Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's rather pleasant in a painful, burning sort of way.

Ouch. We used this "Atomic Balm" stuff today in track for time trials today. I did quite badly. And Brianna wants me to be a distance runner. Pah. I need to get my spikes all screwed in so I can use em tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT. But the balm BURNS. I put a lot on the FRONT of my legs and it's STILL burning. Not the BACK of my left leg, where I pulled a MUSCLE, but just the FRONTS. Actually, it feels kind of good, cuz it's all toasty and stuff and pleasant...ish.
Yeah, but on my time trial I started out GOOD I was going I was going and NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP ME. But then I got passed by Chelsea and Sarah. And I was like, noooooo sweat, I can follow them to the end. Only 400 m is a LONG way to run. Like Larry said, "The sprinter's mile". Waaaah.
so I ended up with a 1:35.
Seriously, my time was EXACTLY 1:35.
I wish I were like Balto. We're both outcasts, but I'm not amazingly fast like he is. And anyway, even if I were, someone else would probably bite me so all the coaches mistakenly thought I was WILD.
Math WASL = SO EASY. ESPECIALLY with tools. I still don't know why all the teachers are spazzing out about this one.
I love this song. I hated the movie.
"I Won't Say (I'm In Love)" from "Hercules".
Meg pronounces things weird tho.
I'm horrible at shotput. I'm basically bad at all Olympic events. EVen ping pong. At least ping pong with doubles. No, that applies to regular ping pong too. It appears my future career will not be in the athletic field.
That was dumb.
Is there even an athletic field?
I was thinking more arts/entertainment field.
Ow, less pleasant, more painful. Ow ow ow.
Kenny and I have to make some powerpoint for social studies about the 1824 and 1828 elections, in which Andrew Jackson got his butt kicked only to kick butt four years later.
Chris and Paul are dumb.
I was thinking about what each presidential canditate would be if they were STar Wars characters, and I got as far as John McCain.
Mace Windu (Barak Obama; not just cuz he's black; maybe he should be Palpatine; they were both I will restore peace to this world...and justice...and peace...and peace...
Queen Amidala (Hillary Clinton): I will cure national debt by spending our entire budget on my extensive wardrobe and hair accessories.
Jar Jar Binks (John McCain): Dellow felegates! *is booed off stage*
Looking back on this, a career as a comedian is also out of my reach.
Which only leaves writer.
I wrote SO MUCH last night of my fanfic. Well, not so much. Mom made me get off. But I think I'm moving it too fast, so I have to add on to the beginning before I move on.
That's stupid. This is stupid. "Never give up on someone you can't go one day without thinking about." Sure.
They say I'm such a cynic about love. No. I just think these avatars are retarded.

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