to fight in the war. Ironically I've created a war situation where most of the horses and the unicorn, along with the royal guard (bunch of loser french guys), the duke, and king sit on the horses and pretend to be off to war. It kind of reminds me of Iraq.
The willow spoof is kind of boring. There are some scenes where I can think up jokes...but there are some where it's like...I'll just type boring dialogue.
Still haven't added to fanfic. It's a scary thing, that fanfic.
I basically spent the whole day at Island Lake at Tori's party. Ate way too much cake and candy. And only one burger. No hot dogs.
I think I broke Kyle's hand.
So it was kind of depressing at the end.
I played PLAYMOBIL this morning. And I FINALLY removed the keychain part from the top of the fireman's head, so he is the "barely there" husband of the pediatrician. There's a lot of drama going on in my little village.
I can't think up names for people. I have PLENTY of names for the animals. People...not so much. The prince and princess are William and Harriet, though.
Though no one cares/picks up on the irony of that.
Or maybe it's not irony.
I dunno.
But the pediatrician is mad at her husband because he's "never there" and he doesn't bring home enough money, while some little farm chick is mad at her father's favoritism, but her family is too busy to notice because they recently had to sell their beloved goats.
YESSSSSSS I lurve Playmobil.
and some ranch family sold their (adorable!) horse to the fireman. And the jester guy (who is not gay, I've decided, and used to sell ponies) rebought the billy goat and let it graze in his next door neighbor's backyard, while the two goat kids have been sent off to fight in the war. Ironically I've created a war situation where most of the horses and the unicorn, along with the royal guard (bunch of loser french guys), the duke, and king sit on the horses and pretend to be off to war. It kind of reminds me of Iraq.
The willow spoof is kind of boring. There are some scenes where I can think up jokes...but there are some where it's like...I'll just type boring dialogue.
Still haven't added to fanfic. It's a scary thing, that fanfic.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Stuck in the forest with a midget, two cakes, and a child molestor
I'm pretty sure I've given you all the link this link before, but it's pretty funny.
And I want to get on the guy's good side before I totally steal his shtick and do a D/S for Willow.
It's just that I watched it last night and it was pretty much amazing and I kept laughing at Val Kilmer...which was fun.
So I couldn't resist. And I thought up some PRETTY good jokes. Okay, not good, just Peter Jackson/Lotr/George Lucas cracks, but it was fun. And I had a lot of fun doing the whole dialogue for my soap that I haven't added to in like 8 years, so this should be even more flamablamablous.
Sorry, Cam.
But yeah.
Can't wait for that.
I'm too scared to keep writing my fanfic. I keep putting off adding to the beginning. It's to weak and it moves to fast and I have to add to it.
So yeah.
We had time trials for 200 m today.
I'm so slow.
Guess I'm not a sprinter after all.
Sure, I was "fast" in basketball, but that's TOTALLY different from running on a track. But I got 41.50. My mom tried to convince me that was fast.
Me: No, that's really bad. THe average was between 30 and 39.
Mom: But you're only two seconds behind.
Me: Yeah, each second is like a minute. THat's REALLY bad.
So it wasn't good. But I'm getting "better" at shotput. Kinda.
Tyler and I made a solar corn cooker. It worked horribly.
School is boring mostly. No donuts. Mrs. Schultz-Story gave me a muffin yesterday. It was delicious. And I got drug tested right after. And it was POSITIVE.
Dylan said I should show up to a job interview with one in my hand.
And I want to get on the guy's good side before I totally steal his shtick and do a D/S for Willow.
It's just that I watched it last night and it was pretty much amazing and I kept laughing at Val Kilmer...which was fun.
So I couldn't resist. And I thought up some PRETTY good jokes. Okay, not good, just Peter Jackson/Lotr/George Lucas cracks, but it was fun. And I had a lot of fun doing the whole dialogue for my soap that I haven't added to in like 8 years, so this should be even more flamablamablous.
Sorry, Cam.
But yeah.
Can't wait for that.
I'm too scared to keep writing my fanfic. I keep putting off adding to the beginning. It's to weak and it moves to fast and I have to add to it.
So yeah.
We had time trials for 200 m today.
I'm so slow.
Guess I'm not a sprinter after all.
Sure, I was "fast" in basketball, but that's TOTALLY different from running on a track. But I got 41.50. My mom tried to convince me that was fast.
Me: No, that's really bad. THe average was between 30 and 39.
Mom: But you're only two seconds behind.
Me: Yeah, each second is like a minute. THat's REALLY bad.
So it wasn't good. But I'm getting "better" at shotput. Kinda.
Tyler and I made a solar corn cooker. It worked horribly.
School is boring mostly. No donuts. Mrs. Schultz-Story gave me a muffin yesterday. It was delicious. And I got drug tested right after. And it was POSITIVE.
Dylan said I should show up to a job interview with one in my hand.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The only black and white penguine within miles
All penguins are black and white. There is no such thing as a purple penguin.
It's just that I finally broke out the spikes, which I'd had in my locker for like three days cuz I "brought them too early", and they work pretty well.
it's just that I'm really slow and not good at any track events, so I'm going to make Coach Henrichsen let me on the shotput team because I'm not good at anything else. I was practicing my shotput with Justin, Larry, and a bunch of sevvies and even though I'm not good at that EITHER, it's fun and stuff.
My shoes and shorts don't match. My spikes, I mean. I dunno. It's fun putting all the lil spikes in.
Where is blogthings going? First, they're copying all the quizzes from Girls only Blogthings, and now they're making a sexual orientation quiz. I might have to take it. Even though I know I'm straight.
AAAAAGH I hate those stupid name generator quizzes.
Never mind, that's such a dumb quiz. It's just like, "You like to kiss A. the opposite sex B. the same sex C. both sexes," over and over again. That's not much of a quiz.
I want pizza. I think I get double pizza tomorrow. Lunch AND dinner.
Hm, a quiz I've taken before. I thinks I'll take it again. My legs burn.
PLEASE don't be the same result...
It's just that I finally broke out the spikes, which I'd had in my locker for like three days cuz I "brought them too early", and they work pretty well.
it's just that I'm really slow and not good at any track events, so I'm going to make Coach Henrichsen let me on the shotput team because I'm not good at anything else. I was practicing my shotput with Justin, Larry, and a bunch of sevvies and even though I'm not good at that EITHER, it's fun and stuff.
My shoes and shorts don't match. My spikes, I mean. I dunno. It's fun putting all the lil spikes in.
Where is blogthings going? First, they're copying all the quizzes from Girls only Blogthings, and now they're making a sexual orientation quiz. I might have to take it. Even though I know I'm straight.
AAAAAGH I hate those stupid name generator quizzes.
Never mind, that's such a dumb quiz. It's just like, "You like to kiss A. the opposite sex B. the same sex C. both sexes," over and over again. That's not much of a quiz.
I want pizza. I think I get double pizza tomorrow. Lunch AND dinner.
Hm, a quiz I've taken before. I thinks I'll take it again. My legs burn.
PLEASE don't be the same result...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
It's rather pleasant in a painful, burning sort of way.
Ouch. We used this "Atomic Balm" stuff today in track for time trials today. I did quite badly. And Brianna wants me to be a distance runner. Pah. I need to get my spikes all screwed in so I can use em tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT. But the balm BURNS. I put a lot on the FRONT of my legs and it's STILL burning. Not the BACK of my left leg, where I pulled a MUSCLE, but just the FRONTS. Actually, it feels kind of good, cuz it's all toasty and stuff and pleasant...ish.
Yeah, but on my time trial I started out GOOD I was going I was going and NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP ME. But then I got passed by Chelsea and Sarah. And I was like, noooooo sweat, I can follow them to the end. Only 400 m is a LONG way to run. Like Larry said, "The sprinter's mile". Waaaah.
so I ended up with a 1:35.
Seriously, my time was EXACTLY 1:35.
I wish I were like Balto. We're both outcasts, but I'm not amazingly fast like he is. And anyway, even if I were, someone else would probably bite me so all the coaches mistakenly thought I was WILD.
Math WASL = SO EASY. ESPECIALLY with tools. I still don't know why all the teachers are spazzing out about this one.
I love this song. I hated the movie.
"I Won't Say (I'm In Love)" from "Hercules".
Meg pronounces things weird tho.
I'm horrible at shotput. I'm basically bad at all Olympic events. EVen ping pong. At least ping pong with doubles. No, that applies to regular ping pong too. It appears my future career will not be in the athletic field.
That was dumb.
Is there even an athletic field?
I was thinking more arts/entertainment field.
Ow, less pleasant, more painful. Ow ow ow.
Kenny and I have to make some powerpoint for social studies about the 1824 and 1828 elections, in which Andrew Jackson got his butt kicked only to kick butt four years later.
Chris and Paul are dumb.
I was thinking about what each presidential canditate would be if they were STar Wars characters, and I got as far as John McCain.
Mace Windu (Barak Obama; not just cuz he's black; maybe he should be Palpatine; they were both I will restore peace to this world...and justice...and peace...and peace...
Queen Amidala (Hillary Clinton): I will cure national debt by spending our entire budget on my extensive wardrobe and hair accessories.
Jar Jar Binks (John McCain): Dellow felegates! *is booed off stage*
Looking back on this, a career as a comedian is also out of my reach.
Which only leaves writer.
I wrote SO MUCH last night of my fanfic. Well, not so much. Mom made me get off. But I think I'm moving it too fast, so I have to add on to the beginning before I move on.
That's stupid. This is stupid. "Never give up on someone you can't go one day without thinking about." Sure.
They say I'm such a cynic about love. No. I just think these avatars are retarded.
Yeah, but on my time trial I started out GOOD I was going I was going and NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP ME. But then I got passed by Chelsea and Sarah. And I was like, noooooo sweat, I can follow them to the end. Only 400 m is a LONG way to run. Like Larry said, "The sprinter's mile". Waaaah.
so I ended up with a 1:35.
Seriously, my time was EXACTLY 1:35.
I wish I were like Balto. We're both outcasts, but I'm not amazingly fast like he is. And anyway, even if I were, someone else would probably bite me so all the coaches mistakenly thought I was WILD.
Math WASL = SO EASY. ESPECIALLY with tools. I still don't know why all the teachers are spazzing out about this one.
I love this song. I hated the movie.
"I Won't Say (I'm In Love)" from "Hercules".
Meg pronounces things weird tho.
I'm horrible at shotput. I'm basically bad at all Olympic events. EVen ping pong. At least ping pong with doubles. No, that applies to regular ping pong too. It appears my future career will not be in the athletic field.
That was dumb.
Is there even an athletic field?
I was thinking more arts/entertainment field.
Ow, less pleasant, more painful. Ow ow ow.
Kenny and I have to make some powerpoint for social studies about the 1824 and 1828 elections, in which Andrew Jackson got his butt kicked only to kick butt four years later.
Chris and Paul are dumb.
I was thinking about what each presidential canditate would be if they were STar Wars characters, and I got as far as John McCain.
Mace Windu (Barak Obama; not just cuz he's black; maybe he should be Palpatine; they were both I will restore peace to this world...and justice...and peace...and peace...
Queen Amidala (Hillary Clinton): I will cure national debt by spending our entire budget on my extensive wardrobe and hair accessories.
Jar Jar Binks (John McCain): Dellow felegates! *is booed off stage*
Looking back on this, a career as a comedian is also out of my reach.
Which only leaves writer.
I wrote SO MUCH last night of my fanfic. Well, not so much. Mom made me get off. But I think I'm moving it too fast, so I have to add on to the beginning before I move on.
That's stupid. This is stupid. "Never give up on someone you can't go one day without thinking about." Sure.
They say I'm such a cynic about love. No. I just think these avatars are retarded.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Don't ask
Plaaaaaaaaygrouuuund schoooooool beeell riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings agaaaaaaaain
Good song. Probably sung it before.
Today was a pretty good day.
It was also a WASL DAY!!!!!
YAY, I LOVE the WASL!!!!!!
Dude, the Wasl is SOOOOOOO EASY!! Anyone who gets like really psyched up for or nervous about this test is dumb because EVERYONE passes. We had math/no tools today. SO EASY. Only got stuck on two questions. Like this one about a goat and useless information somehow leading to how much grass the goat would eat? And probability: find the fraction...then multiply it???? wth?
But it was cool. We got oatmeal cream pies (or puffs...whatever) and frozen orange juice. I think we got the SAME exact snack last year. How cheap.
If you're REALLY so nice, buy us some...
Ritz crackas...
I meant that to be said in a British accent, I'm not being a wannabe thug or racist or anything. Please do not jump down my throat. I might choke.
I GOT A DONUT! Thanks to Vanessa, who asked for one. So Mrs. Laners said we could ALL have one. I got maple frosting AND sprinkles. It doesn't get any better than this. But there were also plain cake ones, and chocolate covered ones, and chocolate frosting with sprinkles, and cream filled, and glazed, and EW sugar covered. William used to LOVE THOSE and I think they're gross because it's not frosting or anything it's just a bunch of crappy granulated sugar and it always makes me choke.
DUDE, WHAT THE HECK? Okay, I took a quiz called "Emo pictures" and the result for pink and black is a dead girl in pink and black. It was like, "WHA???" but it was funny too because all you see is her floppy body and hair and stuff and I just burst out laughing BWAHAHAHA.
WHY DO GUYS CUT THEIR HAIR? I basically got the "lowdown" from Nathan, but it's still not cool. I mean, they look REALLY good with long hair, and then they go all dumb and CUT IT or SHAVE IT OFF.
I've seen like 6 people do the above.
Nathan says it has to do with manliness. A guy would rather have a few girls...and get lots of guys. JUST KIDDING, but that was the gist of what he said. Only he didn't mean it as a homosexual reference.
Ouch, I am not a good girlfriend. I'm not even anyone's girlfriend.
I want a hand-stirred/dipped milkshake whatsit. Oh no, I'm starting to sound BRITISH.
Lalala. I hurt my leg AGAIN today in track. It was all good, I ran for 20 STRAIGHT MINUTES AND I got this sweet runner's high. Best high there is and it's FREE. But anyway, then we were practicing starting on the blocks (I did horrible) and I got a really bad start (or maybe I just suck) and I pulled the SAME MUSCLE AGAIN.
So I suffered all through long jump. Ouch.
Time trials tomorrow.
I had to go to jazz band because Mr. Faxon needed another trombone, but it won't work out because I can't go to the gig he needs me for.
I found my fake nose ring. Fanfic rules. Kind of. I wrote another sentence. All is well...
Today was a pretty good day.
It was also a WASL DAY!!!!!
YAY, I LOVE the WASL!!!!!!
Dude, the Wasl is SOOOOOOO EASY!! Anyone who gets like really psyched up for or nervous about this test is dumb because EVERYONE passes. We had math/no tools today. SO EASY. Only got stuck on two questions. Like this one about a goat and useless information somehow leading to how much grass the goat would eat? And probability: find the fraction...then multiply it???? wth?
But it was cool. We got oatmeal cream pies (or puffs...whatever) and frozen orange juice. I think we got the SAME exact snack last year. How cheap.
If you're REALLY so nice, buy us some...
Ritz crackas...
I meant that to be said in a British accent, I'm not being a wannabe thug or racist or anything. Please do not jump down my throat. I might choke.
I GOT A DONUT! Thanks to Vanessa, who asked for one. So Mrs. Laners said we could ALL have one. I got maple frosting AND sprinkles. It doesn't get any better than this. But there were also plain cake ones, and chocolate covered ones, and chocolate frosting with sprinkles, and cream filled, and glazed, and EW sugar covered. William used to LOVE THOSE and I think they're gross because it's not frosting or anything it's just a bunch of crappy granulated sugar and it always makes me choke.
DUDE, WHAT THE HECK? Okay, I took a quiz called "Emo pictures" and the result for pink and black is a dead girl in pink and black. It was like, "WHA???" but it was funny too because all you see is her floppy body and hair and stuff and I just burst out laughing BWAHAHAHA.
WHY DO GUYS CUT THEIR HAIR? I basically got the "lowdown" from Nathan, but it's still not cool. I mean, they look REALLY good with long hair, and then they go all dumb and CUT IT or SHAVE IT OFF.
I've seen like 6 people do the above.
Nathan says it has to do with manliness. A guy would rather have a few girls...and get lots of guys. JUST KIDDING, but that was the gist of what he said. Only he didn't mean it as a homosexual reference.
Ouch, I am not a good girlfriend. I'm not even anyone's girlfriend.
I want a hand-stirred/dipped milkshake whatsit. Oh no, I'm starting to sound BRITISH.
Lalala. I hurt my leg AGAIN today in track. It was all good, I ran for 20 STRAIGHT MINUTES AND I got this sweet runner's high. Best high there is and it's FREE. But anyway, then we were practicing starting on the blocks (I did horrible) and I got a really bad start (or maybe I just suck) and I pulled the SAME MUSCLE AGAIN.
So I suffered all through long jump. Ouch.
Time trials tomorrow.
I had to go to jazz band because Mr. Faxon needed another trombone, but it won't work out because I can't go to the gig he needs me for.
I found my fake nose ring. Fanfic rules. Kind of. I wrote another sentence. All is well...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Brits are mean
I swear, I read like 4 Georgia Nichols books today and they are pretty much amazing. Brits rae mean, tho.
And Karate Kid is dumb. Like dumbest movie ever.
AAAAAAAAGH Mr. Faxon wants me to join jazz band AGAIN. Cor. But I'm going to do it because this is like the 4th time all year he's asked me to join and it will only be for a couple o weeks. That means I have to wake up at 5:30 like I did last year when I was but a stupid sevvie.
I did lots of stupid stuff last year. Like compression shorts? Um, yeah, not so comfortable any more. Either I gained weight or got huge or something because they are tight and painful and serve no purpose besides letting people not see my underwear when I do "knee to chest" stretching and keeping my baggy shorts on.
I LOVE MY FANFIC! I've written like a paragraph and it's SO overwritten and very overdramatic I guess, a lot like Jedi Apprentice (hahahaha), and stuffs like that, but I finally figured out a way to start it (flashback) and I have REALISTIC star wars material that fits the timeline and is BELIEVABLE. I think.
Let's see...evil genius, son of Sith lord, one night stand = main character?
COULD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only Telos wasn't so democratic at the time I'm writing, so I'll have to change that part, yo.
And Luke is LONG DEAD. All the Jedis are dead/in hiding.
And there's a hot emo boy. And a buff Han Solo wannabe. And the REAL main character, who is in fact, female.
Must not make her perfect like Eragon.
SEeing as I haven't even written about her yet, this will be hard.
PSYCHE, I pulled a muscle today in track, so I didn't have to RUN. But I walked like 2 miles. Yay.
And Karate Kid is dumb. Like dumbest movie ever.
AAAAAAAAGH Mr. Faxon wants me to join jazz band AGAIN. Cor. But I'm going to do it because this is like the 4th time all year he's asked me to join and it will only be for a couple o weeks. That means I have to wake up at 5:30 like I did last year when I was but a stupid sevvie.
I did lots of stupid stuff last year. Like compression shorts? Um, yeah, not so comfortable any more. Either I gained weight or got huge or something because they are tight and painful and serve no purpose besides letting people not see my underwear when I do "knee to chest" stretching and keeping my baggy shorts on.
I LOVE MY FANFIC! I've written like a paragraph and it's SO overwritten and very overdramatic I guess, a lot like Jedi Apprentice (hahahaha), and stuffs like that, but I finally figured out a way to start it (flashback) and I have REALISTIC star wars material that fits the timeline and is BELIEVABLE. I think.
Let's see...evil genius, son of Sith lord, one night stand = main character?
COULD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only Telos wasn't so democratic at the time I'm writing, so I'll have to change that part, yo.
And Luke is LONG DEAD. All the Jedis are dead/in hiding.
And there's a hot emo boy. And a buff Han Solo wannabe. And the REAL main character, who is in fact, female.
Must not make her perfect like Eragon.
SEeing as I haven't even written about her yet, this will be hard.
PSYCHE, I pulled a muscle today in track, so I didn't have to RUN. But I walked like 2 miles. Yay.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Not often that I slip up
Finally putting this song on my ipod.
AND "I'll make a man out of you".
AND a lot of Disney songs, because my dad checked out like 8 disney jams cds from the library.
I have to take "This Ain't A Scene..." and "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" off my ipod.
And it kind of had been awkward listening to it with my DAD in the car and stuff and I know I don't want to slip and start singing that, so I KIND OF agreed and it was a little bit of a relief.
Because they never do any of this kind of thing to Nathan or William.
Both my parents willingly advocated a CD they KNEW had like 50 million F-words on it, because it was the "cleanest" of that artist.
And they let William sing Led Zepplin and stuff and BOTH of them KNOW what it means.
But I bring home Fall Out Boy and they're like, "Don't sing it, that's BAD."
I didn't even like "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs", but I did like "THis Ain't A Scene..." and if they're going to be all serious with me about my "music choices", they better do it to their other kids too.
Just because I'm a girl, probably.
And it's not like I've been totally rebellious about my music choices up until now. I've been all good at choosing good, clean bands, mostly Christian, but now I want to listen to music that isn't just MEDIOCRE!
Grr. It just ticks me off.
I had nursery again this week because William was sick. Olivia is leaving forever. I am sad. Brendan can tap his toe very well. Jada didn't cry this week. Jaylin threw a bunny at me. Matthew is as talkative as ever.
My mom gave me this Playmobil prince (wth??) for Easter, so i decided to colonize my Playmobils once more. I'd forgotten I had three white horses (gray, there's no such thing as white), and there's three of the French Guard or whatever, so that works well. But now I have two prince/kings, one princess, and two extra kids, and bigamy is SOOOO not cool. So I had to make one of them her brother???? But I still wanted the little kids to half brother and sister. DUnno why. Adds to drama. And then I had two guys left, same hair color and everything, and like three orphaned kids with the same hair color, and I didn't want MORE single dads (i had like three), so I was like, "Hm, should I make a gay couple, or should they be brothers?" BUt my mom freaked out when I said gay couple, so I just made them brothers. And the jester uncle is hitting on the pediatric nurse/single mom, so their family might grow, making them have two boys, a girl, and a unisex baby. Plus a cat. And a dog. I think I'll make the baby a girl. She looks like one. Then like every stupid kid has a flipping pony. And then I didn't know quite what to do with the unicorn, but the prince/king has lent his charger to the other prince/king and is riding the unicorn to war, a la Peter. From Chronicles of Narnia.
Oh well.
I officially cannot play guitar and jump at the same time. Not even an inflatable guitar.
Finally putting this song on my ipod.
AND "I'll make a man out of you".
AND a lot of Disney songs, because my dad checked out like 8 disney jams cds from the library.
I have to take "This Ain't A Scene..." and "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" off my ipod.
And it kind of had been awkward listening to it with my DAD in the car and stuff and I know I don't want to slip and start singing that, so I KIND OF agreed and it was a little bit of a relief.
Because they never do any of this kind of thing to Nathan or William.
Both my parents willingly advocated a CD they KNEW had like 50 million F-words on it, because it was the "cleanest" of that artist.
And they let William sing Led Zepplin and stuff and BOTH of them KNOW what it means.
But I bring home Fall Out Boy and they're like, "Don't sing it, that's BAD."
I didn't even like "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs", but I did like "THis Ain't A Scene..." and if they're going to be all serious with me about my "music choices", they better do it to their other kids too.
Just because I'm a girl, probably.
And it's not like I've been totally rebellious about my music choices up until now. I've been all good at choosing good, clean bands, mostly Christian, but now I want to listen to music that isn't just MEDIOCRE!
Grr. It just ticks me off.
I had nursery again this week because William was sick. Olivia is leaving forever. I am sad. Brendan can tap his toe very well. Jada didn't cry this week. Jaylin threw a bunny at me. Matthew is as talkative as ever.
My mom gave me this Playmobil prince (wth??) for Easter, so i decided to colonize my Playmobils once more. I'd forgotten I had three white horses (gray, there's no such thing as white), and there's three of the French Guard or whatever, so that works well. But now I have two prince/kings, one princess, and two extra kids, and bigamy is SOOOO not cool. So I had to make one of them her brother???? But I still wanted the little kids to half brother and sister. DUnno why. Adds to drama. And then I had two guys left, same hair color and everything, and like three orphaned kids with the same hair color, and I didn't want MORE single dads (i had like three), so I was like, "Hm, should I make a gay couple, or should they be brothers?" BUt my mom freaked out when I said gay couple, so I just made them brothers. And the jester uncle is hitting on the pediatric nurse/single mom, so their family might grow, making them have two boys, a girl, and a unisex baby. Plus a cat. And a dog. I think I'll make the baby a girl. She looks like one. Then like every stupid kid has a flipping pony. And then I didn't know quite what to do with the unicorn, but the prince/king has lent his charger to the other prince/king and is riding the unicorn to war, a la Peter. From Chronicles of Narnia.
Oh well.
I officially cannot play guitar and jump at the same time. Not even an inflatable guitar.
fall out boy,
fun parties,
not gay,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
What I would look like if everyone in life was computer generated...'s pretty close. Although my hair isn't that short. And I usually only wear Converse. And I don't wear skinny jeans. And I don't have a husky. Ooooh well. All in all, it looked pretty good until I added glasses.

Yeah, I bet you want to look like that. I swear, it's SOOOO much fun. It takes forever, tho. And they don't have Vans.
And I was bored, so I decided to make a guy doll. Yay. Couldn't get it quite right. Note: all guy dolls come with a nice chest... Couldn't find a lightsaber accessory. :(
Yeah, I bet you want to look like that. I swear, it's SOOOO much fun. It takes forever, tho. And they don't have Vans.
And I was bored, so I decided to make a guy doll. Yay. Couldn't get it quite right. Note: all guy dolls come with a nice chest... Couldn't find a lightsaber accessory. :(
Lieutenant Dan! Ice cream!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaah my legs hurt. I have to run a mile...and I don't want to. Not in shorts. Not in pants. Not in Converse. Not in running shoes. Not in a sports bra. Not with my ipod. But my mom is MAKING ME. Because my psycho physical therapy/coach SAID SO.
I had REALLY weird dreams. Like I was watching this Pokemon movie? And I beat the last boss. And then it was Diner Dash? And I didn't get chocolate cake because the movie was over. :( And then I cussed out my mom and brother for being mean and she WOULDN'T LET ME GO SHOPPING!!1 I don't know, it was a total travesty when it happened.
Wow this quiz is totally going in my picks list.
The last part of my dream involved really weird couples with huge age differences and shape shifting dogs.
Haven't listened to this song in a while.
I still have Trevor.
"He's just a boy who doesn't know what's right in front of him, and she's just a girl who never learned to let go."
Jason answered the phone in Office yesterday. It was pretty amazing. Vanessa and I were so proud.
I really want Vans.
BUt then I read this book about a girl from a religious cult and there was this really tall lesbian caseworker who had fallen arches and I was like, "OMG, I NEED ARCH SUPPORT!" and I was paranoid the WHOLE DAY because Johnson said Converse could destroy your arches and I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
What kind of Vans should I get? I know someone out there in the country will probably have the exact same pair as me, so I won't be totally unique, but I do know which ones to possibly avoid.
1. Classic checkered black?
2. Checkered turquoise...dang.
3. Shamrock...shamrocks yes, whiteness no.
4. Not the one with pigs on it. Because it's weird.
AAAAAAGH I went to Journeys and was looking at all these shoes and tried to get my mom to buy me a new backpack, but she said it looked like a diaper bag. Then she tried to convince me to get the checkered messenger bag, and I was like, "NO, IT'S NOT AS GOOD." and then we both saw the pinstriped messenger bag and were like, "NO."
for good reason.
Only her reason was different than mine.
Wow, that's a good quote:
Oh I wish life was like Disney World, where dreams come true and the only thing you have to worry about is puking after you ride Space Mountain 15 times.
I had REALLY weird dreams. Like I was watching this Pokemon movie? And I beat the last boss. And then it was Diner Dash? And I didn't get chocolate cake because the movie was over. :( And then I cussed out my mom and brother for being mean and she WOULDN'T LET ME GO SHOPPING!!1 I don't know, it was a total travesty when it happened.
Wow this quiz is totally going in my picks list.
The last part of my dream involved really weird couples with huge age differences and shape shifting dogs.
Haven't listened to this song in a while.
I still have Trevor.
"He's just a boy who doesn't know what's right in front of him, and she's just a girl who never learned to let go."
Jason answered the phone in Office yesterday. It was pretty amazing. Vanessa and I were so proud.
I really want Vans.
BUt then I read this book about a girl from a religious cult and there was this really tall lesbian caseworker who had fallen arches and I was like, "OMG, I NEED ARCH SUPPORT!" and I was paranoid the WHOLE DAY because Johnson said Converse could destroy your arches and I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
What kind of Vans should I get? I know someone out there in the country will probably have the exact same pair as me, so I won't be totally unique, but I do know which ones to possibly avoid.
1. Classic checkered black?
2. Checkered turquoise...dang.
3. Shamrock...shamrocks yes, whiteness no.
4. Not the one with pigs on it. Because it's weird.
AAAAAAGH I went to Journeys and was looking at all these shoes and tried to get my mom to buy me a new backpack, but she said it looked like a diaper bag. Then she tried to convince me to get the checkered messenger bag, and I was like, "NO, IT'S NOT AS GOOD." and then we both saw the pinstriped messenger bag and were like, "NO."
for good reason.
Only her reason was different than mine.
Wow, that's a good quote:
Oh I wish life was like Disney World, where dreams come true and the only thing you have to worry about is puking after you ride Space Mountain 15 times.
fun parties,
immature guys,
other unimportant stuff,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Things are going...swimmingly
Oooookay. I didn't think this was that funny. But you can think whatever. This isn't the exact e-mail I got, but my internet's being lame. I have to go away from blogger to access it and it's like, uh, NO.
1. Go to
2. Click on Maps.
3. Click on Get Directions.
4. (this is the part I don't remember) Put New York, New York in From and Paris, France in To.
5. Read line 23. HAHAHA.
Dumb, huh? It took my computer forever and it was like, "Um, duh, what am I supposed to be looking at that's funny?"
I ran the stupid ladder drill yesterday and today, and I feel SOOOOO Much better today, but my legs still hurt.
And I don't know if I'll ever be a good sprinter.
I'm not doing the 60 meter dash. I'm thinking the 100 meter maybe.
Oooh, what fun, Quizilla quizzes.
Dakota wants to know if I want to start an Anime club.
Seeing as I only like Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and Peach Girl, I don't know if I can.
Loveless was too scary. I'm not exactly open to animated gay porn.
I miss Hot Topic.
Brianna says I should be a distance runner.
Screw that.
I hate high jump.
I listened to Albatross, which I just got yesterday, a late Easter gift. Ooooh yeah, I love that Cd.
Didn't really feel like watching the office tonight. Ooooh well. I'm sure it was hilarious.
"Blood and Chocolate" WAS SO LAME. First I was all, GO WITH AIDAN GO WITH AIDAN and then he started being all "I shoot werewolves" so I was like GO WITH GABRIEL GO WITH GABRIEL and she FINALLY picks him because he bit her lip while they were making out????????
I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. It was dumb and so NOT what I expected.
Need to read my Georgia Nicholes book.
I want PIZZA.
Mmm, beef.
1. Go to
2. Click on Maps.
3. Click on Get Directions.
4. (this is the part I don't remember) Put New York, New York in From and Paris, France in To.
5. Read line 23. HAHAHA.
Dumb, huh? It took my computer forever and it was like, "Um, duh, what am I supposed to be looking at that's funny?"
I ran the stupid ladder drill yesterday and today, and I feel SOOOOO Much better today, but my legs still hurt.
And I don't know if I'll ever be a good sprinter.
I'm not doing the 60 meter dash. I'm thinking the 100 meter maybe.
Oooh, what fun, Quizilla quizzes.
Dakota wants to know if I want to start an Anime club.
Seeing as I only like Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and Peach Girl, I don't know if I can.
Loveless was too scary. I'm not exactly open to animated gay porn.
I miss Hot Topic.
Brianna says I should be a distance runner.
Screw that.
I hate high jump.
I listened to Albatross, which I just got yesterday, a late Easter gift. Ooooh yeah, I love that Cd.
Didn't really feel like watching the office tonight. Ooooh well. I'm sure it was hilarious.
"Blood and Chocolate" WAS SO LAME. First I was all, GO WITH AIDAN GO WITH AIDAN and then he started being all "I shoot werewolves" so I was like GO WITH GABRIEL GO WITH GABRIEL and she FINALLY picks him because he bit her lip while they were making out????????
I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. It was dumb and so NOT what I expected.
Need to read my Georgia Nicholes book.
I want PIZZA.
Mmm, beef.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Protestor in scales
Yeah. I joined track.
I officially have no free time.
Well, not true, I just wait it all listening to "Blood and Chocolate", which is SOOOO not worth it.
But I ran for the first time this week (soooo ironic) and I didn't go very fast, but it was hard, and I got a cramp and I cried. But everyone was nice about it, so it was cool.
I'M FINALLY WRITING MY STAR WARS FANFIC! Or I would be, if my dad would leave the keyboard ALONE. *glares at dad*
Sorry, it's just this is SERIOUS writing and if I get all dumb and like cheesy and come off as a romance-novel novelist, I don't want my parents to be reading it going, "Uh, interesting, you seriously want to go into Creative WRiting?" And I'm going to password it. But you can delete passworded stuff????? LAME! If anyone deletes this I'll KEEL them. I've only written one word: TELOS.
But I don't know how I'm going to create a post-Luke Communist situation on the planet.
I'm soooo excited though.
Don't want to go to track tomorrow, because I suck at EVERYTHING.
Don't want to miss it, though, because I have a dentist appointment and I don't want to miss anything important.
Warning: Strong language sometimes used in parodies and such, if you really care about that kind of thing.
And this is the BEST eragon review I have ever READ.
Inheritance Sandwich
by Shinobaka
I got home late from work last night, and even though my stomach was growling, I really didn’t want to cook.
So I made myself a sandwich.
I started off with a couple slices of Tolkien brand bread. They were a bit stale, but I didn’t feel like opening a new package. Bread wouldn’t be enough to satisfy my hunger, I was sure, so I opened up the refrigerator. I was in luck, and there was still some of the Star Wars style roast beef I’d had for dinner four nights ago. I cut off a couple of thick chunks, and slapped ‘em on the bread, making sure to sprinkle on just a little originality salt. Not too much, though, as I didn’t want to ruin it, but I used a healthy helping of cliché pepper to add spice.
Still not satisfied with my creation, I poked my head in the fridge again, and came out with an open package of Pern cheese, from which I added a couple of crumbling slices. As I put the cheese back, I remembered the lettuce. I had two kinds—Earthsea and Belgariad—and wasn’t sure which to use, so I threw on a few wilting leaves of each.
Adding in a few more little things from the fridge, I declared my sandwich complete and bit into it. I ate the whole thing because I was hungry, but it was awfully bland. When I finished it, I was still hungry, so I made another. This time I used more salt, but somehow it all seemed to collect in a few specific spots, which I had to spit out, and in the end it was even blander than the first.
After that, I wasn’t hungry anymore, but now I was frustrated. The things I used had been delicious when I had first opened their packages and eaten them. Surely with such wonderful ingredients I could make a delicious sandwich! After all, I had already made two edible sandwiches: that made me a culinary genius.
I set to work on my third sandwich.
Is that not GENIUS?
I swear, I want to write my BOOK. STop toodling on the keyboard. Actually, I don't think you can tootle on the keyboard. OH WELL.
Watched "Thank God You're Here" on Monday, but my mom wouldn't let me watch the second episode, so I had to watch that taped on Tuesday.
The first episode was HILARIOUS. I forgot his name, but there was this really skinny funny guy who did an Egyptian tomb thing. "It's an ancient hockey puck." "Oh, professor, what's that smell?" "THat's my food poisoning." "Oh no, you've broken the oath of Ootapa! Look, a mummy! What should we do?" "I'M GOING TO BODYCHECK HIM!" BUt he didn't win. Bryan Cranston did because he frenched a bunch of guys. He was KINDA funny. But the gay content got SO OLD after the first seven eleven times.
The second episode was so NOT FUNNY. The guy from "Mad About YOu" was pretty funny. And Edie McClurg was hilarious...until she made an anti-war joke. It was like, "Booo, you lose." And she did. Mo'Nique won after her actually funny second half. Her gameshow hostess wasn't funny at all. Just dumb. And she was like, "That was so fun! Omg!" And it was like, yeah, but it wasn't fun-NY!
Ew, I read a WEIRD book today. It was something about "Alfred Kropp". It was pretty good, but then it got all into reincarnation and prophecies and it was like, "Snore" because it wasn't even fantasy. Sorta. But, because he was descended from Lancelot, he's supposedly able to come back to life and pull a sword out of his stomach from a stone. Um, sure. Wasn't gross, just...wth?
I officially have no free time.
Well, not true, I just wait it all listening to "Blood and Chocolate", which is SOOOO not worth it.
But I ran for the first time this week (soooo ironic) and I didn't go very fast, but it was hard, and I got a cramp and I cried. But everyone was nice about it, so it was cool.
I'M FINALLY WRITING MY STAR WARS FANFIC! Or I would be, if my dad would leave the keyboard ALONE. *glares at dad*
Sorry, it's just this is SERIOUS writing and if I get all dumb and like cheesy and come off as a romance-novel novelist, I don't want my parents to be reading it going, "Uh, interesting, you seriously want to go into Creative WRiting?" And I'm going to password it. But you can delete passworded stuff????? LAME! If anyone deletes this I'll KEEL them. I've only written one word: TELOS.
But I don't know how I'm going to create a post-Luke Communist situation on the planet.
I'm soooo excited though.
Don't want to go to track tomorrow, because I suck at EVERYTHING.
Don't want to miss it, though, because I have a dentist appointment and I don't want to miss anything important.
Warning: Strong language sometimes used in parodies and such, if you really care about that kind of thing.
And this is the BEST eragon review I have ever READ.
Inheritance Sandwich
by Shinobaka
I got home late from work last night, and even though my stomach was growling, I really didn’t want to cook.
So I made myself a sandwich.
I started off with a couple slices of Tolkien brand bread. They were a bit stale, but I didn’t feel like opening a new package. Bread wouldn’t be enough to satisfy my hunger, I was sure, so I opened up the refrigerator. I was in luck, and there was still some of the Star Wars style roast beef I’d had for dinner four nights ago. I cut off a couple of thick chunks, and slapped ‘em on the bread, making sure to sprinkle on just a little originality salt. Not too much, though, as I didn’t want to ruin it, but I used a healthy helping of cliché pepper to add spice.
Still not satisfied with my creation, I poked my head in the fridge again, and came out with an open package of Pern cheese, from which I added a couple of crumbling slices. As I put the cheese back, I remembered the lettuce. I had two kinds—Earthsea and Belgariad—and wasn’t sure which to use, so I threw on a few wilting leaves of each.
Adding in a few more little things from the fridge, I declared my sandwich complete and bit into it. I ate the whole thing because I was hungry, but it was awfully bland. When I finished it, I was still hungry, so I made another. This time I used more salt, but somehow it all seemed to collect in a few specific spots, which I had to spit out, and in the end it was even blander than the first.
After that, I wasn’t hungry anymore, but now I was frustrated. The things I used had been delicious when I had first opened their packages and eaten them. Surely with such wonderful ingredients I could make a delicious sandwich! After all, I had already made two edible sandwiches: that made me a culinary genius.
I set to work on my third sandwich.
Is that not GENIUS?
I swear, I want to write my BOOK. STop toodling on the keyboard. Actually, I don't think you can tootle on the keyboard. OH WELL.
Watched "Thank God You're Here" on Monday, but my mom wouldn't let me watch the second episode, so I had to watch that taped on Tuesday.
The first episode was HILARIOUS. I forgot his name, but there was this really skinny funny guy who did an Egyptian tomb thing. "It's an ancient hockey puck." "Oh, professor, what's that smell?" "THat's my food poisoning." "Oh no, you've broken the oath of Ootapa! Look, a mummy! What should we do?" "I'M GOING TO BODYCHECK HIM!" BUt he didn't win. Bryan Cranston did because he frenched a bunch of guys. He was KINDA funny. But the gay content got SO OLD after the first seven eleven times.
The second episode was so NOT FUNNY. The guy from "Mad About YOu" was pretty funny. And Edie McClurg was hilarious...until she made an anti-war joke. It was like, "Booo, you lose." And she did. Mo'Nique won after her actually funny second half. Her gameshow hostess wasn't funny at all. Just dumb. And she was like, "That was so fun! Omg!" And it was like, yeah, but it wasn't fun-NY!
Ew, I read a WEIRD book today. It was something about "Alfred Kropp". It was pretty good, but then it got all into reincarnation and prophecies and it was like, "Snore" because it wasn't even fantasy. Sorta. But, because he was descended from Lancelot, he's supposedly able to come back to life and pull a sword out of his stomach from a stone. Um, sure. Wasn't gross, just...wth?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Sacrilegious jelly beans
Took an Easter candy quiz.
I'm the sacrilegious jelly beans.
Ate too much candy today.
My mom gave me a sleeping pill.
Not nice.
Need to finish LOTR and start Blood and Chocolate.
Track tomorrow. I don't wanna go to school.
The twins are funny.
I'm gonna steal Braeden's shirt.
Nursery was cool.
Missed the sermon.
no spiritual high for me.
Thankfully Mark is easy to read.
I'm the sacrilegious jelly beans.
Ate too much candy today.
My mom gave me a sleeping pill.
Not nice.
Need to finish LOTR and start Blood and Chocolate.
Track tomorrow. I don't wanna go to school.
The twins are funny.
I'm gonna steal Braeden's shirt.
Nursery was cool.
Missed the sermon.
no spiritual high for me.
Thankfully Mark is easy to read.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Please don't hurt me mister gangsta sir.
Yeah, went to the library today, but I only got three books because I was feeling intimidated by some teens in the *gasp* TEEN SECTION.
I don't know, I didn't want to be all dumb and shy whilst searching for books. THey were just looking at comics anyway.
But it's a thing i have. I have to be ALONE in the teen section or it just isn't right and I hyperventilate. Or not hyperventilate, I just get uncomfortable and leave.
So much for being extroverted.
I think I have split personalities. I mean, I CAN be a total extrovert, but at school and stuff, if I don't know anybody, it's like, "please don't talk to me, I'd just like to get by, maybe read my novel..."
5'10"! HE'S 5'10"! Too bad I don't internet date. Oh well.
Is it prom season already?
I forgot that I like spring.
I FINALLY got Blood and Chocolate, but it's not CDs, it's cassettes, and that makes me angry because I have to use William's CD player. Lame.
We're dying EGGS tonight.
Lol I got a funny result.
Quizmaker: Hott. *drools*
Guy in picture: I take myself too seriously.
Me: Um, ew...nice coat, though.
Other pictures: emo boy with rose (:D), guy with really ripped abs who other than that isn't really worth describing, weird leather coat man, GLADIATOR????, and some random shirtless guy wearing pretty nice jeans.
I like a pair of jeans.
I am in love with clothes.
*conks self in head*
Whatever, that person is seriously messed up. I like the rose picture though.
What's with all these stupid, "Are U the 1 4 me, you? (girls only)" quizzes? And it's RETURN OF THE STUPID PROM DRESSES! "What prom dress are you?" "What prom dress is for you?" "What's your perfect prom dress?" AAAAH. I haven't seen a good Harry Potter quiz in FOREVER.
That's kind of an oxy moron.
Kind of what we were talking about last night. "Smart Al Gore. It cancels them both out." "So what'd you say?" "Nothing."
If you don't know, I'm on quizilla taking REALLY DUMB QUIZZES.
Also, there's a lot of Naruto quizzes.
Y'all should check it out.
Feel my pain.
The "who's your guy? pics will make u drool" quiz is not worth it.
I don't know, I didn't want to be all dumb and shy whilst searching for books. THey were just looking at comics anyway.
But it's a thing i have. I have to be ALONE in the teen section or it just isn't right and I hyperventilate. Or not hyperventilate, I just get uncomfortable and leave.
So much for being extroverted.
I think I have split personalities. I mean, I CAN be a total extrovert, but at school and stuff, if I don't know anybody, it's like, "please don't talk to me, I'd just like to get by, maybe read my novel..."
5'10"! HE'S 5'10"! Too bad I don't internet date. Oh well.
Is it prom season already?
I forgot that I like spring.
I FINALLY got Blood and Chocolate, but it's not CDs, it's cassettes, and that makes me angry because I have to use William's CD player. Lame.
We're dying EGGS tonight.
Lol I got a funny result.
Quizmaker: Hott. *drools*
Guy in picture: I take myself too seriously.
Me: Um, ew...nice coat, though.
Other pictures: emo boy with rose (:D), guy with really ripped abs who other than that isn't really worth describing, weird leather coat man, GLADIATOR????, and some random shirtless guy wearing pretty nice jeans.
I like a pair of jeans.
I am in love with clothes.
*conks self in head*
Whatever, that person is seriously messed up. I like the rose picture though.
What's with all these stupid, "Are U the 1 4 me, you? (girls only)" quizzes? And it's RETURN OF THE STUPID PROM DRESSES! "What prom dress are you?" "What prom dress is for you?" "What's your perfect prom dress?" AAAAH. I haven't seen a good Harry Potter quiz in FOREVER.
That's kind of an oxy moron.
Kind of what we were talking about last night. "Smart Al Gore. It cancels them both out." "So what'd you say?" "Nothing."
If you don't know, I'm on quizilla taking REALLY DUMB QUIZZES.
Also, there's a lot of Naruto quizzes.
Y'all should check it out.
Feel my pain.
The "who's your guy? pics will make u drool" quiz is not worth it.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Actually, my favorite color is blue
No idea where that came from.
I should date a bassist?
If that bassist is Pete Wentz, no thanks.
Wow, can't really think of any bassists that I know.
I don't know about BASSISTS.
Wow, not even the bands I really LIKE. That's like...ALL OF THEM.
Is Fall Out Boy really the only band where I know all the members?
I need a break from them. *tries to leave, but is latched to "Infinity On High"* NOOOOO!
I've been having weird dreams lately. I had a school related one earlier this week.
Mr. Jansen (who I had thought RETIRED): Sit down.
Me: I'm sitting here.
Sara: *takes seat*
Seat taken: *happens a lot*
Me: I'll sit here. OH CRAP! *realizes seat is taken*
Emo: Hey, you're sitting in my seat. That's unnaturally sexy. I think I'll talk to you for the first time all year.
Me: WTH???
It was pretty weird. BUt not as weird as last night, where one of my teammates and my old crush started going OUT?
Me: So you guys are going out????
Them: Yeah. *happy sigh*
It was so awkward. And it wasn't even real.
I wasted another day. And now I only have 2 days left. And one of them's Easter.
I will not sleep well on Sunday.
I feel like steak or some kinda meat. Or pasta. Definitely pasta. Because I was playing basketball with Amanda.
I really want a pair of Vans. Declaring them emo doesn't make them less amazing. I'm really thinking emo has outlived its welcome.
Apparently I'm having an emo wedding.
Luke is impossible to catch.
But he's SO CUTE.
I want pasta.
I should date a bassist?
If that bassist is Pete Wentz, no thanks.
Wow, can't really think of any bassists that I know.
I don't know about BASSISTS.
Wow, not even the bands I really LIKE. That's like...ALL OF THEM.
Is Fall Out Boy really the only band where I know all the members?
I need a break from them. *tries to leave, but is latched to "Infinity On High"* NOOOOO!
I've been having weird dreams lately. I had a school related one earlier this week.
Mr. Jansen (who I had thought RETIRED): Sit down.
Me: I'm sitting here.
Sara: *takes seat*
Seat taken: *happens a lot*
Me: I'll sit here. OH CRAP! *realizes seat is taken*
Emo: Hey, you're sitting in my seat. That's unnaturally sexy. I think I'll talk to you for the first time all year.
Me: WTH???
It was pretty weird. BUt not as weird as last night, where one of my teammates and my old crush started going OUT?
Me: So you guys are going out????
Them: Yeah. *happy sigh*
It was so awkward. And it wasn't even real.
I wasted another day. And now I only have 2 days left. And one of them's Easter.
I will not sleep well on Sunday.
I feel like steak or some kinda meat. Or pasta. Definitely pasta. Because I was playing basketball with Amanda.
I really want a pair of Vans. Declaring them emo doesn't make them less amazing. I'm really thinking emo has outlived its welcome.
Apparently I'm having an emo wedding.
Luke is impossible to catch.
But he's SO CUTE.
I want pasta.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Don't poke the penguin
Man. Today could've been a really good day. And it was good when we went out to Ruby Tuesday's with my grandma. It was good when we went to the immunization clinic and it didn't hurt.
But it's just been one of those days.
And the fact that I had this MAJOR mood swing doesn't help.
Lest I bite someone else's head off, here is another warning from the government.
WARNING: Stay away from Lauren. She bites.
If she is in a BAD MOOD, do not feel you have to comfort her, as she will kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
If she is in a good mood while talking about a sensitive topic, it is best not to smash her dreams into billions of tiny bits, as this will send her into a bad mood, and she wil kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
Actually, don't talk to her at all, seeing as she is a girl and when she has a mood swing might kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
There, got that out of my system.
It's just that my parents don't support my single parenting plan. It's not even like I'm going to go out and get pregnant. I'm going to move to Georgia, go to Africa for missions, and adopt from South Africa...or Uganda. But I thought they were cool with it and they're NOT.
And then my mom gave me this huge lecture on how God will use your dreams, bla bla bla, and it was like she was rubbing in the fact that she's closer to God than I am. And it made me mad because no, God and i aren't close, I'm still working on trusting him, and since like a week ago I was almost practically atheist, it's not like I've taking any time to get on my knees and be all humble and crap, "Oh God, I know you will do PERFECTLY, so here are all my hopes and dreams for the future, and I shall go skipping away and not worry about anything because life is PERFECT!" Uh yeah, maybe in Christy freaking Miller.
It just WASN'T COOL.
So I guess I'm over it and I'm talking to God about the future, but the worst part about the whole conversation is my mom acted like that plan wasn't BIG, Like I could do SOOOO Much better.
At least it's better than LIVING WITH YOU GUYS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, like I thought 4 MONTHS AGO when I had NOTHING BETTER TO DO. And I'm not planning on living in Washington forever. I'm moving SOOOO far away it's not even funny. 2733.14 miles it not something to laugh at. And then I'm going to AFRICA, where I'll need like 5 SHOTS. And I'm going to be a WRITER, writing more than CRAPPY Christian fiction where stupid morons talk about their perfect lives, eat frozen yogurt, and their biggest sin is saying, "Poopy doop."
Just mad as heck.
So I guess I'm not over it.
I also realized I hate the word "dreams". Sounds mystical and retarded.
But don't call my stupid "dreams" small. Because this is BIG for me.
I think this day is bad because I was going to wake up super early so I could download all the new FOB I got onto my Ipod, but I can't wake up early cuz I'm not a morning person, so I played Mario instead, and then my stupid computer wouldn't let me import, so I had to burn it all to the harddrive instead, and THEN import, and I almost had all the info on Take This To YOur Grave done, but it didn't save cuz it's LAME. Not like my grandpa's cpu is so much better, which is what I'm typing on. THe shift key keeps sticking and I keep using quotations instead of apostrophes. Gr.
But it's just been one of those days.
And the fact that I had this MAJOR mood swing doesn't help.
Lest I bite someone else's head off, here is another warning from the government.
WARNING: Stay away from Lauren. She bites.
If she is in a BAD MOOD, do not feel you have to comfort her, as she will kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
If she is in a good mood while talking about a sensitive topic, it is best not to smash her dreams into billions of tiny bits, as this will send her into a bad mood, and she wil kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
Actually, don't talk to her at all, seeing as she is a girl and when she has a mood swing might kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
There, got that out of my system.
It's just that my parents don't support my single parenting plan. It's not even like I'm going to go out and get pregnant. I'm going to move to Georgia, go to Africa for missions, and adopt from South Africa...or Uganda. But I thought they were cool with it and they're NOT.
And then my mom gave me this huge lecture on how God will use your dreams, bla bla bla, and it was like she was rubbing in the fact that she's closer to God than I am. And it made me mad because no, God and i aren't close, I'm still working on trusting him, and since like a week ago I was almost practically atheist, it's not like I've taking any time to get on my knees and be all humble and crap, "Oh God, I know you will do PERFECTLY, so here are all my hopes and dreams for the future, and I shall go skipping away and not worry about anything because life is PERFECT!" Uh yeah, maybe in Christy freaking Miller.
It just WASN'T COOL.
So I guess I'm over it and I'm talking to God about the future, but the worst part about the whole conversation is my mom acted like that plan wasn't BIG, Like I could do SOOOO Much better.
At least it's better than LIVING WITH YOU GUYS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, like I thought 4 MONTHS AGO when I had NOTHING BETTER TO DO. And I'm not planning on living in Washington forever. I'm moving SOOOO far away it's not even funny. 2733.14 miles it not something to laugh at. And then I'm going to AFRICA, where I'll need like 5 SHOTS. And I'm going to be a WRITER, writing more than CRAPPY Christian fiction where stupid morons talk about their perfect lives, eat frozen yogurt, and their biggest sin is saying, "Poopy doop."
Just mad as heck.
So I guess I'm not over it.
I also realized I hate the word "dreams". Sounds mystical and retarded.
But don't call my stupid "dreams" small. Because this is BIG for me.
I think this day is bad because I was going to wake up super early so I could download all the new FOB I got onto my Ipod, but I can't wake up early cuz I'm not a morning person, so I played Mario instead, and then my stupid computer wouldn't let me import, so I had to burn it all to the harddrive instead, and THEN import, and I almost had all the info on Take This To YOur Grave done, but it didn't save cuz it's LAME. Not like my grandpa's cpu is so much better, which is what I'm typing on. THe shift key keeps sticking and I keep using quotations instead of apostrophes. Gr.
fall out boy,
i hate social/class groups,
life sucks,
the South
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I officially have nothing to do.
I spent 2 hours playing Mario this morning.
1 hour playing Romance.
3 hours playing cards with my brothers.
I'm such a loser.
But I still have so much to do, so many books to read, still haven't gotten dressed.
"Romance" was very vigorous this morning. Got some pretty good guys, such as Daniel Biro and 12 Stones lead singer guy man (which is seriously what I called him). And I was listening to "Crash" (12 Stones song, and one of the only 12 Stones song I know, since my Christian music library isn't all that extensive, so say some people) and the lead singer didn't sound like he did in "The Way I Feel" and "Bring Me To Life" and I was like ????? Different guy?
But on second's not.
And then I broke up with Dougie and Joe Trohman, but I rolled the dice one last time...and got Joe. Rolled it again. Joe. Rolled it again. Joe. THis happened like 5 times and then I FINALLY got Daniel Biro.
Yaaay Daniel.
Heeeeeee has a mullet.
Still haven't gotten to work on fanfic.
Had weird dreams about it?
One of the main characters is crazy sexy, I am NOT even kidding. Makes me wish he was real.
Only he's 17????? Sad.
Emo, too.
I miss school.
I bought a new hat. I love it. It's camo and fits on my head, lol.
Dodododo. Almost easter. Have nothing to wear.
Well, I do, but my mom won't let me wear it.
Besides, I have nursery on SUnday.
I spent 2 hours playing Mario this morning.
1 hour playing Romance.
3 hours playing cards with my brothers.
I'm such a loser.
But I still have so much to do, so many books to read, still haven't gotten dressed.
"Romance" was very vigorous this morning. Got some pretty good guys, such as Daniel Biro and 12 Stones lead singer guy man (which is seriously what I called him). And I was listening to "Crash" (12 Stones song, and one of the only 12 Stones song I know, since my Christian music library isn't all that extensive, so say some people) and the lead singer didn't sound like he did in "The Way I Feel" and "Bring Me To Life" and I was like ????? Different guy?
But on second's not.
And then I broke up with Dougie and Joe Trohman, but I rolled the dice one last time...and got Joe. Rolled it again. Joe. Rolled it again. Joe. THis happened like 5 times and then I FINALLY got Daniel Biro.
Yaaay Daniel.
Heeeeeee has a mullet.
Still haven't gotten to work on fanfic.
Had weird dreams about it?
One of the main characters is crazy sexy, I am NOT even kidding. Makes me wish he was real.
Only he's 17????? Sad.
Emo, too.
I miss school.
I bought a new hat. I love it. It's camo and fits on my head, lol.
Dodododo. Almost easter. Have nothing to wear.
Well, I do, but my mom won't let me wear it.
Besides, I have nursery on SUnday.
emo screaming,
hot guys,
Star Wars
Monday, April 02, 2007
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
So far I've only listened to part of "Take This To Your Grave" and "From Under the Cork Tree", but the latter is pretty much the best album I've ever heard. It just wasn't that fun listening to it with my mom and brother last night.
Because I don't pick up sexual references as fast as the next guy.
But I haven't listened to the other two yet. I like singing the chorus of "Of All The Gin Joints In The World" too much. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...I think that's enough oh's.
But the song titles were REALLY long and it was killing me to type them all. And then I didn't know the names of some of the others, so I'd have to START OVER.
I REALLY want a dog. I started reading "Marley and Me" again and it's so funny, but it's coming up to the part where he dies and I'm going to cry, so I'm putting off reading the end.
Finished "AngelMonster". Mary Shelley was an idiot. When she finally married Percy, he started cheating on her with her stepsister, just like he did to his now dead wife. And then her stepsister left to become a governess and he decides to die in a storm.
I totally don't feel sorry for her. She totally could've left him.
And she wasn't that pretty.
*waits for someone to lecture her on society's standards today and how everyone is beautiful, bla bla bla*
Ew, Percy Shelley was ugly. GROSS. I'm sure he was just a stud back then. *pukes*
Only I've abandoned my book idea, keeping it possibly for future reference. A book's kind of out of my league again.
I'm thinking more Star Wars fanfic.
Not even kidding.
But I'm putting off writing it because I don't want anyone to see it and I don't know quite how to start it.
But I say that every time I want to start something.
I'm just excited to start writing and not really care where it goes. Semi emo character. Yesh. Excited.
Wow, Lord Byron wasn't bad looking.
I guess I'm kind of obsessed with that book.
Because I don't pick up sexual references as fast as the next guy.
But I haven't listened to the other two yet. I like singing the chorus of "Of All The Gin Joints In The World" too much. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...I think that's enough oh's.
But the song titles were REALLY long and it was killing me to type them all. And then I didn't know the names of some of the others, so I'd have to START OVER.
I REALLY want a dog. I started reading "Marley and Me" again and it's so funny, but it's coming up to the part where he dies and I'm going to cry, so I'm putting off reading the end.
Finished "AngelMonster". Mary Shelley was an idiot. When she finally married Percy, he started cheating on her with her stepsister, just like he did to his now dead wife. And then her stepsister left to become a governess and he decides to die in a storm.
I totally don't feel sorry for her. She totally could've left him.
And she wasn't that pretty.
*waits for someone to lecture her on society's standards today and how everyone is beautiful, bla bla bla*
Ew, Percy Shelley was ugly. GROSS. I'm sure he was just a stud back then. *pukes*
Only I've abandoned my book idea, keeping it possibly for future reference. A book's kind of out of my league again.
I'm thinking more Star Wars fanfic.
Not even kidding.
But I'm putting off writing it because I don't want anyone to see it and I don't know quite how to start it.
But I say that every time I want to start something.
I'm just excited to start writing and not really care where it goes. Semi emo character. Yesh. Excited.
Wow, Lord Byron wasn't bad looking.
I guess I'm kind of obsessed with that book.
fall out boy,
other unimportant stuff,
Star Wars
Romance is so much more fun now that I've created my own trait cards.
I don't know what's wrong with me, though. I get tired at like 11:30 P.M. Oh well. It's probably cuz I'm an "afternoon ace" or whatever.
But I was all really tired and worried that these were too realistic and it would make the game depressing.
But read this card. It's sooooo amazing.
His darkest secret?
1. He's a world class equestrian!
2. He loves anime!
3. He likes boys!
4. He loves FOB!
5. He shaves his legs!
6. He writes poetry!
And I did include the parents hate him one, but I changed the options.
Your parents hate him because
1. he's a bad boy
2. he's a political radical
3. he's smarter than them
4. he's emo
5. he's too old for you
6. he's perfect; they love him!
Yeah. And I ended up with Riley, who's pretty flipping amazing. He never whines, has 3 TATTOOS, black hair and blue eyes, looks just like Channing Tatum, and plays BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!!!
Technically first day of Spring Break. Gotta love it.
This CD's is dare I say it lame.
I want another pop tart.
I don't know what's wrong with me, though. I get tired at like 11:30 P.M. Oh well. It's probably cuz I'm an "afternoon ace" or whatever.
But I was all really tired and worried that these were too realistic and it would make the game depressing.
But read this card. It's sooooo amazing.
His darkest secret?
1. He's a world class equestrian!
2. He loves anime!
3. He likes boys!
4. He loves FOB!
5. He shaves his legs!
6. He writes poetry!
And I did include the parents hate him one, but I changed the options.
Your parents hate him because
1. he's a bad boy
2. he's a political radical
3. he's smarter than them
4. he's emo
5. he's too old for you
6. he's perfect; they love him!
Yeah. And I ended up with Riley, who's pretty flipping amazing. He never whines, has 3 TATTOOS, black hair and blue eyes, looks just like Channing Tatum, and plays BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!!!
Technically first day of Spring Break. Gotta love it.
This CD's is dare I say it lame.
I want another pop tart.
bad poetry,
hot guys,
other unimportant stuff
Sunday, April 01, 2007
He's in a gang and my family loves him?
LOL, I'm totally making my own cards for "Romance".
Your parents hate him because he is:
1. in a gang
2. emo, complete with piercings
3. goth and into death metal
4. a hick
5. really into politics
6. smarter than they are
I might have to edit that one.
I couldn't think up anything good for goth, but I know my dad doesn't like death metal due to a suicidal nephew + Demon Hunter.
He also said if I ever brought home an emo/someone with tight pants, he'd beat them up.
Don't worry, Dad, there's not a huge chance of that happening.
So that's lucky for him. And those tight pantsed guys out there.
I'm 55% tortured genius.
I'm going to give someone a belated St. Patrick's Day gift. Who should I give it to, I wonder?
Hm, I don't know.
How bout...COACH CLINE AND JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a very low chance of them ever seeing this. Awwww, lame. A virtual shot of whiskey. Forget that.
It's better than the virtual bar maid I gave to myself.
I swear, "Girl of the Year" is pretty much my favorite song.
And she likes it...that way.
She wears black socks with pink stripes in em and she swears that her friend goes out with Richard Simmons.
She's one of a kind, can't get her off my mind and I like it that way.
And if you listen closely you can hear them say...
LOTR DRAMA = AMAZING. Except each CD's like an hour to and hour and a half long and it's like aaaaaah. Especially when I want to go to sleep but I want to hear what Gandalf is saying to AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaragorn song of Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarathorn.
Smeagol is so funny. "HAHAHAHAHA, SMEAGOL HUNGRY!"
Omg, it was so scary, tho, cuz Merry and Pippin are running through Fangorn and suddenly Treebeard screams at the top of his lungs, "HOOM!" and it scared me SO BAD.
Your parents hate him because he is:
1. in a gang
2. emo, complete with piercings
3. goth and into death metal
4. a hick
5. really into politics
6. smarter than they are
I might have to edit that one.
I couldn't think up anything good for goth, but I know my dad doesn't like death metal due to a suicidal nephew + Demon Hunter.
He also said if I ever brought home an emo/someone with tight pants, he'd beat them up.
Don't worry, Dad, there's not a huge chance of that happening.
So that's lucky for him. And those tight pantsed guys out there.
I'm 55% tortured genius.
I'm going to give someone a belated St. Patrick's Day gift. Who should I give it to, I wonder?
Hm, I don't know.
How bout...COACH CLINE AND JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a very low chance of them ever seeing this. Awwww, lame. A virtual shot of whiskey. Forget that.
It's better than the virtual bar maid I gave to myself.
I swear, "Girl of the Year" is pretty much my favorite song.
And she likes it...that way.
She wears black socks with pink stripes in em and she swears that her friend goes out with Richard Simmons.
She's one of a kind, can't get her off my mind and I like it that way.
And if you listen closely you can hear them say...
LOTR DRAMA = AMAZING. Except each CD's like an hour to and hour and a half long and it's like aaaaaah. Especially when I want to go to sleep but I want to hear what Gandalf is saying to AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaragorn song of Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarathorn.
Smeagol is so funny. "HAHAHAHAHA, SMEAGOL HUNGRY!"
Omg, it was so scary, tho, cuz Merry and Pippin are running through Fangorn and suddenly Treebeard screams at the top of his lungs, "HOOM!" and it scared me SO BAD.
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