Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Plaaaaaaaaygrouuuund schoooooool beeell riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings agaaaaaaaain

Good song. Probably sung it before.
Today was a pretty good day.
It was also a WASL DAY!!!!!
YAY, I LOVE the WASL!!!!!!
Dude, the Wasl is SOOOOOOO EASY!! Anyone who gets like really psyched up for or nervous about this test is dumb because EVERYONE passes. We had math/no tools today. SO EASY. Only got stuck on two questions. Like this one about a goat and useless information somehow leading to how much grass the goat would eat? And probability: find the fraction...then multiply it???? wth?
But it was cool. We got oatmeal cream pies (or puffs...whatever) and frozen orange juice. I think we got the SAME exact snack last year. How cheap.
If you're REALLY so nice, buy us some...
Ritz crackas...
I meant that to be said in a British accent, I'm not being a wannabe thug or racist or anything. Please do not jump down my throat. I might choke.
I GOT A DONUT! Thanks to Vanessa, who asked for one. So Mrs. Laners said we could ALL have one. I got maple frosting AND sprinkles. It doesn't get any better than this. But there were also plain cake ones, and chocolate covered ones, and chocolate frosting with sprinkles, and cream filled, and glazed, and EW sugar covered. William used to LOVE THOSE and I think they're gross because it's not frosting or anything it's just a bunch of crappy granulated sugar and it always makes me choke.
DUDE, WHAT THE HECK? Okay, I took a quiz called "Emo pictures" and the result for pink and black is a dead girl in pink and black. It was like, "WHA???" but it was funny too because all you see is her floppy body and hair and stuff and I just burst out laughing BWAHAHAHA.
WHY DO GUYS CUT THEIR HAIR? I basically got the "lowdown" from Nathan, but it's still not cool. I mean, they look REALLY good with long hair, and then they go all dumb and CUT IT or SHAVE IT OFF.
I've seen like 6 people do the above.
Nathan says it has to do with manliness. A guy would rather have a few girls...and get lots of guys. JUST KIDDING, but that was the gist of what he said. Only he didn't mean it as a homosexual reference.
Ouch, I am not a good girlfriend. I'm not even anyone's girlfriend.
I want a hand-stirred/dipped milkshake whatsit. Oh no, I'm starting to sound BRITISH.
Lalala. I hurt my leg AGAIN today in track. It was all good, I ran for 20 STRAIGHT MINUTES AND I got this sweet runner's high. Best high there is and it's FREE. But anyway, then we were practicing starting on the blocks (I did horrible) and I got a really bad start (or maybe I just suck) and I pulled the SAME MUSCLE AGAIN.
So I suffered all through long jump. Ouch.
Time trials tomorrow.
I had to go to jazz band because Mr. Faxon needed another trombone, but it won't work out because I can't go to the gig he needs me for.
I found my fake nose ring. Fanfic rules. Kind of. I wrote another sentence. All is well...

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